More Layers: Book Two Layers Series (5 page)

BOOK: More Layers: Book Two Layers Series
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I swallow, forgetting that I haven’t chewed up my salad, and a piece of lettuce gets caught in the back of my throat. I swallow again, in an effort to dislodge it, but it remains lodged and I start to choke.

The following happen in a matter of seconds.
Lee jumps up from his lounger, pulls me up and off salad flies onto Marco’s drink topples over and off the table. Lee stands behind me and pulls me into him as he puts his arms under my armpits. He then puts hand over fist, just below my breast, then fuck...pumps once, then twice, and the piece of lettuce goes flying out of my mouth and lands on top of Marco’s head.

“Fuck me,” I pant out.

Marco pulls the piece of lettuce from his hair. “Fuckin’ A,” he says, and we all crack up.

“Thanks, Lee,” I say when I can form words.

“Just doing my job,” he pants out. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry,” I say as I sit back down on the side of my lounger and help Marco pick salad off of himself.

Gary walks up and stands next to my lounger. “Are you okay, ma’am?”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

He helps clean up. “I’ll place an order for another salad,” he says.

“No, thank you, I think I better stick with liquids.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, and again, thank you.”

He leaves, and we return to our lounging.

We watch as Jaxson waves over Gary. He says something to him and Gary gives him a cocktail napkin and a pen.

Jaxson writes on the napkin then hands it to Gary.

Gary takes it and then proceeds to make his way toward us.

He stands next to my lounger and hands me the napkin. “From the gentleman across the pool,” he says.

I look across the pool at Jaxson and he gives me a salute. I unfold the napkin.

“What does it say?” Jules asks.

“It says ‘Are you okay?’“

I take Gary’s pen and write my reply “Yes, thank you. Got choked up on a piece of lettuce.” I hand it and the napkin back to him.

Gary takes it back to Jaxson; he reads it and nods my way. He then writes something on the napkin and hands it back to Gary.

Gary walks back over to me and hands it to me.

I open it up and read it out loud. “Do you like what you see, Ms. Grant?”

“Oh my God,” Jules says.

I borrow Gary’s pen and write my reply. “I’ve seen better

I then fold the napkin and hand it back to him.

He takes it over to Jaxson. He reads it and smiles. He then writes a reply and gives it back to Gary.

“What the fuck is he doing?” Jules asks me.

I shake my head and down another shot.

“I feel like I’m in the seventh grade,” Lee comments.

“I just don’t get him. First the asswad lies, and then cheats on you with his ex-wife, who he supposedly can’t stand the sight of. Then he acts all innocent, like he doesn’t have a clue why you moved back to London and break all contact. For months he tells Nick he still loves you, yet he fucks around and then moves in with his ex. And now he’s flirting with you, while she’s lying right next to him.”

“I don’t get it either,” Jules.

“I can understand why you haven’t told him about the boys he’s...he’s fucked up,” Lee says.

“He’s not fucked up,” Marco says. “I think there’s more to this than we know. And not telling him he has sons is just wrong. You know it, and so does Lex.”

“What do you know, gaywad?” Jules replies.

“Don’t gaywad me. You know he should have been told, a long time ago.”

“All right, all of you. I get it—I fucked up.”

Gary returns with Jaxson’s reply.

I open it. “Are you sure, Ms. Grant?” I read out load. I bite my lip so I don’t smile and write my reply. “Yes, I’m sure, Mr. Ryan. Very!” I hand it back to Gary and he runs it over to Jaxson.

We watch as Jaxson writes his reply and Gary returns with his answer.

I open the napkin and read it to myself. “I want you, Ms. Grant, and I know you want me so...”
My eyes fill with tears. How could he be so cruel to say something like that to me? Once again, I’m grateful for hunormous sunglasses. I suck in a breath, and bite my bottom lip.

“Hey, Princess,” Marco says, “are you okay?”

“What the hell did he write?” Jules asks me.

I shake my head, and write my reply. “GAME OVER MR. RYAN. YOU WIN!” I fold it and grab my bag. I find my wallet and remove two one hundred dollar bills and hand them to Gary.

He takes them and the note and gives me a weak smile.

“Thank you, Gary.”

He nods then leaves.

“Hey, are you okay?” Lee asks.

