Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (108 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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Chapter 3

Tory was glad that she was able to sleep in the next morning.  She changed into a pair of faded blue jeans and a t shirt, slipping into her usual pair of white sneakers.

Figuring it was late enough now that she could probably start to Tony's, she grabbed her bag, making sure that she had enough money with her to get something from the snack machine and a soda.  She went down the hall and down the stairs to the first floor where the commons area was.

She was standing in front of the snack machine, trying to decide whether she wanted a honey bun or a candy bar when she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey Tory."

She turned slightly, knowing who it was before she looked.

"Hi, Molli.” She turned her attention back to the machine in front of her, having decided to get a honey bun and a candy bar.  What the hell she thought, she'd skipped dinner last night and it was a long walk to Tony's.

"Nutritious breakfast you got there," Molli remarked as Tory bent to pull the candy bar out of the bottom of the machine.

Stuffing it and the honey bun into her bag, she ignored Molli as she moved to the soda machine.

"You headed off to see your boyfriend?" Molli said casually.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Tory muttered, putting a dollar into the soda machine and pushing the corresponding button for a diet soda when it had registered.  And she didn't really she thought.

"I figured with the hickey that you must have a boyfriend."

She turned to Molli, wishing that looks really could kill.  "My sex life is none of your business, especially since you took it upon yourself to start sleeping with my last boyfriend.”

Molli snorted.  "Sex life?  I thought that was why Jude broke up with you, because you wouldn't go to bed with him."

Tory smiled tightly.  "It's not like it would be easy to go 'to bed' with Jude, now is it Molli?  Or do you screw him while his thirteen year old brother is pretending to sleep across the room?  Does it turn you on to know that his little brother is probably sneaking a peek at your tits?  Or that his poor little sisters probably have to put their pillows over their heads when you're there so that they won't have to hear your fake moans?  Or knowing that his parents are probably either passed out or so high that they don't care what their son is doing under their roof?"

Molli stood looking at her for a moment, fists clenched.  "You stuck up little bitch.  I'm going to tell Jude what you said.  Every dirty, spiteful little thing that you just said about his family."

"Go ahead Molli, I don't give a shit."

But she felt more than a little guilty about the things she had said.  Jude's little sisters were adorable sweet little girls.  And his brother was brilliant.  He could do things with a computer at thirteen that half the adults who worked jobs in the computer industry couldn't.  His parents weren't so bad really she thought, even if his dad was an alcoholic.  His mom did nothing more than smoke pot on occasion.  And they both worked hard at their jobs, trying to make a better life for their four kids.

"Jude would have broken up with you anyway.  It was just a matter of time before someone better came along.  Someone prettier and not so uptight who was willing to do the things for him that a woman does for a man."

God Tory thought, having to fight down the bile that suddenly rose to her throat, is she talking about giving him head?  Taking a gulp of her soda, Tory turned away from Molli.  "Have a nice day Molli.  Tell Jude I said 'hi'."

"Why don't you tell your little not boyfriend that likes to suck on your neck that Molli said hi?  Why don't you just tell me who he is Tory so I can turn his head?  I don't want him for myself but it would feel so good to know that I effortlessly took another guy from you."

Fighting the sudden adolescent urge to flip the bitch off, Tory walked to the door, and left the school.

She made good time, walking quickly to burn off the pent up anger.  A cigarette sounded so good by the time that she reached Tony's house that she could practically taste it.  She opened the door, and noticed Carl was asleep on the couch.  Having made it to the bedroom without tripping over anything, she knocked lightly on the bedroom door.

"Who is it?" Tony still sounded half asleep.  Tory wondered if she'd woken him, though it was already well after noon.

"It's Tory."

"C'mon in babe."

She thought that he looked a little guilty when she opened the door and closed it behind her.  She wondered if he'd been with someone else as recently as that morning.  Did she detect a hint of cheap perfume in the air or was she imagining things?

He patted the bed, and when she sat down, she noticed he was naked.  He was sprawled out on the bed on his belly, the fitted sheet having worked itself halfway off of the bed, the top sheet pulled across his body.

"Did I wake you?"

"Nah, I been up for a while, just been too lazy to get out of bed."

He turned over onto his back; yawning.  Again she caught that little flash of guilt in his eyes.  Glancing towards the closed bathroom door, she strained to hear, but heard nothing besides the drip of water in the bathroom sink.

"Hand me a smoke will ya baby?"  He motioned to the pack on the dresser.

Crossing the room, she fought the urge to throw open the bathroom door and prove to herself there was no one in there.  She was probably just being paranoid, she thought as she shook two cigarettes out of the pack, lighting hers and then going back to the bed to give Tony his.

Molli's threat hadn't really bothered her, because it was unlikely that she would be able to find out who Tory was screwing.  But it had pissed her off, because Tory believed with everything she had, that did Molli get the chance to steal yet another guy away from her, she would do so without a second thought.

Though it would be a little hard to steal Tony she thought, since he wasn't exactly hers.  She did feel a little protective of him though, she thought as she reached over and ran a hand across his toned chest.

"You've got magic hands Tory.  How ‘bout you move that hand a little lower?"


"Damn right I am.  And you love it.  Got a new movie last night.  Wanna watch it with me?"

"Ugh, no more porn Tony."

"It's not porn.  Now who's the pervert?  It's that new horror movie you wanted to see."

"Oh," Tory said, slightly chagrined.  "Carl's still sleeping in the living room."

"We can watch it in the other bedroom.  There's a TV in there."

"Okay.” She started to rise from the bed, wondering why Carl wasn't sleeping in the other bedroom instead of the living room.

