Midnight Surrender: A Paranormal Romance Anthology (23 page)

Read Midnight Surrender: A Paranormal Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Charlotte Abel,Kelly D. Cooper,Shannon Dermott,Laura A. H. Elliott,Alyssa Rose Ivy,Amy M. Jones,Airicka Phoenix,Kris Kendall

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal, #love, #teen, #teenage, #angel, #psychic, #demon, #vampire, #witch, #soul, #magic, #succubus, #mage

BOOK: Midnight Surrender: A Paranormal Romance Anthology
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As the twilight wore on into early evening, people began to disperse and Caroline found that she was sad to see the event end. The kids that she’d met were very nice and accepting of a new girl. It had been easy to make friends – almost too easy.

Everyone was making plans to relocate to a different place when Sheridan turned to Caroline. “So, you want to go?”

Go where?” asked Caroline.

The drive-in,” said Sheridan. “There’s a double feature. I think most everyone is going,” she continued. “You need to check with your aunt?”

I guess I’d better,” said Caroline. “I’ve never been to a drive-in movie.”

You’ll love it. We’d better hurry though because it is getting dark and all the good spots will be taken.”

The girls rushed through the crowds and found Uncle Wyatt folding up tables.

Uncle Wyatt,” gasped Caroline, “would it be okay if I go with Sheridan and some of the others to the drive-in?” Seeing his shocked look, she was instantly serious. “I don’t have to go, but. . . .” she shrugged. “I have never been to a drive-in before.”

Uncle Wyatt’s face split in an amused grin. “Well, far be it for me to stop you from your first drive-in.” He turned to Sheridan. “Will you bring Caroline home afterwards, Miss Sheridan?”

Of course I will. Thanks, sir.”



When they arrived at the drive-in, Caroline was surprised to see that there was more going on than just people getting ready to watch a movie. There were people throwing balls and kids waiting their turn to jump rope.

Oh, there is Robby…and Monica,” said Sheridan, watching as a car came slowly toward them and parked neatly next to theirs. Several kids climbed out.

Guess who’s in town, Sher,” said Monica. “Cam,” she said when Sheridan said nothing.

So?” Sheridan said, trying to appear nonchalant.

Caro watched the body language curiously. Sensing her curiosity, Sheridan turned to face Caroline, saying, “Cam is just this guy who spends his summers here with his grandparents.”

Oh,” said Caroline.

I need some nachos or something,” stated Sheridan. “Come with me to concessions.” Without waiting for an answer she just dragged Caroline away. “Monica is such a bitch to bring up Cam,” spat Sheridan, her voice low and shaking. “She is the reason he wasn’t in touch with me.”

What happened?” asked Caroline.

Last summer Cam came down from Charleston. We sort of hit it off and became really close but Monica was jealous because she thought he would go for her. It wasn’t my fault he didn’t like her, but she was pissed off about it.” She smiled and then looked away. “Well, he was supposed to meet me for the Midsummer’s Eve Bonfire but he never showed. Funny thing is, neither did Monica. I went to find him, to see if he was okay.” She dared a peek at Caroline. “I mean, wouldn’t you?”

Sure, I would do the same. I’m sure of it,” returned Caroline soothingly.

Well, I found him - I found them both. They were in his grandparent’s pool house – together, if you know what I mean.” She looked away but not before Caroline spotted the sheen of tears in her eyes.

Caroline placed her hand on the other girl’s arm, and said, “That’s just awful, Sher. No one deserves that.”

Now the bastard’s back in town for the summer,” she said heatedly. “I really don’t want to see him – ever again.”

If he comes around we can just avoid him,” suggested Caroline, staunchly. “We can avoid Monica, too.”

She turned her face toward Caroline again. “Thank you for listening. Even though we have just met, I can tell we’re going to be the best of friends.” Sheridan squeezed Caroline’s hand and smiled sweetly.

Caroline grinned back at her, and said, “Absolutely.”



