MMA Romance: Path to Submission (4 page)

BOOK: MMA Romance: Path to Submission
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A few hours later I awoke on the bathroom floor to the sound of knocking on the door.

Florence was yelling, “Mr. Blackstone, are you still in there?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Is everything okay?” she said.

At that point I opened the door.

              “You look pale Mr. Blackstone,”

“Would you like me to call the doctor,” she said with a look of concern.

“I’ve been having some sleepless nights but I’ll be okay after some rest.” I explained.

As Florence helped me up the stairs, my knees threatened to give way.

She said, “Mr. Blackstone, you should go back to bed and get some rest.”

I knew sleep for me would allow Victoria to enter my mind. But I had no choice. I needed to see her again. As I lay down in my bed I knew within moments of falling asleep I would be in the hands of the Devil.


              Shortly thereafter, I rolled over in my bed and there she appeared. Laying next to me in furs.

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that I wasn't the man for you?" I said.

"There is no longer a question as to whether you satisfy me as a man but as a slave you will serve me well,” she said.

"You are not to come in unless I call or ring for you, and you are not to speak to me until you are spoken to.”

I felt some trepidation, and yet, unfortunately, I cannot deny it, I also felt a strange pleasure and stimulation.

"As a man of honor you must keep your oath and redeem your promise to follow me as slave, listen to my demands and obey whatever I command.”

“Now leave me, Eric,” she said.

I turned toward the door.

"Not yet, you may first kiss my hand."

She held it out to me with a certain proud indifference, and I the undesirable pressed it with intense tenderness against my lips which were hot with excitement.

There was another gracious nod of the head.

Then I was dismissed.


I entered the main living room and a fire was burning in the large fireplace. I sat in my leather chair and waited for further instructions.

"Are you ready, Eric?" she asked darkly.

"Not yet, mistress," I replied.

"I like that word," she said.

"You are always to call me mistress, do you understand?”

“Yes, mistress,” I replied.

“Now light some candles for my entrance,” she said.

After I had obeyed her command she entered the room. She stood at the doorway. The curls of her hair danced around her breasts, her furs hiding her arms. and middle body. She was holding a long whip and wearing long black boots.

"Well, how do you like me," she said with a smile.

“You look amazing,” I replied.

“Come to my feet.” she demanded.  

As I got down before her she gave me a tap with the whip.

"You are very beautiful, mistress," I said with a pained look.

Victoria smiled and sat down in the armchair.

"Kneel down beside my chair!"

I obeyed.

"Kiss my hand!"

I seized her small hand and kissed it.

"And the mouth," she whispered.

In a surge of passion I threw my arms around the beautiful angel, and covered her face and arms with glowing kisses. Her lips had the taste of fresh strawberries. She then pushes my head down to her thighs. 

As I kneel in front of her with my head in her lap she throws off her furs and places them over my back and head.

“Now bring me pleasure slave,” she says forcefully.

Having her furs placed over my head was very arousing for me. My lips kiss her thighs as I make my way to satisfy her.

As I get closer I begin to feel the slightest sensation of pubic hair stroking my face. Her legs open with intention as her aroma guides my senses. On this day she had the fragrance of a young rose.

My lips begin to encounter a hint of moisture. That naturally evoked my tongue to taste the sweetness of her soul.

I gently took her backside into my hands and stroked her moisture with my tongue until her soul thrust out like a blooming flower. 

My mouth engulfed this directly as my tongue danced in circles around it and my lips got increasingly more involved. 

She was holding my head as she rocked back and forth and moaned with intensity. I continued this motion for several minutes.

Her grip on my head was getting tighter and her rocking motion was becoming ever more violent. Her breathing seemed out of control.

Suddenly she released a euphoric scream of pleasure.   

She let go of my head and just lay there in a state of bliss with her eyes closed.. Her furs fell to the floor. I paused for a moment in admiration. wiping drops of perspiration from my brow. I was now in full view of her extraordinary body and pleasing her was everything I had hoped for. 

After a few moments she opened her eyes and covered her breasts with one arm.

“Now give me my furs," she said with her arm extended. 


After I had helped her into them, like a good slave, she took to the floor lying stretched out on cushions in her comfortable furs, covered up with the skins of animals. She is like an ancient despot. I know there is more evil within her. I have the sick feeling as if I’ve been sold to the devil.

With a brief glance I see the blazing fire and the beautiful woman who is sleeping in complete comfort among her soft furs. I lay down on the floor next to her and close my eyes. Within minutes I enter another dream state.


