Momentum (24 page)

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Authors: Imogen Rose

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic

BOOK: Momentum
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Morena drove up to the hospital entrance. “David, take my car and drive to my house. Kevin’s waiting for you, and your mom is due any time. She may already be there. I’ll take Arizona to see the doctor, and then to her mom. We’ll take a taxi back to the house later. Okay?”

I saw the indecision on David’s face. “Arizona, I’ll stay with you….”

“No, go, David. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you later. And thank you, for everything.” I kissed his cheek and let myself out of the car. A lump rose in my throat, and I felt a wave of loneliness flood over me as I watched him drive off.




aj looked at Simla in dismay. Couldn’t she do anything right? He’d practically outlined and arranged this maneuver himself. He’d handed it to her on a silver platter, but still she’d managed to mess it up. He had watched helplessly as Arizona was plucked from them, right from under his very nose. Again.

He shook his head and scowled. The casino security staff was approaching, so he moved away from the group to blend in with the slot machine addicts, the only ones who seemed uninterested in the scrambling and shouting. Most of the other people just looked dazed and confused by what they’d witnessed, but a few were panicking. He had watched as Simla suddenly disappeared in a mist of vapor. Madison had grabbed Kellan and disappeared with him; Olivier did the same with Harry. The rest of the Sigma-W-Pi members had also instantly vanished.

Raj suddenly felt a pressure on his shoulders. He gave in to the weightlessness, closing his eyes, his arms flopping to his sides, as he was transported by one of the Sigma-W-Pi.

What now? He had Dan and Sophie waiting for him at the motel. He had run into them as Simla and he had made their way back to contact Potomal about their new plan. They wanted their money, of course, and had been frustrated when he told them that he didn’t have it. Dan had taken the news better than Sophie, only rolling his eyes and sighing. Sophie had a complete meltdown. He had waited it out as she screamed, calling him names and hurling all kinds of abuse. She even tried to kick him. Dan had held her back, which was just as well or Raj might have cracked and lost it himself. He was proud of the way he’d managed to calmly ride it out. When Sophie was done, they’d sat down and talked it out. When he got the money, he’d share it with them. At least, that was what he’d told them, and they seemed to buy it. They had, of course, wanted to be in on the plan, but he hadn’t wanted to explain the whole Wanderer phenomenon, so he convinced them to wait at the motel while he retrieved Arizona. They–especially Sophie–had been resistant, but had no choice but to go along with it if they wanted any chance at getting some money.

Raj wasn’t quite sure what the plan would be now that they hadn’t managed to nab Arizona. Still, they had Harry. He would be a pain to contain, but Raj had Dan to help him. Everything was going to work out after all. He smirked as his feet made contact with something soft and warm.

He was back on the beach, the blue ocean stretching in front of him. He looked around; he was alone, not a soul in sight. He sat down on the pinkish-colored sand, slipped off his shoes, and stroked the sand with his feet, letting the grains sift through his toes as he waited for the others. They should arrive at any moment. Soon the beach would be full of activity.

He sat there for an hour, growing more and more frustrated, until he could take it no longer. He looked up into the sky and howled. One long drawn-out pained cry, sounding like an injured animal.


“Simla! Where the heck have you been?” He glowered, feeling his anger rise as he fought to maintain control.

“I was carrying out Potomal’s orders.” She lifted her thin eyebrows. “And I had to wait for a Sigma-W to transport me back here to the Bahamas. Remember, I can’t wander geographically.”

“Potomal’s orders? I thought we were carrying out
plan. Which you, by the way, totally messed up!”

“I’m sorry about that. That is what I had clearance for, so when things went wrong, I had to let him know right away.”

“So what now? What does the most esteemed Potomal want me to do now?” Raj fumed to himself. “Does he still want the blueprints? Does he want me to get them or will he get them himself? Either way, I want my money!”

“Yes, he still wants them, and he wants you to get them. In a way, it was good that we managed to get Kellan. Now you can use him to get Dr. Fox to send you the prints, since Dr. Darley is out of action. I’ll bring him to you at the motel in a little while.”

“Where is he now? And the other boy?”

“They’re guests at one of Potomal’s mansions. Neither of them know he’s behind this, and Potomal wants his name kept out of it. Harry will stay there until he gets the blueprints.”

“And I can do what I wish with Kellan to get the prints?”

