Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (186 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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“I can’t believe something like that could happen in this country.”

“I don’t know.  You should hear these two stupid bitches at Crestview talk about how they’re gonna be social workers and save the world all by themselves.  Yeah right.  Hey, this means I don’t
have to go to Crestview anymore.  That is so fucking awesome.  I hate that place.  But I’m gonna miss Seneca.  I’m really gonna miss Seneca.”

“If the Archers report you missing, we’ll wait a bit for the excitement to go down and then we’ll contact your mother and Seneca and let them know you’re okay.”

“Okay.  Can Seneca come visit us?”

“Of course.  What name would you like?”

“I don’t know.  Scarlet, no Melissa, no that’s way too much like Molli.  Savannah.  Yeah, that’s the one.”

“I like it.  My beautiful fiancé Savannah.”

She smiled.  “And my handsome fiancé Aldo.  Are you sure you don’t want to change your first name too?”

He laughed.  “It was my grandfather’s name.  I suppose I could change my name to Marco without creating too many waves within my family, since that was my other grandfather’s name.”

“I think I like it.  Marco and Savannah.  You can call me Van and I can call you Marc.  Oh damn Ricky how am I gonna finish high school?”

“There are free online high schools now I believe, or you can take the GED test.”

“I don’t think I could pass it.”

“I’ll help you study darling.”

“I don’t think even you could help me pass a test like that.”

“Molli, I believe that your problems stem from a learning disability.  There are ways for you to learn and comprehend things more easily.  I promise you that I won’t lose my patience with you and that I will never think of you as slow or stupid.  You have enriched my life.  I can never thank you enough for that.”

“You’re not gonna wanna thank me when you’re helping me study for the GED test for the fifteenth time.”

“I don’t care if you don’t finish high school.  I would love for you to take care of our child full time.  Maybe you can babysit.  I don’t know.  Is there something you love to do?”

“I used to draw, but the Archers didn’t think I was any good at it.  I heard them saying mean things so I stopped.”

“That’s terrible.  You can draw all you want from now on.  I would love to see your drawings.”

“I’m gonna draw you naked.  Even if it doesn’t look good, I really like to look at you when you’re naked.”

Ricky chuckled.  “No more dirty thoughts remember?”

“Yeah.  Wake me up if you want me to drive okay?  I think being pregnant is already getting to me.  I suddenly went from being wide awake and very horny to tired, but still very horny.”

“I’ll be fine for a few more hours at least.  Then we can decide if we want to pull over for the night or you want to take over driving okay?”

“Yeah.”  She yawned.  “But you know what my answer’s gonna be.  I wanna do you something fierce.”

Ricky laughed.  “You sound like a man.”

“Yep.  We’re kinda reversed.  You talk all nice like a girl and I talk all nasty like a guy.  Sometimes I can’t believe that you’re only nineteen, because you talk like you’re thirty.”  She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.  “Goodnight Ricky.  I love you.”

“Rest well my darling.  I love you too.”

She closed her eyes.  “Gonna have all kinds of dirty dreams about you and wake up even hornier.  You know that right?”

“Yes my love.”

She laughed, then leaned her head back on the headrest and was soon asleep.

She woke several hours later when she felt the car slow.  She sat up and yawned.  “Where are we?”

“We just pulled into Brunton I believe, so we’re about six hours away from Cheston.  Are you hungry?”

“Yes.  I can’t believe you didn’t wake me up.  Aren’t you tired?”

“Exhausted, but I’m still kinda wired on the caffeine pills that I started taking after you messaged me.”

“Good, because I’m not gonna let you go to sleep now anyway.  We are going to have so much sex when we get to that motel, you’re not gonna know your own name afterwards.”

He laughed and she said “I told you I was still gonna be horny when I woke up.”

“I think I’m going to enjoy having a pregnant fiancé and then a pregnant wife very much.”

She laughed.  “Oh yeah you are.”

“So are we going with drive through or diner food?”

“Drive through.  We’d better get the room for two nights so you can get some sleep after we’re done having sex.”

“Sounds good.  There was a tattoo and piercing shop right next to a hair parlor right after I pulled into town.”

