Men in Black (36 page)

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Authors: Mark R. Levin

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Roe Wade
judicial activism and, privacy, right to, and, Romer, Roy

Romer Evans

Roosevelt, Franklin D., court packing by forced internment and, New Deal and

rule of law

Rule of Naturalization Rutledge, John



Santorum, Rick

Scalia, Antonin: affirmative action and, detention policy and Election and gay marriage and homosexuality and civil rights and privacy, right to, and, religion in public life and

Schechter Poultry Corp. United States

Schumer, Charles SEC.
Securities and Exchange Commission

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

segregation judicial activism and,
Plessy Ferguson See also
affirmative action

“separate but equal”


Service Employees International Union

Sexual Offences Act (1967)

Sheet Metal Workers Union, Sherman, Roger

Shultz, George

Sierra Club

Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Dred Scott Sandford
, judicial activism and

Smith, Craig

socialism, U.S. Supreme Court and

sodomy laws Fourteenth Amendment and international law and, privacy, right to, and Supreme Court and

Sommer, Susan

Soros, George

Souter, David

Soviet Union


speech, freedom of.
freedom of speech

Stalin, Joseph

Standing Order

State Department
Stenberg Carhart

Stevens, John Paul detention policy and immigration and, religion in public life and, sodomy laws and

Stewart, Potter

Story, Joseph

Stronger America Now,
Sugarman Dougall

Sutton, Jeffrey

Swift Vets and POWs for Truth




Taft, William


Taney, Roger

Ten Commandments

Tenth Amendment

Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

terrorism, Bush detention policy and


Texas v Johnson

Thanksgiving Day proclamation

Thomas, Clarence affirmative action and, commerce clause and, detention policy and Election 2000 and, religion in public life and

Thompson, Senator

Thompson Oklahoma

Toleration Act of 1784

Torricelli, Robert

Twenty-fifth Amendment



U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Civil War

U.S. Constitution, affirmative action and amendment of, Bill of Rights, campaign reform and, commerce clause of detention policy and discrimination and, Election 2000 and Fifth Amendment First Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment freedom of speech and, immigration and, judicial activism and, judicial appointments and judicial review and judiciary and marriage and, Ninth Amendment, privacy, right to, and religion in public life and restoring rewriting, strict interpretation of, Tenth Amendment Twenty-fifth Amendment

U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit

U.S. Senate, judicial appointments and

U.S. Supreme Court: abortion and accountability and, affirmative action and Congress vs., Constitution and detention policy and Election 2000 and freedom of speech and, gay marriage and immigration and, impeachment and international law and judicial activism and judicial review and policy and pornography and president vs., privacy, right to, and religion in public life and, socialism and sodomy laws and, tenure of service on,.
See also

United States v Lopez

United States v Morrison

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

Universal Life Church

USA Patriot Act



Violence Against Women Act of 1994


Virginia Constitution (1776)

Virginia Plan

Voices for Working Families



Wallace v Jaffree

Warren, Earl

Washington, George, freedom of speech and, religion in public life and

Washington Post

Washington State

Washington Times

Webster, Daniel


Wells, Charles T.

West Germany

Wheeler, Burton K.

White, Byron

Whittaker, Charles

Wickard Fillburn

Williams, Roger

Williamson, Hugh

Wilson, James

Wilson, Woodrow

Wolfenden Report (Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offenses and Prostitution)(1963)

Wolfson, Louis

Woodward, Bob

World War II

Wulf, Melvin L.



Yalta Conference

Yates, Robert

York, Byron

Young Democrats of America



Zelman Simmons-Harris

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