Men of London 05 - Cross to Bare (15 page)

BOOK: Men of London 05 - Cross to Bare
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“Lenny,” Brook reached out a hand and Lenny pushed it away savagely. “I understand, I do,” Brook said softly. “But that doesn’t stop me worrying about you. I thought that perhaps…” His voice tailed off as Lenny glared at him. He knew he was making more of this than he should, but fuck, this conversation really hurt. He’d been through this too many times with former lovers, like a song on repeat. He’d thought Brook would be different.

“You thought perhaps I should tone it down, stop being who I am to put
mind at ease?
Fuck. You
. Not going to happen. So if that’s your expectation of this relationship, you may as well leave now. Right now.”

The air was thick with tension, as the two men stared at each other. Then Brook sighed sadly and climbed out of bed. He picked up the clothes from where they’d been thrown hastily onto the floor and dressed. Lenny watched, hands clenched, wanting to say something but not knowing quite what. This had all gotten out of hand too quickly.

Brook broke the silence. “I’m not leaving because I want to. I’m leaving so we can both have some space to think. I’m sorry if I offended you. That wasn’t my intention. This is all new to me, Lenny. I’m learning as I go along. I’m going to make mistakes.”

Lenny swallowed but kept silent. He knew he was being a stubborn jackass, but somehow the words wouldn’t come out, the ones that would absolve both of them.

Brook finished dressing, slung his jacket over his shoulder and turned to look at Lenny, his eyes sombre. “We’ll speak in a couple of days.” His lips twisted. “I understand your point of view, but you need to see mine too. Let me know the results of your personnel file checks. I’ll be around to help if you need me.”

He turned and left the bedroom. Lenny waited, heard the front door close then closed his eyes as he swept a hand through his hair.

Fuck, fuck, fuck and thundershit. That had gathered momentum like the rolling shit ball of a dung beetle.

A lazy day spent flicking through the telly channels to find something to watch and enjoying Chinese takeout did nothing to soothe him. Neither did the two whiskies before bedtime. He was still tense about the whole abortive conversation when he got into bed around eleven. The guilt didn’t help either. Brook had only been worried about him, and said as much. And, he was up front about still figuring stuff out. Lenny supposed he could have been a little less confrontational. He gave a deep sigh as he tossed and turned, willing sleep to come. Perhaps things would sort themselves out when Brook called. If Lenny didn’t call him first.

Chapter 11

Brook sat in his office and sighed as he picked up his phone to check for messages. Nothing from Lenny. Brook’s mood soured. He’d hoped that he might have called him back over the last two days, but it looked like that wasn’t on the cards. Once again, Brook thought he’d be the one doing the running. It pissed him off royally. Half of him, the proud side, said to leave it until Lenny called him. The other side, the one that wanted the man, said,
Hell, no

He supposed ruefully that the plan they’d had to meet at Ryan’s club next Friday night might be a no go. He’d actually been looking forward to it. Meeting Ryan in his own environment and seeing Lenny there too would have been another facet to Brook’s continuing education on drag queens, cross dressers and the club scene associated with them. A pang of regret flooded his chest. Maybe they’d have made up by then.

It was almost nine p.m. when he got back to his apartment. He’d spent the best part of the early afternoon and evening going through a new account with a particularly troublesome client. Now he was short one team member, the work had to be done somehow and Brook had taken on the extra weight. He was pleased his boss had agreed with his decision and the homophobic Keith had duly been permanently reassigned elsewhere. Brook had taken himself to a bar for a couple of drinks while he pondered whether to call Lenny. He’d decided against it for tonight.

He’d made himself a stir-fry and sat down to eat it, together with a beer while he watched the news, when his phone rang. His heart skipped when he saw who it was. He answered speedily.

“Hi, Lenny.”

“Evening, Brook.” The sound of Lenny’s voice got Brook’s libido tuned to high. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything?”

“No. I was sitting down to eat something and catch up on the news. Is everything okay?”

Lenny sounded tired. “Yes, everything’s fine. Well, apart from I miss you and I wanted to apologise for being a bit of a prat the other night. I think I overreacted a bit.” The line went silent.

“I miss you too. And I’m sorry I pushed you. I shouldn’t have.” Brook put his plate down on the side table and stood up to wander around his flat. “I worry about you.”

