Melted By The Vampires: A Paranormal Menage Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Melted By The Vampires: A Paranormal Menage Romance
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I also realized it was possible that as I'd suspected during my intoxicated paranoia fit of the night before, maybe they somehow knew who I was and what I was planning to do; so, they were trying to hide their true selves just to confuse me and throw me off track.


Maybe they even had Maria "working" for them, planting more seeds of uncertainty and confusion in my mind. I had to admit, though, if all this were the case, and if Abbott and Daniel knew about my revenge plans, it seemed like they would just kill me instead of taking a chance that I might kill them first.


I was sick of thinking. Maria soon changed the subject back to Claire, and I was grateful. I really needed a mental break and more light chatter.


To my relief, that was what I got for the rest of the day. Maria and I strolled around the city for a few hours, visited several boutiques, and then had a late lunch at a small restaurant. Then, we headed back to our building so that I could meet baby Claire, who'd been under the care of a smiling, elderly vampire named Sylvia, who was her babysitter and obviously relished the role. Maria told me that after hundreds of years without babies in the community, many vampire women were so thrilled with the new little ones that they'd beg the frozen women for a chance to babysit, even just for ten minutes.


"And unlike back in 'our' time, people don't pay babysitters here. The babysitters simply will not hear of it. In fact, every single day before she leaves, Sylvia always tries to pay
. She pulled a solid gold bar out of her bag the other day and left it on my kitchen table; I completely kid you not. After we'd haggled about it for at least five minutes, she finally took it back, making me agree to let her cash it in at the bank for paper money, out of which she'd bring me 'a few bills' the next day, as she said.


“But what do you think she really left on my kitchen table the next day? I'll give you a hint; it wasn't a few tens. She left twenty thousand dollars in a duffel bag on my kitchen table. Bless her heart, and I do truly mean that, but she is a stubborn one."


Claire was an angel of a baby, with round, rosy cheeks, two teeth, and a halo of silky light brown curls. Holding her, I imagined what it might feel like to hold a baby of my own, and my heart ached. That would never be happening. Then, my heart began to ache further still when I thought about holding a baby that was mine
Abbott's or Daniel's.


I had no clue why this thought should cause a little pang in my heart, when the very idea of even wanting to have a baby with Abbott or Daniel was completely absurd, on many levels. I knew that even
I'd been fertile, a wise plan of action would be to get to the bottom of whether or not the two of them were murderers before having any more similar thoughts.


When I left Maria's apartment around five, I was near-desperate to see Abbott and Daniel. Maria was right. I needed to talk to them more, needed to spend more time with them. I figured this alone would help me determine the truth about the two of them.


However, not long after I'd gotten home to my own apartment, Brenda came up and told me that Abbot and Daniel were dealing with a Saints problem about ten miles from the city. "It's something with more spies. Dozens of them. They're hiding in the forestland."


She went on to say that they'd told her they probably wouldn't be home until the next day.

"But they gave me a cell phone to give to you, so that you can reach them if you need to."


I didn't want to call or text them. I just wanted to see them. It turned out that I didn't see either of them for three more days. Not until Abbott showed up at my door one evening, asking to come in. Alone. 




I told Abbott to come in, and he stepped inside the foyer and shut the door behind him.


"I'm sorry I didn't text or call first. I hope this isn't a bad time."


I shook my head. "No. It's not."


It wasn't, except that after having had a late dinner, I'd just finished getting ready for bed, including putting on a pair of comfortable but fairly unattractive plain gray sweats, and also including pulling my hair up into a very sloppy and probably equally unattractive topknot.


I didn't have a stitch of makeup on, either, and I usually at least liked to have on a little mascara and lip gloss when I was around other people. Although, I supposed the state I was in was still better than the one I'd been in the first day I'd met Abbott and Daniel, when I'd answered the door wearing only one sock.


Abbott and I just looked at each other for a long moment. His deep gray eyes seemed to be drawing me into them, as if they possessed some supernatural power all their own. Which I was pretty sure wasn't the case; with light gray flecks within the dark gray, and long, dark lashes that curled just slightly, his eyes were just so beautiful that I couldn't seem to look away. Not even to thoroughly rake my gaze over the length of his long, lean body.


But after another long moment, I felt a little warmth rising to my cheeks and managed to glance away briefly, toward the living room. "Well, do you want to go sit down or something?"


