Montana Legend (Harlequin Historical, No. 624) (18 page)

Read Montana Legend (Harlequin Historical, No. 624) Online

Authors: Jillian Hart

Tags: #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Bachelors, #Breast, #Historical, #Single parents, #Ranchers, #Widows - Montana, #Montana, #Widows, #Love stories

BOOK: Montana Legend (Harlequin Historical, No. 624)
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feel like centuries away.

She heard a clatter in the yard and set down her sewing. Scout was wandering up the drive, with Lucy and Ella on her back. In the distance rang the shouts of children on the main road to town, walking home from school. Lucy and Ella waved at someone out of Sarah's sight and Scout broke into a gallop, taking the girls flying past the door.

“Hi, Ma!” Ella yelled with glee.

Then Sarah remembered. The cookies! She'd do better to keep at least half of her mind on her work. Grabbing the mitt, she rescued the cookies from the oven, relieved they were a golden brown and not crisped at all. Perfect. Warm cookies for the girls to enjoy with a glass of milk.

“Ma!” Ella tumbled through the door, Lucy traipsing in behind her. “I won the spelling bee.”

“She did. I came in second 'cuz I couldn't spell ‘impertinent.'”

“Impertinent is a pretty big word.” Sarah scooped the last cookie onto the wire rack to cool. “I'm proud of you both. And first place, baby. You're doing so well.”

“I know!” Ella threw her arms around Sarah's waist.

Lucy did, too. “You baked ginger cookies. My very, very favorite.”

“I heard that somewhere. Lucky for us, it's Ella's favorite, too.” Sarah gave each girl a kiss on the brow. “Now go upstairs and change out of your school clothes. Hurry.”

“We're awful hungry right now, Sarah.” Lucy's fingers reached toward the counter.

“Awful hungry,” Ella agreed breathlessly. “We're about to starve.”

Was that a wheeze? No, Ella was simply excited. Sarah felt her child's brow to be sure. Well, she felt fine. “All right, one cookie each, and that's it for now. Off you go.”

The girls thundered up the stairs, talking a mile a minute, their voices ringing in the stairwell. The sounds of happiness had Sarah humming as she set the baking dishes near the pump.

Was this joy real? Or was she dreaming? Happiness made her feet light as she retrieved the bowl of bread dough from the windowsill. Contentment made the task of handling the sticky dough agreeable.

If this was a dream, she never wanted it to end. This, right here, was everything she'd ever wanted. She caught sight of Gage through the open doorway, in the saddle, trotting a buckskin around the corral. His head bent to his task, his back straight and strong, he looked like the hero he was, an invincible man of might and tenderness who loved her.

She could not ask for more.


It was there between them through supper and into the evening, unspoken but humming beneath the sur
face. Sarah couldn't ignore the flicker of want inside her that happened every time she looked at Gage.

The evening seemed to last forever. After supper Sarah ironed the curtains she'd finished hemming and Gage hung them in the dining room, according to the girls's instructions. Later, after bedtime stories and a lot of orders to quiet down, the girls seemed to be asleep, each tucked into their own bunk bed.

“Finally.” Gage commented as he stole into the parlor. “It's only eleven.”

“Are they actually asleep? And not faking?”

“I say we give them a few more minutes and we'll know for sure.” He joined her on the front step and pulled her into the curve of his side. His arms held her tight as he nuzzled her ear. “I've been waiting for this all day. Couldn't think of much else.”

“At least you didn't land in the sticker patch again.”

“That's because I took a machete to it this morning. It's gone.” His hands caressed the curve of her shoulders. “I didn't know if I could take another session of being doctored by you. I may have lost all control.”

“What about now?”

“Close.” He laved an extremely tender spot behind her ear.

Pleasure shivered through her and she leaned back against him. “That's nice.”

“Nice? I don't want nice.” He kissed lower, where her neck curved into her shoulder, while his hands circled around her waist. “I intend to ravish you, my sweet lady.”

“I might like that.” She arched her back as he
cupped her breasts, kneading and stroking until she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

“Seems to me you definitely like that.” He plucked at her buttons again and slipped inside her dress. “Left your corset off, did you?”

