Mistletoe in Maine (7 page)

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Authors: Ginny Baird

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

BOOK: Mistletoe in Maine
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“I’ll need to talk to her mom, then. Be sure this is the right thing to do.”

Daniel reached across the desk, gripping his father’s shoulders. “Thanks, Dad!” he said with a big, bold grin. “You’re the best!”


A little while later, Zach entered the kitchen with a stealthy look. “Can I talk to you a minute?” he asked Paul, who was cubing lamb by the stove.

“Sure,” Paul replied. “Come on in.”

Zach awkwardly took a seat on a barstool.

“Would you like some coffee?” Paul asked. “A beer, maybe?”

“Naw, man,” Zach said, lowering his voice. “I need your help.”

“Help?” Paul set down his knife and met the other man’s gaze.

“With your mom.”

“Velma?” Paul asked with concern. “Is something wrong?”

“Not wrong,” Zach said in a whisper. “Extra right.” He stunned Paul by pulling a ring box from his pocket. “I want to make it official, man. Me and the Mama Bear, we…” He looked dreamy for a moment before turning his eyes back on Paul’s. “What I mean to say is, listen, dude, I think we’re meant for each other. I really dig that woman, and she digs me.”

Paul gulped, then asked tentatively. “Does she know about this yet?” As far as he knew, Velma wasn’t the marrying kind. She’d shot down the last three suitors she’d had, but Paul decided against mentioning that to Zach. He seemed such a lovesick puppy dog. Besotted, even. Paul had never seen anything like it.

“I want to surprise her,” Zach went on. “At dinner. More like, dessert time. If that’s all right by you. I mean, I thought I should ask you first on two counts.”

Paul stared at him, agape. What if his mom said yes? That would be great! Crazy, but great! As long as Zach was really the one. “First,” Zach continued, “because you’re the son, and I know it sounds a little retro and all, but hey, she loves you a lot, so I thought it would be good if I got your blessing.”

Paul tried to process the role reversal as quickly as he could, but somehow the wheels kept sticking, coming back around the same proclamation/question.
Velma’s getting married?

“And the second count?” Paul queried.

“Ah yeah. It’s because you’re the head honcho here, and I wanted to ensure it wasn’t a problem having a big event like this one happen at dinner.”

Paul loved his mother, but she could honestly be somewhat of a handful. Of course, he suspected Zach must already know that. Heck, maybe that was part of her appeal. “How long have you known?” Paul asked.

Zach sighed looking distant a moment. “I guess it was that time I took your mom hiking in the North Woods. It was late summertime, really pleasant and lovely. Super quiet too. You know what I’m saying?”

With Velma along, that was hard to imagine, but Paul got the gist, so he just nodded.

“We were walking along like kids, and Velma had these wild flowers in her hair. And I thought to myself, I did,
Zach, old buddy, that’s who you need to be walking through the woods with. Someone who looks like she just got here from San Francisco.
And then I imagined those woods, all icy and cold like they are now in winter, and thought,
who’s going to be there with me, holding my hand and warming my back up then?

“Warming your back…?”

“It’s the way that we sleep when—”

Paul held up his hand, getting it. “Too much information.”

“Sorry.” He shot Paul a sheepish grin. “I really do love the lady, though. And since you’re her only kid…”

“Of course I’ll help.” Paul warmly gripped Zach’s hand. “And best of luck.”


Carol tentatively entered the kitchen to find Paul furiously chopping at the center island. As if there wasn’t enough to worry about in having things go smoothly around here on Christmas Eve, now he had to hope his mom’s engagement would go swimmingly—and that Daniel would stay out of Amy’s room. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the kids. They were great kids, world’s best. That didn’t negate the fact that they were head-over-heels-in-love teenagers. Paul wasn’t so old he’d forgotten what that was like. It was particularly hard to forget with his old flame, Beth, staying at the inn.

“Is this a good time?”

“It’s a great time,” he said, pausing in his work. “Come on in.” Carol’s unexpected appearance actually came as a relief. When she was around, the world seemed bright and sunny, and any troubles he had not so pressing indeed.

“I was just looking for a cup of coffee.”

“Help yourself. Pot’s over there.” He scooped vegetables into a large cauldron. “I was just getting a start on dinner.”

She walked to the pot and poured herself a cup.

