Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (88 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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The woman smiled patiently at Alicia.  Ami had a feeling she was far from the first pregnant woman she had fitted for a wedding dress.  "Of course dear.  Check back on Thursday so we can make any last adjustments.  Your friend is right though.  You look stunning."

Alicia took one last look at herself in the mirror, her face finally softening.  "Thank you."

Then she turned to Ami.  "Can you help me get out of this thing?"

Ami helped her friend with the zipper.  Ali was soon dressed again in more comfortable clothes and the dress was back in the capable hands of the seamstress.

They left the shop.  Alicia said "I'm really sorry to be a pain, but do you mind if we run a few more errands?  I need to pick up Elijah's suit.  They had to special order it because they didn't have it in his size."

"Of course not.  We'll go wherever you need to go."

They ended up running around half the afternoon.  After picking up Elijah's miniature tux which was so adorable it made Ami ache for her own child, Alicia got a call that her crib was ready to pick up.  Her mother had sent her her own crib which was still in good shape.  She'd had to have it refinished and modified to make sure it was safe.

Then they had to make a stop to pay Alicia's cell phone bill, because like Ami, she did everything in cash.  They dropped the crib off at the storage unit and ended up at the grocery store.

Alicia was making an attempt to cook dinner for Carson.  She invited Ami over, but Ami told her she was having dinner with Nick.  Her friend gave her a knowing smile.  Ami shook her head and went back to browsing the shelves.

Ali said she needed to do laundry soon.  They made plans to go to the laundry mat the next morning since there wasn't a laundry room at the apartment building.  Ami picked up detergent and dryer sheets since she'd almost run herself out washing everything before she moved.

It was after five when they pulled into the parking lot.  Carson was getting out of his car.

His face virtually lit up when he saw Alicia.  The look on Alicia's face rivaled his if not topped it since she already had the natural glow from being pregnant.

When they kissed, it was almost as if the world stopped.  Ami's heart ached.  She wanted that she thought.  She wanted that more than she liked to admit to herself.

When they broke apart, after what to Ami seemed like forever, but was in reality probably less than thirty seconds, Carson turned to her.  "So are you brave enough to join us for Ali's attempt at dinner tonight?"

Alicia gave him a dirty look and smacked him in the shoulder.  He let her hit him, and then took her hand and kissed it.  "I can cook.  Sort of.  She's having dinner with Nick."

"Oh," Carson said.  The look on his face was like Alicia's had been earlier.

"It's not like that," Ami protested.  "I'm talking to Angela and Nick offered to cook all of us dinner."

"Uh huh," Carson said.

"He tells you everything else.  I can't believe he didn't tell you about this," Ami said, feeling exasperated.

Carson grinned.  "Of course he told me.  I'm giving you shit Ami.  He called me as soon as he got off the phone with you.  He cooks about as well as Ali does."

"I hope you like macaroni and cheese," Alicia said, with a dark look at Carson.

"He's making spaghetti.  Even Nick can't screw that up."

"You'd be surprised," Alicia said.

Carson laughed.  "It'll be okay.  If not he'll just call out for pizza.  Have a good night Ami.  Thanks for running my woman around all day.  I told her we need to get her a car, but she's being stubborn about it."

"I don't want to drive right now," Alicia said.  "And I don't want to pick out a car just because my huge belly will fit behind the steering wheel."

Carson gave her a soft smile.  "You're gorgeous babe."

"Yeah, right," Alicia said.  She turned back to Ami.  "Thank you for letting me drag you around all day.  I will see you in the morning if I don't see you when you get back.  Have a nice night.  Tell Nick hi for us."

"Sure.  Where exactly does Nick live?"

Carson laughed.  "He told me that he was so busy trying to get off the phone with you that he didn't bother to give you his address.  Even the sound of your voice gets to him.  He's at 1210 9th St, apt 2.  Bottom floor, on the left.  Don't make the mistake of going to the one on the right.  If that guy's wife ain't home he'll probably find a way to talk you into his place."

"Lovely.  It's nice to hear that Nick's got such wonderful neighbors."

"Brad's okay most of the time.  Except when he's drunk.  Then his wife and kids can tell you exactly how not okay he is."

"Even better.  How many kids does he have?"

"Four.  They have the only three bedroom in the complex."

"I'll be sure to steer clear.  Thanks Carson.  See you guys later.  Have a nice dinner."

Her friends waved.  She took her groceries up the stairs.  She turned her computer on and checked her e-mail.  There was nothing but spam.

She took a shower and then got dressed.  She was more excited about going to Nick's than she wanted to admit.  Before she left the bathroom she sprayed herself with the body spray that she had hardly ever used.

It was only six-thirty.  She figured that Nick's apartment was only five to ten minute away like everything else in town seemed to be.  She didn't want to get there too early.  She didn't want to seem too eager she thought.

She smoked a cigarette and checked her e-mail one last time before turning her computer off and heading towards the door.  It was six forty-five.  She'd probably be a few minutes early but she didn't care.

The drive to Nick's was short.  It was still several minutes to seven when she got there.

She parked on the street since all the spaces in the lot were taken and headed up the walk.

There was a muscular guy with several tattoos in front of the apartment on the right, yelling at a pretty woman who looked less afraid than just tired, covering the ears of a small child while three older children stood by.  The girl who looked the youngest next to the boy that the mother's ears were covering was crying loudly, but the one that bothered Ami the most was the boy who looked the oldest.  He wasn't looking at his father who was cussing and yelling and sounded intoxicated or his mother who looked helpless, almost hopeless.  He was looking off into the distance, his face blank.  She could tell that he was used to it.  It broke Ami's heart.

