Mistress By Blackmail: International Billionaires I: The Italians (19 page)

BOOK: Mistress By Blackmail: International Billionaires I: The Italians
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A short pause enveloped them. Marc concentrated on breathing past the numbness. Then his brother’s hands grasped him, turned him. It wasn’t worth the effort to fight. It wasn’t worth the effort to do anything except stand here like a dumb animal ready to die.

Matteo’s eyes were bright with laughter. “I always knew Darcy was special. But not even I could have predicted she was

A dart of pure jealous rage pierced his apathy. However, it quickly subsided, consumed by the wretched numbness making his bones ache.

“Who would have thought,” his brother continued, “she’d bring you, the Great Man, to his knees.”

“Enough.” The torture was more than he could stand. Hadn’t he paid for his sins sufficiently? He’d never thought Matteo malicious, yet clearly he was. “No more.”

“You admit it then. You love her.”

The howl burned in his throat. The emotion welled, overtaking him, sweeping him away into a wasteland of regret. “It doesn’t matter.”

,” his
gasped. “You do.”

He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the wooden door.

A sharp hush descended.

“She loves you, too.”

The words fell like drops of hope on his parched soul. He rejected them, though. Pushed them far from him. “No.”

,” his brother rebuked. “

The confidence in his voice caused Marc to open his eyes and glare. “Don’t be stupid. She loves you. She told me so.”

“Yet, she never slept with me. But she did sleep with you.”

Shock coursed through his body. He stiffened and swore. “She wasn’t a virgin. Don’t take me for a fool.”

“Yeah.” Matteo’s gaze was clear and direct and honest. “She told me about the one time. Claimed she had something to prove to herself. Which she never really explained.”

“What?” The word was hoarse with disbelief.

“Told me the guy was harmless. The one she picked to do the deed.”


His brother’s eyes never left his. Still clear. Still honest. “Darcy told me she didn’t like it and she wouldn’t be doing it again. Ever.”

“It can’t be.”

Matteo grimaced. “Something happened to her before I met her. Something that put her off of touching.”

That wasn’t true. Darcy touched all the time.

“I think she channels her need for contact into her artwork,” his brother mused. “She touches all sorts of stuff, paints and canvas. That kind of thing. But never people.”

She’d touched him those last few days together. She’d initiated contact. Slipping her hands across his jaw. Whispering her lips on his skin. Taking him deep inside of her until they were one. Until he’d found the place he was meant to be.

“Darcy doesn’t do hugs, much less sex.” His brother observed him with a keen gaze. “Until you, apparently.”

The memory of her, naked under him. Her surprise, her naïve moves, her widened eyes.

It hadn’t been an act.

It had been real.

He’d lost control. He’d taken her roughly and quickly instead of with finesse.

The sins mounted, overtaking him.

.” Horror leached into his gut. “I took her like a—”

“She gave herself to you. There’s no way you’ll make me believe you raped her.”

“No, but I—”

Matteo punched him lightly on his shoulder. “Did Darcy come to you willingly?”

The memory of her graceful arms coming around him, her eyes hazy with desire for him. “
. She did. But I kept—”

“Then that’s all I need to know.” His
paced away and then turned. “She loves you.”

Marc swept a hand over his face, wild hope and fear pumping inside him. “You and Darcy?”

“Only ever friends, Great Man. Not anything else.”

His breath was harsh in the quiet room.
. She’d been telling him the truth all along. She’d been open and trusting and willing to give him a chance. But he’d been a fool of fools and thrown her away.

She had to hate him now after what he’d done.

It was too late. For him. With her.

“I want you by my side when I marry, Marcus.”

He glanced over, tried to push away his own dilemma and for once in a long time, truly think of his brother first. “Only if you really want to,
suo fratello
. I want you to be happy.”


Brown eyes suddenly gleamed with a sheen of tears. “You haven’t called me that in years.”

“I will be calling you far more often in the coming years.” The promise was rock solid, planted deep in his soul.

His brother walked to him and pulled him into his arms. The hug healed something hard inside of Marc. Something he’d slammed down between them when he’d been a rejected lover at twenty-one and Matt had been a mere boy.

