Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
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His friend, and leader, quirked an eyebrow at him. “Someone?”

Rafe smiled, thinking of the blonde-haired beauty that was sitting in Ella

s kitchen with her. “A young woman I met on my travels.”

His friend smiled his first genuine smile in months. “Oh?”

“I was hoping she could stay with us.”


re taken with her,” Albus stated in amazement as he stood up. “Which pack is she from?”

He sighed. This was going to be the difficult part. “She

s not from a pack. She

s a magik.”

“What?!” Albus shouted in instant anger.

“A Daylight witch!” Rafe cried holding his hands up in defense. “She

s good, Albus. I swear.”

His friend shuddered in pain. “Rafe...”

“Albus, it

s OK. I promise she

s not a bad guy.

Adriana sighed,
watching the handsome lykan sleeping peacefully beside her. She wondered if she had inherited her mother

s perverse nature, because sex with this beast had not been nearly as intolerable as she had thought it would be. She smiled wryly, remembering her inward reaction when her father told her she was to attach herself to this lykan; to give herself to him, in every way, if needs must. Her anger over that had been obvious. She was the highest ranking lady of the Dark Coven, and she was to give her virginity to a... mutt? And then she thought of her mother

s betrayal, and the thought of that betrayal becoming public, and no sacrifice was large enough. Luckily for her, Rafe had been enchanted with her from day one. Within a week she had managed to weasel all his secrets out of him, including that his former Pack Leader had had an affair with the leader of the Midnight Coven

s wife.

Who else knew this? she had asked, all innocent and sympathetic to his pain.

Everyone, he had groaned, everyone except the children.

Children, she sighed, and rubbed her rounded belly. She flinched at the thought of her father

s fury when she had returned to him with the news.

“Pregnant!” he had screamed. “It

s not possible!”

She had cried, kneeling at his feet. “It

s not my fault, father. Please...”

He had sent for their prophet. And then the horror of her situation was realized. Years ago the Prophet, an old immortal man who never spoke to or saw anyone except the leading family of the Coven,  had told of the coming of the child of mixed race, who would contain such power that they would bring about the end of the war.

“Gaia has grown weary of her children's war my lord,” the old man had wheezed. “She has blessed your daughter

s union with the lykan male, out-with a mating ritual, in order to bring forth a child from the prophecy.”

Devlyn had destroyed everything in sight while she had sat terrified of the thing growing inside of her.

“The only way to kill it, is to wait for the birth... or kill your daughter.”

Her eyes had flown wide to her father

s face, his dark eyes fierce on hers. The silence had stretched between them like a twanging wire.

“And the child will definitely not just be a magik? It will have the genes of both my daughter and that... thing?”

The prophet had nodded wearily.

His eyes had burned on her as she

d begun to cry harder.

“Father, no.” Ethan had stumbled up from his seat in the corner of the room. Adriana

s heart had pounded for him. How brave of him to face their father for her sake.

Devlyn had shaken his head. “No, old man, I won

t kill my daughter when she has done only what I asked of her.”


d drawn in a huge breath of relief and smiled tremulously at her brother.

“What is to be done then, Father?” Ethan had asked for her.

“Adriana will return to the pack,” he

d told them, taking them by surprise. “We don

t want them suspicious. The child must be killed but so shall the pack be. We have everything we need to destroy them and the abomination growing in your belly. After the birth.”


m sorry, Albus
,” Rafe groaned, tears spilling down his cheek as he cradled his baby daughter to his chest. “I

m so sorry I

ve brought this upon you.”

“You didn

t,” Albus bit out, anguished at the sight of his friend in such a state of grief. “My brother brought this upon us. If anyone should apologize it is my family.”

“I can

t believe... Adriana...,” he moaned, and held the baby girl closer.

“She... her family is not finished with us, Rafe. We must leave.”

Rafe nodded, but made no move.

“We have to leave now, friend,” Albus demanded, and pulled him to his feet gently. The rest of the pack was already headed where he had told them to go, and Marion, who had revealed Adriana to them when she visited with Magnus, was protecting them on their journey from any attack.

Rafe nodded again and followed him outside to the car. Ella waited anxiously with Lucien and Irini who, although young, were unusually quiet, fully aware something was wrong.

“Albus.” Rafe stopped him before they reached the car.



ll protect her, if something happens to me,” he pleaded, his eyes falling lovingly on his daughter. “You

ll protect my Caia.”

Albus nodded vehemently. “I already have a suggestion... but it can wait for now.”

17 - Alone

“Three years after your mother

s escape, she returned,” Magnus continued her tragic story quietly, “The pack

s guard was down and she tried to get to you. Your father got to you in time but Adriana... she killed him,” he whispered, grief cracking his voice. “Again, she escaped the pack, and again she waited. It was another four years... she returned for you, but Albus was ready and he sent you and Irini into hiding under Marion and Daylight protection. Albus, as you know, went after your mother and she killed him. That

s when Lucien went after her.” Magnus looked up at Lucien and Caia followed his gaze. Lucien stared back at her, his jaw clenched, his fists tight, pain screaming across his eyes.