Nick came out of his apartment then.  He was barefoot and his dark hair was wet.  He looked gorgeous.  She wondered why he'd showered again when he told her he'd just gotten out of the shower that morning when she'd called.  But her question left her mind when he came towards her.

He looked angry.  His face softened when he looked at her though.  "Go inside please.  The door's open.  I need to take care of this before the cops get called again."

She hurried toward his apartment, but she hadn't shut the door behind her before she heard the man say "Fuck you Nick.  Ain't none of your business."

She felt guilty standing at the window, but she didn't want Nick to get hurt.  His front window was open and the guy wasn't being shy, so she heard every word.

"Brad," Nick said.  His voice was calm, but there was an edge to it.  "Let Sueanne take your kids and go inside."

"I told you before man, and I'm gonna say it again.  This is my family and it's none of your damned business."

Sueanne gave Nick a look that broke Ami's heart even more.  She was ashamed, it was obvious.

Nick motioned for her to take the kids inside.  Brad flinched.  For a minute she was afraid that he was going to hit Nick, but finally he sighed and let his wife go.  "Bitch," he muttered.

"You shouldn't be talking that way around your kids man.”

"They deserve to know what kind of a cunt their mama is." He spit on the ground and then looked up at Nick.  Nick was taller than him and slimmer, but she had a feeling Nick could take him in a fair fight even if Brad weren't drunk off his ass.  Though Brad didn't look like a man who fought fair often.  "You got a smoke?"

Nick pulled a pack out of his jeans and handed it and a lighter to Brad.  Brad took a cigarette and lit it, handing the pack and the lighter back.  "I thought you quit."

"Bitch wanted me to but it's hard.  I lost my fucking job again can you believe it?  My prick of a boss said I was sleeping on the clock.  It ain't true.  Jimmy Parks, he’s asleep three hours a day in his truck.  But you get away with whatever the hell you want when you’re the boss's nephew."

"I hear you," Nick said.  He glanced back at the house. 

Ami wondered if he could see her in the window.  Brad looked like he had calmed down, but she wondered what would happen when he went inside with his family.

"She says she's gonna leave me.  Take the kids and go back to her bitch of a mother.  The only bigger bitch I ever met than that worthless woman I married is my mother-in-law.  She says my kids don't need the kind of Daddy I been."

She could see from the look on Nick's face that he agreed, but all he said was "That's too bad."

"I ain't lettin' her go.  That bitch will take my kids from me over my dead body."

"Brad, maybe it would be better if you let her go.  How are you going to cover the rent with you not working?"

"I got it covered.  She don't have no faith in me.  She never did.  Women these days think they know it all." He spit on the ground again, barely missing Nick's feet.  "Who's that hot piece of ass just went into your place?  You fucked her yet?"

"She's just a friend Brad."

Brad laughed.  "Right.  Ain't no man with any balls gonna be just friends with a girl that looks like that.  You can tell me.  What's it like to have her squirming underneath you?"

She couldn't quite see the look in Nick's eyes from where she was.  She had a better view of Brad since he was facing more towards her.  The look in his eyes was one she didn't appreciate. 

The edge went into Nick's voice again when he said "Lay off.  Ami is a good friend of mine." His next words almost made her laugh.  "Besides Brad, you wouldn't have half a chance with her even if you weren't married."

Brad surprised her by laughing.  "You're probably right about that.  A bitch that looks like that ain't gonna wanna take care of some other whore's kids."

"You have to lay off Sueanne.  She's a good woman.  You know she is.  She works; she takes good care of your kids.  You can't blame her for freaking out a little at you being without work for the second time in six months."

Brad sighed.  "You ain't never been married have you?  It's not just having to tap the same piece of ass for the rest of your life, though believe me that's enough.  It wears you down.  It's one thing when a bitch gripes at you for a couple months; it's different when it's the same day in day out for years.  You drink too much, you need to quit smoking.  You need to get a better job; you need to help me more with the kids.  Bitch, bitch, bitch.  It's all she ever does.  If I didn't love my kids I would have kicked her to the curb years ago."

"No marriage is perfect."

"Course not.  Then the divorce rate wouldn't be so damned high.  But when you put together nag, nag, nag with acting like she's put out when I want to get laid, it's too much for a man to take."

"Did you ever think about counseling?"

Brad snorted.  "Yeah right.  Then she'd turn my kids against me even more.  I'd better get inside, make sure she's cookin’ dinner."

"You have a good night.  If you need anything just call me."

"I'd like to take a crack at what you got in your apartment right now.  She might surprise us both.  Some chicks get all hot when a guy's married."

The anger slipped a little.  Nick's voice wasn't so tightly controlled anymore.  "I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Hey bro.  I get it.  You're not fucking her, but you want to.  It's cool."

They both turned when a sultry voice said "Nick.  Introduce me to your handsome friend."

Ami wasn't able to get a good look at the woman.  All she could see was tight jeans on a too skinny frame and dark curls that cascaded down to a barely there waist.

"Angela, this is my neighbor Brad."

"Pleasure to meet you Brad." Brad stuck out his hand.  Ami could see the look on his face.  He was impressed.  "You can call me Angel."

"Nice to meet you too, Angel." Brad winked.  "Real nice.  I'll see you all later," he said, with a pointed look at Angela.

Ami saw Angela roll her eyes after Brad had disappeared into his apartment.  She thought that the woman was very pretty.  But she looked hard, older than her years.  "Might not be so bad if he got rid of that beer belly.  How ya been Nicky?"

"Good.  You still with Tony?"

"Hell no.  I got rid of that sucker damned near a year ago."

"Let's go inside.  Dinner is waiting and so is Ami."

"Ah, the infamous Ami.  You really got a hard on for this one don't you Nicky?  She pretty?"

"She's very pretty."

Angela sighed.  "How come you never got all hot and bothered over me darlin'?"

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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