Merrick's Maiden (5 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

BOOK: Merrick's Maiden
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Crawford swallowed and paled. Merrick knew he had taken the human by surprise with his comment. It was a risk, but it was one he had to take if he was to get free.

“You… you aren’t shitting me, are you?” Crawford whispered. “You really are a fucking alien.”

“Yes,” Merrick answered, staring intently into Crawford’s eyes. “I know that they intend to kill you. Weston has joked about it when they do their tests on me. They do not realize I can understand them.”

Merrick didn’t think it was possible for the human to get any paler than he had been, but he did. He actually swayed for a moment before a flash of anger ignited in the depths of his dark eyes. He knew the moment the human made the decision to help him. His eyes followed Crawford’s hand as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen.

“You said that there was a human that could protect Becky and me? Do you really think that? Do you think he could send us somewhere that we would be safe?” Crawford demanded in a harsh voice.

“Yes,” Merrick replied calmly.

“Who is he?”

A smile curved Merrick’s lips as he returned Crawford’s intense stare. His fingers curled around the cold, steel bars. Finally… finally, the Goddess had heard his plea and answered him.

“Cosmos Raines,” Merrick said. “You can reach him at this number.”


Merrick sat back a few minutes later on the bed. A sense of expectancy filled him as he watched the door quietly close behind Crawford. Pulling one leg up, he uncurled his left hand again so he could touch the intricate pattern in the center. He closed his eyes and he concentrated on the face of the female. Opening his mind, he waited for the connection born of their bond to connect him with her.

A satisfied smile curved his lips when he felt the link between them connect. He could feel the confusion, fear, and worry coursing through her. He wished that he could hold her and reassure her that she needn’t feel that way. Suddenly, her thoughts cleared and he could ‘hear’ the question resonating through her mind as if she was standing in front of him.

What the…?
A clear picture of the same pattern that graced his palm formed in his mind.

The marking shows you have found your bond mate,
he answered in a soft, whispered thought.

What… What is a bond mate?
She hesitantly thought back.

Merrick could feel the trembling of fear in her thoughts. Frustration gnawed at him. He hated that he could not be there with her. Resentment tempered his response to her. 

You are my bond mate. It means you belong to me! Tell me your name,
he ordered.

He sent the demand more forcefully than he intended. A sense of regret filled him when he felt her instinctively flinch at the harsh projection of his thoughts. He had forgotten to ask Crawford for her name before he left. Now, he desperately needed it. It was almost as if he knew her name, it would give him the lifeline he needed to remain sane until Cosmos could send a team to free him.

Merrick leaned forward and clenched his fists to keep from howling in rage when nothing but silence met his demand. He tried pushing his thoughts into her head again, but it was as if she was no longer there. Pausing, he drew in a deep breath and released it. It took several minutes before he felt her tentatively reach out to him again. When he met her halfway, she hesitated, but didn’t withdraw.

Who are you?
She whispered in a small voice.
How can I hear you?

I am Merrick Ta’Duran, Leader of the Eastern Mountain Clan on my home world of Baade,
he replied in a soothing voice.
What is your name?

I’m… I’m Addie,
she replied.
I don’t feel so good. I’m going to sleep now.

Sleep well, Addie,
Merrick murmured. “Sleep well, my beautiful, green-eyed mate,” he repeated, twisting to lie back on the bed.

Chapter 5

Cosmos Raines Industries: Houston, Texas


Rose tiredly rubbed her brow. She glanced at where Trudy was sleeping on the couch in their thirtieth floor office of Cosmos Raines Industries building in Houston, Texas. A smile tugged at her lips and she shook her head.

When Trudy slept, she slept in utter abandon. She was lying on her stomach, her face was buried in the pillow, one arm was over her head, while the other was off the couch. She didn’t know why she hadn’t pulled out the bed in the other room that was built into the wall. Cosmos had it installed after he came in and discovered Trudy passed out on the floor and her on the couch a couple of years ago. They had worked eight straight days in order to track down a serial killer.

Looking at her childhood friend, no one would know that Trudy had a gift for solving complex puzzles with just a glance. Trudy’s skills at seeing patterns, combined with her skills at reading people and identifying the smallest detail made them a dynamic team. They used to drive everyone nuts when they were younger. They were often compared to Sherlock Holmes and Watson.