“Now, we better get out there before your big, bad partner calls the whole thing off,” his
said, stepping back. “It’s time I got married.”

.” Marc tried to pull himself together. Straightening, he tugged his bow tie tight. He tamped down on the emotions he felt about his brother and his past. His
. Tried to focus on what had to be done right now.

“After the wedding, though, Marcus.” Matteo pinned him with a determined squint. “I want you to leave for London immediately. Find Darcy. Make it work for yourself.”

Fear mixed with lingering pride made him clench his jaw. “We’ll see.”

His brother grasped his shoulders. “She somehow made you human again. Don’t throw this away because you’re afraid.”

His pride yelled, yet he knew in his heart what was important. Now he knew what he needed to value. It was only a matter of gathering his courage and throwing himself at her feet. Opening himself to rejection once more. Risking his heart in a way he’d never risked it with Juliana. Or any other soul on Earth.

“She loves you.” His brother’s gaze was dark with belief. “And she’s worth fighting for.”

,” Marc finally admitted out loud. “She is worth it.”

Chapter 16

wo weeks

Marc glowered at the sleet and ice dripping down his office window. The weather was typical for December in London and at any other time he wouldn’t have given it a thought. But now somewhere, out there, was a fragile little sprite. Outside in the cold. Who couldn’t be found and couldn’t be protected.

His gut twisted. If he didn’t find her soon, he was in serious jeopardy of developing an ulcer. Or a broken heart.

Turning, he paced to his desk, scanned his emails. Nothing.

He glared at his mobile lying on the glass top. Nothing.

He cursed under his breath. The best damn security a man could buy. A boatload of private investigators hired and paid handsomely. Connections and contacts made with the police and Scotland Yard. All to find one tiny woman—a person with little money and no home.

And what did he have to show for it?

Exactly nothing.

, he’d even walked the streets of his brother’s old neighborhood in desperation. Prowled the Bayswater Road market for an entire day. Questioned every single damn artist on the long street. Not a one had any information. They’d had plenty of stories to tell about Darcy Moran, though.

How she made them laugh.

How she would give a person the coat off her back.

How she was a scrapper and a fighter.

All things he knew. Yet hearing the words had created a tight congestion somewhere in the vicinity of his soul. It competed with the acid burning in his stomach as he fought the growing fear. If these people had no idea where she was, how the hell was he ever going to find her?

He’d arrived from Italy with a plan, a good plan. Soothe her with his loving. Placate her with more gifts. Manage to tie her to him without having to confess his imperfections. Confess his ugly past, his horrible sins, his aching love. The scene with his brother had torn a strip off his pride and he’d had no desire to experience the same gut-wrenching interaction with Darcy. All he’d wanted was to slip into her welcoming arms and forget his past.

However now, after two weeks of agony, he was willing to say or do anything to find her and keep her. If Darcy stood in front of him right now, he’d willingly get down on his knees and beg.

His phone buzzed and with a desperate hope, Marc grabbed it and looked at the number.

Buon Dio.

His brother returned from his honeymoon. The last person he wanted to talk to right now.

He forced himself to answer the call. “

“Hey, Great Man.” Matteo’s voice was bright and filled with laughter. “Just got back from two glorious weeks in Tahiti. Viola and I both thank you for the trip. It was wonderful.”

“Wonderful.” He paced to the window and scowled at the storm clouds.

“Fantastic diving. Excellent food. Completely isolated yet with every comfort you could possibly need.”

“Wonderful.” He strode to his desk.

“Hmm.” His brother’s voice turned curious. “The one regret I had was I couldn’t find out what happened with you and Darcy. No phones. No internet.”

“Nothing happened.”

A cutting silence fell.

Then his brother erupted. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

Everything was wrong with him. He’d stupidly pushed away the love of his life. Forced her to leave and disappear from his life. Forever?

Matteo’s curses continued to flow.

He stood at his desk and stared at the blank computer screen. Waiting with fading hope for any news.


The harsh sound of his name broke through the fog of fear hanging over him. “What?”

“I thought I got through to you. At the wedding.”

You did. But I screwed things up so badly, Darcy was gone when I returned.

“Marcus. Are you listening?”


“Well? What happened? I can’t believe she rejected you. Not the way she feels about you.”

