More to Us (14 page)

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Authors: Allie Everhart

BOOK: More to Us
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"We should get to bed," Jen says to Bryce. Then she says to me, "It was nice meeting you."

"Yeah, you too."

Bryce picks up the duffle bag I hadn't even noticed was sitting by his feet and the two of them go down the hall, where I'm guessing the bedrooms are located.

"I need to get something to eat," Mitch says, going to the fridge. "I didn't have time for dinner."

Austin takes my hand. "We're gonna head out."

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Wheeler," I say.

"It's Mitch." He smiles as he closes the fridge. "And nice meeting you too." He looks at Austin. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you again."

Austin walks me back through the living room and out the front door to his truck. As he's pulling away from the house, he says, "Second date and you've already met half my family." He laughs a little.

"It wasn't a date," I say.

"It was a date." He turns left at the stop sign.

"We went to a movie. That doesn't make it a date."

"We did things
the movie that made this a date. I wouldn't do those things with someone I wasn't dating."

"So now you're just declaring we're dating? You didn't even consult me about this."

We're parked in a long line of traffic that isn't moving so he turns to me and smiles. "Then I'm consulting with you now. I'd like to date you."

He wants to date me. But do I want that? I'm supposed to be putting all my efforts on getting back in shape to compete. And I have to put at least some effort into school. Which leaves me no time for a boyfriend.

"What if we're just friends things?"

"Friends with benefits?" He shakes his head. "No. Sorry, but I don't do that. It's all or nothing with me. You date me or you don't. And if you don't, then what we did tonight isn't happening again."

Is he serious? What guy turns down the friends-with-benefits offer? Isn't that every guy's dream? A physical relationship without the commitment?

"Besides," he says, "I don't think that's what you really want."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you really want some guy to just have sex with and nothing else? Because that doesn't seem like you. I know we just met but I'm just saying, I think you want more than that."

He's right. I
want more than that, but not right now. Right now, I don't have time for a relationship. But I also don't want to end what I've started with Austin. I really, really like him.

"You're right," I say. "That's not me. But if we date, that doesn't make me your girlfriend."

"It sure as hell does," he says, turning down a side street to get out of the traffic that wasn't moving.

"People can date without the girlfriend and boyfriend labels."

"Maybe some people, but not me." He drives through a neighborhood and comes out onto another street that has less traffic.

"You seriously call a girl your girlfriend after just a couple dates?"

"Not usually, but you brought it up so I'm assuming that means you want to define our relationship." He turns down another side street."

"Okay, wait. I was not trying to define our relationship. In fact, I was suggesting that we NOT define it and just be friends stuff."

"Which we both agreed we don't want. We want more than that, which is why I'm making you my girlfriend."

"I won't make a very good girlfriend. I'm not going to have much free time once classes start. And then I have to study and do homework and work out and—"

"Yeah. I got it." He smiles at me. "You're busy. And so am I. But when I have some free time, I'd like to spend it with you. So what do you say?"

I smile back. "Fine. I'll be your girlfriend." I laugh to myself. "I can't believe I'm agreeing to this after swearing I wouldn't have a boyfriend, but apparently you're a good negotiator because here I am agreeing to it."

"I promise you won't regret it." He turns down another street. I'm completely lost. I don't know where we are. He keeps zigzagging through side streets to avoid the traffic. He really knows his way around. "So what'd you think of my family?"

"I like them. They seem really nice. But it was the absolute worst time to meet them. Did you see what a mess I am?" I fumble with my shirt, trying to fix the buttons.

"I'm sure they didn't notice."

"Are you kidding? Your dad totally noticed. He looked right at my shirt. He knew what we'd been doing."

"Yeah? So?"

"So now he won't like me. He told you not to bring girls home and then he finds me in his kitchen, half dressed."

"He didn't care. And you didn't spend the night, so technically, I didn't break his rule."

"I know, but still..."

"Don't worry about it." He turns down another street. "I know my dad and I could tell he liked you."