“Not that we are all that old,” Rose whispered, turning back to the screen. “I just wish those bastards would stay in one spot long enough to catch them.”

“What?” Trudy mumbled, lifting her head.

“Go back to sleep. I’m just talking to myself again,” Rose called over her shoulder.

“’Kay,” Trudy replied, burying her face in the pillow again.

Rose chuckled and turned back to replay the video files they had downloaded. There had to be detail they were missing. The last three times she and Trudy had pieced together where those jerks had taken the MA, her and Trudy’s nickname for the Missing Alien, they had been a day late and a dollar short. It was royally pissing her off.

Avery was going to chew their asses out if they missed getting him this next time. A shiver ran through Rose as she thought of her boss. Avery was a great boss, but she didn’t like it when things didn’t come together the way she thought they should.

Rose turned as the door to the office that she and Trudy shared suddenly opened. She fought the urge to roll her eyes when she saw who was standing in the doorway. Instead, she glanced into Trudy’s sleepy ones and saw the amusement in them.

Think of the devil and she walks in unannounced,
Rose thought as she stiffly rose out of the chair in front of the bank of computers.

“Rose, I have some help for you,” Avery said, glancing at where Trudy was slowly shifting so she could sit up. “How is it going?”

“Great… Frustrating,” Rose reluctantly admitted. “I don’t know who Avilov hired, but he is one smart bastard.”

“Then, it is a good thing you’ll have some extra help,” Avery commented as she stepped to the side and nodded her head. “Runt, this is Rose…”

“Caine,” Runt muttered. “You have your Doctorate in multiple computer based programming languages and your ability to write code and understand advanced algorithms are pretty good.”

“Pretty good…,” Trudy replied, glancing at the stony expression on Rose’s face before she looked at the young girl standing in the doorway looking at the floor. “Ouch, just pretty good? That hurt, Rose.”

“And you are Amelia Thomas, aka The Runt,” Rose retorted, folding her arms across her chest and staring at the suddenly closed face. “You’ve hacked into hundreds of computer systems throughout the world making you one of the most prolific hackers under the age of sixteen. You’ve also emptied the bank accounts of more than one illegal operation, making you a liability. You were able to escape detection until you tried to hack into Raines Industries two years ago. We caught you running a concentrated loop of programming in an effort to slip through our security systems.” 

“She did a wonderful job of it, too. I absolutely love her coding and she was doing such a superb job shutting down all of those awful men. I was just worried about her, which is why I sent her the invitation to come try to break into Cosmos’ company. I knew he would want her as part of the team and she would be safe under Avery’s watchful eye,” a voice suddenly said. “By the way, hello, sweetheart. How have you been doing? I’ve missed you the past few months.”


Runt lifted her head, a slight smile lifted the corner of her mouth at the familiar voice before it died and she looked back down at the floor. Pulling her oversized coat closer around her, she hugged her waist. She didn’t want to be here. Closed in places made her nervous, especially closed in places with people she didn’t trust… which was everyone.

She pulled her cold hands inside the sleeves of the coat. There was only one ‘person’ in the world she really trusted, and that was RITA, Cosmos Raines artificial intelligence computer program. It was weird, but RITA reminded her of her mom. A brief flash of pain swept through Runt as she remembered the beautiful woman who had loved her for being her, not because of what she could do.

“Hey, RITA,” Runt muttered.

“Would you like to come take a look at what Rose and Trudy are working on? I think you would find it fascinating,” RITA encouraged.

“No, I want to leave,” she replied in a suddenly desperate voice. "What do you guys want from me, anyway? You’ve got better hacks than me here.”

A shiver of unease ran through her when the tall, slender woman with icy eyes looked down at her with an intense, determined gaze. The woman had been searching for her, which is why RITA hadn’t ‘heard’ from her. She had been hiding and staying off the grid until a couple of days ago.

It had taken almost a dozen men to finally block all of her escape routes. She didn’t understand what this woman or Cosmos Raines would want from her. She hadn’t been just saying they had better hackers than her. Rose Caine and Trudy Wilson were some of the smartest in the world.

Deep down, Runt knew she was as good as they were. She had always been more at home in front of a computer than anywhere else. That had been obvious when she started kindergarten and had hacked into the school's network when the teacher logged her in under her account. The school psychologist, and the doctor the psychologist insisted her mom take her to, had diagnosed her as having high functioning autism. They recommended she be placed in special classes.

