Moon Borne (Halcyon Romance Series Book 1) (20 page)

Read Moon Borne (Halcyon Romance Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachael Slate

Tags: #paranormal romance, #Greek Mythology, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Moon Borne (Halcyon Romance Series Book 1)
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Perfect, bloody perfect. Just like her. He squeezed his eyes shut as blood trickled down his thigh, and he lost his control. A tremor rippled through him as he threw back his head and groaned. Unable to hold back his release, his hot seed shot forth, and she drank in every drop, licking him clean.

He growled at the satisfaction of having marked her as well. His scent was all over her, inside her. Damn, his legs were so weak, he was having trouble holding himself up. As his senses returned, the need to pleasure her blasted pangs of misery through his veins.

She lowered the blade and placed a soothing bandage over his wound. The scent of healing herbs filled his nostrils and she arranged her tunic around him once more. His heart wrenched at the tenderness in how she handled him.

“Kyme, let me touch you.” He didn’t care that he was pleading. He’d beg and grovel. Steal, lie, and cheat. Do anything for this woman. For

…” She pressed two fingers to his lips and shook her head. Trying to break her resolve, he nipped at her fingertips, drawing them into his mouth.


His eyes burned into her, dark and hungry. Kyme’s body warmed at the heat from Arsenius. This male was pure passion, waiting to be unleashed upon her. For a moment, she allowed herself to be drawn in.

Her tongue replaced her fingers in his mouth. Forgetting their surroundings, she purred as she pressed into him. She loved his body, the hardness of his thick, honed muscles, how gentle his rough hands could be. His dark masculine scent was better than any incense. The spice of him on her tongue was intoxicating, and if she didn’t stop them soon, she’d spend the night in his arms.

Pulling back, she broke their kiss. She couldn’t do this, not here. Not with how she completely lost herself around Arsenius. The forest possessed many eyes. In this moment, they were alone, but her sisters would be curious about their captive. She’d already humiliated herself enough for one day. What happened between herself and Arsenius was private. They would never be fully together, and it shamed her enough that he must have heard their whisperings. Envy had simmered in Kalare and Myrto ever since their initiation—when Kyme had earned Artemis’s favor, and they hadn’t. Regardless, they were Kyme’s sisters and she would love them even through their faults.

Arsenius was safe now that she’d marked him—from their hands and their blades. That was what mattered most.

Besides, her godmother hadn’t been entirely convinced. For his safety, she would have to prove her indifference and keep him tied up.

She hadn’t intended to be intimate with him tonight, but as his need had sparked, hers also flared, coupled with shame over how he was being treated, over the marking that would seal his fate to hers.

His shaft hardened once more for her, but it was time to retreat. Panting, she withdrew from Arsenius. His eyes, gods, the agony in those dark charcoal depths. She gave him her back, wiping the blade away from his view.

She shook her head, trying to regain composure. “No, we cannot, not here, not tonight. Do you fathom what this mark means?” No answer came. “This mark will keep you safe, none except I shall ever touch you, even if…” She twisted around. “Should the Queen suspect any attachment between us, she will order your death. I shall be the one who…”

A week ago, she had sought nothing more than to slit Arsenius’s throat. Now, she feared the lengths she would go to in order to prevent his death.

Was this one male worth sacrificing her entire life for? She searched those sultry depths and the answer gleaming within made her tremble as no enemy ever had before.

Kyme spun on her heel and departed before she lacked the strength to do so.


Crunch, crunch.
The forest echoed with the padding of soft footfalls. Arsenius roused from his half-slumber, which was all he was able to maintain in this position. His heart sped as he imagined Kyme had returned, but his fantasy was harshly cut off as the Queen glided in front of him. Hippolyta regarded him for several minutes, no doubt as part of her plan to intimidate him.

He’d heard the rumors about this Queen. How brutal, how ruthless she was. Lesser men would cower beneath her scrutiny. Too bad he was built of stronger mettle. He grinned. “Have you come to set me free or to kill me?”

