Moons' Dreaming (Children of the Rock) (45 page)

Read Moons' Dreaming (Children of the Rock) Online

Authors: Marguerite Krause,Susan Sizemore

BOOK: Moons' Dreaming (Children of the Rock)
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Are you sure, lass?

Jordy looked down at her.


m often in Edian.


s been three years. They won

t even remember me.

Her voice fell further.

And I don

t want to remember them.

Seeing that the shouting was over, most of the people grouped around them began to drift away. With a certain amount of resignation, Jordy said,


ll leave it, then. If that

s what you want.

Thank you.

Ivey clapped his hands together once and announced,

Time for dancing!

Several young people took up the shout, and ran to fetch instruments or partners. Jordy reached behind Iris for the bowl of food and pressed it into her hands, then walked with her toward the square. Left alone, Ivey gazed gratefully at the earth.
Thank you, gods, for letting me distract a very stubborn man.

He went to find his guitar.

* * *

Well, carter.

Jordy glanced up at the greeting.

Well, innkeeper,

he countered. Herri stepped over the bench and sat down, a large cup of wine in each hand. He passed one to Jordy.


s been a fine day for it.


Jordy took a swallow of wine. In front of them a new dance began. Young Pross had recovered enough from his adventure with the guards to take a turn on the drum. Farther along the square, Ivey stood in the flickering light of three or four torches, gesturing broadly as he told some tale or another to a circle of fascinated children. Villagers stood or sat in small groups around the square. When there was a pause in the dancing, snatches of talk and laughter could be heard from every direction. Keyn, just passing full, added her gentle illumination to the scene.

Your Iris is a quiet one.

Herri nodded toward the girl, hiding as she had been most of the day in the shadow of Cyril

s silence.

You can

t tell what she thinks of our Festival. Is she still frightened of you?

Can you blame her? Soza

s the last place a child would learn to trust an adult. At least she gets on well with Tob and the girls.

Give her a few ninedays, Jordy. She

ll settle in.

I haven

t that much time.

Jordy finished the wine and set the cup between his feet for safekeeping.

Tob and I have to get back on the road.

The dance ended with a trill from the flutes, a crash from the drum
and an exuberant shout from the dancers. In the lull that followed, other, fainter sounds carried clearly through the night air. Jordy stiffened.

What is it?

Herri asked.


Around the square, conversations died and heads turned in the direction of the road. Herri

s black brows knotted in puzzlement.

Who would be abroad on a Festival night?

The blacksmith, still panting from the exertion of the dance, looked toward Herri in alarm.

Not Abstainers!

The riders cantered into the square from the north road. Pale Keynlight reflected off the metal they wore, helmets, ring-sewn leather vests, and forearm guards. The leader wore not leather, but chain mail. Their equipment and the cut of their tunics made them immediately identifiable. King

s guards.

They did not slow. The surprised silence at such an unexpected interruption gave way to shouts and curses. Nearby adults snatched up children, their own or anyone

s, and hurried with them toward the wall of the inn. Others tried to wave the onrushing horses away as they would a herd of panicked sheep. The horses, trained to fight, came on without pause, and farmers and fishers scattered to avoid being trampled.

Jordy counted eight guards in the square. Four others waited with the pack animals and spare mounts at the entrance to the north road. Herri leapt to his feet as one of the riders bore down on the dance square. Ignoring angry shouts to keep clear, the guard jumped his horse into the ring of benches, its hooves narrowly missing heads as people ducked out of the way. He pulled his horse to a stop in front of the musicians, and turned back toward the rest of the guards.

Here, sir!

the guard called.

Three other riders began to close on the dance area. Jordy pushed past the innkeeper and under the nose of the horse to grab Pross by the elbow. In a low voice, he said,

Run, boy,

and pushed him in the direction of the river.

A boot planted between Jordy

s shoulder blades sent him sprawling. He rolled away from the thudding hooves, heard people scatter all around him. He bumped into an overturned bench and scrambled to his feet. Herri had grabbed the first horse by the bridle. Two mounted guards bore down on the running Pross. Kessit

s outraged cry carried above the confused shouting.

Stop them!

The rider in the middle of the dance area drew his sword.

Let go, or I

ll remove your hand from your arm.

You have no right here,

Herri told him.

You should be at home with your families.