Runt had diagnosed the two doctors as being idiots. Fortunately, her mom pulled her from the public school to home school her. Unfortunately, her mom had stayed with her dad. Once her father realized what she could do, he had taken advantage of it. Deep down, Runt knew that the activities her dad had her doing were behind her mom's death.

Personally, it didn’t matter to her what anyone thought about her; it never had and never would. Heck, if she had her way, the world would be populated with more RITA’s. As far as she was concerned, humanity could die off and she wouldn’t give a damn. She could count the number of good ones on one hand with four fingers still free. Humans were cruel, evil beings.

Well, most of them
, she reluctantly admitted as she thought of the old man that she had brought food to over the past year. He had been nice to her.

Bert lived near the warehouse where she had been living until a few months ago. She hadn’t seen him since the night her life had turned upside down. Bert had befriended her and made her feel needed. There wasn’t another person on Earth that she would give two cents to save, if she had that much in her pocket.

The sudden dark image of another figure from that night flashed through her mind and a sense of panic unexpectedly swept through her. Four months before she had been following a lead about some bad-asses from overseas when some men had taken over the warehouse where she had been living since her dad died.

The men had brought a really beautiful woman there. Runt knew immediately there was something different about the woman. The woman didn’t act scared like the other girls Runt had seen on the streets. The men had taken the woman inside the warehouse.

She had been about to sneak through a hole in the metal framing when two of the guards that had come with the other men saw her. One of them had grabbed her and thrown her down. That was when the third man came out of nowhere.

“I have to get out of here,” Runt muttered, pushing the memory away as she remembered him touching her. “I’ve got to go before he finds me.” She didn’t realize that she had spoken aloud until Avery asked her who she was talking about.

“Before who finds you?” The woman named Avery asked in a quiet, soothing voice.

“Derik ‘Tag Krell Manok. He has been searching for Amelia,” RITA replied before Runt could. “She is his bond mate.”

“Holy shit,” Rose and Trudy whispered, looking at Runt in surprise.

“Just fucking great!” Avery muttered in aggravation. “Like we need any more drama going on.”

“Who is Derik ‘Tag Krell Manok and what is a bond mate?” Runt nervously asked, glancing up at the three women staring at her in the sudden silence.


Chapter 6

Addie groaned and buried her face in the pillow as a shaft of sunlight streamed through the narrow slit in the curtains covering her bedroom window. She finally turned her head to glance at the clock on the nightstand. It was almost eight-thirty.

You are hurt?
A deep voice asked.

“What the…!”

Addie jerked as the voice that she thought she had dreamed about flowed through her mind. Turning, she sat up and glanced frantically around her bedroom. Nope, it was her room. She tilted her head, focusing to see if she could miraculously hear, but there was nothing but the same silence.

“Who are you?” She whispered, pulling her legs up to her chest.

Merrick Ta’Duran, Leader of the Eastern Mountain Clan,
he replied in a soothing voice.

Unfortunately, the soothing voice wasn’t doing its job. The goose bumps that rose along Addie’s exposed arms had nothing to do with the cooler air of her apartment. Addie swallowed as she pressed a hand to her head. Images of the man in the cage from last night flashed through her mind. She hadn’t dreamed it.

“What are you?” She asked suddenly as she remembered the man’s glowing eyes and elongated canines.

I am a Prime warrior,
he responded.

“What the hell is a Prime warrior? How can you talk to me in my head? What is going on? Why do they have you in a cage?” Addie growled in annoyance born more out of fear than anger.

It is a long story,
he reluctantly replied.

Then give me an abbreviated version,
Addie retorted as she lowered her legs and tucked her hair behind her right ear.

She rolled her eyes at her image in the mirror on her dresser. She looked like an insane banshee this morning! Her hair was sticking up all over the place, her left cheek had wrinkles from the pillow, and she was glaring at her reflection in frustration.

I am from a distant world called Baade. I was captured several months ago during a mission. As my bond mate, I am able to communicate with you. It is the way of my people. It allows me to know if you are in danger so I can protect you,
Merrick explained.

“So, you are telling me you’re an alien from another world?” Addie asked in disbelief tinged with dismay. “If you haven’t noticed, I don’t need your protection. If anything, it looks like you are the one that needs the protecting. And what the hell is a bond mate?

It means you belong to me,
Merrick grunted.
I will be free soon. Others will come for me. When I am, I will come for you. You must stay away from here until then. You are in danger.