“Yes,” I croak out.

I feel tears overflow and catch on the edge of my sunglasses. I instinctively go to wipe them away and still my hand. There’s no way I’m going to let him see me cry. I stand and grab my things. I nod to Lee, and without saying a word he nods and grabs his things.

“Princess,” Marco says, “what did he say?”

I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Well, fuck this,” Jules says, and gets up, and starts to gather her things.

“Jules, please stay with Marco and finish your lunch.”

She frowns.

“It’s about time I was leaving anyway. I’ve got some work that needs to be done.”

“That motherfucker asswad,” Jules says. “I’m going to go over there and tell him where he can shove his overachieving dick.”

“No, please don’t. Just let it go.”

She huffs and reluctantly sits back down.

Marco stands and gives me a hug and then plants a kiss on my forehead. “Call us if you need anything, okay?”

“I will. I’ll see you two at the party. Don’t be late.”

They nod, and Lee and I make our exit.

* * *


Shit! She’s leaving. Fuck! I went too far.

Gary returns with the napkin.

“Sir,” he says and hands it to me.

I fish my wallet out of Mia’s bigass bag, and hand him a couple of hundreds. “Thank you, Gary.”

He nods then picks up our empty drinks. “Can I get you another, sir?”

“Yes, can you make it a double?”

He nods and starts to leave, then turns back. “Sir, I know this isn’t any of my business, but I think you upset the lady. She tried to hide it, but I’m pretty sure she was crying when she left.”

I nod. “Thanks, Gary.”

He nods and leaves.

I open the napkin and read her reply. “Fuck!” I’m such an asshole.

Mia turns her head. “What’s that?”

“Nothing,” I say and put it into my wallet.

“Could you?” She looks over her shoulder.

I bend and fasten her swim top.

She turns over and adjusts it over her ridiculously large silicone (or whatever the hell they use now) tits. Nick calls her tits The Silicone Valley. I call them just plain stupid.

“Doesn’t look like nothing to me,” she says, and takes a sip of her drink.

I ignore her and put my sunglasses on and lay back.

“Looks like you lost some of your admirers.”

I continue to ignore her. She’s looking for a fight, and I don’t have the energy.

“Cat got your tongue, my dear?” she says and laughs.

I cringe and bite my lip. I hate her fucking laugh. Funny, how she’s always saying, “cat got your tongue,” because her laugh sounds like a cat that’s being strangled.

Gary shows up with my drink. Thank fuck!

I put out my hand and he hands it to me. I down it and give it back to him.

He lifts a brow.

“Keep them coming,” I tell him.

“Okay.” He looks at Mia. “Ma’am, can I get you anything?”

“Do you have a lunch menu?” she asks.

He hands her one. “I’ll give you a minute to look it over,” he says and leaves.

“Are you going to eat or just get drunk?”

“I’m not hungry,” I bite out.

“Hey, don’t take it out on me. You’re pathetic; pining over her when it’s obvious that she’s moved on.”

“What the fuck do you know?”

She laughs. “I know a lot more about it than you think.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. I wish you’d stop obsessing over the bitch, and realize that you and I are inevitable. I know you love me, Jaxson. You can deny it all you want, but you do. And you need me.”

“Need you?”

“I’m your partner. For better or worse.”

“Well, I don’t think it could possibly get any worse.”

“You know it’s all her fault.”

“What is?”


“Let it go, Mia,” I warn her.

“We both know that Alexia Grant tricked you into falling for her. She lied about who she was so she could get a job at Ryan. I think her plan was to get close to you, on a professional level, then worm her way into your bed. What she didn’t plan on was you rejecting her advances. This forced her to come up with another plan. She set herself up for embezzlement, and hired someone to trash her apartment, and send her photos and e-mails, making it look like someone was stalking her. She knew you’d feel guilty and obligated to help her, and you went above and beyond by having her move to your estate. I almost feel sorry for her. She went to all that trouble, only to find out you were already taken. The only thing I don’t understand is, why you? She’s worth billions and could have just about anyone. But then again, she’s not very attractive. Her mouth is too big; her eyes are weird looking, she’s way too tall, too thin and, oh my God! Those tits—hello! Where are they? I should give her the name of my doctor. I will concede to her having gorgeous hair, but it could use a trim and highlights.”