"No. Not yet. I want to do something else first."


"What is it?"


In response, he pulled me into his arms, shocking me.


"What are you doing?"


He began lowering his mouth to mine. "What I've wanted to do since the second I laid eyes on you."


The moment I felt his lips brush against mine, I seemed to melt in his arms, sighing with pleasure. He kissed me gently, tenderly at first, wanting to savor the taste of my lips, making a few soft sounds of pleasure himself. But it wasn't long before he intensified the kiss, or I did, I wasn't really even sure, and I didn't care. All I knew was that what was happening between Abbott and me felt right, and I didn't want it to end. I only wanted it to continue and progress further. Hopefully, all the way into my bedroom.


Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pressed my body into the length of his, reveling in the feel of his muscles, which felt something like a brick wall against me. His muscles weren't the only hardness I was feeling, though.


After only just a minute or two of kissing me, he was already rock-hard in other areas, and he pressed this area even closer against my stomach, moving his hands from the small of my back to my rear at the same time.


I wanted him badly. I wasn't sure why he hadn't come to my door with Daniel as well, but that wasn't even important to me at present. The only thing I wanted was for Abbott to pick me up and take me into my bedroom, then make love to me with the same passion he was showing me with his kissing.


After just a little while longer, I broke our kiss, deciding to just be bold and tell him what I wanted. "Will you take me into my bedroom now? Please?"


With a low growl, he began kneading my rear, squeezing each rounded globe with just enough pressure to feel good but not hurt. At least not in a way I didn't like.


"Hmm...take you to your bedroom, you say. And I even got a
. You sure have changed from the woman I encountered over drinks a few nights ago."


I cringed inwardly, recalling how embarrassingly buzzed I'd become. "Yeah...about that. I'm sorry I became a bit hostile."


Abbott shrugged, still continuing to knead my rear. "I'm a grown man, and I can handle a little hostility. It's your outright sass that I still feel inclined to punish you for."


"What do you mean? How do you want to 'punish' me?"


I couldn't imagine, but I kind of wanted to find out.


Immediately, while looking into my eyes, Abbott lifted a hand from my rear, then returned it in the form of a swift, sharp swat. "
how I wanted to punish you."


Though the action had been enough to surprise me, make me gasp even, it hadn't exactly hurt, similar to his squeezing of my rear cheeks. Or at least, same as the squeezing, it hadn't hurt in a way I didn't like.


Somewhat breathless, and with a rush of heat rising to my face, I looked up at his. "I believe I sassed you more than once."


Not needing any further encouragement, Abbott immediately delivered another stinging swat to my right cheek, and then another, and then two to my left, his hand firm enough to make me bury my face in his chest, wincing.

But once I realized that he was done 'punishing' me, I lifted my face, realizing that I wasn't just aroused, but desperate. "Take me to my bedroom. Rip my clothes off. Then I don't want you to be gentle or slow. I need you to be hard, and fast, and rough." With another rush of heat rising to my face, I swallowed, realizing that I'd never before in my life been so bold. "Please."


Abbott had already begin scooping me up even before I'd finished the word.


Once in my bedroom, he flicked on my light, and then clothes started almost literally flying. Within seconds, we were both completely naked, but Abbott didn't even give me time to appreciate his nude form. As if I were light as air, he tossed me on my bed, then immediately spread my legs and mounted me with a growl.


His slide into me was a sensation of such intense pleasure that the guttural moan I made didn't even sound human to my own ears. Once he'd filled me completely with every last inch of his considerable, rock-hard length, he immediately began thrusting, making me moan again. Soon he paused, but just briefly, to hike my legs up on his shoulders, allowing him to penetrate me deeply with every rapturous stroke.


Like I'd asked him to be, he was hard, fast, and rough, and within just a minute or two, I was already heading toward a climax, I could tell. And from what I was feeling, I could tell it was likely going to be the mind-blowing kind I'd always dreamed of. But within moments of me having this thought, Abbott paused in his rough thrusting to speak in a low, incredibly husky voice near my ear.


"Touch yourself. Please. I want to feel you doing it."


All too happy to comply with his command, I moved a hand between my legs and began rapidly stroking my most sensitive spot, which was drenched with slickness. Groaning, Abbott began thrusting again, now even a bit more forcefully than before.


