Merger (15 page)

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Authors: Heather Miles

BOOK: Merger
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“Just a peek
, baby.” I dropped my eyes mischievously. “I’ll give you a present.”

“I already got ‘the’ present.” He said closing the small gap between our mouths and kissing me tenderly
. I moved my groin against his thigh slowly dragging it up and down, hoping to break his resolve, but creating a hunger of my own.

“I bet I can give you something you’ll really like.” I was now officially begging

“You are so bad
.” He pulled my hips to his and tightened his grip on my ass. “Does anyone ever tell you ‘No’?”

“Not often.” The heat between my legs
was growing with his touch. “It’s my place. I just want to take a little peek.”

He reached over to the elevator panel and pressed the ‘P’ button
. I buried my face in his chest.

“Thank you
,” I said beaming with delight.

The doors opened to my unit and there we stood mesmerized
. It was already scarcely as we had left it that morning.

“Oh my God
,” I said moving forward. It was eerily quiet and amazingly different. Still modern, but the new pieces changed the texture and landscape.

“Wow, she’s talented
, K.K. This place is really coming together.” He turned in a full circle. “I love it.”

“Me too
,” I replied. I walked over to a beautiful mahogany armoire and stroked my hand across the smooth wood. “Wow. It looks so different already. I bet she spends every penny of my money.”

“There’s more where that came from
,” Josh said, grabbing my hand.

“So says you
. It’s not your money she’s going wild with,” I replied.

“Don’t sweat it
. She’s doing such a great job.” He pulled me back towards the elevator. “Let’s go…snoopy.”

“It does look great doesn’t it?” I asked.

“A beautiful place for a beautiful woman,” he replied.

We enter
ed his place and I kicked my heels off and clamored towards the couch. I laid back and threw my feet up on his coffee table looking at my brightly painted toenails. My eyes had just closed when I felt Josh’s long strong arms underneath my body lifting me from the couch to his chest.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“To bed, baby. You’re tired.”

“No, I’m not
,” I said with a yawn and rested my head against his shoulder. It felt so good to be in his arms. Like a child being carried to bed by a parent.

“Yes you are.” He walked me up the stairs and laid me down on the cool duvet
. I looked at him with sleepy eyes as he undressed me, pulled the covers back, and put me into the bed naked. He removed his clothes and slid in behind me, engulfing me with his warmth. I fought to stay awake, but lost the battle when he rested his head against my neck and kissed me softly behind my ear.

"Sleep,” was the last thing I remembered hearing him say.


Chapter 14



I was falling madly in love with her. Three short days was all it took for me to be lost in her. Three days in her presence and I knew I never wanted to let her go. I fell soundly asleep knowing she was by my side.

I woke when I felt the loss of her skin next to mine
. It was still dark out and I looked at the clock to see what time it was. “Where are you going?” I asked.

She kissed my forehead and whispered softly
. “I’ll be right back I have to use the bathroom.”

I rolled over onto my stomach, grabbed the pillow between my
arms, and nestled into it. I already missed the feel of her warmth next to me. I heard the door to the bathroom open and turned towards the lit doorway. There she stood completely naked and silhouetted by the light of the bathroom behind her. She was incredibly beautiful, her body slight and lean, but soft and muscular. I looked at her speechless as she walked over to my side of the bed and pulled the covers back, climbing onto my back and covering my body with hers. She put her arms underneath mine and put her lips on my neck.

“You feel so good underneath me
. I like how I can feel every muscle in your body,” She said and pulled her arms from beneath mine, to run her hands down my sides. My cock was straining against the mattress, but I was powerless to move under her body and touch. I wanted to roll her over and pin her to the bed and fuck her, but I allowed her the freedom to explore me.

“Can I look at you?” she whisper
ed softly in my ear. “Can I touch you?”

“Yes.” I replied
, wanting to combust but remaining perfectly still.

She lifted her body from mine leaving me cool to the air with no covers and me fully naked
. She moved to her knees beside me on the bed. She started stroking my back with her delicate fingers. Gently and then more firmly, feeling every muscle and curve along the way. I shivered beneath her touch and she kissed the back of my head.

“Don’t move
,” she said softly in my ear, then moved her soft lips and hot tongue down my back. It was the most sensuous thing I’ve ever experienced—her touching me and looking at me and me still and accepting. My body was hyperaware and tingling with every charged touch. She dragged her nails over the curve of my ass and gripped my thighs firmly, stroking them, massaging them. Her fingers moved down my calves, over my sensitive ankles, to my feet. She was rubbing my arches with her thumbs and I tried to relax, but my cock continued to thicken beneath me and my concentration was shit. Just the idea of her wandering hands and mouth caused me to shudder and writhe.

