Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (26 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Kelly relaxed against the pillow and tried to fall asleep. Unfortunately, her body resisted. She wanted one of the men with her. She didn’t think she could need someone this badly after her experience with her old Master. Worry plagued her once again, and she fought the panic that threatened to take her breath. She had to stop allowing the past to dictate her emotions. Sure, she was going to be careful and not allow that to happen again, but letting it control her wasn’t healthy.

Several minutes later, she felt better and turned over to her side. Her ribs actually felt better when she laid on them. Despite everything bouncing around in her head, Kelly felt her body relax once again. When she got back up, she planned to check out her new work spot and see if she could do a little bit before the guys came looking for her. No doubt they didn’t plan on her starting on it right away, but she ached to get back to work.

Chapter Twenty-Three

By the end of the week, Kelly was ready to pull her hair out. The guys were driving her nuts. Between checking on her constantly and bringing her presents every day, she was having a very hard time keeping her distance with them. All she wanted to do was wrap herself around them and never let go. It wasn’t a good idea.

When they had surprised her with a brand new HD Kindle Fire, Kelly had nearly fainted. It was more than she could have ever dreamed of. She tried to refuse, but they wouldn’t let her. After that, she realized they weren’t going to stop with the presents. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She needed to move as soon as possible before she didn’t have the strength.

Finally, she decided she needed to have a talk with them. Maybe if she were honest and explained that she couldn’t stay with them and why, they would understand and respect her decision. She planned to do it after dinner that night when everyone was relaxed.

By the time they had finished eating, Kelly was a nervous wreck. If the guys noticed, they didn’t let on. For once they hadn’t fussed at her about eating all of her food. She insisted on helping with cleanup and hoped that she would be in better control once they were finished. Once Marx had turned on the dishwasher, the three of them headed toward the living room. As soon as the guys had settled in their recliners, Kelly stood up in front of the TV and cleared her throat.

Jackson turned it off and sat up in the chair. “What is it, Kelly?”

“I need to talk to you about something.” She hesitated. Now that she had their attention, Kelly wasn’t sure what to say.

“Go ahead, babe.” Marx sat up as well.

“You both have been so good to me. I can never repay you for all that you’ve done.”

“Honey, you don’t need to repay us…” Jackson began.

“Let me get this out before you say anything.”

Marx and Jackson looked at each other from across the room then turned back to her and nodded.

“The thing is, I need my independence. It’s important to me to be able to make my own decisions. You see, I was in a relationship before I moved here that started out fairly vanilla but slowly moved into something that was more than I could take. I felt like I had lost my sense of self and was just an extension of my Master. I can’t live like that. I don’t want to live like that.”

She realized she was hugging herself and looking at her feet. She stood up straight and looked at each of the men before continuing. To their credit, they didn’t interrupt her.

“I enjoy what we have right now and would like to continue that if possible, but I’m afraid that you’re going to want more from me than I’m willing to give in the long run. I need for you to understand that I won’t be someone’s pet or their slave. I like being a submissive. I need that type of play in my life and would like it to be with the two of you, but if you think that you’re going to want more from me, we need to end our relationship now before it goes any further.”

Kelly waited to see what the men would say. She worried that they would agree that they needed to break off their association and wondered how she would manage without them but knew it wouldn’t get any easier if they waited until later.

Both men got up and walked toward her. When Jackson reached out for her, she almost didn’t accept his embrace. He kissed her lightly on the lips before deepening the kiss into something much more satisfying. Then Marx was pulling her from Jackson’s arms and exploring her mouth with the same intense determination she expected from him. When he slowly pulled back, she could see more than desire burning in his eyes. She saw a deeper emotion that she almost allowed herself to believe was love.

“Kelly, we would never ask you to give up any part of yourself. But make no mistake, you are ours. Your submission belongs to us and us alone. We won’t share you with anyone, and we won’t let you go. We’ve told you we don’t want a pet or a slave. We don’t even want a full-time submissive. You’re perfect for us, kitten. You complete us as no one else ever could.” Marx turned her toward his brother.

