Misty Falls (36 page)

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Authors: Joss Stirling

Tags: #Teen Thriller

BOOK: Misty Falls
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Win or lose: we both won.



Joss Stirling lives in Oxford and has always been facinated by the idea that life is more than what we see on the surface.


You can visit her website at

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‘You have half our gifts, I have the other …’


When English girl, Sky, catches a glimpse of bad boy Zed in her new American high school, she can’t get him out of her head. He talks to her with his thoughts. He reads her mind.

He is the boy she will love for ever. Shadows still stalk her past but a new evil threatens her future.

Sky must face the dark even if it means losing her heart.



‘This is about getting you out … I’m stealing you.’


Phoenix belongs to the Community—a gang of thieves with paranormal powers. Yves Benedict—an American student visiting London—is her mark. But Yves turns out to be more than just a target. He is her destiny. Her soulmate. The Community owns Phoenix’s past and it wants her future too. Can Phoenix save the boy she loves … and herself?


From the author of the best-selling,
Finding Sky



‘I’m coming back to you whatever happens …’

When fate throws Crystal Brook into the path of Xav Benedict, the personality clash is explosive. It’s hate at first sight.
As their families gather in Venice, a powerful enemy seizes the opportunity to attack. Xav and Crystal must unite to save their loved ones, discovering a secret that entwines them forever …



Previously published as
Storm and Stone
, this amazing book by Joss Stirling has now been reissued as

Behind the ivy-clad walls of an English boarding school, lurks a sinister web of corruption, scandal, and conspiracy.

American student Raven Stone has noticed something is horribly wrong.
First there were the unexplained disappearances. Then there were the teachers’ lies. And now the death threats …

Also entangled in the disturbing turn of events is the enigmatic Kieran Storm—a fellow student with a killer intellect and a body to die for. He’s heading for trouble and taking her with him.
Raven can feel herself falling in love, but can she trust a boy she knows almost nothing about?



‘Whose body is that on the table?’ I ask.
‘It’s yours,’ she says.
Before I have time to scream, she types a command on the keyboard.
My consciousness whirls away like storm water down a drain.

Chloe wakes up to find all her memories have been wiped. And the only person who knows what happened is a teenage girl who looks and sounds
like her.

Who is she? And what does she want? Chloe is running out of time to discover the truth. But she’s in even more danger than she realizes, and
is as it seems …


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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries

Copyright © Joss Stirling 2014

The moral rights of the author have been asserted

Database right Oxford University Press (maker)

First published 2014

First published in this eBook edition 2014

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ISBN: 978-0-19-273736-6

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Cover artwork by Johanna Basford. Photograph by rvika/


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23


About the Author

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Table of Contents

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