"If you think I'm gonna let you out of this room without sex you are wrong."  He pulled her back down with him.  "But I really am out of condoms this time.  Used the last one this morning.  Sorry baby."

"Damn it Tony." She didn’t know if he was apologizing for being with someone else, or for being out of rubbers.

"I didn't say I used it Tory.  Carl did, screwing some tweaker.  I gave her some shit for free, because he ain't been laid in a while."


Tory wondered for a moment if he was telling the truth.  She didn't doubt that he'd probably given some woman meth for screwing his cousin, but had it been only Carl that she'd been with?  Tory could tell that she hadn't been imagining the smell of cheap perfume.  She could really smell it now.

But did she have a right to expect Tony to be faithful to her she thought?

Sighing as Tony reached behind her to undo her bra, as much in pleasure as in confusion, she unbuttoned her jeans.  Was she really going to be so stupid as to have sex with him without protection?  She could easily refuse and he would have to go to the store. 

He might not be too thrilled about it because she could feel his arousal pressing against her leg as he caressed her now bare breasts, but he would probably do it all the same she thought.


"Yes?" He looked up at her with lust in his hazel eyes.

"Do you really think we should do this?"

He laughed.  "Of course we should do this.  We've been doing this for a while now and you never complained before."

"Asshole." She tried to glare at him but it wasn't working because his hands were still at work on her breasts.  He dropped his head to take her nipple into his mouth.  She could still feel his erection against her leg.  "You know what I mean damn it.  How smart is it to screw without a rubber?  What if I get pregnant?"

"You're not gonna get pregnant.  And if you do we'll deal with it.  Trust me Tory.  Tony will take care of you."

"Damn it." Her protest turned into a moan as he pressed her gently back onto the bed, and had slipped inside her before she could protest further.

Somehow Tory thought that it was the best sex they'd ever had, although it was quick.  He had finished both her and himself off in ten minutes and was already reaching for a cigarette.

"Tony.”  She had to know.  If he lied to her again she thought she'd be able to tell.  "Did you happen to let Carl use your bed when he uh.  .  ."

"Yeah.  Why?"

She searched his eyes as he handed her a cigarette.  It looked like he was telling the truth she thought, and that would explain the perfume hanging in the air.  But there were other things that didn't make sense.

"Why didn't they use the other bedroom?”

"There's only an air mattress in there and it doesn't have sheets.  My last roommate left it behind when I had to kick him out.  He had the nerve to try to help himself to my personal stash when I wasn't around.  I kinda think he had a thing for me, too.  Guess nobody can resist me."

She rolled her eyes at him.  "So he left his TV, too?"

"Yeah.  It's a pretty nice one, too.  I don't think he thought he had much of a leg to stand on when he got caught digging through my shit looking for my coke and didn't have the rent money.  I think it finally cemented it when I threatened to kick the shit out of him if he didn't get his sorry ass out of here." He grinned.

"Didn't you worry that he'd tell the cops that you were dealing?"

"Honey, Carl's dad is a cop.  Who happens to have an on again off again coke habit himself.  And Aunt Lorelei is practically a hippie.  Smokes pot at least every other day.  It works wonders for her migraines.  So as long as I don't do anything too bad, like selling heroin to a twelve year old or something ridiculous like that, and I keep an eye on Carl, I’m cool."

"Oh.”  She guessed that it made sense, in a twisted kind of way.

"Tony's not such a bad guy is he?  I refuse to sell to anyone who looks under sixteen.  And I only sell the hard shit to people who are at least my age."

"But didn't you ever want something more Tony?"

He sighed.  "Of course I did.  But my dad died right before I turned eighteen.  He got mowed down by some drunk asshole when he was trying to cross the road to get to his car.  My mom lost it.  She blew most of the money from my dad's insurance policy in two weeks and half of my college fund, too.  She didn't come to my graduation.  And now she's in some mental health facility, so out of it on medication that she still has full blown conversations with my dad."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry baby.  None of it was your fault.  And I saw the look on your face when you came in here and smelled that tweaker's perfume.  You don't have to worry darlin'.  I've given up my girls on the side.  Though I do miss the blow jobs.  Can't let you anywhere near my dick with your mouth though, with how much you like to bite."

"Who says I'd want to?"

"Now, now Tory be nice.  I just poured out my heart to you, told you that you have me all to yourself; and you kick me when I'm down?  That's cruel."

She gave him a wicked grin.  "You wanna take a shower with me?  Scrub my back and other undisclosed places?"

"I'm a damn good back scrubber, and women only places happen to be my specialty." He had a wicked grin of his own as he pulled her to her feet and to the shower.

After they had finished, Tory wrinkled her nose, noticing the same dirty towel that she'd gotten rid of the other day was back on the towel rack.

"Don't you ever do laundry Tony?"

"Of course I do.  I just get distracted sometimes, like when a certain hot seventeen year old happens to show up on my door step, begging me for sex."


"Oh, begging me, seducing me, it's all the same.  I'll do the laundry tomorrow.  We've got a movie to watch.  I bought it just for my favorite girl, so it had better be good."

They went back to the bedroom, dressing quickly.  When they moved down the hall to the other bedroom, they could hear Carl groaning from the couch.

"You got anything to eat Tone?"

"There's stuff in the fridge to make sandwiches with.  Or if you want something else I'll give you some money to run to the store.  Why don't you do that Carl?  Pick up some chips and get yourself some fast food or whatever.  But make sure you go to that store that doesn't care if you buy rubbers no matter how old you are.  I don't think that this girl will let me get away with getting lucky without one twice."

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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