Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You work at Heavy Trinkets and you’re not interested in BDSM? That’s not allowed is it?” Dixie teased.

“Come on, Kelly. It’s obvious you’re a submissive. My brother even said something about it when you started working at the shop.” Anna just shook her head.

“Who’s your brother, Anna? Have I met him?” Kelly looked around trying to place him.

“You’ve met him, but he isn’t here today. He had to work. His name is Troy.”

“Oh, he’s a doctor at the hospital. I remember him.” He had flirted with her the last time he’d made an appearance at the store. Thinking back, she could see the resemblance between him and Anna.

“So why are you denying what you are, Kelly?” Dixie wasn’t letting go of the subject.

“Look. I was in a relationship for several years, and when it ended, I just didn’t want that sort of life again. I’m happy like I am.”

As if realizing there was more to the story, Anna just nodded her head and gave her a speculative look before changing the subject. Kelly hoped that would be the end of it for good, but somehow she didn’t think so.

After everyone had eaten and the leftover food and condiments were put away, everyone headed to the pool. Kelly slipped off her sandals and dipped her feet into the cool water. A shadow fell across her from above. When she looked up, Jackson’s intense stare caught her eyes.

“Not swimming?”

“I don’t have a suit.”

He surprised her by slipping off his boots and pulling off his clothes right there in front of her. For a second, she thought he was going to strip down to nothing, but he was wearing swim trunks beneath his jeans. He sat down next to her and dropped his feet into the water as well. His leg was so close that she could feel the hair on his thighs brush against her smoothly shaved ones.

Kelly kept her eyes forward watching the action in the pool. Several of the guests were already playing keep away from each other using a beach ball. She felt someone else walk up behind her and knew without turning to look that it would be Marx. Why she found herself to be so in tune with them, she didn’t know. It was unnerving how aware of them she was.

She couldn’t prevent a small shiver when the other man plopped down next to her, wearing identical trunks to his brother. Caught between the two of them, she had no way to calm her runaway heartbeat. It pounded in her chest to the point of affecting her breathing. She needed to get away from them, but how to do it without appearing rude? They were good customers of Steve’s place. Kelly didn’t want to cause a scene.

“Why are you so jumpy around us, kitten?” Jackson’s smooth voice added another round of shivers to her spine.

“I’m not jumpy. I just don’t know you very well. And don’t call me ‘kitten.’”

“We’d like to remedy that.” Marx spoke next in his deep voice, surprising her. He didn’t talk much.

“Are you afraid of us? I’m sure Steve or really anyone around here will vouch for us.”

She risked a quick glance at Jackson’s face. He looked completely serious. Was he talking about getting to know her as a Dom? She fought back the panic that he was serious. Why had she chosen a town so heavy into the scene?

Because I didn’t want to feel all alone somewhere and thought maybe one day I would want back in.

Now she was second-guessing her decision. Putting herself in the same room with a bunch of Doms was asking for trouble, and she knew it. How long before she could safely say her good-byes and escape?

“You look like you’re trying to figure out how soon you can bolt. Don’t leave because of us. We’re not going to hurt you. We just want to talk—get to know you.”

Kelly continued to watch the games going on in the pool while her mind circled in turmoil. She couldn’t ignore the draw that existed between them, but she had to keep it under control. Just because she had once lived so deeply in a D/s relationship didn’t mean she had to always be in one. She could function without someone to tell her what to do and when all the time. Jackson and Marx were strong men. She had no doubt they would expect a sub to fully submit to them in all things. She wasn’t going to live as a slave again no matter how good-looking the Dom and how much her body might crave the freeing experience of giving over control. Maybe if she found a Dom who wasn’t so much into all the protocols and need for total control she would consider giving it another try. For now, she was content to be vanilla.

Right. Pretend you aren’t already craving the feel of a hand on your ass, Kelly. Just being around all those floggers at work has had you on edge for the last few weeks. You need it like you need your next breath.

Chapter Three

Marx watched the barrage of expressions that whipped across Kelly’s face. She was fighting something, and he was pretty damn sure it had to do with them. The fact that she had to fight gave him hope that it was attraction to them she was struggling with. They could work with any other problems she might have as long as she had any type of interest in them.

He looked over her head at his brother and caught him watching her just as closely as he had been doing. He had a feeling that capturing her would take a world of patience. Watching her struggle to look them in the eyes at the shop the other day said a lot about her. Not only was she a natural submissive, she’d had training. Someone had spent a lot of time with her. Neither he nor Jackson was strict when it came to high protocol, but they appreciated the beauty of a natural submissive. He couldn’t wait to earn her trust.

Jackson leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Marx wasn’t sure what he’d said, but her face blossomed into a pretty shade of pink before she managed to regain control.

“What did Jackson say to you, kitten?”

She shook her head but didn’t turn to look at him. He placed a hand on her knee and gently squeezed it. Leaning over, he asked her again.

“Tell me what he said to turn your face so pink.” He made it a demand this time.

She hesitated but leaned closer and whispered back to him. “He said that if he had his way I would be floating naked, with the two of you holding me up, while you licked my nipples.”

“Does that thought turn you on, Kelly?” he asked, watching her face.

“Don’t lie to us.” Jackson had leaned in as well.

“Just because that sounds erotic doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.” She still refused to look either one of them in the face.

Marx couldn’t stand it. He reached over and turned her chin so that he could look her in the eyes. She refused to meet his at first, but when he growled at her, she looked up. He couldn’t get enough of seeing the needy look that dominated her beautiful eyes. He wanted to give her whatever she desired to meet those needs. Normally he was the one who could hold out when they were drawing out the pleasure for a sub, but right then, Marx was almost certain that he would have trouble denying her anything, even if it meant making it so much better later.