“Awesome.  You are gonna look even hotter when you’re all tattooed and pierced, if that’s possible.”

Ricky chuckled.  “Thank you.  What about that drive through up there?  It looks like they serve both breakfast and lunch all day.”

“Sure.  I think I’m in the mood for French toast, though they probably don’t have the real thing.  Remember when you made me French toast and we almost ended up doing it on your kitchen table?”

Ricky smiled.  “Of course I do.”

“Have you ever done it on the kitchen table?  I mean, not just that particular kitchen table, but like any kitchen table.  Or have you ever done it outside, really outside?  Seneca said that it feels really good when you do it in the rain.  It sucks so much that she can’t be at our wedding.”

“We can talk about the answers to your questions later.  Do you think that the Archers will speak with Seneca?  Do you think she could keep things quiet if they did?”

“I don’t know who they’re gonna talk to.  They don’t know shit about my life.  Well, they knew about Jude but I don’t think they know his name.  They know about Eduardo but I don’t think they know his last name.  They did find the videos of us having sex though, so his ass is probably going to be sitting in jail soon.”

“You let Eduardo tape you two having sex?  With a man like him, I would be afraid that he was going to try to sell them on the internet.”

“Even he’s not that dumb.  I threatened to call the cops and tell them that I caught Mr. Archer looking at those videos and have him arrested for possession of child pornography or at least underage teenager pornography anyway.  Isn’t that funny?”

“Funny wouldn’t be the word I’d use to describe that conversation Molli.”  He pulled forward in the line for the drive through.  “They have French toast sticks, do you want those?”

“Yeah.  And a cheeseburger please.  I am gonna get so fat.”

“You are not going to get fat.  You have a child growing inside of you.  Pregnant women are beautiful.  And you are already the most beautiful woman on the planet in my eyes, so you can only become more beautiful.”

“You’re so sweet.  But quit lying Ricky.  I’m gonna get fat and it’s gonna get interesting for us to have sex.”

Ricky laughed.  “I think you’ll find a way.”

“Hell yeah I will.”

“What would you like to drink?”

“Orange juice and chocolate milk if they have it.  Hey, orange juice reminds me of Seneca.  Do you think there’s a way that she can come to our wedding?”

“Just a sec love.  Let me pull up and place our order.”

Ricky pulled forward and placed their order, and then turned back to her.  “I’m hoping that your ‘disappearance’ isn’t taken too seriously by the police in either Brentwood or Cheston.  You’re so close to eighteen.  I’m hoping that they think you’re another runaway. “

“Me too.  I think that Seneca could keep her mouth shut.  Her dad’s a cop, so if she told him what was going on, I’m sure that he’d make sure that Brentwood PD didn’t look too hard for me.  The cops are really good in Brentwood, but when something that’s technically illegal is going on for a reason, they let it go.  Hey, did you know that Tory’s man’s uncle is a cop and he deals?  Well, I hope that Tony is her man again at least.  They both deserve to be happy, even if the little bitch did push me down the stairs.”

“I don’t know that you’ve mentioned it, no.”  Ricky pulled forward and paid for their order and then took the bag of food and their drinks a few minutes later.  He pulled back out onto the street and said “Well, Brentwood shouldn’t be looking for you too hard so we should be able to invite Seneca and Grant to our wedding.  We’ll have to look for a two bedroom apartment or house, so they’ll stay with us that weekend or whatever.”

“You’re the best Ricky.  I want to text Seneca so bad but I know I can’t yet.  I don’t want her to worry about me.”

“I know sweetheart.  I got rid of my phone after I answered your last e-mail.  We’ll have to get a new plan and new phones.”

“That’s cool.”

“Yes, technology changes so quickly that you don’t have the latest unless you update your phone every couple of months.  There are a couple of motels over there.  Do you want to try one of them?”

Molli made a face.  “No.  They look trashy.”  They reminded her of the motel room she’d stayed in with Jude.

Ricky laughed.  “Okay.  We’ll keep driving then.  Let me know if you see anything that looks better.”