Kelly wasn’t sure what to expect from Jackson. Marx had just said more to her at one time than he ever had before. A longing she hadn’t allowed to surface began to pull at her.

“You’ve got to trust us, baby. We love your independence except when it is more stubbornness than true independence. We like the fact that you can make decisions for yourself and hope that you will always feel that you can talk to us if you’re not sure about something. We don’t want to take away that part that makes you who you are. We want to be there for you and support you. Give us that chance.”

Kelly felt the burn of tears in her eyes. She wanted to believe them so much. They offered her the world with their words. Would they follow through with their actions? Everything seemed to be coming to her too easily. Surely it wasn’t going to be this simple.

“I want to believe you. It just seems too easy.”

“Nothing worth having is ever easy. There are going to be some rough spots. That’s life, but the thing is, you don’t give up and you don’t fold the first time there’s trouble.” Jackson ran his hands up and down her arms.

Kelly took a deep breath and nodded. “You’re right. Nothing is easy, but I want to try.”

Marx grabbed her in his arms and carried her toward the bedroom before she could catch her breath. Jackson was chuckling behind them.

“Looks like he’s not going to let you change your mind, kitten. We’ve both been holding our breath, worried that you wouldn’t give us a chance to love you.”

Kelly heard him say the words, but she felt like they were a figure of speech. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she wouldn’t be able to hold back her love for them. She wondered how they would react to learn that she loved them. No doubt it would embarrass them. She would have to be careful not to push them away by being needy.

Working as a team, the two men soon had her clothes removed and were licking her body from head to toe. Jackson nibbled and sucked on her neck and shoulders before moving around her jaw to capture her lips. His tongue slipped inside her mouth as she teased and tussled with it. The feel of it sliding alongside hers before he licked along the roof of her mouth soon had her moaning with need.

His taste awakened a need for more, and she didn’t mind asking for it. She pulled away from his kiss and whimpered when Marx surprised her with a quick lick along her core. Her pussy gushed as he made another swipe across her needy flesh. Her cunt fluttered at the feel of his tongue probing her entrance. She knew Marx well enough to know that this was just the beginning, and before it was over with, he would have coaxed several orgasms from her before allowing himself to take her with his rock-hard cock.

Jackson moved lower on her body until he had her breasts framed by his large hands. He licked all around her areolas without touching her aching nipples. She groaned as they grew hard and tight in anticipation of his eventual touch.

Kelly knew they would eventually give her what she wanted—needed—but until then, she was at their mercy as they licked and nipped their way around her body. Marx kissed and sucked on the skin of her inner thighs before returning to spread her pussy lips so that he could lap at the cream she leaked. His tongue stimulated every inch of her quivering flesh as he stabbed at her core with it. Heat spread deep inside her cunt as he circled her clit once more.

Desperate, she tried grabbing his head and positioning it where she wanted it. Still, he managed to avoid licking over the tiny bundle of nerves. He knew how to draw out her pleasure until she was crazy from need.

“Look at how hard her nipples are. They are poking up like arrows.” Jackson drew one into his mouth while pulling on the other one.

“You should see her clit. It’s sticking out of its little hood begging for me to lick it”

Totally centered on how Jackson was treating her breasts, Kelly nearly bucked them both off of her when Marx dragged his tongue across her clit. Both men chuckled then attacked together as one. While Marx sucked on her clit and thrust two fingers inside her dripping cunt, Jackson captured a nipple between his teeth and pulled on it while he pulled at the other one with his fingers. White hot flames erupted deep inside of her until everything was reduced to the basic need to come.

Kelly felt the climax building inside of her. Her body grew tighter and tighter as they consumed her with their mouths and hands. The deeper Marx pumped his fingers, the higher she flew until, with a rasp of his finger over that special spot inside of her combined with everything else the two men were subjecting her to, she exploded into a bright cloud that both deafened her and blinded her for several long seconds.

