Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel (28 page)

BOOK: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel
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“Why not?” She worked the buttons of his waistcoat before stealing her hand into the opening of his shirt. “I have such fond memories.” Under her fingertips, his chest was like rock covered by the finest silk. She nibbled his neck while her fingers found his nipple.

He grasped her hand to still her movements. “Stop that, Lana Forest.”

She gave him the most devilish smile possible before kissing him, but he jerked his head away at the last moment. Huffing, she snatched her hand back. “You started it.”

He clasped her hand in her lap and kissed her cheek. “And I intend to finish it too, but not until I can see every part of you. Do indulge your husband and be good, or I shall have to be stern.”

The twinkle in his eye belied his words. Drew would never be anything other than a gentle, loving man, just as he had proven over the last several weeks.

For good measure, she glared anyway. “Be good, he says.”

“It’s only temporary,” he teased. “Then you may be as naughty as you wish once we are alone.”


“The downstairs needs more work,” Drew said as they reached the entrance of their new home. “The workmen promised it would be completed by next week, but I have my doubts.”

Lana reached for the door handle, eager to see inside, but her husband stepped in front of her, blocking her access. “Where do you think you’re going?”

She wrinkled her nose before attempting to push him aside. “Drew, I wish to see
, too.”

“I believe it is customary for the groom to carry his bride over the threshold.” He scooped her in his arms with such speed, she squealed.

“I had no idea you were so superstitious,” she teased, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.

“If you’re even half as clumsy as your brother, I don’t want to take any chances. Nothing but good luck from here on out.”

With Drew holding her, she twisted the knob and opened the door with a tiny shove. “You need better help around here, Drew.”

“We’ll start interviews soon, but you’re the most attractive butler I have ever seen. I’m loath to replace you.”

Quiet greeted them as they entered the house. “It appears no one is here.”

Drew frowned. “I’m not surprised, lazy buggers. If we move in before Michaelmas, it will be a miracle.”

Lana only saw the promise of what their home would become. “It’s wonderful.”

Drew set her on her feet and grasped her hand to lead her farther into the house. “I hope you like it.”

The worry line between his brows tugged at her heart. She’d never seen Drew unsure of anything. His obvious desire to please her was sweet.

She squeezed his hand to reassure him. “I already love it.”

He escorted her to the doorway of a half-painted room. The cheerful buttery yellow captured the light and reflected her high spirits.

“This will be the drawing room,” he said and then gestured to another door off the entry. “And through there, you’ll find the dining room.”

Lana meandered around the future drawing room, admiring the towering windows and gleaming woodwork. “Oh, my.”

Drew lagged behind as she explored the ground floor. Her breath caught when she spied the dusty chandelier in the dining room. It would be exquisite once polished. More windows overlooking the garden welcomed the bright sunlight while a set of French doors invited her to wander outside to the terrace.

Lana shivered as the cool air engulfed her. “We’ll host beautiful soirees here.”

“Come back inside before you catch a chill.”

She did as he bid and continued her exploration inside. The next room was empty save for rolls of masculine wall coverings. “I assume this is to be your study. Everything is lovely.”

“It’s nothing like Hillary House,” Drew said.

She glanced over her shoulder and caught him watching her, the adorably anxious crease still marring his brow. “No, it’s much warmer, even without fires in the grates.”

“Obviously, this floor needs more work,” he added, “but the second and third floors are refinished, and furnished as well.”

Her eyes flicked to the ceiling and then back at Drew. She smiled mischievously. “Are you saying…?”

Drew’s eyes darkened. A simple jerk of his thumb toward the doorway was all the encouragement she required. Lana dashed from the room, Drew following close behind, lightly pinching her bottom as she ran up the stairs.

“Stop that,” she admonished with a laugh. At the top of the stairs, she came to a sudden halt. “Which room?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he growled. Tossing her over his shoulder, he carried her into the first room they reached. He kicked the door closed and strode to the bed, where he laid her on her back before joining her.

Stretching his lean form over her, he settled between her thighs, resting his weight on his elbows. His forget-me-not eyes brightened with tenderness as his thumb caressed her jaw, stroking back and forth. “You’re so beautiful. I could look at you forever.”

Her heart leapt. “I hope you do more than look,” she murmured as she cradled the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. His gentle lips pressed against hers, his breath flowing into her, filling her with a craving for more of him.