“Cream with that?”

She shook her head. “Smells delicious.”

Paul lowered his voice in a mysterious tone. “My family’s secret lamb stew. It’s a holiday tradition.”

“Then I’m glad to be a part of it,” she said with a warm smile.

Winds howled outdoors, slamming the storm shutters. Paul thought of the great North Woods in the thick of this cold.

“Where did you learn to cook?” she asked, leaning against a counter.

“Oh, I picked it up here and there.”

He indicated a tray of maple-leaf cookies. “Have one with your coffee. It’s a Maine staple.”

She gave a grateful laugh, scooping one off the tray. “I could definitely use the sugar.”

He studied her a moment, suspecting something was off. “Are you okay, Carol?”

She stared at him, and he stared back, trapped in the heat of her gaze. All at once, he felt as hot as the most blazing wildfire.

“Yes, fine,” she said with a flush, though she didn’t look it.

Paul dropped his gaze to his work and kept on chopping—onion, garlic, potatoes— in a very practiced rhythm. “That’s good, because, to tell you the truth, you don’t look so hot.”

She gasped, apparently affronted. “I beg your…?”

He looked up with a start. “No, I meant… That’s not what I meant at all! You are perfectly hot. Very nice to look at, in fact.”

She bloomed bright red like a Christmas poinsettia.

“That came out badly,” he said, still furiously chopping.

She widened her eyes in terror. “Watch it!”

Paul looked down to see he’d nearly added his index finger to the stew.

“Wow,” he said, setting down the knife in a sweat. Why was he so darn nervous? Was it the fact that his mom was getting hitched? Possibly hitched? She might even say no, he reminded himself.

He met Carol’s concerned gaze and understood immediately that his being on edge had much less to do with his mom and a lot more to do with the woman in front of him. Her deep dark eyes were centered on his, her lovely face lined with concern.

“Where was I?” he asked, feeling as if he’d completely lost his place in the world.

“Asking me if I was all right.” Her gaze traveled to the knife on the chopping block, then back up to his again. “But maybe the question should be reversed?”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He leaned into the counter, releasing a breath.

“I’m not totally myself this afternoon. I’ve just had a bit of a surprise, that’s all.” In truth, it was more than
a bit
. Not only had the news from Zach come as a shock, Paul had just admitted to himself he was attracted, seriously attracted, to one certain single mom from Virginia. He’d been fighting it ever since she got here and totally trashed his new dog sled. He hadn’t put it out in the garbage at all and had said so only to make her feel better. And making Carol Baker feel better was definitely a good thing. While her skiing trip had proved initially harrowing, once she’d lived through it, she’d seemed to perk right up. Totally upbeat and sunny, running all over town exploring things with her cute kids. And when she turned her chocolate-colored eyes on him and smiled, it was all Paul could do to recall theirs was supposed to be a client-innkeeper relationship.

“What’s the matter?” she asked sincerely.

“It wouldn’t be professional sharing my personal problems with you.”

“Then why don’t you think of me as someone else?”

“Like who?”

“I don’t know. Maybe a concerned neighbor? Someone who dropped by for a cup of sugar.”

I could show you some sugar, all right
, Paul thought, before mentally slapping himself with a jolt. What was he thinking? That he’d make a move on her, right here and now? It was only four in the afternoon, but you’d think he’d dipped into the eggnog already. Heavy on the bourbon.
And here I am worrying about Daniel! Could it be because that apple didn’t fall far from this tree?

The back of Paul’s neck flashed hot. “You first.”

“Me?” she asked with surprise.

“Fair’s fair, Carol. You tell me what’s troubling you, then maybe…just maybe I’ll dish about what’s eating me.”

She narrowed her eyes, then shook her head. “All right, but you promise not to think I’m silly?”

“Nothing you could tell me would be silly.”

“I…” she began, her voice cracking. She pulled a tissue from a box on the counter and dabbed the corner of one eye. “I had a talk with Will…”

Maybe this was worse than he thought, something he was unprepared to deal with. “And?”

Carol broke down in a sob. He yanked more tissues from the box and handed them over. “Carol? What is it?”

She met his gaze, bleary-eyed. “May baby’s growing up!” she cried.

Paul laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. “There, there. It happens to all of them.”