A short bark of laughter was his only response. The way she felt about him was clear. She never wanted to see him again. He’d left his name and number and a message with all her artist friends. No calls. No contact. She wanted nothing to do with him.

“She rejected you?”

“You could say that.”

A stunned silence echoed across the line. “I can’t believe it,” his
finally said.

“Believe it.” He prowled to the window. “She was gone when I got back to London.”

“Wait. You mean you haven’t even talked with her?”


“You’ve been searching for her, haven’t you?”


“Okay,” his brother’s voice became marginally warmer. “You’re not a complete idiot.”

He leaned on the cold pane of the window and grimaced. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”

“Darcy’s good at hiding in the shadows. She’s been doing it her entire life.”

“Why?” The question shot out with a desperate need to know.

“I don’t know. She’d never say. Still, I do know something in her past scared her. Scares her still.” His
voice grew grim. “She never wanted anything in her name. Bank accounts, leases. She never wanted any of her art exhibited. Even though she’s fantastic.”

Marc tightened his hand around the phone with a sudden sick dread in his stomach.

The gallery opening he’d arranged for her without her knowledge. The press and the photographs. The fearful, trembling waif who’d barely succeeded in holding herself up along the wall. The tears in the limo. The plea for him to stop asking questions she didn’t want to answer.

The picture forming in his imagination was one that struck terror in his brain.

,” he whispered. “I thought she was only hiding from me.”

“Maybe. However, she’s hiding from other things too. I’d bet on it.”

“We found her suitcase.” His heart beat an alarming tattoo in his chest. “Outside my penthouse.”


“She didn’t take anything I’d given her.” He still felt the astonishment of it. When he’d opened her closet and seen every one of his gifts neatly stacked and rejected, it had hit him right in his gut. She hadn’t wanted his money. Hadn’t wanted the only things he ever offered women. “Just her own stuff. For some reason, though, she left it on the sidewalk.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“I thought it was some grand gesture. Some last way of telling me she wasn’t what I accused her of.”

Matteo made a rude sound. “A gold digger.”

.” He deserved the ridicule.

“She didn’t have much, but what she had she held on to.” His
voice was cold with sudden distress. “She wouldn’t have simply left her stuff on the side of the road. Not purposefully.”

The fear churning in his gut turned to a hard block of ice-cold terror.

“You need to find her, Marcus. Fast.”

,” he hissed.

“She’s afraid of someone. I’m sure of it.”

Marc swore a string of furious Italian words.

“I’m going to give you a list of people and places.”

“Good,” he gasped through his panic. Why hadn’t he thought of contacting his brother before? As usual, he’d thought he could handle it, thought he could fix it without anyone’s help except his security team.

He was an idiot. A complete idiot.

Yet he now was an idiot with hope.

oming here had been a mistake

Darcy glanced around at the laughing crowd surrounding her. The King’s Rose
was one of her favorite hangouts when she had a bit of dough. The old bar was a haunt for artists and she’d become good friends with the crusty old man who was the owner and usually the bartender. When she’d gotten enough courage to stick her nose out of her current hiding place, it had been a no-brainer this would be a safe spot to take the plunge.

But it was no use.

She kept shaking inside. Kept jumping at every shadow.

The confrontation and her abduction had been a close call, a very close call. However, the monster hadn’t known she’d grown some balls since their last encounter. Didn’t know she knew where to kick a man if needed.

Darcy smirked.

She’d grown some balls and kicked his to the back of his teeth.

His howls had followed her down the alley and into an adjoining street. Within seconds, she’d blended into the crowd. Within minutes, she’d arrived at Alvin and Sandy’s doorstep where she’d been taken in and given the couch. Fed and warmed and comforted. And not asked a lot of questions.

She’d let them think it was all about Marcus. She’d let them believe she was suffering from a broken heart. That this was all she was suffering from. It was easier. It was her habit. The old secret had once again been stuffed into her private hell.

The fear had lingered for a few days, still, she’d managed to act on a few things. She’d called the hospital and had been surprised yet not stunned when her pop answered. Marcus La Rocca might be a bastard, but she hadn’t pegged him as vindictive.

She’d been right.