“Don’t move, baby
,” she repeated. I wanted to scream out, but bit my lower lip and stilled myself. I felt like I was going to come on the spot. I squirmed slightly under her touch. “You like that?” she asked.

I was so nervous to speak, that I just shook my head up and down in response.

“Roll over, Josh,” she said softly and I thought I was going to melt into the mattress. I turned onto my back, my cock jetting into the air, thankful for the release. She gazed at the sight of my hard length before her, but she didn’t say a word. She remained at my feet. She moved her arms and body up fully over my legs, her palms on my thighs and her nipples grazing my knees as she pulled down to my feet in one fluid motion. Her head moved back down to my feet and she slid my big toe into her warm mouth. I moaned out and moved my arms above my head, not knowing quite what to do with my hands. I watched as she sucked my toe and imagined it was my erect cock.

“Oh my God
,” I said softly, no longer able to be quiet, but barely able to find the words. Who knew sucking someone’s toes could feel so incredible? Her hands moved up my legs and she tickled the mound of thick, dark hair at my groin, but moved up my torso leaving me starving and untouched where I really wanted to feel her.

,” I said. She laughed and continued up my abdomen. Her fingers circled my belly button, then worked up my chest to my nipples, which were as tight and hard as my needy cock.

“You’re beautiful
,” she said. My pulse quickened and my chest swelled as she advanced my face. She moved up my neck and I couldn’t take it anymore. I looked into her beautiful eyes and pulled her head to mine.

“Kiss me before I
explode,” I said and meant it. My balls were tight and engorged.

Her lips came to mine and her hand moved to touch my thick length
. I moaned into her mouth as she stroked my length up and down, circling the tip and plunging down to the base. I sucked her tongue into my mouth and withered beneath her touch. My cock was growing tighter and harder with each plunge of her hand.

“Come for me baby,” she said, into my mouth
. She pulled and pushed at my length over and over. I grew hungrier for with each pass down my sensitive skin. I fell my thighs tense and my stomach clinch as hot sperm shot from me into her hand and onto my stomach.

“That was nice
,” she said and reached down to suck my nipple before leaping from the bed. I laid there in awe of her, of how she made me feel and how I intended to move forward with this beautiful creature. I wanted her…forever.

“Let’s go workout
,” she exclaimed, a little too excited for the time of day. I was lost in my morning orgasm and unsteady on my feet.


We both got on our workout clothes and made our way to the gym. I walked over to the treadmill stopping on the side to stretch my legs and calves before tormenting them on the rubber belt. I looked behind me to K.K. and she was putting her ear buds in as she climbed the treadmill two over from me. I waved to her, getting her attention. She pulled out one of the buds and looked at me inquisitively. “Why so far away?” I asked.

“You have a longer stride than me and I don’t want to run your pace
,” she replied.

I laughed and waved her off
, shaking my head at her craziness. We both plugged into our music and ran.

The TV overhead was set to CNN and even though we couldn’t hear it we both gazed at the screen as we ran
. We were forty minutes into the run when I looked up and noticed the current new was about us. The merger of our two companies and the whirlwind of investors and theories about the future of our companies becoming one was big news. I slammed the stop button and let the belt come to a halt. K.K. saw me and did the same. We both peeled off our ear buds, intent on hearing the rest of the news and our future forecast. We watched, fixed to the screen, as they weighed in on the ups and downs and what it meant for our competition, basically saying we’d be the monopoly and it would be hard for others to compete. It was true, but business was business and the combining of our companies would put us in the greatest position in the market. We couldn’t be beat and wouldn’t be tested. I looked at K.K and put my hand in the air. She jumped up and slapped it and we walked out of the gym hand in hand.

“So what do you make of the hype?”
she asked.

“Lots of shareholders and board member
s, not to mention stock and money. It’s to be expected I think,” I answered.

“Then let’s get to work
, partner,” she said eagerly.

“Let’s not
. Let’s go back to bed instead.” I pulled her close to me.

“No, really
. There’s a proposal we really need to look over. I think it’s a deal we absolutely need to move on and in light of all the current news and all the publicity about the merger. Our competition might not be looking to make their move on this pipeline deal in Texas. It’s really a good fit and could bring in millions.”