I didn't even last ten seconds. With a loud cry, I threw my head back onto the pillows, gripping one of Abbott's strong shoulders with the fingers of one hand while continuing to stroke myself with the fingers of the other. Pinpricks of bright white light exploded behind my closed eyelids. Rhythmically, every muscle in my body seemed to contract and release over and over, each tightening more powerful than the last.


At the tail end of my glorious, lengthy climax, Abbott also found his, driving his thick shaft deep inside of me fast and hard with a prolonged groan loud enough to nearly hurt my ears. I felt him release his masculine essence inside of me, a pleasurable sensation that added a few more waves of pleasure to what had already been the most intense orgasm of my life. By far.


So far that I wasn't even sure if orgasms I'd experienced before had really, truly even been orgasms. Whatever they'd been, they hadn't been one thousandth as powerful or as pleasurable as what I'd just experienced.


A short while later, I rested in Abbott's arms with my head against his chest. His scent was something earthy and woodsy, with faint hints of leather and soap, and I inhaled it, sure I'd never smelled anything more heavenly in my life. I'd never been more comfortable or more satisfied than I was at present, either.


I could have punched a wall when Abbott's phone went off after we'd been relaxing together for only a few minutes. I knew he'd answer it, and I was right.


Apologizing, he released me from his embrace and slid out of bed. "Just one second. I have to get this."


Pulling the covers over me, I rolled over, sure he'd be leaving me soon.


I wasn't wrong. After answering the call and talking with whoever it was briefly, he ended the call, then I felt him place a hand on my shoulder from behind me.


"Harper, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I kind of made a break to get away while Daniel was leading a group of our fighters on a patrol west of the city, and now he's wondering where I am."


I rolled over, seeing that Abbott had already managed to put his boxers and jeans back on in the short amount of time he'd been on the phone. "Just one more minute. Please. Just one more minute with your arms around me before you go."


With his lips curving in a smile, maybe the first I'd ever seen from him, he climbed in beside me and took me in his arms once again. "I came here today because I wanted to talk to you."


"About what?"


"The other night. I just wanted to tell you that I had the chef prepare Thanksgiving food for you because I wanted to make you feel welcome and cared for in your new home. I wanted you to know that I view you as a whole person, with a past, and emotions, and different cultural traditions than we have here, and not just as a plaything in the bedroom or a baby-making machine. At any rate, I certainly didn't mean to upset you or cause you pain. I'm not a monster, Harper."


I looked into his eyes for a moment or two with an emotion I couldn't quite identify welling in my chest. "I know. I know that now. I can feel it."


After looking into my own eyes for a moment or two, Abbott brushed a tender, lingering kiss against my lips. "Good. Please promise me you'll continue to feel what you're feeling about me right now, even after I leave. At least promise me you'll try. I just want you to give me the benefit of the doubt that I'm
a monster until I actually do something to deserve you thinking that way about me. Which...I will never do. I promise you that. Okay?"




He gave me another kiss just as tender as the last, before speaking again. "I have to go. You can tell Daniel about my visit today, or not. It's completely up to you. If he learns about it, I know he may be unhappy, but...I guess if that's the case, then so be it."


I made a sudden decision. "I'm not going to tell him about what happened between us today. I don't want to. What good would come of it?"


"Well, I tend to agree. Not to mention that he'll get the chance to experience passion with you himself soon enough. We're planning on coming to visit you together tomorrow evening.
that's something you still want."


I briefly thought about having both Abbott and Daniel in my bed at once, both of them touching me and pleasuring me, and though I'd been very satisfied, and very recently, I felt the stirrings of further hunger somewhere deep inside my lower belly.


"Would you be upset if I said that I
still want to take both of you into my bed?"


Abbott hesitated in responding for just a second. "I want what will bring you the most pleasure, and I mean that. I want to make your every erotic fantasy come true."


I couldn't deny that having him and Daniel 'share' me was definitely a fantasy I wanted to come true.


Before we could talk further about it, Abbott's phone began going off again, and he soon left, saying that he'd be back with Daniel the following evening at eight.




After Abbott left, I took a long bath, letting my mind freely wander, specifically to what was going to happen the following evening at eight. I had a feeling that the next twenty-four hours weren't going to go by as fast as I might have liked.


That night, I slept the hardest I had in maybe my whole life. Out like a light by ten, I slept for a full twelve hours, not waking even once until a little after ten in the morning. It was the first day I hadn't seen the sun come up since I'd been thawed.

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