Microsoft Word - Blood and Sex from CE.rtf (16 page)

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One that meant that either Maximilliano’s boy was going after her behind Max’s back, or he and Max were working as a team. Her bonding to Max was sure to be a disaster when one of his
was trying so hard to seduce her. Either way, she was the one who was bound to get hurt.

* * * *

Christiana stood on the balcony just outside the ballroom. Her feet were aching in the new heels. Stephan had pulled her through three dances in a row, and the only way to make him stop was to beg him to get her a drink.

“Here you are,
.” Stephan stood next to her holding a martini glass of red liquid toward her. He smiled down at her and the expression made him even more handsome. “Drink fast. We have another dance

.” She took the glass and tipped it to her lips. The warm blood hit her mouth with an energizing tingle and slid down her throat like the tea she’d enjoyed as a human.

Stephan reached forward and put a large hand on the base of her glass. His gold family


crest on his ring sparkled in the moonlight. It was the same as Isabella’s ring.

He tipped the glass up again, forcing her to down in one long series of gulps. It was a little annoying, but if he was her Vincenzo, she could forgive his eagerness to spend time together.

Once the last of it was down, he pulled the glass away and sat it on the railing. “Follow me,
. We’ll get one more dance in before I have to retire.”

Christiana licked the last of the blood from her lips and let him pull her toward the ballroom. They caught the group in the beginning of another dance. Thank the gods, it was a basic modern waltz. Her feet couldn’t handle much more.

Stephan pulled her close and led them through the steps. He came closer than the dance required and whispered, “I’m glad I had the heart to talk to you tonight.”

So, he was Vincenzo. At least, that was what he’d said in the e-mail.

She looked up at him. “I’m glad that you did, too.”

They finished a sharp turn and moved in a straight line again, but the room turned for a second too long. Christiana blinked, but kept moving. “Will you be here tomorrow night?”


The room shifted again, but kept moving this time. She gripped Stephan’s shoulder to stabilize herself.

“Christiana?” His voice sounded like he was in a tunnel.

She closed her eyes and stumbled as she tried to plant her feet.

Porca l’oca!”
His hands grabbed her around the waist.

She could feel him pulling her through the crowd, but her eyes could only see in flashes of images. Her head was too heavy and left side of her face felt like it was melting off.


Chapter Nine

“Hey,” Blane hurried through the crowded doorway where that weirdo was dragging Christiana outside. “Stop!”

He rushed through a small circle, knocking someone sideways. “Sorry,” he shouted and kept moving.

Christiana’s head turned his way, then lolled sideways.

Blane moved faster and darted around them to block the stairway. “Where the fuck are you going with her?”

glowered at him. “To make sure she is well.”

Blane grabbed Christiana’s chin and pulled her head up straight. Her eyes didn’t focus on him but she smiled widely. “Blane.”

If he didn’t know better, he’d say she was drunk off her ass. To be this wasted, she’d have had to ingest a lot of laced blood. She hadn’t been off the dance floor long enough for that.

He knew because he’d been watching.

He glared at the vampire again. “What did you give her?”


“Don’t you fucking lie to me.”

“I owe you no explanation, American.”

“Hell yeah, you do. And you can either tell me now, or I can call Khalil over so you can explain it to him.”

The vampire swallowed hard.

did you put in it?”


“Nothing. I only brought her a drink.” Vincenzo, or whoever he was, glared back. “What are you accusing me of,

Maybe he had a backbone after all.

“As much as I’d like to rip your head off, I need to get her out of here.” Blane reached for Christiana.

The vampire took a step back, dragging her with him. “She asked to go with me.”

He barked out a laugh. “I can’t fucking believe you. Get your hands off her before I rip them off at the fucking shoulders!”

Humans and vampires turned to look, but the vampire didn’t move. Blane grabbed Christiana’s arm, pulled her toward him, then scooped her up. “Don’t ever let me catch you trying to pull off some shit like this again.

Isabella hurried up to them, holding up the bottom of a long black dress. “Blane.”

He glanced toward her. The vampiro slipped away while she had his attention. But he’d catch up to him later. “Yeah?”

“I’m sorry.” She moved closer and whispered. “I put a little something in her drink, to lower her defenses. I had no idea it would have this effect on her.” Isabella giggled softly. “She must have no tolerance at all.”

“What did you give her?”

“Only a tiny amount of


“No, no. It is an additive for the blood. We use it to lower inhibitions. To relax.”


. Sort of. Only for our kind.”


“Isabella!” Christiana reached for her.

Isabella smiled and took her hand, kissing her fingertips. “I am sorry. I was trying to help you.”

“How long before it wears off?” Blane demanded.

She shrugged. “A few hours?”

“I can’t believe you.” He turned and started down the stairs. “You’ll answer for this.”

She struggled to keep up as he neared the limo, and he wondered if anyone would notice if he tied her to the back and dragged her down the streets. Probably.

“Leave us alone, Isabella.”

Christiana’s head up, her eyes went from the limo to him. “I want to ride in the gondola.”

Blane groaned. He slid her onto the seat. “Just get in the limo, Princess.”

Christiana pursed her lips. She looked like a sexier version of Cinderella, and the pouting made her almost childlike. Almost. “Please.”

“She’ll be fine.” Isabella was behind him again, her voice nonchalant as before.

He closed the door and turned toward her. “What exactly is this? It’s starting to look like you’re trying to control her.”

“Nonsense. Have you not seen how she resists her own nature? She will break soon.

Would you prefer to have her give under someone else’s hand?”

“You say that like you’re breaking a horse.”

Isabella shrugged. “I would have said a mule.”

“Let me make this clear to you, Isabella.” He leaned down closer and whispered, “I’m here to watch over her, and you just put yourself squarely in the threat category. If you don’t want Khalil to kill you for what you did tonight, I suggest you turn around and march right back


into that ball. Then keep your ass far away from Christiana.”

“Do not attempt to tell me what to do,
. I don’t know what this game is, but I know she hasn’t fallen for you. I have been watching.”

As if a wave of some mood-altering magic rolled through her, Isabella’s entire body changed. She leaned close and stroked a hand over his chest. It made him shiver, even without an ounce of real attraction to her. Then her voice dropped to a seductive rasp. “It is not only Christiana that interests me.”

The urge to kiss her slithered up his spine and danced through his mind.

It was exactly the opposite of what he should be doing. He should be seeing her as a threat, but the Isabella’s abilities were as strong as Christiana had said. She was very, very persuasive. But he wasn’t going to fall for it.

Blane grabbed her hand and twisted it away. “Don’t try that shit on me.”

She smirked and leaned in closer, pressing her chest against his hand. “You can protest in public if you like, but when you’re lying in bed alone, stroking yourself, think of me.”

“You are one twisted bitch.” He gave her a little push and let go of her hands. “Stay away from us.”

Blane opened the door to the limo and slid inside before Isabella could argue again.

Inside, Christiana was lying against the far door, curled into an awkward position. He shut the door and scooted closer. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes as the limo started to move.

“Are you crying?”


“Why are you crying?”

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