“It took me five years, Caia,” he croaked, “but I finally got the opportunity, and I killed her... to protect you, to protect the pack.”

She felt her head shaking back and forth as if trying to shake their words, the truth, out of her ears. All the secrecy, the vague comments, the weird crap that she had been going through, all had been this, lies covering up the awful truth.

“So, I

m what... a magik?” her voice sounded dead to her. “Am I a witch?”

Ella leaned forward. She could smell her, could see her hand reaching to clasp her own, but she couldn

t feel her touch. “Yes. You

ve been showing signs towards the approach of your majority. Your eighteenth birthday. That

s why Marion is here.”

“By the sounds of it,” Marion added, “You

re a water witch.”

She pulled out of Ella

s grasp to hug herself, to keep from falling apart.
A water witch?

She felt like laughing hysterically,
what does that even mean?

The table in the center of the room began to shake as she watched it, and she felt everyone

s eyes fall on her worriedly.

“My mother killed my father. Tried to kill me?”

“Yes,” Lucien answered her softly. His strong hand reached for her, and she could hear him telling her to stay calm, but the words didn

t sink in.

“And you killed my mother?” The table started shaking uncontrollably now.

“She has a lot of raw power,” Marion murmured in surprise. Caia could hear her telling her she needed to stay calm. Was that her? Was she making the table do that? Of course, why not? She

d made Alexa fly, burst water pipes!

A wave of nausea swept through her entire body, and with her lykan reflexes she ran from the room, out onto the porch, where she leaned over the railings to vomit the horrific truth into the bushes below. She couldn

t seem to stop, until eventually all she had left were dry heaves. It wasn

t until she came up for air she realized someone was holding her hair back. Lucien. She sighed, feeling his warmth at her back. Too exhausted to be angry at him right now, she couldn

t help but lean back into his comforting heat. “I

m OK,” she whispered, feeling the tension in his body.

She felt his lips in her hair, and then his strong arm came around her waist and she was pulled tightly against him. He hushed her, and she suddenly realized she was crying. “It

s going to be OK,” he whispered soothingly.

Caia shook her head. “How?” she heard the weakness in her voice and hated it.


m sorry,” she could hear the sorrow in his words, “I

m sorry that I killed her, but I had to.”

Angry now, Caia pulled from his arms and spun to face him, batting furiously at her tears. “I

m not,” she growled loudly, the sound of the wolf distorting her voice like she had never heard before. “I

m not sorry you killed her! She was a monster, Lucien!”

Of a sudden Marion appeared on the porch, her hand reaching to Caia beseechingly. “Caia, you have to calm down. Your power is based in your emotions, you must calm down.”

She shook her head. “My parents... in my head… they were the one thing...” she couldn

t finish, the pain... it hurt all over. Splinters of wood started ripping up off the porch, one slicing her cheek. She didn

t even flinch. Her angry eyes bore into her Alpha. “And you didn

t tell me!”

“Caia.” Lucien tried to reach for her but the world suddenly grew very loud. All she could hear was this monstrous, soul-wrenching sound filling her ears, as if the world was falling apart. A wooden floorboard began jerking up from the porch.

“Caia, you have to pull it together.” she saw Marion mouth. No she was shouting she just couldn

t hear her voice. The woman stepped towards her, and she seemed to say something else but Caia couldn

t lip read those words.

And then she didn

t care about not knowing. She didn

t care about anything as the world turned black.

18 - Unraveling

Lucien was lost in his own thoughts, his eyes gazing at the ceiling, worrying about Caia knocked out on her bed. Her reaction to the truth was the worst he could have feared; it had bled all her usual strength from her, and obliterated the cool, tranquility of her character that he had come to find so soothing. He was oblivious to the others and their conversation until Magnus looked worriedly at Marion and asked, “Will she be alright?”

“Yes. It was a pretty powerful spell. She will be out for a while, but she

ll be fine.”

Lucien sighed heavily, his eyes sweeping his family. “I knew she would take it badly, but I wasn

t prepared for that reaction.”

To his annoyance Saffron snorted, shifting her weight on the arm of the chair she was perched upon. “Yeah.” She shook her head, her eyebrow raised sardonically. “Man, was that an overreaction. I mean, come on, it

s not as if she woke up one day in a dysfunctional pack of lykans, who, as far as she was aware, were keeping her from the inner circle of the pack like she wasn

t really one of them, and then they tell her that she

s only part wolfie because the rest of her is part evil witch, and, oh, that

s cos' her mommy and daddy didn

t die due to some weird hunter guy, but actually her mommy killed her daddy and then tried to kill her too. Oh, and that while all of you were going about your daily lives, she was frightened to cry in case the house flooded, scared, not knowing what the hell was happening to her, when right next door her Pack Leader had all the answers for her. Not to mention the icing on the cake... being prophecy girl an


BOOK: Moon Spell (The Tale of Lunarmorte #1)
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