She sniffed, balling the tissues in her hand. “It’s true. One minute you’re changing their diapers. The next, they’re chasing you out the door, telling you to get a life.”

“Have you been talking to Daniel?” Paul asked with alarm.

She shot him a puzzled look. “Daniel? No, why?”

“It’s nothing, really,” he said, passing her more tissues. “Carol?”


“You’ve got really great kids.”

“Thanks.” She gave a trembling smile. “You too.”

She broke down sobbing again, and Paul placed his arms around her. “It’s all right. Everything will be all right.”

She threw her head back and cried. “You’re such a nice man!”

He pulled her to him, lightly patting her back. “I like you too.”

She collected herself and pushed back. “Really? But I’m such a mess!”

He shot her a tilted smile, knowing when he said it, it was true. “I like your kind of mess.”

She dabbed her cheeks with more tissues. “I really have been the worst sort of guest, haven’t I?”

“Actually, you’ve been the best guest. Certainly the most memorable—and entertaining—one I’ve had in a long time.”

“Oh gosh, Paul. I apologize. I don’t know why I got so emotional.”

“That was emotional?” he asked, lightly teasing.

“I’ve just been working so hard to keep everything together for such a long time…”

 “Listen, Carol, no one is made of steel. Nobody can be expected to keep everything together at all times.”

Dark lashes fanned wide as she stared at him, more beautiful and bewitching than ever. Paul couldn’t bear to see tears in her eyes and knew just the right remedy for her sadness. All she needed was a little fresh air.

“Carol,” he said, “I’d like to show you something this afternoon.”


“The town.”

“But the kids and I have seen it.”

“Not my way, you haven’t.”

“What’s your way?”

He found himself beaming from ear to ear. “I’d like to surprise you.”

“Just me?”

“If you don’t mind.” By the way she gazed at him, his heart hoped that she didn’t.

“What time?” she asked, a little breathless.

“Meet me on the porch at five?”


The kitchen door swung open, and Beth entered. She caught a glimpse of Carol in Paul’s arms and started to back away. “It seems now’s not a good time.”

“No, wait!” he called as Carol quickly collected herself and broke away.

“I’m just going to go upstairs and clean up,” Carol said with a shy smile. “I guess I’ll be seeing you later?”

“Right,” he said, looking from one woman to another. Paul ran a hand through his hair, feeling in the middle of a big mess. Beth’s blue eyes were opened wide, taking in the situation. Who knew what she thought, walking in on them? Paul hadn’t even had enough time to process his and Carol’s interaction himself. All he’d known was that when he’d put his arms around her, it had seemed the right thing to do. He’d been so driven to help her, he wasn’t sure he could have stopped himself if he’d tried. And when she’d looked at him with those trusting dark eyes, he’d longed to find ways to comfort her further. He had the perfect outing in mind, one that would make her feel special, because special was what she was. Quirks and all, he thought, eyeing the empty tissue box beside him.

Beth held the door back for Carol as she exited the kitchen, then stared at Paul. “I was hoping we could talk,” she said softly.

“Of course,” Paul said with a nod. “Pull up a stool. Can I get you some coffee? Wine?”

“Wine sounds good,” she said, coming over and settling in at the counter.

“I think I’ll join you,” he said, pouring them each a hearty glass. What a day this had been. First, he’d had the confrontation with Daniel. Zach had surprised him with his wedding plans next. Then, suddenly, before he could stop it, his heart had apparently jumped all over itself, flip-flopping like a wild fish on a line, just at the thought of holding Carol. Paul only hoped things weren’t about to get more complicated. From the look in Beth’s pale blue eyes, he wasn’t sure.

“I was just looking for an excuse to talk,” she said. “It’s always so busy around here, it’s hard to catch you alone.”

As if to punctuate that, Daniel breezed in the side door, toting grocery bags. Amy wasn’t far behind him and shut the door firmly against the brisk winds and flurries that drifted inside.

“Thanks, guys,” Paul said. “You can just leave the things by the sink over there.”

“Want us to put this stuff away?” Amy asked helpfully.

Paul glanced at Beth, knowing she was right. It really was nearly impossible to get a moment’s peace around here. Particularly today—in this kitchen. “Thanks, Amy. I’ll get it in a minute. Why don’t you and Daniel go and relax for a bit. Take a breather before things get busy for dinner.”

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