The young guard laughed. Pross

s pursuers caught his arms and lifted him from the ground. They slowed their horses to a walk and turned back toward the square, the boy struggling in mid-air between them.

Another guard urged his mount toward Herri. Onlookers fell back at the sight of the naked sword ready in his hand.


t be a fool,

he said.

We have any right we choose to take.

* * *

Ivey took one look at the reckless approach of the leading guard and turned away to quickly scan the crowded square for that distinctive red hair. Where was she? Jenil would skin him if Vray was caught, and leave what was left for Sene. He had seen the girl just a few minutes ago!

People were scuffling in the dancing ring. Herri

s voice carried, although the words were indecipherable in the general noise. Too many horses jostled each other and threatened the people around them. Ivey remembered where he

d seen the girl, sitting near Jordy

s silent wife on a bench against the smithy wall, a quarter of the way around the square from the dancing ring. Keeping close to the wall of the inn yard, he started in that direction, and broke into a run as soon as he could.

He was the only one moving away from the disturbance. A few parents had scooped up children, but curiosity and concern drew everyone closer to the group of riders. He almost missed seeing the tall princess. The diffident girl of the tale-telling had disappeared. She was pale, but the tension in her was not fear. She was furious, and she intended to do something.

He snagged one arm around the girl

s waist and dragged her back against the inn yard wall.

Hold it!

he growled in her ear.

She snapped her head to the right, meeting his eyes. The expression in hers was nearly enough to wither him.

Let go of me!

she shouted.


t do it, girl.

Her body went stiff against him.

They have no right to do this. I

m going to stop it!

You can


Let me go and I will!

How? Who do you think you are? Who would they think you are?

She blinked.


Confusion caused her to stop resisting him, long enough for him to pull her the rest of the way into the yard. Once behind the wall, they were out of sight of the square, out of the view of any guard who might glance their way. A guard who might notice a red-haired woman, or remember her later.

Are you really going to command that troop to cease what they

re doing?

I have to.

Now she sounded more confused than determined. Her anguished gaze turned toward the sound of raised voices, the harsh laughter.

The boy belongs here. He

s their only son. Dael would never

Send the guard out to steal children? Perhaps not, but that

s not your concern. Do you want to repeat the last three years?

She shuddered and, abruptly, leaned against him. He spoke rapidly.

Jenil could have brought you to Edian, you know. She would have, if she thought you could help by being there. She chose to bring you here. Whatever her reasons, she means you no harm. Stay safe, Vray. Trust us. Stay here with me until the guards are gone.

Her protest was weak, barely a whisper.

But they need me.

He patted her shoulder.

These are good people. Strong. They can take care of themselves.

* * *

Jaea tried to throw herself at one of the horsemen who held her son. Kessit stopped her.

The boy doesn

t want to serve in the guards. Leave him alone!

No one asked what he wants. No one

s going to ask what any of you want,

the rider shot back.

Jordy tried to catch the eye of some of the villagers nearest him. Any moment now, someone would notice that they outnumbered the guards four to one. Jordy could just imagine the unplanned rush against the intruders, and the bloody results. He finally got Herri

s attention, and signaled frantically for him to step back.

The leader of the guards was also aware of his position. He raised his voice.

We serve the king. So does this boy. So does anyone we choose. Interfere at your peril.

He turned his head toward the edge of the square.


he yelled.

Grinning, two of his men snatched up the nearest torches. One rode for the smithy, the other for the inn. Other guards grabbed yet more torches and swept toward their chosen targets.

The diversion worked perfectly. Children screamed as flaming brands flew over their heads to bounce off the walls of the inn and roll under wooden tables. Herri released his captive with a curse. Five riders piled their torches, and branches torn from nearby trees, against the wide wooden doors of the smithy, which began to smolder. At the inn, dried flowers and gaily colored decorations burst into flame.

For most, the choice was automatic. Everyone knew how to deal with fire. The villagers scattered, not out of fear of the guards, but to fetch water. Pross was swung up in front of one of his captors. Another rider thundered close behind Kessit and Jaea and tumbled them to the ground. The rest threw torches high into the branches of the trees surrounding the square, where they caught and flickered ominously.

Herri bellowed instructions. Canis knelt beside Jaea and Kessit. At the smithy, Lannal formed a chain of villagers and buckets between his well and the burning door. Jordy found Tob beside him.

Rope from Herri

s stable. Be quick. We have to get into those trees before the fire spreads.

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