Her pop had seemed oblivious that his meal ticket had thrown her out and she hadn’t had the energy to tell him about her new reality. Pop didn’t like reality anyway, so let him get well in peace. Sandy had taken the small amount of cash Darcy had on hand and found some solid, used clothing—she had the start of a new wardrobe. And Alvin had started a fundraiser to get her some art supplies so she could start making some money and get her feet back on the ground.

Still, the heartache for her lost dreams continued to build and burn inside of her. She’d pretty much understood it was there to stay. She’d live with her need and love for Marcus for the rest of her life.

Another fiery cross to bear in her private hell.

Tonight, though, after two weeks of her huddling on their sofa, Alvin had insisted. It was time to get back out there. Time to live and let live, he’d said. Time to put this behind her. She’d tried to argue, tried to divert, but without telling him of her deepest fear, what could she say? That her broken heart would never let her leave this refuge again? Her pride wouldn’t let her do it.

So here she was. Not having any fun at all. Not caring about anything at all.

“Come on, lass.” Al’s heavy hand landed on her shoulder. “Give it a smile. Things will get better.”

“Sure.” She painted a smile on her lips and forced her eyes to twinkle. “I’m fine, Al.”

“There it is, there’s the Darcy I know.” His worried frown turned to a broad grin. “The man won’t be bothering you anymore. We made sure not to give him an ounce of information when he came around asking about you.”

“Thank you.” She’d been stunned when he’d told her La Rocca had been asking about her. Stunned and shocked. Did he want to confront her about not taking any of his gifts? Was he that displeased? Or maybe he wanted to rub it in her face that her buddy was married. That she no longer had a chance to work her wiles on Matt.

Darcy snorted. For the first time, a bit of her old temper and spirit flared. Just for a moment, she wished the Great Man stood before her so she could kick him in the shins.

Or somewhere else. After all, she’d had recent practice.

She deserved better.

Her little old heart was simply going to have to get over Marcus La Rocca because he wasn’t the man she deserved. The passion in his bed, the compassion he’d shown her and her father, the impassioned way he’d promoted her art—none of it could erase the essential character of the man.

A cynic and a workaholic. A man who could not trust or love.

Darcy Moran was worthy of a much better man.

She straightened her shoulders. For days now, she’d been wallowing. Glad she’d escaped, yet with no real will to live or plan for the future. The appearance of her demon ensured she’d have to return to her usual pattern. She’d have to forget the gallery. She’d have to jump from place to place, never having a real home. One step ahead of him. The thoughts had crowded in on her, deepening her depression until she felt as if she’d suffocate under the weight of her broken dreams.

But it wasn’t in her to accept defeat. She’d survive. Like she always did.

A friend passed her another beer, giving her a jaunty smile.

For the first time since walking away from the Great Man’s sterile life, Darcy gave a true smile back.

She’d be fine. She’d live. Not love again, but living was worth something.

“Hey! Darcy!” A jolly cry from another of her artist buddies captured her attention. Turning to her left, she kept her valiant grin on her face. She’d be the life of the party. She’d show the world what she was made of. Her chin lifted, her eyes twinkled. She was ready to meet the world once more with a cheeky attitude and a fighting spirit.

What she met was the gaze of two glittering, silver eyes.

arc stared
as if she was a dream.

. He’d found her. He’d finally found his sprite. The very first place Matteo had told him about and here she was.

Smiling and laughing. The life of the party.

A shaft of pain lanced inside him. Clearly, she hadn’t been suffering from their parting like he had. In fact, it appeared she’d already forgotten him. A sick feeling slid down his throat. What if his brother was wrong, all wrong about her feelings? What if he were about to make himself a fool once more in front of a woman?

So be it.

He had to know. Had to face her and find out if he had a hope of winning her back. A hope of living the life he’d been dreaming of these last couple of weeks. A life of laughter and love. A life overflowing with acceptance and warmth. A life with…

“Darcy,” he breathed.

She turned and looked right at him. As if she’d heard her name on his lips even though the crowded bar was filled with noisy chatter. Her gaze met his from across the distance between where he stood at the door and she sat at the bar.

She stiffened and her eyes widened.

Then, she turned from him with a jerk and slipped through the crowd at a rapid clip.

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