“I know.” Lenny’s voice held relief and a trace of amusement. “I get a bit sensitive about that subject. Can we agree to put this spat behind us and move on?” His voice held a warning tone. “I’m not going to stop doing what I do, so don’t get excited. I will keep your concerns in mind though.”

Brook sighed. He’d expected no less from his feisty lover and there didn’t seem to be another way around it other than him trusting Lenny to be able to take care of himself. “Sounds like a plan.”

The awkward quiet that followed needed filling, so Brook forged ahead. “Are you at home?”

“No, I’m still at the office. I had an overseas client I had to entertain and he left about half an hour ago. He’s Japanese and a damn workaholic. I had a quick shower and I’m on my way home now.”

“Come round to my place. I have a stir-fry I can warm up and maybe we can sit and watch more Sam and Dean episodes. We need to finish season seven so we can move on to the next. I’ve heard good things about it.”

The sexy low laugh that echoed down the line made Brook wonder if once again they’d even get to eating dinner when Lenny got here.

He heard the grin in his lover’s voice through the phone. “Really, we’ll watch
? I’m pretty knackered so if you’re thinking of jumping my bones as soon as I arrive I have to say I might disappoint you. I slipped on my bloody heels this morning as well and wrenched my back. So I’m a bit of a mess—”

“Lenny, get your arse over here. I promise to behave myself.” Brook grinned. “I might be able to be persuaded to give you a massage though; one without the happy ending if that’s what you prefer.”

He heard the interest in Lenny’s voice when he replied. “Yeah? Are you any good at massage?”

“I did massage therapy as one of my extracurricular courses at college. I think I remember the basics.”

“I’m on my way.” The line went dead.

Three quarters of an hour later, there was a knock on his door. Freshly spruced up, Brook answered to see Lenny standing there, blond hair wet and dishevelled, his aqua eyes tired but still as warm as Brook had come to enjoy. Poured-on black jeans, cut-off white tee shirt coupled with a black suit jacket made a sexy ensemble and everything to encourage Brook’s dick swelling in his loose pants.

Brook pulled Lenny into the flat, pulling him close as he kicked the door shut and took his mouth in a kiss that should have set off a fire alarm. Lenny tasted of minty toothpaste, brandy and sin, his tongue searching and desperate as he pushed eagerly between Brook’s lips. Hands reached around and clasped Brook’s arse. The groans emanating from his lover’s mouth were a turn-on in themselves, even if Brook hadn’t got a hundred and seventy pounds of warm, willing man pressed against his front and a pair of hands kneading his arse cheeks.

Gently, Lenny pulled away, mouth swollen, eyes hazy. “Jesus, I thought you said you
going to jump my bones the minute I got here?” His voice filled with laughter and he gestured towards his crotch. “Now look what you’ve done.”

Brook was definitely looking at the tight bulge in those oh–so-snug jeans. Lenny reached up and removed his hat, throwing it onto the side table. “I thought the plan was for you to feed me then give me a back massage?”

Brook nodded, trying to find his breath. His heart raced at a pace that surely meant it was going to win whatever race it had entered. “Sorry. You looked so damn edible standing there I had to taste you.” He pressed his hand against the front of his dick, willing it to stay leashed. Lenny grinned and shouldered past him into the lounge. He unashamedly reached down and adjusted himself and Brook’s throat went dry.

“So where’s dinner?” Lenny cocked an eyebrow at him and the rush of thankfulness that things seemed to be back on track with no hard feelings—other than the ones in their pants—took Brook by surprise.

I am so invested in this man, it’s scary.

“In the kitchen. It’s stir-fry so I’ll reheat it and put a new cheese bread in the oven. I ate the last one.” Brook disappeared into his open-plan kitchen and set about getting dinner on the table. “Can I offer you a beer? They’re in the—oh.”

Lenny appeared with a Peroni in each hand. “I know where they are. I’ve been here before, remember?” He cast a swift grin at his lover and peered over his shoulder at what was cooking on the stove. “Smells good. Am I going to be able to make a sandwich out of that?”

Brook mock glared at him. “Don’t you dare, you heathen. Now go and sit down and relax and I’ll bring it out to the table.”

Lenny snorted with laughter. “Pity. You know how I love a good sandwich…mmm.”