Her desire flamed and she deepened the kiss. Opening her mouth, she tentatively traced his lips with her tongue. They parted to allow her leisurely expedition. Emboldened, Lana’s hands slipped inside his jacket, pushing it down his shoulders.

Drew shifted and climbed from the bed to shed his clothes.

“No,” she protested as his hands went to his cravat. Her cheeks warmed as she contemplated making her request, but she gathered her nerve, inhaling deeply before voicing her desire. “May
undress you?”

Without hesitation, his hands dropped to his sides as a seductive smile graced his lips. “Nothing would bring me more pleasure, love.”

She moved to the edge of the bed and held out her hand. “Come closer,” she coaxed. Drew placed himself between her knees, pressing his body against hers. With his jacket already cast off, her fingers grazed his chest as she unfastened the buttons of his waistcoat.

Grasping his cravat, she tugged him lower. He parted his lips and allowed her to test the waters again. She loved his taste: pure man with a touch of honey from the morning rolls they’d consumed earlier. He moaned against her lips, encouraging her to work faster.

With his torso finally bared, she traced his well-defined muscles. A light sprinkling of caramel curls fanned across his chest, narrowing to a thin line that ran down his abdomen and disappeared into his trousers. She nuzzled her cheek against the soft hair, eliciting a sharp gasp from her husband.

Kissing his belly, she undid his trousers before dragging them down his lean thighs. His shaft sprang free and strained toward her. She tentatively brushed over the top before running the backs of her fingers down his length.

Drew shuddered and placed his hand over hers, showing her how to grasp him and encouraging a firmer touch. She caressed him with slow strokes.

“Lana, I’m more than ready, love.” His husky voice washed over her, and she glanced up to discover his eyes had grown nearly black with desire.

“Oh,” she said on an exhale. “I-I wasn’t quite done yet.”

Drew adored his new bride, and her willingness to explore his body was more than gratifying. It was also the most delicious torment. He didn’t know how much more he could endure. Yet, gazing into her magnificent, wonder-filled eyes, he resolved to try his best. Her delicate fingers encircled him, her touch almost reverent as she waited for his permission to continue.

“Why don’t you undress for me, peach?”

Her answering smile was a relief. The last thing he wanted was to stifle her sensuality.

Drew assisted with the fastenings of her gown before reclining on the bed to savor the moment. She slid the dress down her arms, allowing it to fall around her waist, revealing a white corset trimmed in delicate lace. Though Lana didn’t need the undergarment, Drew couldn’t deny he liked the way it plumped her breasts. With a wiggle of her hips, the garment slithered down her shapely legs to pool at her feet.

Once she had removed the last article of clothing, she stood nude before him, unashamed. Her ivory skin glistened like the most luxurious satin in the warm sunlight pouring through the windows. He longed to feel her against him, to kiss every silken inch of her.

“Come here, Lana.” He reached out and she placed her hand in his. Rolling to his back, he urged her to climb atop him.

When she straddled his hips, he sucked in a hissing breath, catching his lower lip between his teeth and biting back a tortured groan. She was more than ready for him, but the wicked glint in her eyes said she wasn’t finished with him yet.

Lana captured both of his wrists and clasped them above his head while sliding her body along his. Her heat glided along his length, setting a sinuous rhythm, the tips of her breasts brushing against his chest with each pass. Drew’s hips lifted to grind against her dewy skin.

When she released his wrists, he caught her hips, positioning her over his shaft. He had to bury himself inside her or go insane. Lana accepted him, surrounding him like molten lava.

Fully seated inside her, they both sighed with satisfaction. The scent of her arousal taunted him, making him ache to drive into her, but he held back. He would allow her to relish her position of control, unwilling to take that pleasure from her.

He fondled her breasts as she moved against him, her beautiful auburn locks tumbling around her shoulders. Her eyes fluttered, her delicate lashes lying against her cheeks, as she arched into his touch.

God, how he loved her passionate nature. His wife was bold, adventurous, and lusty; his equal in every way. Her pace sped, her breathing heavy and fast. When she opened her eyes and locked them on him, desire blazed in their emerald depths. Drew groaned. He was so close to the edge he didn’t know if he could hold back.

Lana threw her head back and cried out. Her body gripped him in waves as bliss filtered across her beautiful face. He grabbed her hips, thrusting deep inside his wife, spilling his seed as pleasure ripped through him. Lana collapsed against his chest, her lips seeking his. “I love you,” she whispered.

He settled her into the crook of his arm, her cheek resting against his chest. Never would he have guessed the most pleasurable experience known to man would be found within the union of marriage.

