Men Times Three (26 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Edwards

BOOK: Men Times Three
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“Open it, I'm dying to know which of the O'Banions is sensitive enough to send such a lovely gift.” TJ? Maybe, but he was the practical man who saw to things like removing the cigarette burns on the coffee table. It could have been Deke, he was more open about his feelings for Holly and the most likely candidate for a grand gesture like this. “It can't be Eli. His apologies are private.” And since they rarely spoke other than before and during sex and about sex, he had nothing to apologize for.

“These are my favorite flowers. Every one,” Holly said. Her mind raced with possibilities as she stared at Kylie. Her finger still flicked the envelope as her nerves clanged.

The full display weighed at least ten pounds and took up a three-foot circumference. This thing had better not be from Deke; she'd wonder what he'd done that he had to make up for.

Unless this was how he brought his affairs to an end. Her belly dropped. He wouldn't. Not so publicly and not out of the blue. “If it's from Deke, maybe—” She passed the card to Kylie. “You open it.”

“If it's from Deke, it's because he loves you, not because there's anything wrong.” Kylie patted her shoulder and tsked. “Men don't spend this kind of money to say good-bye.”

“Thanks.” She gave Kylie a weak smile. “Now, open it.”

She watched as Kylie pulled the card out. She frowned and gasped. Then handed the card over without a word.

The world tumbled away as her eyes fell to the precise handwriting. Jack. A parting gift.

A match made in heaven gone to hell…burn, baby, burn.

Her belly may have dropped when she thought Deke was sending her a kiss off, but this felt
. “It's Jack and it's not like him to be extravagant.” He'd always picked up single flowers or small bunches at the grocery store.

“It's big enough for a funeral arrangement. They're lovely though.” She sniffed a rose. “I guess this is Jack conceding defeat?”

“Yes, of course, that's it. His final good-bye.” She folded the card to hide the words and slipped it into her front pocket. “His idea of a joke. He always had a flair for drama. No worries.” She grinned at her cousin, wishing she didn't feel cold all over. “He picked all my favorite flowers.”

She centered the vase on the table and stepped back to admire the burst of color, ignoring the dread that grew in her chest. Must be heartburn. Jack had always given her heartburn.

“Hey, what's this?” Deke came in and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

“Flowers for the great room. I thought they'd add color and scent. Maybe in the winter we could bring in pine boughs for over the mantel.”

Kylie frowned. “Flowers are just what we need in here,” she said with a curious glance at Holly. Thankfully her cousin didn't correct the impression Holly had given Deke.

“The winter, huh? Does that mean you'll be here that long?” He nuzzled at her ear and tightened his grip around her waist.

“If you'll have me,” she said and wrapped her arms around his as he rocked her side to side. If the rigid cock at her back was any indication, Deke was a happy man.

She wouldn't call Jack. That was exactly what he wanted. She refused to play his game.

This time she'd call in reinforcements.


arnie still hadn't called, and at nearly four thirty in the afternoon, TJ's patience was shot. Her meeting with Dennis had been hours ago. The temptation to phone her rode him hard, but he forced himself to resist. But the waiting was torture.

He gripped the end of the last log and settled the notch into place on the log below. “We'll get the roof done Monday.”

“But the women are in a hurry,” Eli said.

“We can take one day off,” TJ snapped and climbed down the logs. “The crew's exhausted. Besides, Kylie's not happy with the floor plan.”

Eli made a disgusted face. “She's only happy sometimes.”

“Then it's time you two settled things. You've got everyone walking on glass around you.” Did he have to take care of everything himself? Frustration made him snap again. “You're the electrician, if you think we can rearrange the walls, then we will. Just man up and talk to Kylie.”

Eli followed and landed with a thump beside him. “We haven't discussed it. We've agreed to avoid conversation. Makes sleeping with her a lot more fun.”

“Brother, you are fucked up.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Most women like to talk to the men they're sleeping with.”

“Most women aren't Kylie. She's so prickly I never know what'll set her off.”

“It can take a while to figure that out, but in the meantime, don't make promises you won't keep.”

“Now you sound like her. She's convinced I'm never going to settle down.”

TJ sat on a bundle of roof shingles. “Shit.” He stared off into the distance. “Here's me, wanting Marnie, ready, willing and able to offer her anything she wants. While Kylie's the one who
to be here and she's stuck on you!” A sick and twisted irony.

“Well, if there's any woman who could make me hang around, it's Kylie.” Eli studied his boots. “She's a challenge every day. Keeps everything inside me hopping. I could spend my life trying to stay one step ahead of her.”

“You told her this?”

“Like I said, we don't talk.”

“Marnie and I talk a lot. We agree on most things and she's smart and ambitious and—aw—fuck it. She's going to stay in the city and I want to be here. I don't fit in Seattle any more than you and Deke do.”