“Mia, you are one crazy delusional bitch.”

She laughs.

Further proving my point.

Then I think about something she said. “How did you know about the photos and e-mails? I never told you. That’s confidential information.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Yes you did. How else would I know? You don’t remember because you were probably drunk. You’re a very forthcoming drunk, Jaxson. You lose all your inhibitions and your tongue goes a waggin’.”

“You’re full of shit. I wouldn’t have told you drunk, or sober.”

She ignores my comment. “On the bright side, you did put your dick into a cunt that’s worth billions. I think our best course of action is to threaten her with a lawsuit for falsifying her identity. Hired under false credentials or something like that. We’ll need to talk to a lawyer first, and get advice on the best way to handle it. The thought of her living in New York renders me ill, but it will make it easier to file charges. She’ll lawyer up and try to brush us off, but if we threaten to leak to the press about her alter ego, I’m sure she’ll pay up. Maybe we don’t even need to sue her, just threaten to expose her to the press. What do you think?”

“I think you’re fucking nuts.”

“Come on, Jaxson, we could use the extra money. The sale of our estate went right to the creditors. She owes you for all the shit she put you through. She owes me.”

“What the fuck! First of all, the estate is...was mine, and Lex doesn’t owe me shit! And why the hell would she owe you?”

“Lower your voice. You never know who could be listening. And you’re wrong...she does owe me. She’s the reason Ryan is days from bankruptcy.”

“Mia...just shut the fuck up.” I get up and grab my things.

“Where are you going?”

“None of your goddamn business.”

“Everything you do is my business, Jaxson.”

“Mia...” God I hate her.


Cheating Bastard


Just before four, Lee leaves to meet Jaxson in the lobby. After his pool game, I wanted to call our meeting off. But I put on my big girl panties and bucked up. I’m a Grant, for hell sake. If he can bring me to tears, with a note written on a cocktail napkin, then I need to face him and let him know that I won’t tolerate that kind of behavior. Fuck...I am a Grant.

I hear the dreaded knock. I take an unsure breath. Then slowly blow it out. I can do this. I’m the fucking CEO of Grant Industries. I eat men for breakfast...I wish.

I open the door, and Lee steps aside to let Jaxson enter.

“I’ll be right next door if you need me, just steps away, seconds, milliseconds. Do you remember our safe word?”

“I’m not two. I’ll be fine.”

I begin to shut the door and he stops it with his bigass hand. “Well?”

“Oh for Christ sake, ‘python.’“

“If you get stressed and panic, and can’t remember, just think about a certain part of my...”

I shut the door.

“Damn, conceited, infuriating man.”

“You’re just mad because I play for the other team,” he yells through the door.

“Go away, Lee.”

“You don’t have to get all bent.”

“Go away!”

“I’m going.”

I turn and find Jaxson standing by the window, looking down over the far end of Vegas.

My gut hurts and I feel light-headed. I swear the man depletes oxygen. I inhale. Yep—thin air.

“Can I get you a drink, or anything to eat?”

He turns and shakes his head, then shifts his attention back to the view.

Okay then. I sit in a velvet-upholstered chair and play with a hole in the knee of jeans. He continues to silently look out the window while I take him in. It’s not fucking fair that he looks like an Italian god, and I can’t have him. He should be mine. Why didn’t he want me? What’s wrong with me? Boo fucking hoo. Repeat after me. Jaxson Chase Ryan is a lying, cheating bastard. Again. Jaxson Chase Ryan is a lying, cheating bastard.

I wonder why he let his hair grow so long. Hell, why do I care? It’s his hair; he can do whatever he wants with it. As long as he doesn’t take out that short pony and run his hands through it. If he did that, I’d have to kill him or beg him not to stop. Fuck. Lying, cheating bastard. Lying, cheating bastard. And why the hell did he have to grow a goatee. Now I’ll have to reimagine all my oral sex dreams. Does he have any idea how much brainpower that takes? We’re talking hundreds of dreams here—hundreds. At least he still wears his signature low-riding Levis, the ones that hug his ass and hips to perfection. Thank God for small favors.

“I’m sorry about what happened at the pool.”


He turns. “Why am I sorry?”

“Why did you come to the pool, and why were you flirting with me?”

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