“You have a fantastic way of showing your love, peach. Absolutely sensational.” He rubbed his chin against her hair. “Next time it’s my turn. And I get to choose the room.”

She lifted to her elbow, a frown on her pretty face. “
chose this time.”

“It was simply the closest.”

“But you did choose,” she argued. “Just because it was the first one means nothing.”

“Perhaps we should develop a fair system.”

Lana grinned. “Very well. Whoever exerts the most effort and ends on top chooses the location of our next tumble.”

He rolled her to her back and kissed her long and slow before gazing into her eyes. “Lana, I truly love you, but you will lose repeatedly.”

“Well, with you dictating our pleasure, how could I possibly complain?”

“I would be a disgrace of a man if you did.” He kissed her again, successfully ending their playful banter. He would make certain his lovely wife was well pleased.

Read on for an excerpt from

Lady Amelia’s Mess and a Half

by Samantha Grace

Coming June 2012

from Sourcebooks Casablanca

Jake Hillary was a keeper—keeper of his family’s secret, keeper of his wayward brother, and most tragically, keeper of a hopeless love for his best friend’s wife. But at least for now, he wouldn’t think on the torturous evening to come of admiring Amelia from afar. His brother was due for a thrashing, and Jake planned to deliver it.

Yanking on his watch fob, he extracted the gold timepiece from his pocket. He could barely make out the hands in the dim light.

“Blast and damn.”

He slipped the watch back into his pocket. There wasn’t enough time to pound Daniel before the party. Instead, Jake hammered his fist against the solid door of his brother’s rented room, rattling it in the frame.

“Aye!” Daniel bellowed.

Apparently, his brother had discarded common courtesy
manners while he was at sea, although Daniel had never been one to adhere to etiquette. Based upon his ill-mannered response, it seemed unlikely he intended to cross the room to admit Jake. Irritated, he threw the door open and barged inside.


“Right there, luv.” Daniel threw his head back against the chair as a blonde burrowed her face into his crotch. “Oh, yes!”

“Damnation.” Jake covered his eyes and spun on his heel, cracking his elbow against the door frame. “Ouch!” He muttered another curse under his breath.

“What the hell, Jake? Haven’t you heard of knocking, you reprobate?”

“I did knock. Next time I shall make more noise,” he drawled. Surely all that pounding could have been heard on the other side of Mayfair. “Inform me once you have set yourself to rights.”

Jake shook his head as he strolled into the corridor to wait. What a sight to stumble upon, his brother getting his butter churned. And all before dinner. It was enough to spoil his appetite.

When the foul smell from the stairwell hit him again, his lip curled. Daniel might indulge in whores and spirits, but he wasn’t throwing away his fortune on rented rooms. Paper peeled from the walls in great sheets, and stains of an unknown origin splattered the scarred floor.

Smells like the bloody mews in here.
Fitting, given his brother was behaving like a jackass.

After a series of bumps and muffled curses, the door flew open. His brother filled the doorway, every bare inch of him.

Jake smirked. “I asked you to summon me
you had dressed.”

“Get in here.”

Pushing away from the wall, Jake reentered the apartments. “Is your guest decent now?”

A crooked leer replaced Daniel’s scowl. “Why? You want a turn?”

“Show some respect. The woman deserves at least as much for tolerating your vulgarity.”

A feminine giggle drifted from the back room. “Thank you, Mr. Hillary, but I find the captain’s vulgarity tolerable indeed.” The young woman appeared in the threshold, her nudity now concealed with a faded, ruby dress. Her lackluster hair was pinned up in a haphazard coiffure.

“Oh, my!” Her brown eyes rounded as she looked Jake up and down before turning back to Daniel. “Your brother is delicious, Captain Hillary.”

Delicious? Like a meat pie?
Jake coughed into his fist, uncomfortable with the nature of her compliment given there were no rules to dictate his response. Yet, he considered it bad-mannered to discount her outright. “Yes, well. Thank you.”

Daniel winked at her. “You fancy the rotter, do you?”

She wandered over to Jake’s brother with a smile pulling at her plump lips. “I would wager he is the most handsome of the Hillary clan.”

“Aside from me.”

“Aye. That goes without saying.” The woman accepted the purse Daniel offered and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Same time tomorrow, sir?”

Daniel swatted her behind. “I’ll send word.”

Jake moved aside to allow his brother’s, um…
passage into the corridor.