“You got that right. I've only traveled because I've been free to come and go. If Kylie wanted me to stay, I would. But she's convinced I'm like all the other men in her life. A rat bastard. Did I ever tell you what she said about me the first time we met?”


“She called me a sex tourist, like I'm some pervert who travels the world abusing women. She said that and she didn't even know me.”

And yet he still found her doable. “Women, they do what they do. We'll never know why.” He'd said much the same to Deke about Misty and her betrayal.

Eli studied him then ducked his head. “Marnie's too smart to walk away, Teeje. She'll make the right decision. You should go after her.”

“I did that once. I won't do it again.” He'd sat at the bar in his plaid shirt and new jeans like some grizzled, strange mountain man. Marnie had noticed that he didn't fit in. “She has to decide for herself in her own time.”

“Go home,” Eli suggested. “We're done for the day. Deke's already gone off to get Holly. He can't keep his hands off her.”

“At least one of us is on track.”

“Yeah.” Eli nodded.

A shout and loud crack from the other side of the cabin brought their surroundings home. The crew was still here and unsupervised. Blue curses split the air overhead. TJ was the first to tear around the far side of the cabin.

A near miss with an axe. Sam Whitaker lay sprawled on his back, red faced and cursing. “Sam, take it easy, I don't see any blood and your foot's still at the end of your leg.” The kid's eyes were stark with fear.

“Really?” His face flooded red as he caught his breath.

“Really.” Eli gave him a hand up.

“Thanks,” he said when he stood. He shook his leg. “I don't know what happened. My hands slipped, I guess.”

“We're all tired. It's been a long week,” TJ said. “Get some rest tonight.”

Sam shook his head. “I'm working at the station tonight and tomorrow,” he said as he bent to pick up the hard hat that had slipped off in the fall. He slapped the dust from his jeans and headed toward his mom's sedan.

“Adjust that hat so it fits properly,” TJ instructed. “I'd hate to lose a good laborer.”

Sam nodded as his face split into a grin. “Thanks!”


TJ took off right after Sam did and left Eli to his thoughts.

Until Kylie, the only people who had ever succeeded in making Eli feel like an awkward kid were his brothers. He'd spent his younger years running to catch up with them, hoping to be included. Eventually, he'd grown enough to simply run away.

Kylie tied him in knots. He didn't know from one minute to the next what new hell she might concoct for him. She piqued his interest and his anger.

He used a tarp to cover the roofing materials, because even though the weather report called for sunshine, on the Peninsula that could change in a heartbeat.

“Eli.” He knew before he looked it was Kylie come to torment him.

He secured the end of the tarp with a chunk of wood to hold it down and then faced her. “Kylie.” Her face held a secret, but he'd be damned if he'd ask. He kept his expression impassive and waited. She'd get to the point eventually.

“I'm happy with the cabins as they are. I'm sorry I insisted on changing the floor plans.”

He nodded, wary at her new attitude. “I should have explained about building with logs. The holes—”

She held up her hand to cut him off. “Deke explained it all. You must think I'm such a bag, always being so mean and difficult.”

“And rude,” he said, wondering what new aggravation she had planned.

“And rude.” She stepped close and palmed his pecs. “I don't want to fight with you.”

“What do you want?”

“You.” She bit her lip. “I want you. Not just sex with you. I want to talk and argue and be myself with you.” She shrugged and looked pensive. “I mean, you know, if you want to be yourself with me, too, feel free.”

“Okay, you have to explain, because I'm missing something here. I thought we weren't going to ruin the great time we're having by
about the great time we're having.”

She ran her curious fingers up to his collarbone. She kissed him there and murmured something hot and dark and sexy. “Your chest hair is perfect.” She nuzzled the
at his throat and opened his top button. She scented him like a cat with a morsel of food.

“I like your chest, too,” he said and cupped her breasts. He tilted his head. “This is where we usually shut up, Kylie.” He was already hard enough to take her, but he couldn't be sure that's why she'd come out to see him. “Why don't we take this inside?”

“Let's go. And afterward, we'll make dinner together. I hear you make a mean pasta sauce.”

“I do.” He pursed his lips, then gave her a quick nod. “Dinner afterward. TJ's gone home to wait to hear from Marnie.”

“Deke and Holly left right after TJ.” She towed him like a dinghy toward the kitchen door. He followed her through the inn and upstairs.

At her urging, he stepped into her bedroom. “Are you sure?” Something was off with her, he was sure of it.

“Yes, now take off your clothes and join me in the shower.”

His mind blanked at the idea of washing Kylie's hair with that fruity shampoo, watching the suds slip and slide down her exquisite body. “I'm game if you are.”

Once in the water, words weren't needed and he finally relaxed and followed the line of soapy water down to the apex of her thighs. He dropped to his knees and burrowed between her legs to find her plump clit. He suckled lightly and let her moans join the sound of the water, thrumming, thrumming.

If any woman could make him hang around, it was Kylie.

