Monroe, Marla - Their Bartered Bride [Men of the Border Lands 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Bartered Bride [Men of the Border Lands 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jonathan was amused when Leigh stopped him and pulled him down for a very intimate kiss. She held his head between her hands and laid it on him. When they came up for air, Joel laughed and wrapped her in his arms. “You behave yourself. Don’t give Jonathan any trouble.”

“I’m never any trouble.” She pouted.

“Tell that to someone who believes you.”

“Jonathan believes me, don’t you, Jonathan?”

“Sure, baby. I believe anything you say.” He laughed when she scowled at him.

“Careful out there, brother. See you in the morning.” Jonathan opened the door for him then closed it and locked it behind him.

At Leigh’s worried look, he laughed. “Don’t worry. He has a key.”

“Why don’t you go relax in front of the fire while I clean up. Then we can have a nice hot bath together before bed.”

“I’m going to bring in some more wood first. I’ll be out front if you need me.” Jonathan slapped her on the ass once with his palm and then hurried through the doorway before she retaliated.

He spent thirty minutes making sure they had plenty of wood inside and out on the front porch. Then he checked the kitchen and found Leigh still working on something, so he climbed in his recliner to wait for her to come and get him.

He must have dozed at some point, because the next thing he knew, she was climbing up in the chair with him.

“You awake?” she asked.

“Am now.”

“Let’s go get a bath and go to bed. I bet you’re tired.” Leigh backed off the end of the chair, causing it to sit back up.

It spilled her onto the floor, laughing.

“Are you okay?” he asked, standing up to pull her to her feet.

“Yes. I should have known that would happen. Come on.” She pulled at him until he followed her to the stairs.

They undressed as the tub filled with water. She stepped in and sank beneath the hot, sudsy water with his help. Then he climbed in and followed suit. He grabbed her feet and pulled them into his lap to massage. He figured she had been on her feet a good part of the day.

“What have you been doing all day?” he asked.

“Other than cooking, I cleaned out your bedroom and moved your stuff into the master bedroom with mine. That room was filthy. It needed a good cleaning.”

“I’m sure it did. We didn’t do much cleaning at all.” He began moving up her legs with his massage.

“Well, it’s clean now. I threw out a few shirts that were threadbare. You have plenty and can get more the next time you go scavenging. I can keep them clean for you so you don’t need more than a dozen shirts and half dozen jeans. The jeans I cut off for shorts for the summer. All that was wrong with them was where the knees were out.”

“You’ve been a busy little bee. You might want to talk to Joel before you mess around in his room. He’s a little more particular than I am.”

He felt her go still. “Did I do something wrong by cleaning out your room? I didn’t mean to, Jonathan.”

“Shh, baby. It doesn’t bother me, but it might Joel. Talk to him first, is all I’m saying.”

“Okay, I will.” She relaxed again and began soaping up her cloth.

“Let me bathe you, Leigh. I like doing it.” He reached for the cloth.

“You like playing with my breasts is what you like to do,” she teased.

“Well, that, too.” He began running the cloth over her body.

Jonathan liked the way she smiled when he began massaging her breasts with his bare hands. He liked the way they felt when he squeezed them. He leaned forward and licked at a nipple then blew over it. She moaned.

“That’s cruel. It’s cold now.” Leigh smirked at him. “Maybe you can warm it up for me.”

“How about I warm all of you up in bed instead?” He stood up and reached down to pull her up.

He felt his cock twitch in awareness as he watched the water sluice off her body as she stood up. It was all shiny, glistening in the lamplight. The reflection of it off the mirror widened his area of sight. He loved her. He would do anything to keep her safe and happy.

“Help me out, Jonathan. I’m scared I’ll slip.” She reached out for him.

He picked her up and sat her on the mat, making sure she had her balance before he let go of her. She giggled and began to dry off, presenting her back to him when she bent over to dry her lower legs and feet. He grinned and popped her on one ass cheek. She looked over her shoulder at him and grinned.

“Come on, you little tease. Let’s get in bed before we catch cold.” He hurried her into the bedroom and beneath the covers.

Chapter Nine

Leigh moaned as Jonathan sucked on her pussy. He was beneath the covers driving her crazy with his tongue and fingers. He had two in her pussy with his thumb in her ass and rubbed the thin layer of flesh between the two. It was driving her crazy. The sensation felt naughty and wonderful all at the same time.

“Oh, God, Jonathan! I’m going to come if you keep doing that.”

“That’s the purpose, baby.” He returned to licking her cunt with his long tongue.

“I want to come with you inside of me.” She panted then as he pumped his fingers in and out of her holes.

The sparks began to build inside of her pussy as he rubbed over her sweet spot over and over with his fingers and thumb. It had her eyes rolling back in her head when he licked over her clit at the same time. He was driving her crazy. She would never live through the orgasm. He would kill her with it.

She must have spoken out loud because he chuckled against her pussy lips sending chills down her spine.