I looked at her inquisitively as she became excited and animated over the deal she’d been working on
. “I know it well, we looked at it about six months ago, but my Dad wasn’t sure it could be worked out and lots of promises were made, with very little traction. We can look at it with fresh eyes and see if it’s doable. I like hearing you talk about business; it makes my dick hard,” I said with a smirk.

She slapped at my shoulder and I grabbed her around the waist pulling her to me

“Come here
, sexy.” Sweat glistened from her forehead and I could feel her wet shirt beneath my hands as I pulled her closer.

. You’re sweaty, Josh.” She tried to pull from my grip. I rubbed my sweaty body up and down hers, over-exaggerating my movements because I knew it was driving her crazy. “You’re such a man,” she said.

“I’m your man.” I
looked into her eyes.

She looked up at me, not pulling away, but pulling closer
. “I’m glad.”

We showered and got ready
. I tried to not accost her at every turn, working to maintain some resemblance of self-control, but hanging by a string every time I looked her way. She slipped on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and a pair of sparkly ballet flats. She was casual, but elegant. Her hair was swept up in a lose ponytail that accentuated the lean length of her neck. I felt my dick tighten just looking at her.
Down boy.

I grabbed the pot of coffee and poured a cup.

“Smells great. Can I get a cup?” she said and I turned around and give her mine, then reached for another mug. “Umm. Thank you.”

. Want something to eat?” I asked.

. The coffee’s good. You go ahead if you want something. I’ll just wait for lunch.” she replied.

“No way, you are eating something
, K.K. You didn’t eat that much last night at dinner and your body weight is so low now, a few glasses of wine knocks you on your ass. You don’t impress me by not eating. I assure you, you will eat something. So, what’s it to be? Eggs, bagel, cereal?” I continued. “Omelet?”

“Oh hell, okay
Dad. Cereal. But only if you have skim milk? What kind of cereal do you have?” she asked.

“Captain Cru
nch, Lucky Charms, or Coco Puffs,” I said, “and, skim milk.”

“Really…what’s the point of the skim milk with all that sugar
? You’re like a little kid.” She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee. “Lucky Charms it is.”

“Ah…magically delicious.” I laughed, and she laughed with me
. I pulled out two bowls, the box of cereal, and the milk. I handed her a spoon and moved around to join her at the counter. We ate our cereal together in silence. I divided up the newspaper and we read it quietly, exchanging sections. I gathered up the bowls, walked to the sink, and proceeded to wash the dishes.

“You are so domestic
. I like it,” she said. I turned back to her.

“My mother was a great teacher
. She didn’t want to have two boys that couldn’t care for themselves despite our wealth. She made sure we knew how to cook, do our own laundry and that we were tidy. It was important to her, so it was important to Jake and me.” I said. “I miss her.”

“I understand
. I miss my mom too. It was a terrible blow to lose her. For me and my father. Cancer sucks.”

“Yes, it does
. My mom had breast cancer. She fought a long and hard battle. It was tough on all of us, but Jake took it the hardest. He was younger than me and I did what I could to be strong for her, my brother and my father. But in the end, I think it took a piece of Jake when she died. What about your mom?”

“Breast cancer, as well
,” she said. “I know exactly what you mean about it taking something from you. It’s just my Dad and me now. I miss her so much. She was smart and funny, compassionate and kind. She was the best of everything all in one. My father was madly in love with her and there was a time I didn’t think he would ever get over it. He’s all I have and I’ve done everything I could to make him proud.”

“He is proud
, K.K.,” I said, trying to reassure her. “I know my Dad thinks very highly of you. I think very highly of you. You are all the things you said about your mother. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. You’ve accomplished a lot in a short time, and have a great future ahead of you.” I looked at her and tears began to well in her eyes.

“I didn’t’ mean to make you sad, baby
. I just wanted you to know that, despite your mom not being here, she’d be proud of you.”

“I’m sure your mother would be proud of you too
, Josh. You’re obviously a great son and wonderful brother. I look forward to being your partner in business. We’re a good fit.”

“Yes we are
,” I replied. I wanted to turn around and tell her that I wanted more than a business partner, but I didn’t know exactly what words to say to convey that point, so I just smiled and winked at her. “So let’s head to the office. I have some calls to make and we can look over that proposal.”

Her phone beeped and she got up to retrieve it

o’s that?” I asked.

Dad. Apparently, they are leaving L.A. at one and he wants to have dinner tonight. Something’s been up with him lately. I know he’s had a lot on his plate with this merger, but I’ve been worried about him. He seems tired. He works too much.” She looked concerned.

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