The zombies in the movie burst through the wall, and Caroline screamed, not from the gore but from the hand that landed on her shoulder. Twisting around in her seat, she was surprised to see Sheridan behind her.

Are you okay, Caro?”

Sure. I’m fine, just a little jumpy from the movie,” she said.

Everyone is talking about leaving. This is the dumbest movie ever,” she said rolling her eyes. “Sonny’s parents have a cabin on the river and we could go over there for a while. I mean, your Aunt Carol already knows you’re out with us, I don’t think she would care.”

Caroline peeked around Sheridan to see the others starting to crawl back into trucks and cars.

Well, I guess that would be okay,” she answered, not wanting her new friend to think she was lame but wary about not telling her aunt where she would be. “Maybe I could just call her. I’m sure she would be fine with it but I hate not letting her know.”

Sheridan chuckled. “If you call your aunt, then we all have to tell our parents and then it will be too late. I mean, it’s not even ten minutes away from here.” The screams of the beleaguered victim in the movie cut the silence, as if playing out the frustration of the other girl.

Caroline laughed. “Alright, let’s go.”

Caroline turned and walked directly into a rather tall guy.

Sorry – I didn’t see you there,” she said in apology, looking up into the darkest pair of eyes she had ever seen.

My apologies,” said the gorgeous stranger slowly. “Are you okay?”

Caroline could feel a blush start its humiliating rise from her neck to her face and she took a breath to speak.

She’s fine,” spat Sheridan coldly, appearing at Caroline’s elbow. “What do you want, Cam?”

Caroline jerked her face to her new friend and then back to the bastard.

Cam?” she asked faintly.

The tall man trained his eyes back on her. “And you are?”

She’s not any of your business, Camden Miller. We’re leaving. C’mon, Caro.”

Caroline stared out the window as they drove past. Cam held her gaze until they were out of sight.



The next morning dawned early for Caroline. She sat straight up in bed, clutching the covers to her chest. There was something about last night she should remember but it was gone. There had been a movie, a new friend, a gorgeous guy and a line of tiki torches leading to some rocks that looked out over the river.

There had been glowing eyes surrounding her, the hiss of hunger creating a stillness that was unnatural, a warning, a threat . . . a promise.

She shook the chill away, silently promising never to see another zombie movie again. The smell of bacon and coffee came wafting up the stairs. Caroline breathed deeply and dashed to the shower. Under the warm spray, she noticed all the little aches and pains, and odd stings that seemed to be all over her body. She ran her hand down her side and could feel the funny little raised welts that were in a cluster just beside her breasts. There were also some on the backs of her knees and along her neck. She cursed the mosquitos and made a mental note to grab bug spray.

Who is this fresh faced little gal?” teased Uncle Wyatt.

Good morning, Caro,” said her aunt. “Did you have a nice time last night? I am sorry I was asleep when you came in.”

Caroline poured a glass of orange juice before turning back to her aunt and uncle. “You don’t have to wait up on me, Aunt Carol.”

I was reading the journals of Rosemary Wallace Stinton, so I was really engrossed and not,” she said, “waiting up on you exactly.”

Rosemary Wallace Stinton?” repeated Caroline. “Why does that name seem familiar to me?”

You have probably heard your mother mention that name. It is a local legend, the story of the missing kids from all those years ago.”

Maybe so.”

Uncle Wyatt winked before going to refill his coffee. “So what are your plans for the day, Miss Caroline?”

Sheridan asked if I could do something tonight but nothing today.”

I am so glad you hit it off with Sheridan. I must say, I’m surprised but I may have misjudged that little lady,” said Uncle Wyatt.

I thought I might go to the drugstore and the library. Would that be alright?”

You can come with me into town. I have some errands to run and can just drop you off,” her aunt suggested.


For such a small town, the library was quite comprehensive. Now, with her books safely stashed in her backpack, she slung it on her shoulder and turned to the exit. Without looking up, she passed a guy who stopped to watch her leave.

