Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) (13 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“You keep that up and I’m going come,” he rasped out.

“I should stop right now for what you did to me.” Savanna pumped him again and again.

He drew in a sharp breath.

“But, I’m not mean like you. I think I want to make you come.”

“You’re doing a damn good job of it.”

His cock jerked in her hand as she sped up. The soap made it so easy to run her hand up and down the stalk. She picked up the pace until she felt his butt tighten against her. He was about to come. She worked him as he shot off until he was finished then turned him around to face the rapidly cooling water. He rinsed and turned around to rinse his back.

“The water is getting cold. Better rinse your chest off before it’s nice and icy,” he said.

“Move. There are towels in the cabinet.” Savanna quickly got under the cool spray and squealed.

She turned the water off and opened the shower door. Dustin had a towel waiting for her. He wrapped it around her and rubbed, warming her and drying her all at one time.

“I’m going to dress and start the pancakes. I couldn’t find any meat to go with it, so pancakes and pancakes.”

“Sorry, I usually go shopping on Saturdays, but my day was a bit busy.”

He grinned at her and disappeared into her bedroom. Savanna finished drying off and pulled on a robe. She needed to dry her hair or it would be a mass of squiggly curls. While she worked on her hair, she thought about the shower and how he had lost control for her. She loved knowing she could do that to him. He’d made her lose control every time he made her come. It felt good to have a little control over him.

Once she had her hair under control, Savanna selected underwear. She chose her baby blue bra and panty set. Then she pulled on a pair of jeans and a light blue T-shirt. It was Sunday, and she was going to relax. Oh, and go grocery shopping at some point.

The aroma of pancakes drew her toward the kitchen. Dustin had just slid a pancake off onto a plate when she walked into the kitchen. He slathered a bit of butter on it and then poured more batter into the skillet.

“Yours. I ate the first one since you were busy.” He smiled at her when she stuck her tongue out at him.

“They smell great. Sorry I didn’t have anything to go with them.”

“No problem. I’ll take you to the grocery store later. Help you with the bags so you don’t have to carry them in by yourself.” He plopped another pancake on another plate and sat the skillet aside.

They ate in silence with Dustin getting up to fix more pancakes until they were both full.

“I’ll wash since you cooked. Why don’t you have a seat and watch some TV maybe?”

“Nope, not leaving you to do the dishes alone. I can dry and put them up. I know where they go since I got them out. Besides, you keep them about where I keep mine at home.” He put the butter back into the fridge.

Something had to be wrong with him. No one was as considerate as he was acting. Oh, yeah. He wasn’t steady relationship material. No real job, remember? Damn! He was literally too good to be true. It wasn’t fair. She'd found the perfect man, but he didn’t have a steady job.

“What has you thinking so hard?” he asked.

“What? Oh, sorry. Just thinking about Karen, I guess.” She dried her hands on a towel and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Let’s go see what’s on TV.”

They ended up watching another movie. She decided action movies weren’t that bad, especially with major hunks as actors. She could tolerate watching them occasionally. If he really didn’t like chick flicks, she and Karen could watch them when he wasn’t around. She realized that once she talked to Karen about him, her best friend would be all for him. Anyone who could cook and didn’t mind cleaning up was top material as far as Karen was concerned. Ben was a cook, and he cleaned. Yep, they belonged together.

“It’s lunchtime,” Dustin said as he put the DVD back in the box. “Let’s go have pizza and then hit the grocery store afterward.”

“Sounds good to me. I love pizza.” She got up from the couch and headed for the door. She started to pick up her purse when Dustin grabbed her and turned her around with her back against the wall.

“Hmm, this reminds me of something. I’m not sure what? Do you know?”

He held her hands over her head and bent down to kiss her. His lips touched her ever so softly. Then he pressed harder and licked along the seam of her lips. She opened for him. His tongue plunged inside and found hers. Savanna drew it in and sucked then teased him. He ate at her mouth until they broke apart, seeking a breath. He bit her chin lightly and then ran his tongue along her jaw. She shuddered. She was hot, horny, and ready for more. She pressed against him and found him hard again. It surprised her. It hadn’t been that long since she’d made him come in the shower.

“I want you.” She pulled at her hands, but he didn’t let go.

“I want you, too, but we are going to eat pizza.”

“Pizza can wait. I can’t,” she whispered.

“Sure you can. I can, so you can, too.” He let go of her hands, swung her around, and swatted her on the ass. “Come on. It will be all that much better when we get back.”

“Tease.” Savanna pouted. She grabbed her purse and followed him out the door.

Lunch was delicious. They talked a little bit about everything. He was well educated and traveled. She guessed if he drove a truck sometimes he would have been a lot of places. One thing they didn’t talk about was work. She found out they both enjoyed reading. They didn’t necessarily like the same books, though. She was fond of romances, especially paranormal romances. He preferred books by Tom Clancy and James Patterson. She could live with that.

The grocery store wasn’t very busy, so it didn’t take them long to pick up the groceries, despite Dustin getting sexual with some of the vegetables. He even whispered some uses for some of the fruit. He insisted on buying chocolate pudding and canned Cool Whip. Savanna wasn’t sure what to make of him. Maybe she could convince him to get a regular job.
Right, not a good idea. You don’t try to change a man. They don’t change.