“Hmm.” It was all the speech she could manage. Pure bliss. She felt every muscle in her body relax. So good. So very good. She moaned when he withdrew his touch, leaving her breasts heavy and aching.

“I think we're officially alone.” He helped her up, keeping her close at his side. “Let's find someplace more private.”

“Not your bedroom. The thought of the girls right across the hall—”

“One day you're going to have to get used to that.” His fingers curved around her nape, then trailed down her back in slow, sizzling strokes. “For now, I understand. We'll find a place to be alone, together.”

“I'd love that.”

“Good.” His fingers stole into her gaping dress and caressed her. “I want you tonight, Sarah. I've never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

His words knocked away the last of her disbelief. The doubt she'd been holding inside. The part of her that thought this was too good to be true, too incredible to be real. That Gage, heroic and strong and kind, would want her, Sarah Redding.

Because he did want her. His touch, his words, the tender brush of his lips against her temple. She wanted him, needed him, more than the earth at her feet.

As if he understood, he pulled her into the grasses. There was no need for words as he pulled the clothes from her until she was naked in the moonlight, shel
tered by the roll and draw of the prairie, but exposed to the night. To him.

“You are worth the wait. Do you know how much I want you?” He untied the ribbon from her braid and loosened the tight plait. “You're mine, Sarah. All mine.”

She plucked at his buttons and slid the soft wash-worn fabric away to expose the hard gleam of his torso and the heat of his skin against her palms. Moonlight caressed him the way she wanted to. Over every ridge and ripple of muscle. Over every curve of arm and rib.

“I'm more crazy now,” he whispered in her ear as he laid her onto their clothes, spread out beneath her. “Do you feel how much?”

Did she ever. The hard length of him jutted against the curve of her stomach. She could feel him plainly through his thin cotton drawers. Then he moved away and there was no barrier between them. Just his blunt stiffness hard against her, and the answering curve of her own desire.

A desire that coursed through her with the fury of a spring river, crashing and speeding and knocking away everything in its path. She wasn't aware of the sky above or the grass below or the call of a coyote in the fields.

Only the weight of Gage as he eased over her completely, one knee between her thighs, capturing her mouth with his, kissing her deep and fast until she was breathless and her hips were arching up to meet him. His hardness pulsed between them, and her body answered.

She wanted him. Needed him inside her. Was about to snap into a thousand pieces if he wouldn't hurry—

“Please, Gage.” She heard her own desperation.

He smoothed the tangles from her face, breathing hard. “You want me, do you, angel?”

“No. Not at all. Please, I—”
Need you.
The words caught in her throat and became a tortured groan as he pressed her thighs apart with his knees. His shaft nudged against her inner thigh. “Gage, please—”

“As you wish, my lady.” His words were a kiss as he entered her in one long, slow thrust that tore a moan from her throat. He settled deep and held there, thrumming inside her. “Is this satisfactory?”

“Oh, yes.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held tight. There was so much of him, hard and thick inside her, and he felt so good. No, that wasn't the word. Magnificent, amazing, stupendous.

Sharp thrills of pleasure ripped through her, spiraling through every nerve ending. Gage set a rhythm that sent her over the edge in a sudden, fierce climax. Wave after wave of tight, rippling sensation left her helpless and clinging to him.

“Hmm, you're a pretty easy woman. Just what I like.”

“You think you're funny.”

“I am. Like I told you, I'm the best rider in all of Montana.” He rocked against her, determined to prove it.

“Enough with the puns. You have a bad sense of humor.”

“Yeah, but maybe you like me a little bad, eh?”


He lifted her hips, bringing her knees high enough so that she could wrap her legs around him. She'd never been this vulnerable and open to a man. Locked together, they moved as one, his breath was her breath,
his kiss hers. The orgasm that rocked them both began with him and ended with her.

Drained, wrung out, overwhelmed with a fierce love that had no end, she clung to him. Couldn't let go. Gage remained inside her, kissing her and stroking her without another word until he was hard again, until she was ready.

