Meg's Moment (30 page)

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Authors: Amy Johnson

BOOK: Meg's Moment
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Much later that night, after talking to the police and finally getting Granny settled down, Megan put on boxer shorts, and a tank top and was brushing her teeth before calling it a night. Her mother still wasn’t answering the phone and Granny had refused get in Megan’s car to be transported there. She was now asleep
snoring like a drunken lumberjack in the spare room.

Jack had taken on a bodyguard-security role and insisted on covering the broken window and changing the locks on the doors. Megan argued about the locks even when Jack pointed out that Ted had already lost two keys to his studio-the one he stole and the one Megan stole- so there was no telling if he’d lost any house keys. What finally sold her on the argument was when he pointed out that her mother wouldn’t be able to drop in unexpectedly and since she was still steamed at her mom for not answering the damn phone, she finally agreed.

He’d refused to leave the house to get the supplies instead he called his buddy Steve to make a Wal-Mart run. Together he and Steve covered the broken window with plywood and changed the locks as well as installed a motion light in the driveway. Steve had been happy to do it and took only a beer for payment, refusing Megan’s money.

Jack had also declined her offer to pay for supplies and labor saying he was happy to do it. Megan melted. It wasn’t exactly what he said that made her melt it was how he said it; the lustful concern in his eyes, the soft caress of his thumb on her cheek. Either he was just one hell of a nice guy, or he wanted in her jeans. Nevertheless, she was touched.

on the other hand
had been hell on wheels. Being around her was like being on an episode of ‘Kids Say The Darndest Things’ only featuring intoxicated elderly free spirits in hot pants with bad dye jobs. She had asked Steve to show her his drill, pinched Jack on the butt
and told the boys jokes so obscene they both blushed. Megan rolled her eyes so many times she had to hit the side of her head to knock them back to their original position. Finally she gave up and told Steve that the old woman was a drunken retired stripper who had broken out of the loony bin and was holding Megan hostage. He laughed and made a date with Granny for dinner. The idiot. He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

Ted had called six times and each time Megan answered the phone, spewed a curt ‘Drop Dead’ and clicked off, except for the one time when Granny answered and read him the riot act, not forgetting to rave on about Jack and his rocket launcher.

Megan was rinsing and spitting when she heard footsteps on the stairs and when she turned she saw Jack’s lean, muscular, build framing the doorway. His dark hair was littered with saw dust, brown eyes glittering with lust and his lips were curved in a tired, rugged smile. He looked dark and dangerous and dazzling. And she looked like hell; baggy sleep attire, no
, and disheveled hair from running her fingers through it nervously. Not to mention the toothpaste flavored drool running down her chin.

“Hi,” he said in a lazy drawl. She wiped her face and stood before him. He held out two keys. “The locks are changed and the plywood should last until Monday. We’ll get someone over to fix the window then.”

“Thank You,” she said and meant it.

Uncomfortable silence lingered for a few full minutes.

“I’m sorry about my grandmother,” Megan said feeling the need to apologize. “She’s…eccentric and…Well there’s no need to sugar coat it. She’s a fruit loop, crazy as they come.”

“I like her.” He would. “Steve likes her too. He’s looking forward to that date.”

Megan frowned. “About that, she probably won’t even remember it. He should forget about it too. He was only being nice.”

Jack smiled. Megan locked her knees together. “Oh, I don’t think
about that woman is forgettable. She’ll get that date.”

“Steve might get more than just a date.” Like a lap dance or God forbid, more.

“He’s never met a woman he couldn’t handle.” Jack assured her.

“He’s never met Granny.”

“True.” Megan, being scared and lonely and vulnerable or just plain horny crossed her hands around Jack’s waist and
laying her head on his chest
gave him a slow, sensual hug. Jack froze, arms stiffly at his side
ut when Megan gave him a gentle squeeze he lightly hugged her back.

She felt so damn good in his arms it made him dizzy. She was soft and lush and warm. He could smell her flowery scented shampoo, wintergreen toothpaste
and the fabric softener on her clothes. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were heavy
and her cheeks were tinged a light pink–probably from scrubbing her face-and the outline of her nipples were clearly visible in her thin cotton top. She looked like she’d just rolled out of bed after a long night of making love. Be still my heart.

He dipped his head to take in her scent one last time before breaking the embrace and running one long finger the length of her face, her lips parted and she leaned into him. He took a step back. She reached for his hands and, frowning, he quickly shoved them in his pockets. She searched his eyes and he looked at the floor not wanting her to see the need, the lust in his eyes. It took every ounce of control he had not to throw her on that bed and bury himself inside her. But he didn’t because, as much as he wanted her, he didn’t want her because she was vulnerable or scared. He wanted her to want him because she wanted him. Not for any other reason. She stood tip toed and kissed his cheek. A thank you kiss. A friend kiss.

“Do you have a blanket?” he blurted and she frowned. “I’m going to sleep in my truck in case anything happens.”

Megan stepped back. She’d all but written a sexual invitation on her forehead in big, black, magic marker and he wanted to sleep in his truck? “Sure, but you can sleep on the couch if you like. Or I can bunk with Granny and you can sleep here.” She nodded to the bed and Jack’s jaw locked. “Or we can…”

“I’ll take that blanket,” he said and she opened the closet to get one.

it’s getting cold at night and you’re welcome to…”

“I’ll be fine,” he answered hoarsely. Megan handed him the blanket.