As she moved past him, she grazed her fingers over the lapel of his jacket. “You’re definitely the pinkest of the pinks. I would be happy to pay
a call sometime.”

Jake’s smile was forced. “That’s a generous offer, miss.”

“Not at all, sir.” She tipped her head to the side and batted her lashes, looking up at him in expectation. When Jake offered no encouragement, she heaved a sigh and sauntered to the stairway.

Daniel chuckled. “What are you about, choirboy?”

Jake closed the door and walked further into the apartments. “I cannot decide which smell is more offensive, the corridor or you. Get cleaned up. You haven’t much time.”

“Time for what?” Daniel flopped onto the tattered chair in a perfect display of insolence, among other things.

Jake looked up at the ceiling to avoid catching another glimpse of his brother. “I have it on good authority you received the invitation to the dinner party Mother has planned in your honor, although you did not bother responding.
. Now, get dressed. The guests will be arriving in…” He checked his watch again. “Forty-five minutes.”

“Is that tonight?”

“Yes, and you can either make yourself presentable, or I will drag your smelly arse across Town as is. Either way, you are attending.”

Daniel smirked. “I’d like to see you attempt it. Come on. Make me attend Mother’s boring dinner party.”

Jake cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck. “Must we go through this
time? You learned nothing from the last time I thrashed you. Why do I bother?”

Daniel threw his head back and laughed. “I only vaguely recall the incident now, but you had the advantage since I was foxed.”

“You’re not far from that now,” Jake said dryly. “Put some clothes on. Mother has expended a lot of effort on your behalf. Try to show a little gratitude.”

“Mummy, Mummy, Mummy,” Daniel mocked, a spark of enjoyment brightening his eyes. “One would think you’re still in leading strings.”

“You must discover novel ways to abuse me. I grow weary of the same insults.” Jake refused to be bothered by his older sibling. He had too many serious concerns on his mind at the moment, such as not making a cake of himself in front of Amelia this evening.

“Would you hurry?” he snapped when Daniel made no move to ready himself.

“Oh, very well.” His brother dragged his carcass from the chair and lumbered toward the back room. “Who will be in attendance? Anyone interesting?”

Jake folded his arms and rocked heel-to-toe, toe-to-heel, impatient with Daniel’s tardiness. “No one important. Unless you count your

Daniel stuck his head through the doorway, a jaunty grin in place. “I said anyone interesting. Do you ever listen?”

“If you would only pay a visit to our parents when you return to London, Mother wouldn’t orchestrate these affairs.”

“Mother would be as happy to forget me as she is her past. She has ulterior motives for this evening’s event.”

Jake didn’t bother arguing this time. It was true their mother was too sensitive to her bourgeois origins, but she desired the best for her children. Sometimes Jake wondered if Daniel’s decision to captain his own ship had been designed simply to upset her. If so, his efforts were jolly successful.

Daniel walked from the back room dressed in his best and looking like a proper gentleman. Of course, he still smelled like a barrel of rum, but Jake couldn’t do anything to correct that unfortunate problem. The acrid scent emanated from Daniel’s skin.

“Pay Mother one call when you arrive, and you needn’t trouble yourself with her motives,” Jake said.

“I would like to see how quickly you would run home to Mum after being at sea. The first thing I need is the touch of a woman, and
the one who gave birth to me. Unlike you, I’m not content to dote on Mother.”

“Sod off.”

Jake craved a woman’s touch, too, but not just any female. Daniel knew well where his allegiances lay. Unfortunately, the woman he desired didn’t want him. And thanks to his maniacal rant in her foyer months earlier, she no longer spoke to him either.

Daniel donned his coat and adjusted his cravat. “How is Lady Audley these days? Enticed her to your bed yet?”

Searing heat crept up Jake’s neck to the tips of his ears. “My personal matters are none of your concern.” The last thing he wished to disclose was how he had ruined any chance for an attachment to Amelia while his brother had been abroad.

Daniel’s eyebrows arched in question. “I will take your grumbling as a no. Pity. What has it been? A year?” He strolled to the outer door and tugged it open. “Perhaps
will try my hand with the lady tonight.”

“The hell you will.”

The thought of Daniel touching Amelia under
circumstances set Jake’s blood on fire, but after what he’d walked in on a moment ago… “Just stay clear of the lady. She deserves better than the likes of you.”

“Like you, Mummy’s Boy?” Daniel chuckled as he disappeared into the darkened corridor. “I tire of waiting for you to woo the lady. I say tonight, may the better man win the lovely widow.”