Her moisture filled his mouth as he suckled and licked her to orgasm. She clenched her thighs around his face and groaned as she held him to her. “Eli! Yes! Love me, Eli, just like that.”

The words filled his ears, his heart and he knew he'd give her whatever she asked for. She claimed to want more than sex. She claimed to want him. For the rest of the evening, that's what she'd get.


A couple of hours after Eli's fabulous spaghetti and meat-balls, Kylie left the shower for the second time and tiptoed to the bed. A soft snore rose. Eli was sound asleep in her bed for the first time. They'd never even cuddled after sex and now they'd done that and more.

He'd cooked for her, talked with her and even planned some outings with her. He wanted to show her around the entire Peninsula as if he accepted that she would always live here.

But what she wanted more was Eli.

She slipped in beside him and realized she hadn't shared a bed with anyone since her last sleepover as a teen.

He took up so much space. But the warmth under the sheet felt awesome. The man was a furnace. She lay flat on her back, arms and legs stretched out straight, so as not to wake him. They'd worn each other out and his deep breathing proved it. Weary to the bone and sore between her legs, she waited, stiff and silent for sleep to claim her.

He was a side sleeper and kept one knee bent, the other straight, the way she did.

She rolled to her side, facing him. No room. If she bent her knee, they'd bang kneecaps all night. She rolled to her other side but her knee hung over the edge of the bed and she felt as if she'd fall out.

She eased toward the middle, hoping she didn't nudge his knee and wake him. There. Better. She tucked her hand under her pillow and settled in.

A snuffle from behind gave her minimal warning that she'd disturbed him. He moved with a light grunt and flung his leg over hers while tugging her back against his chest.

Caught between the rock of Eli and the soft give of the mattress she finally understood the idea of spooning. She wiggled her butt closer into his heat while his hand stole to cup her breast. His breathing barely changed as he held her in slumber.

Finally at ease, his warmth surrounding her as his body draped hers, she joined him in sleep.

The morning found her still wrapped up in Eli, except now his hand had moved south of her waist and into her pussy. “Good morning,” she muttered on a sharp sigh. She raised her leg to give him more room. He took quick advantage and slid his rigid cock between her legs.

“Sore?” he asked at her ear.

“Not anymore.” She was wet and slippery and very aroused already. Her sleep had been filled with hot dreams of Eli taking her in a variety of ways she had yet to experience with him.

“Good.” He flipped her to her stomach and brought her to her knees. He wedged her legs apart and parted her butt cheeks. “You're wet. So fucking wet.”

“What are you doing?”

But his finger in her pussy told her where his interest lay. He slid in a second finger and pumped her until she moaned and pressed for more.

“More. Please.”

A third finger took her higher, closer, as tension rose. She buried her face in her pillow and moaned louder.

She heard the tear of a condom packet and grinned in anticipation until he rubbed her clit with his wet fingers. She pressed back when the tip of his cock slid into her opening. She bloomed in urgent need.

Eli took her fast and hard. Deep, so deep. She came quickly, then reached between her legs and stretched to cup the tight knots of his balls. He fit so perfectly with her. She was tall, but he was taller. She was strong, but he was stronger and they matched each other stroke for stroke, buck for buck.

Eli plunged again and again, gaining speed and depth. She squeezed him until he growled with orgasm and pressed her flat to the mattress.

When it was over and they'd caught their breath, he nipped her skin at the shoulder before he collapsed on the bed.

“Wow,” she said, “I've missed out on a lot of great mornings.”

He chuckled and tilted her chin up to meet her lips in a light kiss. “Better than coffee any day.”


Sunday morning and TJ rolled out of his empty bed, determined to get through the day without calling Marnie. It had been almost twenty-four hours since her meeting with her partner.

It had to be bad news. People shared good news right away, and hesitated when it came to hurting someone. He was half convinced she wouldn't call at all.

He had to keep busy. The only way to avoid calling her was to be productive. The crew had the day off and it was too dangerous to work alone so he was stuck at home. He knew exactly what his brothers were doing.

Of the three of them, he was the one who wanted a wife and family. He was the one who'd built a business to support that dream. Hell, he'd built the house he was standing in with children in mind.

And which woman had knocked his socks off at first glance? The only Dawson granddaughter who didn't want to be here. He wanted to tear his bedroom apart, but instead, he thumped downstairs to grab his first cup of coffee. Thank God for automatic timers.

He had the sign to work on. That would keep his mind off Marnie. He headed out to his shop, slipped his ear protection on and started the sander. But the muffled sound only gave his mind time to work him over but good. After an hour of torturing himself with doubt and hating his brothers for finding what he so badly wanted, he pulled the plug.

There weren't enough woodworking projects in the world to keep him from thinking about Marnie. He finally understood what had driven Jon Dawson to build an entire inn and all the furniture by hand. He must have had a mountain of regret. Too many for one man to bear and, in the end, when he'd had one chance to square things with Kylie, he'd fucked up all over again.

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