Read Miss Congeniality Online

Authors: Marie Garner

Tags: #romance

Miss Congeniality (14 page)

BOOK: Miss Congeniality
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“Baby.” She tried to tell him, but he simply shook his head from side to side while his tongue was in her. O.M.G. If this was anything like the tongue thing Jason did, no wonder Clare wouldn’t let him go. She grabbed his hair, pulling softly to get him to stop, but he continued his ministrations. The second time she didn’t pull gently; she fairly yanked his hair from his head. He jerked up, rubbing his head.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to rip my hair off?” He looked so aggrieved that she wanted to soothe him. She cocked her finger at him but he continued to rub his head.

“I’m sorry,” she said, crawling across the bed toward him. She started kissing his neck, putting her hand where she pulled and rubbing gently. “I wanted to touch you.”

“Damn, babe, you could have just asked.” He still sounded a bit pissed, but he did lift his hips when she tried to pull down his boxer briefs. She straddled him, pushing him down so she could lie on top of him. He watched her as she licked his stomach, heading straight for his cock. She caressed it with her hand, jerking it off a couple times before she licked the head. She continued to suck him, trailing her tongue down one side and then the other while her hand continued to stroke the bottom of his penis. Lance allowed her to suck for a couple minutes before he decided he didn’t just want to be an observer. He sat up slightly, grabbing her waist before he moved her hips so her pussy was positioned above his mouth. He latched on, sucking and licking her while she continued to suck his dick.

This is too much
, Brea thought as she fought to continue her movements, but she couldn’t concentrate with what he was doing. She fairly sat on his face while he gripped her hips to keep her from moving. She released his dick with an audible pop, her hands on his thighs while she saw stars. He helped her to lie back down to recover from her orgasm while he reached for his pants. He held up the condom, ripping the foil packet before rolling it on his dick. He held his penis, rubbing the tip up and down her slit. She grinned up at him, pushing forward so his tip entered her. He pulled back, teasing her, loving the gorgeous pout she tended to get when she didn’t get what she wanted sexually.

“You want that, baby?” He stroked his cock a couple times, noticing her eyes darkened while she watched.

“You know I do, you fucking tease.” She reached her arms up for him to come to her, but he held back.

“Such foul language from such a pretty mouth.”

“I’ll show you how foul this mouth can be if you just fuck me.” He pushed into her then, loving the way she was already wet.

“Never say I didn’t give the lady what she wanted.” He kissed her then, pushing in and out slowly. She pushed back on his chest, breaking the kiss. She reached up, biting his earlobe.

“I thought I said to fuck me.”

“Getting there,” he said, moving faster while he pushed in and out. She met him, thrust for thrust, grinding into him. She felt him hit bottom, crying out when he buried himself to the hilt. She had never felt like this, the fullness he gave her, and she wanted more. Brea had been with other men who were well-endowed, but nothing was as filling as being with the man who was quickly becoming her everything. She rolled him over, watching him as she grabbed her breasts. He put his hands on her hips and simply instructed her, “Ride me, baby.” She didn’t have to be told twice, lifting up and down rapidly while he held her steady at her hips. He sat up as she continued to ride him, sucking on her breasts as she thrust up and down.

“So….close,” he said, reaching down to flick her clit with his finger. She exploded, falling apart in his arms while he continued to fuck her from below. She could feel the hot spurts exploding in the condom as he came, his hips still thrusting as he rode out his orgasm. He rolled her back over, pulling out of her before flopping on the bed beside her.

“Uh,” was all she could manage to say while she tried to recover from the latest orgasm. She reached over, feeling him grunt when she hit his chest, rolling over to look at him. He had his arm thrown over his closed eyes, breathing deeply.

“Give me a minute; I think I may have died.” She giggled, rubbing her hand down his chest. He pulled his arm back, staring down at her with such tenderness she felt tears prick the back of her eyes. He leaned down, kissing her softly before he moved to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. He came back with a warm washcloth, letting her wipe herself before she tossed it in the direction of the clothes hamper. He lay back down, gathering her close and kissing the top of her head.

“So, I think I have to marry you,” he said jokingly. She propped her arms on his chest so she was looking down at him.

“And why is that?”

He ran his hands through her hair, loving the way it felt between his fingers. “Well, since I know I gave you the best orgasms of your life, and I know I got harder for you than I have before, I can’t have you missing out on that for the rest of your life. Therefore, I am just going to have to take over the job of your personal sex slave. You can put me on the payroll.”

“I never said you gave me the best orgasms.”

“You didn’t have to.” He rolled her on her back, pushing his hips into hers. She looked down to his erection, ridiculously pleased he was ready again.

She bit her lip, grinning up shyly. “The hardest you’ve ever been?”

“You have no idea.” He took her hand and put it on his dick. You think you can take care of that?” She tapped her lip, considering his question.

“You gonna feed me after?”

“How about I fill that mouth with something else?” He kissed her deeply, grabbing a condom from the bedside table before he covered himself and sank into her again.

They eventually ate, but only after Lance cried uncle because he swore she was going to break him. Eating at her table, she in her bathrobe and he in his boxer briefs, she couldn’t help feeling more content than she had in a long time. There was a bunch of shit going on with her brother. She wasn’t naive enough to believe it would all go away because she wanted it to, but at least she had something to cling to. This budding relationship with Lance was turning out to be her saving grace. As much as she fought it, he balanced her. He was equal parts irritating and amusing, and one couldn’t discount his ability to make her come quickly and fiercely. She hoped this was something long-term because she could see herself with him months from now.

“What are you grinning about?” She didn’t even realize she was until he pointed it out to her.