She pointed out a decent looking motel that had vacancy lit up on the sign a few minutes later and Ricky pulled into the parking lot.  He left her in the van and then came back several minutes later with a key.

He handed her the key and took the bag of food, and gave her his hand to help her out of the van.  She stepped down.  He immediately let go of her hand and pressed the button to lock the van.  He didn’t bother to get the bags out of the back.  She didn’t think she’d ever seen Ricky in such a hurry besides when they were getting away from the Archers.  She was suddenly afraid that the Archers had already reported her missing and that her face was on the news.

She put the key in the door to open the room he pointed to and said “Ricky is everything okay?  You seem to be in a really big hurry to get me into that room.”

He laughed.  “It’s fine Molli.  I doubt the Archers have noticed you’re missing.  It’s just that since you told me that you wanted me inside of you, I haven’t been able to think of anything else.  I want very badly for me to be inside of you too.”

Molli laughed as she flipped the light switch.  The room wasn’t bad and it smelled clean.  She shut the door and locked it.  “You did get the room for two nights didn’t you?  I kinda like it when you talk a little dirty.  Sometimes it’s okay to just screw, instead of taking it slow and making love.”

“I don’t think I could stand to take it slow with you right now.  Let’s eat before the food gets cold.  I might not be able to take it slow with you the first time, but we’ve got hours to take it slow before I think I’ll be ready to go to sleep.”

Molli smiled.  “I am gonna love living with you.  Before bed sex, middle of the night sex, and wake up sex.  We have to get a lot of sex in before the baby’s born.”

He kissed her.  “Do you only love me for my body?”

“Your body is just an extra special added bonus baby.  I love you for your heart, because my man’s got the best around.  I love the sound of that.  You’re my man now Ricky.  All mine.”

“I like the sound of that too.  Do you think it would be too trashy if we got naked before we ate?”

Molli laughed.  “Hell no.  I don’t care if have to get a little trashy over the next couple of years or even the next twenty to make it Ricky.  I’ll live anywhere with you and be happy.  I don’t care if it’s a trailer park or a mansion.”

“I’m not sure how my parents would feel about visiting us at a trailer park but thank you.  Now let’s get naked.”

Molli laughed.  They undressed and ate their breakfast quickly, then had breathless sex.  They showered together and then engaged in foreplay and love for several more hours.  Ricky was yawning by then and Molli was beginning to feel a little tired again so they lay down and went to sleep.

Molli only slept for a few hours.  Ricky was still sleeping, so she watched TV until he woke up.  She hadn’t seen any reports of her being missing, but she wasn’t sure of how the whole missing person reporting system worked.

They got dressed and Ricky let her drive them back to the tattoo parlor.  She had already picked out a new tongue stud and the stud for her nose, but Ricky couldn’t decide on what he wanted to get in his tongue and he wasn’t sold on any of the tattoos either.  Finally, he decided on a tongue stud and a tattoo.  They were both soon in chairs in the back of the parlor.

Molli got a stud that was shaped like a heart in her nose because she had once seen a little boy with heart shaped nostrils and had thought it was completely adorable.  She put the stud in her tongue and watched them pierce Ricky’s tongue and his ear.  She thought they were both really hot and was starting to get turned on by the time they had finished. 

They decided that she would go get her hair cut while Ricky got his tattoo.  They shared a kiss before she left.  The tattoo artist laughed and said “Ah, young love.”

Molli rolled her eyes as she walked out of the shop because she thought that the woman barely looked older than she and Ricky did.

The hair parlor was empty.  She was sat down in a chair by a chunky woman with bleached blonde hair who she thought would look a lot better if she wasn’t trying so hard.  Molli told her that she wanted her hair straightened and cut to just below her shoulders.  The hairdresser said that she’d always wanted naturally curly hair.  Molli laughed and told her that she could have it, because her thick curly locks had always been a pain in the butt.  The woman laughed and asked if she wanted her hair colored too, but Molli told her no, because she was pregnant.  The stylist told her that it was perfectly safe but Molli shook her head, thinking that maybe she’d go darker or lighter with her hair after she had the baby.

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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