I finish buttoning my shirt, finally getting it lined up right. And when I look up, we're back at my apartment. That was fast. I'm not ready to say goodnight, but we can't go upstairs. Amber's home and I don't want her talking to Austin.

"You can just drop me off," I say as he pulls into the parking lot.

"It's late, and dark out. I'm walking you to the door." He parks the truck and comes around to get my door. I've never dated a guy who opens doors for me or walks me to the door. Now that I'm thinking that, I'm realizing I've dated some real losers. Even my boyfriend in high school didn't treat me very well.

We get to the door, and as he opens it I say, "Let's just say goodbye here. Amber's probably still up there with her boyfriend and I don't want you walking in on anything."

I used this excuse earlier, even though it wasn't true, because I didn't want Austin coming upstairs to get me. I don't trust Amber to keep quiet about what happened to me. If she told Austin how badly I hurt my leg, he wouldn't let me train hard at the gym, and the last thing I need is yet another person coddling me, not letting me reach my full potential. I don't know why that topic would even come up but I can't risk it.

"You really think they're still going at it?" he asks.

I shrug. "You never know with them."

Amber would kill me if she knew I was talking about her like this, making her sound like some kind of sex addict. That's so not her, but I didn't know what else to say.

"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Bright and early."

He kisses me, just once, then backs away. It was a good kiss but not enough.

I must look disappointed because he says, "If I keep going, I'll never leave." He smiles. "Now go inside so I know you're safe."

I go in the building and up to my apartment. When I get there, I find Amber on the couch watching TV. Alone. Why isn't Matt here? I know he'd be here if she invited him, so why didn't she? She keeps saying she likes him, but if that's true, then why isn't he here?

I just started dating Austin and I already miss him when he's not around. I would've invited him up if Amber wasn't home. So is that why she's not inviting Matt over? Because of me?

"Hey." She turns and looks at me as I come in. "How was your date?"

"Good," I say, dropping my keys in the little tray we keep by the door. I smile, not able to stop myself.

She jumps up from couch and runs over to me. "What happened? Why are you smiling like that? I need details!"

I take a seat at the kitchen table. "We went to a movie. It was that shark movie that came out a few weeks ago. It was really bad. And this guy coughed throughout the entire thing. We ended up leaving early."

"Yeah? So then what? Where did you go?"

"We got ice cream at this place by his house."

"He has a house?"

"No, he lives with his dad. We ended up going over there because I spilled on my shirt." I point out the stain. "His dad was there and so was his brother and his brother's girlfriend."

"You already met his family? This is getting serious." She's perched on the edge of her seat, eagerly awaiting whatever I'm going to say next. It's just like I said. Amber lives for this stuff. She's obsessed with all things romance, even if it has nothing to do with her. She totally needs to be a matchmaker.

"I only met his family because they came home as I was washing my shirt out in the sink." I leave out the fact that I never actually got around to washing my shirt.

"So are you two dating now? You didn't deny it when I called it a date, so does that mean you're dating?"

"Yes. We're dating."

She bursts from her chair. "Oh my God, I can't believe this! My best friend is dating a Wheeler boy? Austin's the only single one left! Girls are going to be so jealous of you!" She sits down again. "So how did this happen? How do you go from not wanting to date him just a few hours ago to actually admitting that you two are dating?"

"I don't know. I guess I just decided that it might not be so bad to have a boyfriend."

"Wait, so now he's your boyfriend? You're already calling him that?"

"Yeah. Why not?" I say it casually, but I know she'll make a big deal out of it.

"Is he calling you his girlfriend?"

I get up and take a glass from the cupboard, not answering her.

"Kira, did you hear me? Is Austin calling you his girlfriend?"

"Yes," I say, filling my glass with water.

She almost knocks over her chair as she gets up and meets me at the sink. "Are you serious? You've gone on like two dates with him!"

And been to the gym with him, talked on the phone for hours...but she doesn't know any of that.