“Okay,” she whispered
“Would you like a pair of sweats or…”

“No thanks, I’ll be fine.” He looked at that big comfortable bed. He imagined Megan looking tired and satisfied and lazily sprawled across the rumpled sheets, her head resting on his chest, their bare legs intertwined. Megan underneath him
her eyelids heavy from erotic…  “Goodnight Megan,” he finally said before taking the stairs as if the house were on fire. He might have to stick a water hose down his pants and blast the burning desire there but he’d do that before he’d take advantage of her. Pausing at the foot of the stairs, he gave her bedroom door one last glance before hearing it click shut.


Sunday morning was cold, windy
and overcast. Megan slipped out of bed after a restless night of tossing, turning
and thinking about Jack. She paused outside the guest room door and heard Granny snoring in a loud steady whistle. Stretching, she headed down to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast. She’d feed Jack, apologize for being an ass, get rid of Granny and then hopefully spend the rest of the afternoon in his arms.

And then there was Ted. He would likely be released from the hospital today and he probably wasn’t going to be happy when he found out that he was now homeless. Of course he could go stay with Tiffany Triple D or maybe the Madrino's had a nice big trunk they could stuff him in. None the less
he was history whether he liked it or not.

Setting the coffee maker to run she began pulling ingredients from the fridge when the phone rang. She looked up at the ceiling and prayed it was her mother calling to discuss Granny. No such luck.

“Megan, it’s Ted.”

“And?” She started the bacon cooking, more interested in clogging her arteries than talking to the idiot.

“Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick. I’ve been calling constantly.” The jerk actually sounded concerned.

“Why would you be worried Ted? You up to no good?”

“No…but…” Megan smiled, he was stammering. Good.

“Afraid your girlfriend might stop by? Or maybe the Madrino's looking for their money? Or maybe your brother wanting the deed to the studio that you so discreetly sold him,” she heard him coughing and wondered if it would be too much to ask for him to contract the plague. “Am I missing anyone? Anyone else you’ve slept with or pissed off.”

“Megan, I know I have a lot of explaining to do but…”

“Save it,” she said looking out the window. Jack was still there on guard duty. She smiled and felt a tingling sensation burn through her body. “Why did you call?”

“I need a ride.” Ted said flatly. So did Megan, but probably not the same kind.

“Call Tiffany,” she retorted.

“I already did…” he stopped as if he’d just caught what he said. “She’s

“Call a cab,” Megan growled.

Ted snorted. “A cab? Are you kidding me? I’m in a freaking hospital gown. I need clothes too.”

Megan laughed. “So have the cab drop you off at Wal-Mart
ou can buy clothes there.”

“I don’t have any money!” he shouted.

“Me either
eems my husband spent all his on a red-headed whore and drugs.”

“Megan!” His voice was so loud and thick it vibrated the phone.

Megan began making static sounds and said, “Sorry Ted, phone

s all static. Gotta go.” She hung up the phone with Ted in mid scream.

The phone rang again and she unplugged it not feeling one bit sorry for Ted. After getting eggs and toast going she filled Ted’s thermos with coffee and sat it on a cookie sheet that she draped with a doily. She’d prefer to take Jack breakfast in bed but since he’d slept in his truck, breakfast in a Jeep would have to do. Maybe she could serve him dinner in bed. Hell
maybe she’d be dinner.

After loading the tray with food she ran upstairs to dash on a little makeup and grab her robe.

Jack saw the backdoor open and he closed his eyes to play possum. He’d spent the night watching the house, mainly her window, and kicking himself for choosing the truck instead of her warm bed. With her in it, warm and cuddly and naked. She approached his window and rapped lightly. He ignored her. She tried the door handle and found it locked. She knocked again softly and called his name. He concentrated on ignoring her but then she pounded on the window making him jump and he opened his eyes and lowered the window a bit.

“Good you’re awake,” she smiled and he knew he didn’t stand a chance. “I made breakfast. Want to come inside?”

Yes! “No, I’m fine. I’ll just take some coffee if you’ve got it.”

“I thought we could talk over breakfast,” she said holding up the thermos. Maybe she could lure him out of truck with it. Either that or she could open that robe.

“C’mon Jack, Its cold out here and you can’t be comfortable.”

“I’d rather stay put.”

She opened the thermos and, with her eyes half closed and a wicked smile, inhaled the scent. It looked like she was having an orgasm. Jack gripped the stirring wheel.

“It’s really good,” She said huskily.

No shit! “Thanks.” He rolled down the window to take the thermos and she hit the switch to unlock the door. He stared at her while she opened the door.

“Scoot over,” she said. He didn’t budge. She crawled over him, grazing her butt over his thighs and his mind went to mush. What the hell was he doing? He wanted her, she wanted him. Game over!

“If you won’t come out, I’ll just come in,” she said once she got settled. The food was on the hood but she handed him the thermos. “Now, if I hop out to get the tray are you going to lock me out?”

He was more tempted to lock her in. “No,” he said, then after a moment, “I’ll go inside and eat.”

“Good, because I’m freezing.” He opened the door and got out and she crawled back across the seat to follow. He took her hand to help her out and she pulled him close to her and bit his bottom lip. His lips parted and she filled his mouth with an intoxicating kiss, tasting and teasing until the kiss erupted to an orgasmic level. He needed that water hose quick. He was about to come and he’d barely touched her. How embarrassing would that be? She leaned into him and felt him hard and stiff against her thigh and she smiled against his lips. To hell with subtlety, he’d take her right there. He couldn’t wait any longer. Parting the robe he reached in and cupped her soft breast through her tank top
er nipple was taut and hard and when he ran his thumb over it she moaned and tugged him closer.

“Megan,” he whispered, “we should probably go in…”

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