“Yes, Dad. Just get them as soon as you can. This has gone on long enough.”

It had indeed. Still, at least now there was an end in sight. Simla disappeared as he got up to head back to the crummy motel. It would be crowded with him, Sophie, Dan, and Kellan.

He knocked on the door and waited for the onslaught of questions.

“Well?” Sophie’s eyes blazed. “Did you get the money?”

He pushed his way into the room, shoving her to the side so he could pass.

“What the–” she screeched, coming at him. Dan caught her from behind, drawing her back with his arms around her waist, with Sophie spluttering and kicking to get free.

“You better start talking and fast,” Dan warned with a growl. “Or I’ll let her at you.”

“Oh, calm down, both of you. I have it under control. I haven’t got the money yet, but will soon. We’re expecting a guest, so get yourselves together.”

“Who?” Sophie muttered, elbowing Dan into letting her loose.


“Kellan Fox?” Sophie yelled. “I’m through babysitting! What the–”

“Shut up and listen,” Dan snarled impatiently. “This better be good, Raj.”

“Olivia’s in a coma, so I can’t get the blueprints from her.”

“I can’t believe you still don’t have those damned prints,” Sophie mocked.

“I thought I did,” Raj said defensively. “She slipped me a set of fake ones.”

Sophie rolled her eyes.

“Anyway, now that I have Kellan, I’ll just get them from his father in–”

“Dr. Fox?” Sophie seethed. “We were just with him! We could have got them!”

“You were? Where?” Not that they could have got the blueprints off him. Why on earth would he just hand them over?

“He was at Ames when we came through the portal.”

“How did you two come through the portal?”

“Never mind that! The point is, Larry Fox was at Ames when we came through. We tied him up; he’s probably still sitting where we left him.”

Raj could feel his stomach churning. What if he couldn’t make contact with Larry because he was restrained? He felt his stomach heave, and he was overcome with nausea. He sat down on the bed, his face in his hands. What now?

“What’s wrong with you now?” Sophie scoffed.

“Shut up! Just shut up, you stupid woman!”

“Hey, watch it!” Dan’s voice boomed low and dangerous.

“If Larry’s tied up, we won’t be able to contact him. How are we going to get the blueprints now? Let me think!” Raj pressed his face back into his palms, sweating. He couldn’t think of any way to get to Larry without Sigma-W-Pi involvement. How was he going to get Potomal to help him again?

Dan walked to the door when someone knocked on it. He opened it and looked over at Raj, who nodded at him to let Kellan and Madison in. Madison looked grim, her eyes fixed on Kellan and her hands firmly around his wrists. She didn’t say a word. She simply walked over to Raj, put Kellan’s hands in his, turned around, and walked out the door.

“Chatty much?” Sophie threw her a disdainful look. Then she turned to glare at Kellan. “
better not try anything.”

“Or what?” he spat.

Dan’s fist was in Kellan’s face before he could blink, the force pushing him over onto the floor. He struggled back up, blood flowing from his nose, and launched himself at Dan. Dan shook his head in silent amusement and brought his fist deep into Kellan’s abdomen, causing him to bend over and sputter. Then he fell back down to the floor. This time, Kellan didn’t get up.




ven though Morena was with me and I knew she’d keep me safe, I was scared and lonely. It wasn’t myself I was scared for; I was petrified for Kellan and Harry. I wondered what I was going to tell Dad as I prepared to transport back home to visit Mom. What was I going to tell Dr. Fox?

Once we arrived, we walked to Mom’s room. Morena stopped outside the door. “I’m going to wait for you here. Come get me if you need me.”

I nodded and went inside. Unlike the last time I had been here, it was quiet and dark. That was until someone shrieked and ran across the room and threw their arms around me.


“Ella, wow! I’m so glad to see you. I’ve been so worried.”

“Worried? Why? I’ve just been at a sleepover, then Mrs. Skoog picked me up and brought me here to see Mom and Dad. Mom is still sleeping. I wish she’d wake up,” she said, her voice choking.

“She will.” I slipped my fingers through hers and pulled her with me to Mom’s bedside. Dad was sitting there, holding her hand, just like he had been the last time I saw him. He got up and flung his arms around me.

“Hon, are you okay? What’s been going on? Inez brought Ella; she’ll be back soon. She didn’t say much. I think she’s trying not to worry me, but keeping me in the dark isn’t right. I need to know what’s going on.”

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