"The girlfriend thing is just a label," I say, trying to downplay it. "It just means we're dating." I attempt to go around her but she blocks my path.

"It's more than that. It means he really likes you. Enough that he wants everyone to know. I can't believe you've lived here less than two weeks and already got the hottest, most wanted guy in Chicago to be your boyfriend. This is crazy!" She throws her hands up.

I laugh. "Okay, calm down. This may not even last. By next week, we could be broken up."

I hope that doesn't happen. I hope this lasts longer than a week or two, and if it doesn't, I hope Austin and I can still be friends.

"I'm tired." I go around her, my glass of water in my hand. "I'm going to bed."

She races in front of me. "We're not done yet. I need to know more, like, did you kiss? Well, you must have if he's calling you his girlfriend. Wait, did you kiss him last night and not tell me?"

"No. But we did kiss tonight."

"And? How was it?"

"Good." I smile. "Great. Perfect."

"I knew it! He seems like he'd be a good kisser. He has great lips. So what else happened?"

"Nothing. That's it. We just kissed." I walk past her and down the hall. "I really need to get to bed. I have to get up early."

She follows me. "Why are you getting up early?"

I need an excuse. One she'll believe. "I'm going walking. You know how my mom and I used to do those early morning walks? I kind of miss those, so I thought I'd start doing them again."

"Then I'll go with you. What time are you leaving?"

"Around six, but I'd kind of like to go alone so I can listen to music. Besides, you hate getting up early."

"True. Then I guess I'll see you when you get back. We can have breakfast together. When are you seeing Austin again?"

"I'm not sure." I stop at the door to my room. "He has to practice with the band tomorrow night so—"

"You didn't tell him about me, did you?"

"Tell him what?"

"About Dylan and me. Because you can't tell him. Promise me you won't."

"I won't. But you need to stop worrying about this. Like you said, Dylan's probably moved on and so have you. By the way, why isn't Matt over here?"

"He had to work tonight."

"The store closed an hour ago. He could've stopped here on his way home."

"He has to be up early for work and we're going out tomorrow night so we just decided not to see each other tonight."

"You're not avoiding having him over because of me, are you?"

"No. Why?"

"Because he's your boyfriend, so I kind of expected him to be over here more. I thought maybe you told him not to come over because you didn't want me to feel uncomfortable."

"No, but now that you mention it, would it make you uncomfortable?"

"If you two are having sex on the couch while I'm trying to watch TV, then yeah," I laugh, "that would bother me. But just having him here? That doesn't bother me. And if you want him to spend the night, I'm fine with that too. Just try to keep the noise down."

"Same goes for you and Austin." She smiles. "He can spend the night, but if the headboard starts banging against the wall, I AM going to complain."

I roll my eyes. "That's not gonna happen. Now I really do need to get to bed."

"Okay. See you tomorrow."

I go in my room and close the door and check my phone. There's a text from Austin.

Talked to my dad. He likes you. Told you. Goodnight.

I smile and put my phone down.

The next morning, I get to the gym at six-fifteen. After dropping my stuff off in the locker room, I go out to the gym to warm up on the treadmill, but first I need to say hi to Austin. It's pathetic how excited I am to see him again. I've never been this hung up on a guy, especially after only knowing him a few days.

I don't see him by the free weights or the machines. I turn the corner that leads to the line of cardio machines and there he is, talking to some girl. She has bright blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and looks a couple years older than me. She's wearing tight black shorts that barely cover her ass and a bright pink sports bra.

The girl is on the elliptical machine and Austin's resting his arm on the support bar, leaning toward her and smiling as he talks.

What the hell? Is he flirting with her? Because it sure as hell looks like it. The girl is smiling back, then she laughs at whatever he said.

I march over there, stopping right next to the machine, directly across from Austin.

"Hi," I say, forcing out a smile.

"Hey." He smiles back, and it's not a guilty smile, but just his usual friendly smile. So maybe he wasn't flirting with her, or maybe he's just good at hiding his cheating.

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