Chapter Seven

Dustin hated to leave, but he had work in the morning, and so did she. It was already nearly midnight. He had never met a woman as sexual as Savanna. She didn’t seem to tire of sex, and she was open to exploration. She was everything he wanted in a woman. There were two things they hadn’t talked about—family and work. He needed to broach those subjects soon, especially if he was as serious as he thought he was about her.

Maybe things were progressing too fast. He didn’t think so, but she might, especially since she hadn’t talked about personal things, like family and friends. She hadn’t even talked about her friend Karen and the problem she was having. Normally, a woman wanted to talk about things like that. Was she just not that sort of woman? Maybe she was just a very private person about friends and family, or maybe she was just not one to talk with casual friends.

Dustin thought they were anything but casual, though. He was looking at a long-term relationship. What was she looking for? Maybe it was too early to talk about the future. He needed to back off some. This weekend would be a good time since he needed to fly out of town on business. He realized he was going to miss her. She had gotten under his skin.

Thursday evening, Dustin called Savanna to tell her he would be out of town on the weekend. It rang four times, and he was about to hang up when she answered breathless and a little short.


“Hey, Savanna, did I catch you at a bad time?" he asked.

“Oh, hi, Dustin. No, I was just about to get in the tub. Had a busy day today.”

He couldn’t help but imagine her sliding into a hot bubble bath. It jump-started his libido. Crap, it would be a long weekend.

“I won’t keep you long then. I don’t want your water to get cold.”

She laughed. “Especially since you aren’t here to warm me up.”

“Now see, that’s cruel. I can’t come over, and you go and tease like that.”

“Sorry.” She didn’t sound a bit sorry, though.

“The reason I called is that I have to go out of town this weekend. I didn’t want to just disappear on you.”

“Driving a truck?” she asked.

“Not this time.” He smiled. She seemed to think he drove a truck a lot. He would have to explain his business to her when he got back.

“Well, be careful. Maybe we can get together when you get back.”

Maybe? Was she serious?

“Don’t worry, I’ll call you as soon as I get back in town. Maybe we could go to Bad Boys when I get back. I love dancing with you. You should ask your friends to go with us.”

“Um, maybe.”

Hmmm, why did she hesitate on that? Dustin sighed. He needed to get her to talk about her family and friends some. Something was definitely going on there.

“Look, your water is getting cold. Have a good weekend, and think about me while I’m gone. I will definitely be thinking about you.”

“You, too. I’ll talk to you when you get back. Night.”


He heard her hang up. He replaced the phone in the charger and went back to packing. He thought about her sinking into the tub—alone. He would love to cushion her as she lay back to soak. He sighed. All he was doing was getting himself all fired up for nothing. Of course he would probably end up jacking off in the shower like he had been doing every night this week.

Yeah, he was in deep with Savanna. Thing was, he wasn’t upset about it. No, he was fine with it. In fact, he was loving it.

* * * *

Monday night hadn’t gone as they’d planned. Martin hadn’t stayed to work that night. He had a dinner business meeting instead. Karen called Savanna to let her know before she left work. She sounded depressed, and Savanna worried about her all the way home. She called her again the next day, and she sounded about the same. Her boss was busy and hadn’t approached her at all.

“He hasn’t said anything else about my job or made any passes at me. Maybe this will all blow over and he’ll leave me alone.”

“I sure hope so, Karen. I just don’t want you to worry about it all the time. Try to forget about it. Maybe everything is going to just blow over now like you said,” Savanna offered.

“I hope you are right.”

“How about coming over to my place tonight. We can order pizza and watch a movie.” Savanna wanted to be sure her friend was really going to relax some.

“Thanks, but I’m really exhausted. Even if he hasn’t bothered me, he’s piled the work on. I’ll pass this time.”

“That’s fine. Let’s plan to get together this weekend for sure. We can go out or stay in. Whatever you feel like doing.” Savanna held her breath, hoping she would say yes.

“What about Dustin? You two not seeing each other anymore?” Karen asked.

“Oh, he’s out of town this weekend,” she said.

“A night out sounds good to me. I’ll talk to you Friday, and we can plan.”

“You call me if you need me,” Savanna said.

“I will.”

They hung up. She still worried about Karen. Even though things seemed to be going better, her friend still sounded down to her. A night out would do them both good. She wished Ben would be going, too. The two of them seemed to be perfect together. There had to be a way to get them back together. More than likely, there wasn’t a chance, though, until the mess with Martin had been taken care of.

By Friday, Savanna had to admit she missed Dustin. He hadn’t called, and that bothered her. It bothered her that it bothered her, too. She shouldn’t care so much. They were just casual sex partners, right? She needed to remember that. It wouldn’t be a good idea to get too attached to him. He would move on one day. He was too mobile without a steady job. She would deal with that when it happened. She needed to be dating to find a more permanent relationship anyway. She sighed. Right now, she wasn’t even thinking about dating. She was missing Dustin, and that wasn’t good.

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