She cast him a haughty smirk. “Neither. I rather enjoy the sight of you tethered.”

He cocked his head at her. “How can you be certain my men will not come for me, or that I won’t escape?”

“This place is concealed. Your men will never find you.” She slid her inspection down his body. “We both know why you haven’t yet torn through these ropes.” Clearing her throat, she clasped her hands behind her back as though to begin a well-rehearsed speech. “My goddaughter favors you.” Displeasure curled her lip. “Aden, son of Ares and Elektra. Though you call yourself by a different name, it changes not your past.”

She had his attention. Few in this world knew that name, fewer still dared to call him by it. Not even Thereus was so bold.

Victory shone from her smirk. “So you see, I know everything about you. In truth, I am surprised at Kyme. Naturally, a female such as she could have any male she wished. Naturally, I have never permitted her before.”

He refused to flinch at her insults. “Yet you make an exception.” Since the Queen seemed favorable to this parley, he decided to play along. Though she didn’t intimidate him, her power over Kyme did.

“She is headstrong and willful, despite my efforts to rout it out of her.” The Queen paced to the tree and whirled. “But believe me, slaver, I know my goddaughter. She will always place her sisters’ needs above her own. I have made it so. Every ounce of training I dictated was meant to prepare her.”

“For what, to be your slave?” He scoffed.

“No.” She lowered her voice. “To be my weapon.” The woman’s sly smile revealed the decisive cunning of a strategist. “Verily, even as a child she presented talents as no other. The day Kyme joined our ranks, the goddess Artemis attended the ceremony. In thousands of years, she has rarely ever done so. When she blessed my Kyme with her gift, I did what any wise leader would—I made damn sure my best weapon would always fight under my command. Kyme has been a model daughter. I could not ask for better had I borne daughters of mine own.”

Sons were not included in her beam of pride. How did a mother abandon one child yet love another?

“She has never disobeyed me.” Hippolyta unclasped her hands and paused. “Until you. Son of Ares, you must grasp my dilemma. If I permit her to keep you, will this independent existence of yours continue to pollute her? More than a century of careful planning and training would take but a moment of lust to destroy.” She tilted her head at him. “If I order your termination, it will be by
hand. I have no misconceptions. She will hate me for it, and as her hatred festers, I will lose everything I have worked so hard to achieve.”

“An interesting predicament for you.” He shrugged disinterest, not willing to follow where she was leading him.

“You are not the kind of man to be concerned with the future. You have nothing to offer Kyme. Nothing except your

Arsenius tensed, uneasy with her reading his private devotion so well.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Ah, yes. It is because you love her that you will let her go.” The cunning smile spread across her lips and she paced forward. “I have agreed to let her help you. Your sister’s plight saddens me indeed, as she is a daughter of Ares. After Kyme aids you, you must release her from this bond. She must return to us,

The Queen halted in front of him. “We are her family, her home. She can never love you as you do her. It is not our way. Do not hope for it.”

Gods, those words stung. Not because they were unfair or harsh, outrageous lies. No, because they were full of too much truth. He’d been coming to the same conclusions. Even if he claimed her, he could never keep her.

Because he loved Kyme, he would have to let her go. Forever.

He met the Queen’s grim scowl and the heavy weight of resignation settled inside his chest. “I will do as you ask, but I will do it for Kyme.”

“Good.” Triumph flashed in Hippolyta’s eyes. “I would have regretted killing such a fine specimen of masculinity as yourself.” Her fingertips trailed across his chest. “
… Kyme would never satisfy you, inexperienced as she is. If ever you desire to discover what is to be found in an Amazon’s bed,” she leaned into him and whispered in his ear, “Seek me out.”

Bile rose in his throat as she sauntered off. If his hands hadn’t been bound, he would have wrapped them around her deceitful throat and choked the breath from her.

The Queen’s games, the snickering of her comrades. Did any of these women truly care about Kyme?

Mayhap he would be able to show her he loved her more.