“Hold on, baby. I’m going to send you flying now.” Jonathan pressed hard against her sweet spot using both his thumb and his two fingers, then sucked in her clit and tongued it all at the same time.

Leigh screamed as she came. She couldn’t even think around the explosion of pleasure that took her riding high. It took her breath and left her gulping for air in its wake. Before she was even through flying from her first orgasm, he began pushing into her tight pussy and starting her up toward the next one.

“Easy, baby. I’ll do all the work. You relax and let me in.” Jonathan pulled back and pushed back in, gaining several inches this time.

When he finally sheathed himself inside her hot cunt, he stopped to catch his breath. She squeezed her pussy muscles around him and he grunted in approval. She grinned and began tilting her pelvis up and down to move him some inside of her. It wasn’t that she was impatient. She just liked to irritate him when he was having trouble controlling himself.

“I’m going to spank your ass if you keep doing that,” he rasped out.

She did it again and he popped her thigh. She laughed and did it again. Again he popped her. She moaned. He didn’t spank her as hard as Joel did. His felt better, but Jonathan was too afraid of hurting her to really spank her like she needed if she was going to get anything out of it. Instead, she grabbed his wrists where his hands held her hips up for him to reach her. He looked deep into her eyes. His turned darker.

He pulled out of her and plunged deep again. She moaned. This was what she liked with Jonathan. He’d stretch her wide and give her the fucking she needed this way. He thrust inside her over and over until she began to feel the signs of her orgasm creep up on her once again. She wasn’t ready. She wanted to enjoy the pummeling he was giving her before it was over. It felt so good to know he needed her.

They both needed her, but in different ways. She could take care of both of them. Then all thoughts flew away as he pounded into her, sending her reeling into another orgasm. She lost her balance and fell into the orgasm.

Long minutes later after they had cleaned up and she had curled around Jonathan, Leigh thought about the three of them. They were an odd family, but they were a family of sorts. What happened if she got pregnant? Would they be happy? The idea of bringing up a family was daunting, but she needed to get ready for it because unless she was barren, there would be children before long.

Somewhere in the thought she fell asleep, but awoke hours later to the sound of total silence and an empty bed next to her. She waited to see if Jonathan had just gone to the bathroom, but when he didn’t return after what she felt like had been plenty of time, she scurried out of the bed and grabbed clothes and socks so she wouldn’t freeze. She reached for the lamp to light it, but it was gone.

Where had he gone? She listened for any sound, but heard nothing. She eased her way out of the bedroom and along the hall wall. When she reached the stairs, she grabbed hold of the banister and held tight as she negotiated each step. Something was wrong. She could feel it in her bones.

She made it to the bottom of the stairs and noted that the fire was roaring in the fireplace, but despite the light, she didn’t see Jonathan in the chair or in the room. She used the dancing light of the fire to walk into the kitchen then grabbed a lamp from the counter and lit it. There was no one in the kitchen, either.

She was just about to check the office, when she noticed the back door was unlocked now and Jonathan’s coat was missing. He had gone outside. Why?

Leigh pulled on her coat and opened the door to peek out. Jonathan was immediately there, pushing her inside.

“What are you doing?” he demanded. His voice was much harsher than she was used to.

“I was worried about you. What’s wrong? Why are you outside?” she demanded.

“Baby, it’s dangerous outside at night. You need to stay inside.”

“I will, but what are you doing outside with the rifle?” Leigh had a bad feeling.

He sighed. “I heard a rifle go off several times and came downstairs to be sure Joel didn’t show up needing help.”

“Do you think he’s hurt?”

“I don’t think so, baby.”

“I’ll stay inside. You go check on him, Jonathan. You would if I wasn’t here. I know you would.” She pushed him toward the door.

“Baby, I don’t like leaving you here alone.”

“You leave me for short periods of time during the day. There’s nothing different. I’ll keep the door locked and stay inside. I promise. You promise you’ll come back, though.”

Jonathan hesitated, torn between what he should do, she was sure. She licked her lips and squeezed his hand.

“You go in the living room and stay by the fire. Don’t move off that couch for any reason until we get home. Do you understand?”

“I understand. I’ll stay right there.” He seemed to think of something and raced through the kitchen. He was gone for several seconds before he returned and handed her a handgun. “Keep this in your lap and be careful. It’s loaded.”

“You’ll be right back, though, right?” she asked.

“I’ll be back as soon as I’m sure Joel is okay. I love you, baby.” He kissed her and slipped out the door before she could tell him she loved him back.

She locked the door then walked to the living room and sank on the couch. Waiting was going to kill her. She knew it would take him some time to saddle the horse and then to get through the pasture to wherever they had the cattle. Then he would have to talk with Joel and come back. Waiting didn’t suit her much, but she had promised she would sit still, and she would do it.

Long minutes passed into what seemed like hours. Still there was no movement at the back door. She let her head fall back against the back of the couch and dozed off and on, but every pop of the fire woke her. She kept expecting to hear Jonathan at the back door at any minute, but soon she would be dozing again.

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