Changing his path, he trotted to the double doors and held them open for her. Surprised, she looked up.


Me,” he replied, lifting one eyebrow.

Caroline just stood there, but then said, “Thank you.”

She walked right by him without another glance. She had agreed to meet Aunt Carol on a bench outside the library when she was finished. Setting her backpack down, she unzipped the side pouch and pulled out her newly purchased bug spray. She shook the can and sprayed her arms. Twisting to see the back of her legs, she attempted to aim the can toward her calves and ankles in the back.

I realize that you consider me the devil or something,” said Cam, descending the library steps to join her, “but – here, allow me.” She turned reluctantly and passed him the can. She winced as the cool spray coated her legs.

There,” he said.

Thank you,” she muttered, trying to reach for the can of bug spray.

He held the can up over his head.

Did I do something to you that I don’t remember?” he asked jokingly. When she remained quiet, the look of amusement changed, replaced by a wary frown. He handed her the bug spray, and studied her eyes.

Do you need a lift somewhere?” he asked.

My aunt is coming to get me,” she said, hoping he would go away.

He ducked his head and ran his hand through his hair, allowing it to fall back over his forehead before shooting her another brief glance. “Well, see you around.”

She watched as he walked away. He seemed so normal and nice. Still, Sheridan had told her what happened last summer. Treating anyone the way he had treated Sheridan was not the act of a good person.

She sat, pulled out one of her books from her backpack never realizing that the very person that she was thinking about was watching her, confusion mingled with intrigue clouding his eyes.


One rainy afternoon found Caroline in the guestroom, surrounded by a carpet of old pictures, the ribbon tied journals of Rosemary Wallace Stinson, steamer ship tickets and old dolls that spilled out of the cedar chest. Caroline sat, so lost in the treasures that she didn’t hear the footsteps.

Caroline?” Carol poked her head around the corner to smile at her. “You have company.”

Standing in the doorway was Sheridan, hair pulled up in a loose bun with tiny bits framing her face. All of a sudden her friend seemed as though she was from a different era. Caroline mentally chastised herself for her flights of fancy.

Sheridan, you should see some of these things. They’re so cool,” Caro said.

Sheridan stepped closer. She picked up one of the handkerchiefs and lifted it to her nose, closing her eyes as she inhaled the scent. “How old is all this?”

Caroline shrugged. “At least a hundred years old.”

This is really cool,” remarked Sheridan, glancing at the things scattered on the floor. She bent down and lifted up a tiny bisque doll. “Oh wow!” she said, awed.

These were some dollhouse dolls my Great-Great-Grandmother had when she was little. I saw the dollhouse in the attic.”

Taking up a doll herself, Caroline folded her legs Indian-style. So entranced were they with the little dolls and their things that both girls jumped when Uncle Wyatt stepped into the room.

You two have been quiet for so long, Carol and I were starting to wonder if you’d taken a nap,” he said.

Both girls laughed. Caroline stood. “Let’s go downstairs and get some tea. You want to?”

Sure,” said Sheridan, giving the doll one last wistful glance before placing it back in the box.


It’s the Midsummer’s Eve Bonfire and everyone will be there,” said Sheridan.

I have never been to something like that,” said Caroline. “What do I wear?”

Well, it is nicer than an actual bonfire really.” Sheridan continued enthusiastically, “I’m going to shop for a new dress I think.”

I wonder if anything I have will work,” said Caroline. “I may have to go shopping too.”

Let’s go this afternoon,” suggested Sheridan. “It’s going to rain, so that is about the best thing we can do.”

That sounds great!” Caroline jumped up.


Caroline walked into Landsdon’s Shoes. She had seen a pretty pair of sandals that would be perfect with her new dress. She only wished Sheridan had been able to come with her. Poor thing had come down with something unexpectedly, leaving Caroline to shop alone.

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