Mind Calm (23 page)

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Authors: Sandy C. Newbigging

Tags: #Meditation

BOOK: Mind Calm
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The six-step Peace with Mind Protocol
1. Perceived Problem

State the problem that you want to heal your relationship with today.

2. Reality Check

Be here now by tuning in and noticing that this moment is happening.

3. Mind Made

Temporarily engage the story in your mind about the problem.

4. Resist Persist

Notice the ‘special thought' you are resisting and where you feel it in your body.

5. Bring It On

Let the ‘special thought' and feeling be present within you with no resistance.

6. Mind Calm Sitting

Play with ‘seeing it, not being it' during a Calm Sitting.

Having done this protocol, you should be able to think about the life issue without it feeling negative.

Congratulations for completing the programme!

In Closing


Surrender sits at the heart of Mind Calm. I'm not referring to waving a white flag or giving up, but instead the ability to let go. For you to benefit from everything shared in this book, you must be willing to let go. It is only in being willing to surrender any fixed preconceived ideas about how your mind, body and life should be, that you can fully embrace the joy and grace continuously flowing through every moment of existence.

Let the loving hand of the universe guide you.


Creation is occurring in its awe-inspiring glory right now. To resist life is to push away magic and miracles. Everything happens to help you to wake up, learn how to love unconditionally and live your purpose. Trying to make life look how you think it should is the equivalent of trying to squeeze the universe through the eye of
a needle. The universe in which we play is abundant. It is trying to give you everything. Always. There isn't a moment when what you need isn't given to you freely. Yet, if you continue to hold on to the self-imposed limitations in your mind, you can only get, at best, your beliefs about what you think is possible.

Remain open to brand new things showing up. For you to get to where you need to be you must be willing to let your life take you to places that you might think you don't want to go. Go with the flow by living with an accepting heart surrendered to whatever the moment brings. Be willing to receive a helping hand from the universe in ways that you least expect. Be open and expectant of unforeseen miracles.


Be a bright light in the lives of the people who cross your path, so that they, too, can see living a peaceful loving life is possible. Everyone is waking up in their unique and special way, and at their own pace. Don't rush the process. Savour it. You are here to get to know your real Self and wake up to what exists beyond the confines of the mind.

Live the teachings and internalize the techniques.

Care less about gathering more concepts and ideas about life and focus your attention on being consciously aware. Without learning how to be in the here and now, no new ideas will be useful because you will remain one step removed from life. Such an attitude of active calmness moves you from possessing knowledge to living with wisdom.

For the most wonderful life, you don't need to ‘do anything' inside yourself except be fully attentive to whatever is presented to you each moment. Within you always is supreme consciousness, full of light, love and enlightenment. It's yours for the experiencing. All that's required to inherit its riches is your attentiveness. The more you let go, the more you will find the fullness of still silent space and the perfection of life's unfolding.


Fun and fulfilment are impossible if you continue to drive yourself so hard that you cannot enjoy what you have. The endless pursuit of possessions and prestige needs to end, leaving in its place a simplified and humble life.

The less you are possessed by possessions, the
more mind calm you will personally possess.

So much time is taken up managing a complicated life that you can end up chasing your own tail. Complexity can end up burning out your body, busying your mind and suppressing your spirit. Although this book is mainly about your inner relationship with life, doing things to make your external life calmer is also hugely beneficial. In essence, if you want mind calm on the inside it helps to simplify your life on the outside. Seven simple ways to bring more calm into your day are:

  1. Buy less stuff.
  2. Clear the clutter.
  3. Downsize where possible.
  4. Switch off the TV, phone, computer, tablet and all other electronic distractions for at least one hour every day.
  5. Eat real food that is free from man-made extras.
  6. Drink more water and fewer stimulants and alcohol.
  7. Do absolutely nothing for a few minutes every day.

These simple strategies for simplifying your life add up to a calmer mind and body, and leave space for your spirit to soar. Taking time to do absolutely nothing for even a couple of minutes a day can be profound. Buying less stuff to fill the space and switching off technology every so often can also work wonders, while taking time to savour whomever you are with or whatever you are doing can be the key to connecting to the abundance that life has to offer. In short, it pays dividends to delete the unnecessary complexities and stimulations from your schedule. They all require time, attention and managing. Remember, it's the quality, not quantity, that counts.

There's no place like OM. Make
your home a place of peace.


Without letting this moment be, as it is, then your mind will continue to be busy. Any resistance to life causes the mind to become highly active and remain at the forefront of your attention. You need to make being calm more important than being right and make peace more important than things going to plan. If something unexpected or ‘bad'
happens, then deal with it gracefully and without any rejection of reality. Wishing things hadn't happened only attaches you to a past that cannot be changed, while pushing back at life only tires you out and puts your peace and prosperity on hold.

Resistance = Stress + Struggle
Surrender = Serenity + Success

Resisting reality doesn't change reality; it only makes you stressed and causes unnecessary suffering. Why reject life? Isn't it more appealing to surrender to what is, let things be, as they are, and with a calm mind and courageous heart, take whatever action is required? You can resist what is or you can let the universe give you what you need to wake up to ever-increasing levels of inner peace, joy, love and freedom. This is your choice from now on. Surrender is by far the best strategy if serenity and success is what you genuinely want. Allowing reality to show up in all its glorious and unexpected ways is so much more fun. You have front-row seats at this phenomenal event called your life. Surrender to what is and I guarantee that you will enjoy the boundless benefits of Mind Calm and see with your own awakened eyes that the secret to success is stillness.



This programme can be completed over the duration of 10 days or 10 weeks, depending on your preference. The longer you do it and the more you meditate, the better the results.

1. Connection

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM CONNECTION (Soles of Feet) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Reality Check - tune in to your senses to notice NOW.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with aspects of your BODY that you don't like.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

2. Power

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM POWER (Base of Spine) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Noticing Now Space - see the context of still silent space.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with your POTENTIAL to succeed.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

3. Joy

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM JOY (Navel) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Inward Gazing - be inwardly attentive towards your heart.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with the EMOTIONS that you judge as negative.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

4. Peace

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM PEACE (Solar Plexus) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Heart Watching - look out at life from your heart.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with the ENVIRONMENT where you live and work

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

5. Love

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM LOVE (Heart Centre) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Loving Pink Light - heal the part of you that is them.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with your RELATIONSHIPS.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

6. Truth

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM TRUTH (Throat) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Silence Speaks - be aware of the silence allowing sound.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with your CAREER.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

7. Clarity

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM CLARITY (Forehead Centre) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Enlightened Eye - look out from the centre of your skull.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with aspects of SOCIETY that trouble you.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

8. Wisdom

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM WISDOM (Top of Head) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Noticing Nirvana - play with the notion that nothing is wrong.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with TIME including the past and future.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

9. Oneness

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM ONENESS (Far and Wide) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Resonance Revolution - rest in the still presence of life.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with aspects of YOURSELF that you don't love.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

10. Presence

Morning Mind Calm Sitting:
OM PRESENCE (In Entire Body) Calm Thought (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).

Daytime Mind Calm Game:
Air Aware - look at life from the infinite-eye.

Daytime Peace with Mind Protocol:
Get peace with other aspects of LIFE in general.

Evening Mind Calm Sitting:
Use all 10 Calm Thoughts (10–15 minutes, or longer if you have more time).


Be Still.

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