Then everything came back in a rush, and she screamed out their names. After a few seconds, she became aware that she had both men’s heads in a tight grip. Marx was being suffocated by her thighs while Jackson was trapped by her fingers digging into his scalp. She collapsed against the bed, releasing her hold on the men.

Before she could catch her breath, Jackson pulled her over on top of him. He caught a condom that Marx had tossed him and tore it open with his teeth. She struggled to stay upright as he rolled on the barrier. Then he had her by the waist and urged her to take him inside of her. Kelly had no problem with that. She slowly sank down onto his erect dick. The deeper he forged inside of her, the tighter her body grew all over.

“God, you are so fucking hot.” Jackson’s voice was strained as he pulled her down on top of him.

His massive cock was slowly filling her to the point of pain. Once their groins were meshed together, Jackson paused as if to give her time to adjust to his girth. She didn’t need any time. She was ready to be fucked. She tried to pull up off of him so she could sink down once more, but he held tightly to her hips.

Then Marx’s hand pressed against her back until she was flush with Jackson’s chest. She squeezed the thick cock inside her cunt, enjoying the hiss of air from Jackson’s mouth. Then it was her turn to hiss out a breath when Marx dripped cold lube down the crack of her ass. He massaged it into her back hole, circling it over and over before he finally pressed one finger into the tiny rosette.

Kelly moaned at the pressure as he pushed inward until she had taken him to the web of his hand. Slowly he pulled out and then pressed back in. Jackson distracted her by playing with her nipples when Marx added a second finger.

The pinch softened as he moved them deeper inside of her. Her breath caught when he pulled back out and then sank them all the way in once again. With Jackson pulling and pinching her nipples, it wasn’t long before she was pushing back on Marx’s fingers in rhythm to Jackson’s tugs on her breasts.

More lube dropped on her dark hole just before Marx fitted his cock to her back entrance. She had so much lube on her now that he had trouble staying on target as he pressed forward. The soft bite of pain grew until finally he pressed past the resistant ring with his cockhead. Kelly stiffened for a few seconds as she recovered from the pinch. Then she slowly pressed back once again and Marx’s dick slid deeper inside of her.

“Ah, hell, Kelly. You’re so fucking tight.” Marx sounded as if he were already on the edge.

She felt as if she was filled all the way to her throat with them both so deep inside of her. Then when she didn’t think she could stand another second of it, they began to move. First Marx pulled back, dragging his cock across sensitive nerve endings deep in her ass. Then Jackson pressed forward before pulling back so that Marx could tunnel deep.

Kelly groaned. They were driving her crazy with the tempo. She wanted more, and she wanted it faster. She dragged in a lungful of air. Then it hissed back out of her with their steady back-and-forth motion.

“Move. Faster. I need more.”

She struggled to speak around the lump in her throat. If they heard her, they didn’t do anything about it. Kelly growled low in her throat and squeezed down on both of their cocks as they moved in and out of her.

“Fuck! If you keep doing that, I’m not going to last.” Jackson sounded as if were struggling to breathe.

Marx only grunted, but they picked up the pace, and soon she was moving between them so that she felt each bump and vein on their cocks rubbing inside of her. Jackson’s cock filled her pussy, bumping into her cervix each time he took her back from Marx. The pleasure and pain of it sent sparks all through her body.

Marx’s dick shafted in and out of her tight ass, awakening nerve endings that added to her growing pleasure. Kelly didn’t know how she would ever survive the impending climax. The building pressure as they plowed in and out of her body soon had her at the cusp of orgasm. She ached for it as her cunt quivered and her ass spasmed. The two men were pumping in and out of her faster and faster now. Then Jackson reached between them and plucked at her clit. It was all it took to send her screaming into the bright lights blinding her to everything around her.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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