Okay, let’s get a few things straight before you get out of my head,
Addie thought in irritation as she pushed the covers back and swung her legs over the side of the bed.
I am not your bond mate. Which, if you think it means what I think you are thinking it means, you can just forget it! Second, I am not the one in the cage, you are… That means, you are the one in danger, not me. I can help you. I can call the police and they can come and rescue you.

No! No more of your people must know of my existence. It is too dangerous. Your world is not ready to know that others exist outside of your world,
Merrick pushed through.

Addie winced at the force of his thoughts. It was almost the equivalent of someone ‘shouting’. Her mind swept through a wide spectrum of solutions, trying to figure out a way to save him.

did not have time for this, but she couldn’t just ignore it either. It was obvious that he needed help. After several long seconds, she had to admit that he was right about no one else knowing. People would freak out worse than she was planning to do once she got him out of her head!

Aliens! God, I totally don’t need to have the world go to hell right now. I am so close to finally getting my life where I want it.
She thought before she flushed at her selfish thoughts.
You said that others of your kind would come for you. Why haven’t they come yet?
Addie asked in frustration as she walked over to the thermostat and turned it up a little.

The people who hold me prisoner move me to different places every few weeks,
Merrick reluctantly admitted.

So, what is different now?
Addie asked pointedly.
Besides that I know about you. Is it possible for me to contact them? I can tell them where you are.


Ouch! You don’t have to shout,
Addie grumbled, pressing her trembling fingers to her forehead as she walked into the small kitchenette.
Why not?

I will not endanger you,
Merrick insisted.
I have another who will contact my friends.

What, so you would endanger someone else?
Addie asked with a touch of skepticism.
Who is going to help you?

The guard who found you last night,
Merrick admitted before a low snarl escaped him.
I will not be able to talk to you for a while.

Addie asked, pausing as she lifted the carton of orange juice to her mouth.
What’s going on?

They come for me again,
he bit out.

Who comes for you?
Addie demanded, setting the container in her hand down on the counter.
Who is coming for you? Merrick?

“Damn it!” Addie muttered, bowing her head when she felt the familiar silence surround her again.


“The tests coming back are inconclusive,” Dr. Margaret Rockman argued, glaring at the two men standing at the entrance to the room. “I need more time.”

“You’ll have to finish the tests at the Reno lab,” Weston stated. “He has been here too long.”

“How do you expect me to get any work done if I have to keep interrupting it?” Margaret demanded, pulling off her gloves and throwing them in the trash can.

“You have his blood, what more do you need?” Weston demanded, glancing at Merrick’s still figure.

“You are such an ignorant ass, you wouldn’t understand,” Margaret replied, looking at Merrick. “His ability to heal is unbelievable. I cut a two inch incision across his forearm yesterday and it has already healed until I can barely tell where it was! That is just the start. The bone and muscle scans, not to mention the endurance tests, prove he has increased speed and strength. I need to get a sample of his bone marrow.”

“You can cut him into tiny pieces when we get to the Reno lab,” Markham replied in a sharp tone. “That will be the last chance you have to get what you need, Dr. Rockman. I’ve been ordered to terminate him. My client is not impressed with your findings to date considering that the last four facilities he owns has been shut down. The cost has exceeded your lab rat’s value.”

“I need more time!” Margaret snapped.

“You’re out of it,” Markham replied dismissively as he turned and walked out of the room.

“Asshole,” Margaret muttered under her breath as she glanced at Merrick’s inert figure strapped to the exam table. “It will take years to study him. I need him alive, not dead.”

“You’d better figure out a way to clone him if you want to study him,” Weston said as he turned away. “That’s the only way you’ll have anything left after Markham gets done with him, Doc.”

Margaret glared at Weston Wright’s back as he walked out of the door. Fury at the constant interruptions, lack of equipment, and fragmented time frames she was given to study the huge male burned through her. Her gaze returned to the still face of the male on the table. A calculating look suddenly glinted in her eyes.

“Perhaps not a clone,” she murmured as she ran her eyes down over his body. “But something that I can keep without the others knowing about. It might not be completely alien like you, but close enough.”

Margaret looked up at the two guards that stood in the doorway. She stepped to the side so that they could wheel the exam table back into the cage. Her mouth curved upward. Now, all she needed to do was find the right enticement.


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