“I happen to think it is a very good idea where you’re concerned. The thought of exploring your body has me hard as a steel pipe, kitten. I want to lay you out on a table and lick every tiny inch of your skin.”

Her sharp intake of breath was all that indicated she’d heard him. He didn’t have to glance at his brother to know that Jackson was grinning. If she had been stretched out for their pleasure, both of them would be laving her body with their tongues, painting their way from her dainty toes to the tip of her rounded nose.

He adjusted his cock as it pressed insistently against the heavy cloth of his bathing suit. He didn’t try to hide his actions. He wanted Kelly to know what her nearness did to him.

He wasn’t expecting her to suddenly scoot back from the side of the pool and use his and Jackson’s heads to push up on so she could stand up. He grunted and turned to watch her as she hurried away. Jackson frowned at him.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. I think she’s trying to get away.”

They jumped up and followed her as she made her way between the tables to the back door of the house. Marx wasn’t sure what they would do when they caught her, but that thought flew off when Steve stopped them.

“Leave her alone, guys. You’re overwhelming her.”

Jackson turned around and frowned at their friend. Marx was sure he was scowling. He didn’t want to let her get away. He wasn’t finished with her.

“She doesn’t belong to you, so why are you stopping us?”

“Because she works for me, so she’s sort of under my protection. Give her some room.”

“What do you know that you’re not telling us?” Jackson demanded.

“Whatever it is, I’m still not telling you. Lighten up and let her enjoy herself. Don’t make me ask you to leave.”

Jackson’s mouth dropped open at that. Marx could only stare at the man. He was actually threatening to kick them out if they didn’t leave Kelly alone. He couldn’t believe it.

“Fine. We’ll give her some room—for now.” Jackson turned and stomped over to the pool and dove in.

Marx just glared at Steve until the other man shrugged and walked off. He didn’t get the feeling that Steve was warning them off of her for good. If he had, Marx would have wondered if either he or Ben had their eyes on her. It wasn’t unknown for a Dom to take more than one sub on at a time. Once again he wondered where Stacey was and what was going on with that relationship. He grinned to himself. He would see what he could find out about that situation and give Steve something else to concentrate on besides his and Jackson’s attention to Kelly.

* * * *

Kelly locked herself inside the bathroom feeling like a coward. If she had sat there between them one more minute she was afraid she would have attacked them. She couldn’t let them know how much their naughty words had turned her on. If they knew they could tempt her just by whispering dirty words in her ears, there would be no way she would ever be able to resist them.

After splashing water on her face to cool it off some, she smoothed back her hair and rejoined the party at the pool. This time she made sure she was sitting in a spot that wouldn’t allow the two men room to crowd her.

“Wish you had a suit, Kelly. We could sure use another female out here to keep the men on their toes.” Anna grinned as she tossed the ball across the net they had strung up to play pool volleyball.

“I’m not sure I would have been of much use.”

“Ha! The more scantily clad women in the pool the less attention they pay to the game.” Dixie grinned and lunged for the ball as it crossed the net in her direction.

She watched them play for another thirty minutes before they took down the net and everyone climbed out of the pool to dry off. She watched from the side of her eyes as Marx and Jackson dried off, muscles flexing as they ran the towels over their arms and legs. The sight of all that male flesh soon had her body heating right up again. She cursed under her breath and turned her head to keep them out of sight.

“Hard not to look, isn’t it.” Dixie grinned and plopped down on a chair next to her.

“I’m only human, but it doesn’t mean I’m interested in anything other than ogling them.”

“I’m not going to say anything. Much.” She giggled. “In case you’re wondering, they don’t have a regular sub waiting at home for them. They play the field at the club.”

“I wasn’t asking.”

“Sure you were. Your eyes seem to have a lot of questions. Like what would it be like to be caught between all that hunky male flesh.”

“I guess you’re going to tell me.” Kelly couldn’t keep the bite out of her words.

“Hell, yeah, I’m going to tell you. It’s better than heaven. They know how to treat a woman and don’t skimp on the orgasms. You’re denying yourself the best time of your life, honey. I sure as hell wouldn’t pass them up if they asked a second time.”

“So they’re man whores? Are you telling me they’ve had every woman in town at least once?”

“I didn’t say anything like that. Just because I’ve been with them doesn’t mean everyone has. Whether you believe it or not, I

“I’m sorry, Dixie. I didn’t mean to imply that you weren’t. I’m just tired, but that’s no excuse for taking it out on you.” Kelly hated knowing that Dixie had been between the two men at one point.

She was ashamed of herself though for being rude to the other woman. Dixie had been nothing but nice to her. The fact remained that she didn’t think it was a good idea to allow them to seduce her into their bed, even if it was for only one night.

“Do they not keep a sub for very long?” Kelly couldn’t figure out why she was asking questions when she wasn’t interested.

Dixie gave her a knowing look. “The longest one I know about lasted six months. They haven’t had a permanent submissive with them in nearly a year now.”

Kelly clamped her mouth closed so she wouldn’t ask any more questions. She had no intentions of becoming involved with the Callahan brothers. Dixie took the hint and didn’t say anything more about them either. She changed the subject to talk about the upcoming school year. She was a teacher at the local school.

As the sun started to sink further west, the party started breaking up and everyone headed toward their cars. Kelly had to wait for the majority of people to leave before she would be able to back out of the drive. She chatted with Steve and Ben as the crowd left, acutely aware that the Callahans hadn’t been among the ones to already leave. She could feel their eyes on her even as she fought to ignore the heat building inside of her.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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