Brook found the opener and Lenny smiled, taking the beers to the dining table. Brook heaved a sigh of relief.
was how it was supposed to be. The two of them having fun, sharing a meal and perhaps even having raunchy sex later, despite Lenny’s protests. Brook had sly plans for the massage anyway. He’d do Lenny’s back but he definitely wanted to do something else as well. Front and back.

The meal went well without any awkward silences or talk of what had sparked their disagreement. Brook learnt Lenny had been through his employee files but was still no closer to finding out who might be deceiving him. They agreed a next step might be getting an external consultant in to deal with it and Lenny agreed to contact a few people Brook knew.

They relaxed, enjoyed each other’s company and watched the Winchester brothers kick ass. Sam’s arse was a thing of beauty, and as the two of them differed over which one was hotter—Lenny preferring Dean—it usually ended with them tussling on the couch as they struggled to reclaim control of the remote to freeze-frame their preferred arse. That activity normally led to sex. Tonight, however, Lenny seemed content to let Brook freeze-frame Sam whenever he wanted and simply snuggled closer into his chest as they lay on the couch. It felt right somehow, as if it were meant to be.

Lenny kept shifting on the couch to get comfortable, his lips tightening in pain now and then. Brook waited till the end of the programme then switched off the TV. Light blue-green eyes gazed at him in exasperation from beneath a blond fringe.

This man of mine is beautiful. He simply has no idea how much.

“It was getting exciting,” Lenny spluttered. “In the next episode Dean beats the shit out of that demon.”

“Yeah, and it’s time for me to give you your massage, fidget-arse.” Brook pushed Lenny off him and stood up. “Go into the bedroom and get your kit off. Then I’ll sort your back out.”

And perhaps anything else that takes my fancy.

“As if I haven’t heard that before,” Lenny grumbled as he stood, wincing as he straightened up. “Lenny, darling, take your clothes off, lie down and I’ll make it all better. The next thing I know I have a cock up my arse.” He sniggered as Brook’s mouth dropped open. “Joking, honey. Just a joke.”

Lenny took hold of his shirt and pulled it over his head as he walked toward the bedroom. Brook admired the sleek line of his back, the broad shoulders, trim waistline and the play of his muscles as he tossed the shirt on a nearby chair then disappeared into the bedroom. Taking a deep breath, Brook went into the bathroom to retrieve his basket of goodies from the cupboard. He made sure everything he needed was there—although he’d checked it before—and went into his room. His breath caught when he saw Lenny stretched face-down on the comforter, arms stretched above his head, bare-arsed naked and skin glowing in the light of the flickering candles. Shadows cast on the wall wavered and ebbed as the flames burned. Brook was more interested in the shadows dancing on the supine body, the play of them across golden skin, and the secret places Brook loved to explore.

“I lit the candles, thought I’d get a head start,” Lenny said sleepily, eyes closed. “Nice setup you’ve got going here. Now all we need is music.”

“That can be arranged,” Brook said huskily, his dick full mast and aching. “Give me a minute to get my phone in the dock.” He reached into his sweatpants pocket and took out his iPhone, setting it in the dock and setting the mood. The soft strains of Coldplay wafted through the room.

Lenny opened his eyes and stared at him incredulously. “Coldplay? I expected some fancy arse New Age music for this session.”

Brook grinned and took his shirt off, watching in satisfaction as Lenny’s eyes followed his every move. “I like Coldplay when I work. Now shut up and let me get started.”

Lenny huffed adorably and turned his head to the side. Brook thought he’d be tempting fate taking his sweats off so he left them on and got onto the bed, straddling his lover’s legs. He placed his basket beside him and picked up the oils. As he opened it, a vanilla-scented fragrance infused the air. He poured it into his hands, warmed it then leaned over and began sweeping his hands upwards along the back of strong, muscled thighs. Lenny groaned in pleasure, the sound heating Brook’s groin even more. He nobly ignored it and concentrated on working out the kinks in the leg muscles.

“So how in hell’s name did you fall off your damn shoes?” he asked in amusement.

Lenny’s voice was dampened as he pressed his face into the pillow. Brook’s dick had a vision of him doing that to hide the scream he’d make when Brook slid inside him. He tried to focus on the job in hand, which, to be honest, wasn’t the job he’d rather have in his hand.

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