Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (68 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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Robyn bit her lip.  She wanted very badly for Gabe to kiss her, but she wasn’t sure that she wanted to take the step off of the cliff that she knew she’d be taking when she started an affair with a married man, even if his wife was a huge bitch.  She was also bothered by the rumors that she’d heard about him and other women that had worked for him. 

“Gabe, can I ask you something?  I’d very much like for you to kiss me, but I think there are a few things we need to talk about first.”

“Of course darling.”  There was a note of caution in Gabe’s voice.

“Um, well there are rumors about you and other women that have worked for you.  I know that this is a small town and people talk, but they say that you sleep with most of the women that work for you.”

Gabe sighed.  “Brunton is full of insufferable fools Robyn.  I have made mistakes with women that have worked for me before.  I have a weakness for vulnerable women.  I think part of it is because they’re so different from my wife.  She never shows vulnerability.  She has never made me feel like she needed me.  She sometimes makes me feel as if she wants me of course, but she wants me for her own twisted reasons and not because she has any kind of feelings of love or anything else that a woman normally feels for her husband.  I have paid for abortions and drug treatment.  I’ve given women money that I never expected to be paid back.  I’ve paid for cars and
rent and even houses if the woman was in such a position that it was what she needed most at the time.  My one true mistake with a woman that worked for me besides letting myself be taken advantage of, was with a woman by the name of Brandy.  Brandy was so beautiful that she was a danger to any man that looked at her.  She was so full of passion and anger at herself for the choices she had made in her life before she came to me.  She was out of her mind by the time she quit.  She was heavily involved with a truck driver with no ambition, and pregnant with someone else’s child.  She was a recovering addict and she threatened to kill herself if she didn’t have one more line of coke.  She was in such a state of mind at that time that I believed that she would do it too.  Everyone seems to know about that since an ex-employee of mine happened to walk in on it.  I was a fool.  I had given her so much money and assistance and she threw her life away by running off with a pothead that was almost ten years older than her.  But what can you do?  You see the direction things are headed when you look at it from the outside, but when you’re young and in love, and have so many emotional problems and have a hard time coping with the effect you have on men, you truly are a danger.  I regret what I did with Brandy, but I hope that she’s grown up some and is happy with the choices that she made.”

Gabe reached out and squeezed Robyn’s hand.  “Did that answer your question darling?”

“Yes.  But why don’t you leave your wife if she’s such a bitch?  She’d let you see the kids wouldn’t she, even if they aren’t yours, since you’re the only father they’ve ever known?”

“I’ve never had the courage to leave Leslie until I met you.  It certainly isn’t true that I would be broke without Leslie, but I have seen too many cases of children growing up without fathers.  Leslie would most likely let me see the children, but with a woman like her you never know.  She may invent a reason out of thin air to keep me away from them.  I don’t want my children being raised by strangers.  It’s not as if they aren’t now since she never bothers to care for them herself, but I fear for the life that my children would have without me.  I love them so.”

“If you get a good enough lawyer, couldn’t they make sure that you get to see the kids?  And if she doesn’t want to take care of them, why would it matter to her whether you saw them or not?”

“You would have to know Leslie to understand I suppose.  With her, it’s all about power.  She wouldn’t think of the children.  She would think of the misery she was putting me through.”

“She sounds like a terrible wife and mother.  I’m sorry Gabe, but she does.”

“I know.  You will make such a wonderful mother Robyn.  I can already tell.  I’ll catch you resting your hand on your stomach sometimes.  You get this smile on your face like you can feel the connection you have with your child.  If only I’d met you before I’d met Leslie.  We could be so happy now.  Married and with as many children as you wanted.  And I wouldn’t have to worry about my children being raised by nannies and babysitters.  You wouldn’t be that kind of a mother, no matter how much money we had.  I could love you Robyn.  It would be all too easy.  You’re so smart and so kind and just so downright good and wholesome.  So unlike Leslie.  I feel as if making love to you would take me to another plane of existence.”

“Oh Gabe.”