Jake stalked after his brother. “I am the better man.”


Amelia, Lady Audley, leaned against the carriage seat, dreading the coming evening. She would rather be any place than a guest in Jake Hillary’s home, but she couldn’t snub the Hillarys, not after their generous donation to the children this afternoon. Besides, Mrs. Hillary had always been exceptionally kind to her. Amelia could face Jake this evening for his mother’s sake, even if the task required herculean strength.

Amelia’s dearest friend and silent partner in the foundling house renovation project, Bianca Kennell, leaned forward with a frown. “Amelia, you look as if we are attending a funeral instead of a dinner party. At least
to appear enthused for my sake. You know how I love parties.”

“I am not attending this affair for my own pleasure. Mrs. Hillary has spoken with Lady Eldridge and the Duchess of Foxhaven about the renovation. She assures me both ladies are amenable to publicly lending their support, but they wish to inquire into my specific intentions.”

Bibi yawned loudly, covering her mouth in a grand gesture. “Oh, pardon me. All this talk of orphans and charity is putting me into a sleeping trance.”

Amelia shook her head, smiling reluctantly. She really should be more severe with Bibi, but her dramatics amused more than vexed her. “How thoughtless of me, dearest. I shall endeavor to be more stimulating in my conversation.”

“Thank you.” Bibi pinched both cheeks, patted her ebony curls, and then readjusted her breasts so they swelled over the neckline of her emerald gown like rising dough. “How do I look?”

“You look lovely, as always.”

Bibi flashed a brilliant smile, a wicked twinkle in her eye. “Good enough to eat?”

Amelia grinned cheekily. “Mrs. Hillary serves three course meals. You needn’t worry about anyone stuffing an apple in your mouth and serving you on a platter.”

Bibi huffed and lifted her nose in the air. “You have a sharp wit tonight, Lady Audley. Try not to slice anyone to ribbons with it.”

“I shall wield my weapon with care,” she answered with mock graveness.

“See that you do.” Bibi crossed her arms and slumped in her seat, her bottom lip protruding as she practiced her pout. “You comprehended my meaning.”

Amelia lifted one shoulder, the heat of a blush flooding her cheeks. Unfortunately, she did know her friend’s meaning. “Must everyone be privy to your private affairs?”

“Just because you have chosen to remain celibate, does not mean I must.”

Amelia hadn’t chosen celibacy. Her life was simply too complicated to entertain thoughts of a liaison at the moment, and she had sworn off complications the day Jake had condemned her in her own house. She certainly didn’t have time for the caliber of gentlemen Bibi took to her bed. One scoundrel had proven one too many for Amelia.

Bibi tossed her head. “What other benefit is there to being widowed if I can’t enjoy a tumble or two here and there?”

As the carriage rolled to a stop, Amelia recited a silent prayer of thanks. She didn’t wish to continue this discussion.

“Do whatever you like, Bibi, but please practice discretion. I need the support of the ladies attending tonight.”


Amelia’s brows lifted. “Must we hurl names at them?”

Bibi didn’t answer. The footman opened the carriage door and offered her his hand. As she climbed down the steps, she tossed a look back at Amelia. “You were more fun before Jake Hillary attached that millstone of guilt around your neck.”

Amelia’s heart leapt into her throat as she noted other guests alighting from their carriages or wandering into the house. “Hush, silly girl.”

She joined Bibi on the drive and they linked arms, both staring up at the massive Italianate home. Despite visiting Hillary House many times, Amelia never ceased to be amazed by the grandeur. Why, the Hillarys could house hundreds of children without ever crossing paths with a single one!

The foundlings would not have as grand a home as the wealthy landowner, but their living conditions would improve by no small amount once she had the support of a few more philanthropic souls. Of course, she couldn’t approach the true holders of the purse strings, which meant she must convince their wives to do so on her behalf.

Amelia’s stomach churned. Perhaps it had been a mistake to arrive with her friend. Lady Kennell had been deemed bad
by several of the ladies who had developed a disliking for her. She hazarded a sideways glance. Bibi flashed an enthusiastic smile, causing Amelia’s heart to soften. When she looked at Bibi, all she saw was the loyal friend who had been with her since childhood.
To the devil with those ladies.

She hugged Bibi closer to her side and whispered in her ear. “Thank you for accompanying me tonight.”

“Where else would I be?”

Bibi remained Amelia’s constant ally in whatever ventures she undertook.

BOOK: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel
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