Suddenly, his vow to the Queen felt insignificant next to the tortuous ache in his chest.

Chapter 19

The rays of the morning sun cut strategically through the edge of the forest. It was a futile effort, as their light would never be able to penetrate the thick layer of trees. Still, the sun made the attempt. One had to respect that. Striving for one’s heart’s desire even if the outcome was never meant to be. Kyme wished she had such courage. Her shoulders slumped. No, she was a coward. She would never risk that chance.

Even so, Arsenius was hers. The Amazon symbol of her name, the
letter “k” with a dagger piercing it, would forever be branded upon his flesh. She hoped she wouldn’t live to regret marking him as hers.

She tied the clasp of her borrowed tunic and tucked in a few donated weapons as well. Grinning, she strapped a bow and quiver of arrows across her shoulders. Amazon clothing and weapons. Gods, she’d missed these.

At the campfire, Kalare prepared their fare. Kyme thanked her and chewed on some dried meat and a few berries. She took a drink of water from a flask before gathering nourishment for her prisoner.

They were heading out. Now. Before her godmother caused more trouble.

Kyme approached Arsenius. Sure enough, the moment her scent drifted toward him, his nostrils flared, his muscles tensed, and his eyes popped open. Those depths flashed silver as they bored into her, the intensity of his stare heating her flesh.

“I shall free you now.” She hesitated, unsure of what he would do once loose.

He nodded, and she blew out a breath of relief. He was an intelligent man and grasped the gravity of their situation.

She padded to the tree, unbound his foot first, and then his arm. Kyme flinched while he drew his limbs close to his body and gritted his teeth. The blood must be rushing into his limbs, likely causing a torrent of misery.

She hurriedly undid the others, and as he wavered on his feet, she circled her arms around his body. Grunting beneath the strain of his weight, she aided him to the ground.

Arsenius made no sound of complaint, though his suffering must be great.

She passed him the flask of wine and he accepted it with trembling hands. Kneeling in front of him, she placed her hands over his and helped him drink. Setting the flask aside, she withdrew the meat and bread and, tearing it into small pieces, fed him from her hand.

The emotions rolling off him confused her. Resentment screamed from his clenched jaw, and yet…

She lowered her gaze to his groin. No mistaking his other reaction. Apparently, there weren’t any problems with blood flow in his body. In this moment, she was glad he was as weak as he was.

“Leaving so soon, my dear?”

Damn, the Queen decided to make one last appearance. She always had to have the last word. Kyme whirled and rose, bending in a quick bow before straightening.

“Yes, my Queen, if it would not offend.”

“Of course not, my child. I would not wish to delay you further. I merely wished to inform you that Kalare and Myrto will be accompanying you on this mission.”

Kyme’s jaw dropped and a thousand protests formed on her tongue.

Behind her, Arsenius seemed to have forgotten the aches in his body as he pounced to his feet and growled behind her.

“My Queen, I must protest. I do not require aid. I fear their presence will endanger them and my mission.” Resentment welled inside her, and her tightly clenched fists trembled at her sides.

“They are more than capable of defending themselves and you, Kyme. I could not in good conscience leave you alone at the mercy of this
.” She spat out the last word.

“He is no danger to me. His crew, however, may be to your guards.”

“He is a liar, a thief, an enslaver of free men and women. I fear your unnatural attachment to him.” The Queen swept her hand in dismissal.

Kyme scowled, her frustration at being treated like a child boiling over. If a century and a half of existence did not make her a capable adult, what did she have to do to prove herself?

Winding back her arm, she whirled about and punched Arsenius right where his liver ought to be. In his weakened state, he stumbled back and grunted, but remained upright. She didn’t bother answering the question in his eyes as she spun back to face her godmother. “I am not unnaturally attached. Command me, Godmother.” She withdrew her knife and suspended it like an offering between her hands. “I will end him, here and now.” As she met Hippolyta’s glare, she hoped hers reflected the hardness of the Queen’s.

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