He kissed her.  Robyn felt a little she had been transported somewhere else.  The feeling was so incredible that she never wanted it to end.  His hands caressed her back, and they were so gentle.  She was so horny by the time he pulled away that she could hardly stand it.  He hadn’t even tried to put his tongue in her mouth either. 

He gave her a smile that was almost shy.  “Oh darling.  If kissing you made me feel like that, I can hardly imagine what making love to you would be like.  Robyn, would you do me the incredible honor of allowing me to please you?”

Color rose to her cheeks.  “Yes.”

“Are you okay with doing it here or would you prefer to go back to your house?”

The color didn’t leave her cheeks.  “I don’t think I could stand to wait.”

Gabe chuckled.  “I do believe that we have waited long enough yes.  We can make love here and then we can go back to your apartment and I can please you more fully.  I would love to spend all night with you, but unfortunately I won’t be able to do that tonight.  Take your clothes off gorgeous.  I want to look at you.”

Robyn stood.  She was a little self-conscious because she had gained weight.   She was suddenly afraid that Gabe wouldn’t think she was so beautiful when she was naked and she paused.

“Robyn darling, are you having doubts already?  Now that you’ve opened up to me, I don’t think I can stand to stay away from you.  But we don’t have to make love.  If you’re excited, I can please you with my hands or with my mouth.   I don’t mind.  I would love to bring you to orgasm, no matter what method you’d prefer.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to make love.  I um. . .”

Gabe stood and took her into his arms.  “Are you feeling self-conscious because of the perfectly natural changes your body is going through?  Sweetheart you are absolutely beautiful.  Do not ever doubt that I find you attractive.  Would you like to feel how excited you’ve made me just by the touch of your mouth to mine?”

Robyn nodded.  She wasn’t sure she could speak.  Gabe took her hand and brought it gently to rest on his crotch.  She could certainly tell that he was excited she thought.  He kissed her. 

“Let me love you darling.  I will treasure every inch of your body.”

Robyn stepped back and let Gabe undress her.  He let out a quiet sigh.

“Robyn you have nothing to feel self-conscious about.  Your stomach is almost flat.”

He ran his hand gently over her stomach and then moved to her breasts.  He caressed them gently and then took first one nipple and then the other into his mouth.  Robyn moaned.  Gabe smiled.

“Mmm.  Your breasts are tender aren’t they?”

“Yes.  Gabe, will you make love to me now?  I feel like I’m going to explode.”

“Do you not pleasure yourself darling?”

Robyn blushed.  “I do, but it feels like so long since I’ve been with a man.  You must look incredible with your clothes off.  You look so good with them on.”

Gabe smiled.  “Thank you sweetheart.”

He kissed her softly and slowly and then moved to undress himself.  Robyn couldn’t stop herself from running her hands over his chest and his arms.  She thought that his body was perfect.  Muscular, but not too muscular.  Her fantasies of him couldn’t come close to living up to the reality of what Gabe’s body looked like without clothes on.  And he smelled just the way that she thought a man should smell.  She could smell his cologne but it wasn’t over powering, and it smelled so good.

He took her hand and led her back to the booth.  “Lie down darling.  Or do you prefer to be on top?”

“I think I would like to be on top yes.”

“A woman after my own heart.  Your attractiveness to me grows with every move you make Robyn.” 

Gabe lay down on the booth.  He took her hand and pulled her to him.  She straddled him and guided him slowly inside of her.  It felt so incredible that she wanted to scream.  She swallowed hard and licked her lips. 

She closed her eyes as she began to move, but opened them shortly after.  Gabe kept his eyes locked on hers.  He leaned up to take her nipple into his mouth.  She let out a moan that felt like it had been building up since the first time she had laid eyes on him.  She had never known that sex could feel so good.  She’d had good sex before of course, but sex with Gabe was different than just sex.  It seemed different to her than making love too.  It felt like puzzle pieces fitting together that had been apart for too long.  Their bodies moved together in a perfect rhythm, as if they had been lovers for years.