“Nothing. Everything. You.”

“Ahh, I thought I may have something to do with it. It was the orgasms I promised and was able to deliver.” She didn’t respond, didn’t want to make him think his orgasms were part of the reason she was in such a good mood; he was entirely too cocky as it was.

“I’m not admitting to anything.”

“You don’t have to.” He scooped up the last of his vegetables, positioning his utensils on his plate in the universal symbol to show he was done with his meal.
Guess some of those lessons from his mother did stick
, she mused.

“Tell me everything will work out with my brother.”

“It will work out with your brother. It may not be the way you want it to end, but it will unfold in the way it should. Like I told you before, I’ll be with you, right here every step of the way. If you want to stay here, I will support you. If you want to go to the trial, I will support you.”

“What did I do to deserve you?”

“Nothing. You’re my gift for being so damn good.”

“I thought you were bad.”

“Oh, no, I’m that damn good.”

“Are you staying?”

“You couldn’t drag me away.” He held out his hand, helping her up while they walked upstairs. Brea was feeling amazing, flying so high she didn’t think anything could bring her down, not even all the shit with Alex. She was going to hire him a lawyer and make sure he got the best defense he could. She refused to lose her brother in the same way she lost her mother, and she would fight to get Alex back. Even if she had to fight him. And when she was in cuddling with Lance on the couch watching a movie later that evening, she felt the need to pinch herself to make sure this life was hers.

he ringing telephone woke Brea from her slumber. She reached for it only to hit something hard and warm.
, she thought with a smile, briefly considering continuing where they left off yesterday. But first, she had to get the phone, which had actually stopped ringing but started up again soon after.
Must be really damn important
, she thought when she saw it was only six-thirty in the morning. Climbing over Lance’s body, who grunted when she accidently elbowed him to get to the bedside table, she looked to see her PR rep was on the phone. Brea groaned because she didn’t want to talk to Henry, who could be a bit abrasive and somewhat of an ass to her. She knew he only called her this early in the morning if it was serious.

“Hello?” she grumbled, lying on Lance’s chest because he was there and made a surprisingly-decent pillow. He started rubbing her hip, and she could feel his morning erection.

“What in the hell is going on with you and Lance Holder?” She held her phone out from her ear, surprised at Henry’s tone. She hoped Lance didn’t hear, but judging by the way his eyes widened in shock then narrowed in anger, no such luck.

“What are you yelling about Henry?”

“You and Lance Holder. Why in the hell am I hearing about your supposed relationship again on
this morning? You are all over the fucking news, and now
US Weekly, People
, and even
The Today Show
, among others, have been calling me all morning.” She put her head on Lance’s chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart while she dealt with Henry’s bitching.

“Stop bitching and tell me what this is about.”

“This is about me not getting ahead of the story. And you deliberately keeping information from me. I can’t protect your reputation, which is what you pay me to do, if you don’t let me know personal information, such as who you are dating.”

“Henry, he’s a friend who I recently started dating. It is not your business or anyone else’s whom I’m dating. I pay you to make sure my reputation stays flawless, but I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“You haven’t done anything wrong? You have a reputation to uphold for being Miss Congeniality, and I can’t do that if you are dating that man! It was bad enough when the YouTube video popped up last week, although we were able to keep it somewhat contained since you were no longer seeing him, but I have a feeling this news is going to explode. I am going to be the one left trying to protect you and yours, not him!” She was about to respond when the phone was ripped from her grasp by Lance.

“Henry, right? Lance Holder. If you have additional questions about our relationship, why don’t you field them with my PR rep, and she can give you all the information you need. Brea doesn’t pay you to be an asshole to her; she pays you to protect her rep. Issue your blanket statement, or no fucking comment, and keep it moving. If you have other questions about me, ask me personally or my PR person; don’t call and harass Brea anymore. We clear?” He hung up on Henry’s blustering, throwing her phone on the other side of the bed.

“Is he always that annoying?”

“Sometimes he’s worse.” She scrunched her nose in frustration. “But he’s been really good business-wise, and I need someone like him to handle the press.”

“What you need is someone who doesn’t treat you like you work for him. You pay his bills, not the other way around.” Lance had a point, but it wasn’t his decision and she didn’t want to argue with him.

“Do we really need to talk about this now?” She trailed her finger down his chest, making little circles around his stomach.

He inhaled sharply. “What do you have in mind?”

She pushed up on his chest so they were eye level. “If I have to tell you, I’m not doing it right.”

“I think you’re about to do it just right.” She kissed him then, grabbing a condom and shaking it in his face before she opened it with her teeth. She enjoyed torturing him while she rolled it slowly over his cock, straddling him. As soon as she had it on him he grabbed her hips, rolling her over and sliding into her again, memories of Henry all but forgotten.

“But I don’t want to.” Brea pouted later on that morning when Lance suggested they look at what the news was saying. After a late start and a later breakfast, Lance called his rep, Martha, who had been working on the issue for the last week or so, since the whole YouTube incident. Martha was a fifty-year-old grandmother, but she was one of the best in the industry, and she swore he kept her in business with all the situations she had to deal with.

“I never took you as a whiner.”

“I’m not. I just don’t believe in looking at what the media says about me.” He was surprised by that.

“Ever, or as a rule?”

She ducked her head, not wanting to talk about this. “Ever. When I first started working, there was a story which ran about me being too fat to act, so I just stopped looking at it. I hired Henry to handle all of my stuff. Because I’m only on
Maggie Beach
and some endorsements, I’m not necessarily recognized as much as some people. And, I tend to be pretty quiet.”

BOOK: Miss Congeniality
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