When I open my eyes I am in a different room. Victoria is there and has made herself comfortable. She is sitting up in a red chair with her feet on a matching footstool. She has thrown her furs about her. The red flames from the open fireplace play beautifully on her smooth white skin. Her face is turned in my direction, and her blue eyes rest upon me.

"I am satisfied with you, Eric," she began.

I bowed.

"Come closer."

I obeyed.

"Still closer."

She looked down, and stroked the fur with her hand.

“I can see that you are more than an ordinary dreamer, you don't remain far in arrears of your dreams.” she said.

“You are the sort of man who is ready to carry his dreams into effect, no matter how mad they are. I confess, I like this; it impresses me.”

“There is strength in this, and strength is the only thing I respect. I actually believe that under unusual circumstances, in a period of great achievement, what seems to be your weakness would reveal itself as extraordinary power.”

She suddenly leaped up; the furs slipped down, and she threw her arms with soft pressure about my neck.

"You are my slave,” she whispered.

“You are my mistress,” I replied.


She quickly took her furs and threw them over my shoulders, and before I knew what had happened I was completely wrapped up in them.

"How wonderfully becoming furs are to your body, they bring out your masculinity,” she said with a laugh.

She began to caress me; finally she drew me down on the little sofa.

"You seem to be pleased with yourself in furs," she said.

“You are not yet my slave, you are still free, and can leave me any moment. You have played your part magnificently.” 

"I shall love you the more deeply, adore you the more fanatically, the worse you treat me,” I said.

I wrapped the furs around her and say, “what you have just done intoxicates all my senses."

I held her close to me and clung for several moments to her moist lips.

"You are so beautiful," I said.

In my enthusiasm I pushed the hair from her shoulder and pressed my mouth against her neck.

"You love me even when I am cruel," she whispered.

"Now go!, you bore me!" she said with her voice raised.

"At any rate you have no reason to complain, you want it this way,” she continued.

She pushed me up against the wall and left the room. I hit my head and began to feel dizzy. I could feel myself collapsing to the floor.








The next morning I startled out of my sleep with a scream. I was in my bed and my head felt bruised. I rang a bell to get my housekeeper’s attention. Within a few minutes she arrived at my bedroom.

“Good morning Mr. Blackstone,” she said.

“I need to speak with Mr. White urgently.”

“Can you arrange a visit for today,” I said.

“Certainly, I’ll see if he is available.” she said politely.


              Later that day I arrived to see Mr. White. He was sitting in his big leather chair writing some thoughts. After the exchange of some small talk he read aloud a paragraph he considered to be rather profound:

“Your mistress, beautiful, passionate, artistic, is, I like to believe, possessed only by you. That is, your soul, your spirit, your conscience, have passed into the most charming object of luxury that nature and art have produced for the eternal torment of fascinated mortals. Besides, in the state in which I have put you, your lover would no longer know you. One's thought must have been raised above divine things for a long time to be entitled to suppose a personality beyond man, a life beyond this life. Such a thing as beauty without thorn and love of the senses without torment does not exist.”

“Can you separate your dreams from reality Eric? he said.”

“Mr. White, the line has become blurred.”

“Am I going insane?” I said.

“Your mind is powerful, more powerful than your soul,” he replied.

“Do you suffer from the same affliction Mr. White?” I asked.

“There is a fine line between pleasure and pain, my soul chooses pleasure while my mind chooses pain. I suffer when I fail to realize this and lose control,” he said.

“Is there any escape from this evil.” I replied while looking concerned.

              “Your mind is a reflection of your most vivid desires. you will only stop when that desire is destroyed,” he said.

“For my sake I hope its soon,” I said as I stood up to leave.

As I am walking towards the door the young blonde housekeeper passes me and as I look back she proceeds to sit on Mr. White’s lap like a puppy. I could tell he was in full control of her mind and soul.


Later that evening I closed my eyes with trepidation knowing my mind has taken control of me. I was fearful of my deepest desires and the unknown.

Within minutes I was sleeping.

I felt a sensation as though an animal was digging its paws into my body. I turned around and it was Victoria.

"What are you doing?" I asked horror-stricken.

She laughed, I cried out in despair, and still heard her diabolical laughter.

"Do you still love me?" she asks, her eye softening in passionate tenderness.

"Yes I do!" I exclaimed.

"You still remember your oath," she continued with an alluring smile. "Now I ask you once more, is it still your wish to become my slave?"

"Have I not proven that to you?" I asked.

"I sense you want this to stop," she said.

"But Victoria," I said.

"You know that nothing gives me greater happiness than to serve you, to be your slave. I would give everything for the sake of feeling myself wholly in your power, even unto death."

“You want me to be dominant, evil, and cruel. I am afraid it will be gratifying for me to be this way and perhaps spiral out of control,” she said.