Robyn came to orgasm twice while he was inside of her.  That was something that had never happened to her before.  She’d had orgasms during sex, but it happened rarely and normally took some kind of further stimulation of her womanhood.  When Gabe had reached orgasm, she let out a contented sigh and lay across his chest for a moment.

He kissed the side of her neck.  “Oh Robyn.  There are no words to describe what went on between our bodies.”

“I’ve never felt like that in my life.  I have a really hard time believing that your wife thinks you’re not enough for her.”

Gabe chuckled.  “Leslie is one of a kind.”

Robyn sat up and then stood on legs that felt shaky.  Gabe stood and took her into his arms. 

“I do believe that it will be much easier to find a way to divorce my wife now.”  He winked at her.  “I think I may be able to have the divorce papers drawn up as soon as tomorrow.”

Robyn’s heart was beating fast in her chest.  “Oh Gabe.”

“Our bodies together make a perfect union.  How can we turn our backs on something that was obviously meant to be?”

Robyn kissed him.  She was so overwhelmed.  She knew that if she wasn’t already in love with Gabe, she would be soon enough.  “You are so sweet.”

“Get dressed darling.  If you think I don’t have more to offer, you’re sadly mistaken.”

Robyn laughed.  “I can only imagine.  You seem too good to be true as it is.”

Gabe shook his head.  “What you see is what you get love.  Time grows short.  I have to get home soon.”

Robyn felt reality set back in like a dull thud to the head with a blunt object.  Their love making had been so perfect that she had almost been able to forget he was married.  But the glint of his wedding ring as he dressed was another wake up call.  She wasn’t sure how long she could stand to share him with his wife.  But she didn’t want to spoil their time together by bringing it up. 


She dressed quickly.  Gabe turned the lights off and they headed out the door.  He locked the door and then checked it to make sure it was secure.  He walked her to her car and kissed her.  “My beautiful Robyn.  You are very much going to enjoy being mine.”

Robyn got the uncomfortable feeling as she watched Gabe walk away that he had called women his before.  She didn’t like the feeling.  Doubts started to cloud her mind as he followed her back to her apartment.  But she thought to herself as she parked in the parking lot, if he had been with other women, why would he feel the need to lie to her about it?  She had wanted him so badly that she would have slept with him even if he’d admitted that he’d slept with every female bartender he’d ever hired. 

Well, she thought as she got out of her car, maybe she hadn’t been quite that horny, but she’d been pretty damned close.  She could feel her hormones rising again as he crossed to her.  He took her hand and they walked to her apartment.  Her hand shook as she put the key in the door.

They didn’t speak.  Robyn stripped and he followed her to the bathroom where they showered together.  She had never known a man’s hands could be so gentle and stir such passion in her at the same time.  By the time he had dried them both off and led her back to her bed, she felt like she was on fire with passion again.

He took his time with her.  She lost count of her orgasms.  Their second bout of lovemaking was even more powerful than the first.  Robyn hadn’t thought that that was possible. 

When he moved to dress, her heart felt like a lead weight.  It hit her again that she had slept with a married man.  A man that couldn’t stay with her because he had to go home to his wife and children.  A man that didn’t belong to her.  It made her heart ache to think about it, especially since she had noticed his other tattoos.  His children were forever imprinted on his body as well as his heart.

He turned back to her after he had finished dressing.  He gave her a concerned look.  “Sweetheart what’s wrong?”

Robyn felt like she was going to burst into tears.  “I wish you could stay with me.”

Gabe brushed her hair back from her neck and then nestled his face in the hollow.  “Oh my darling Robyn.  You have made me feel things tonight that I had begun to think didn’t exist.  What we have together will stand up to any test.  You are the woman that will love me, that will cherish me.  We’ll have such a wonderful life together.  We’ll raise your baby together and you’ll be such
a wonderful stepmother to Christian and Jessa.  With you in their lives, it will hardly matter that their own mother is such a selfish bitch.  Don’t think that because I have to return to the bed I share with my wife that I won’t think of you.  I’ll think of nothing but you.  We must have patience Robyn.  But I promise you that it will be worth it.”

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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