They made love as the stars wheeled around in the sky and the moon set quietly in the west, leaving them alone with in the night.


The morning looked damn good from where Gage was sitting, astride his mare. Probably because there was Sarah at the kitchen door, carrying a platter of eggs and sausages to the trestle table.

She looked different today. Just as lovely and every bit as tantalizing as she moved the basket of biscuits to keep the red tablecloth from flying away in the wind.
was the one who'd changed. Last night had been the best lovemaking he'd ever had. That could give a man a whole new perspective.

“'Mornin', Pa!” Lucy slammed open the screen door and leaped down the board steps, her school dress flying around her as she raced across the lawn. “Sarah made blueberry muffins. Hurry!”

Ella skipped up to Lucy, looking like a miniature version of Sarah, sweet and pretty and as good as gold. “Yes, please, Gage. Ma makes the best muffins ever.”

“How can a man argue with that?” He dismounted and handed the reins to the girls. “Suppose you two are skilled enough horsemen to tie her up for me?”

Two “Yesses!” rang in unison and the girls importantly led the mare to the iron ring on the post in the yard.

Sarah set the milk pitcher on the table, looking more beautiful today than he'd ever seen her. Desire lingered in his blood, and the memory of last night had him pulling her into his arms.

“I suppose you'll want an encore for tonight.” He nuzzled her neck where she was ticklish.

“It's a sure bet.” She giggled against him and felt like heaven. “Last night was amazing.”

“Yes, you were.” He would have kissed her more, but the girls interrupted, each carrying a kitten. The kittens had wandered out of the barn, they said, and the mother cat had moved them from the loft a few days before.

The table was merry as the girls chattered on about this and that. Sarah tossed him secret glances that said it all. He'd pleasured her well and she couldn't wait for more.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, this connection they had. He was grateful for it. And being a smart man, knew what he was going to do about it.

Sarah belonged in his life. He was going to make sure she stayed right here, so every morning could be this happy and every night could be a passionate one.

When the meal was through, he told Ella there was something waiting for her in the barn. Something that might help her get to school that morning.

Lucy squealed. “I know!” The girls bolted from the bench seat, running all the way.

“I don't know how to thank you.” Sarah's hand lighted on his shoulder as she began stacking the plates. “You don't know what this means.”

“Maybe I do.” He could look in her eyes and see it. “Don't you know that I want to make your life
better? And your daughter's? You're here for a reason, Sarah.”

“I know.” Her kiss was tender, her touch magic.

His whole life was changed. Sarah had done that. She made everything new and wonderful.

“Mr. Gatlin!” Ella's squeal was a half cry as she rode into view, with Lucy on Scout at her side. “Do you mean I get to ride her? Really? To school?”

“Sure I do. She's yours forever, Ella. You take good care of her, now.”

“I will.” So serious. “Thank you so much, sir. I'll take the best care of her. I swear.”

Sarah's hand slipped into his. “You girls are going to be late. You'd better get going.” Her words gentle as she waved goodbye. “Have a good day, baby.”

“It's the best day. I got a horse!” Ella brimmed with joy because it wasn't every day a wish came true. “Come on, Sugar. Let's go.”

“'Bye, Pa!” Lucy hollered as she led the way down the road. “'Bye, Sarah!”

Sarah's hand fell to her chest as she watched her daughter ride away. “Did I mention how wonderful I think you are?”

“Sure, but not nearly enough.” He kissed her thoroughly, because they were alone. “I'd haul you inside the house right now and demonstrate to you what I'm thinking about, but the sheriff ought to be here any minute.”

“More trouble with the creek?”

“No, and don't worry. It's being handled.”

“I know.” She breezed away with a stack of dishes and disappeared into the kitchen.

The problem with Milt was being handled. Gage would make certain of that. Already he felt fiercely
protective of Sarah. He had that trip to make, and the thought of having to leave made him crazy. With the sheriff's help, at least he knew Sarah would be safe.

If Gage looked just right, he could see her through the window. His life was changing and he didn't even know it.


“Is that everything?” Clancy asked from behind the mercantile's front counter. “I have candy on special today.”

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