"I am not afraid," I replied smiling.

There was still time, I could still withdraw, but the madness of passion and the sight of the beautiful woman that lay all relaxed against my shoulder carried me away.

"Do have you the courage to continue?" she asked with a crafty smile, inclining her head.

I kneel before her leaning my head against her breast. I crave for her fragrance and move towards her lap. As I move down she spreads her legs ever so slightly to expose the heat of her soul. The scent is intoxicating and I become overwhelmed and euphoric.

Suddenly she thrusts me away with her foot.

I fix my position, and am about to rise. Victoria stands proudly erect, her beautiful face and contemptuous eyes are turned toward me. She stands before me as mistress, commanding, gives a sign with her hand, and before I really know what has happened to me, the exotic male that appeared previously, has dragged me to the ground, and has tied my hands and feet. As in the case of one about to be executed my arms are bound behind my back, so that I can barely move.

"Give me the whip," commands Victoria, with unearthly calm.

The exotic hands it to her.

"Now take off my heavy furs."

"They impede me," she says.

The exotic obeyed.

"Now tie him to the pillar here!" she exclaims.

The exotic lifted me up, and twisting a heavy rope around my body, tied me standing against one of the massive pillars which supported the top of the wide Italian bed.

Then he suddenly disappeared, as if the earth had swallowed him.

Victoria swiftly approached me. Her hair flared like the mane of a wild horse.

Now she stood in front of me with her left hand firmly planted on her hips, in her right hand she held the whip. She uttered an abrupt laugh.

"Now play has come to an end between us," she said with heartless coldness.

"Now we will begin for real. You fool, I laugh at you and despise you, who in your insane infatuation have given yourself as a plaything to me.. You are no longer a man, but my slave, I will show you no mercy.”

"You will know me as mistress!”

"You will have a taste of the whip with all its glory, without having done anything to deserve it, so that you may understand what to expect, if you are awkward or disobedient."

With a wild grace she struck me across the back with the skill of an axeman.

I winced, for the whip cut like a knife into my flesh.

"Well, how do you like that?" she exclaimed.

I screamed.

"No one will hear you."

"No one will stop me from abusing your most sacred emotions or playing a frivolous game with you." she continued,

"Do you think I am at this moment merely cruel and merciless Do you still love me, or do you already hate and despise me?

She began to apply the lash so mercilessly, with such frightful force that I quivered under each blow, and began to tremble all over with pain.

She whipped on and on, blow after blow, until I forgot all about fine wine and poetry, and finally gritted my teeth and cursed my wild dreams, women, and love.

As I became numb from the pain I experienced a moment of horrible clarity. I realized that blind passion and lust have led men into a blind alley, into the net of a woman's treachery, into misery and slavery.

It was as though I were awakened from a dream.

"Just wait, you will yet whine like a dog beneath my whip," she threatened, and simultaneously began to strike me again.

The blows fell quickly, in rapid succession, with terrific force upon my back and buttocks.  I had to grit my teeth not to scream aloud. but she laughed, and continued her blows. She whipped on without mercy, and she continued to laugh without mercy.

"It is only now I understand you," she exclaimed.

"It really is a joy to have someone so completely in my power, and a man at that, who loves me. You do love me, right? Scream, whine! You will find no mercy in me!"

Finally, she seemed tired as her rapid pace of breathing became overwhelming for her. It takes much effort to whip a man into submission.

She tossed the whip aside, stretched out on the floor, and rang the bell.

The exotic entered.

"Untie him!" she said with exhausted breath.

As he loosened the rope, I fell to the floor like a lump of wood.

I was unable to rise. Then everything was silent for a moment. I listened breathlessly, then all was over.

I could hear Victoria’s boot steps fade as she closed the door and left me to suffer. As I lay there in silence a beautiful black woman in white furs and white boots approached me. She tenderly caressed my body and began to heal my wounds using the warmth of her hands. She looked into my eyes and reassured me that everything would be fine. Then she vanished. 


I gathered myself and entered the room where Victoria was sitting.

"Come over here, Eric." she said.

I approached the beautiful girl. Never did she seem more seductive to me than today in spite of all her cruelty and contempt.

"One step further," Victoria commanded.

"Kneel down, and kiss my foot," she whispered.

She extended her foot, and I pressed my lips upon it.

"Now, you won't lay eyes on me for an entire week, Eric," she said seriously.

"I want to become a stranger to you, so you will more easily adjust yourself to our new relationship. In the meantime, you will await my orders.

“Now, off with you, slave!"


Exhausted and feeling immense pain I collapsed to the floor wondering how this journey will end.




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