Morning Song: A Seeders Universe Novel (7 page)

Read Morning Song: A Seeders Universe Novel Online

Authors: Dean Wesley Smith

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Morning Song: A Seeders Universe Novel
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Fisher smiled at them as Roscoe and Maria arrived in the kitchen. Roscoe had his pulse rifle over his shoulder for the moment, but he could get to it quickly. His team was going to be close to any of the other team members at all times in case a group were transported out of Fisher’s ship. He wanted one of his armed team with the others.

Roscoe glanced around at the kitchen. It could hold about six sitting around a nifty wooden dining table secured to the floor and the cooking area seemed state-of-the-art from what Roscoe could tell. He wasn’t much of a cook, but he tried at times.

Roscoe could see a pantry stocked completely full just beyond one side of the kitchen. He knew that in other places on the ship there were enough supplies on board to feed the fifteen of them for a year, at least.

He sure hoped this mission didn’t take that long, or a lot of people on those planets ahead of them were going to die.

Maria seemed calm now, not as excited as she had been before they jumped into trans-tunnel flight. Her excitement had been almost infectious and he loved that feeling of looking at the good things in something instead of always the bad. She balanced him well.

“This sure feels familiar,” Fisher said, smiling, seemingly not at all concerned about the situation as he opened the fridge and offered them water or something else to drink.

Both Maria and Roscoe declined, so Fisher took out a bottle of a pink fluid and sat down at the kitchen table, indicating that they should join him.

“Familiar?” Maria asked as she sat across from Fisher. “How?”

Roscoe went over and leaned against a bulkhead near Maria, preferring to stand at the moment. It was going to take him some time to relax at this point.

Fisher took a drink and sighed. “When my friend and I first ran into a large ship coming to rescue the population of the planet where we have the lodge, our ship, this ship, in a much more primitive state, was teleported inside a huge landing deck. It was a smaller deck by a long ways from what we are in now, but still huge by our little ship’s standards.”

“Is it something about this ship that makes people want to do that?” Roscoe asked.

Fisher laughed and Maria shook her head and smiled at him, which he appreciated more than he wanted to admit. The tension in the room seemed to ease a lot from his joke question and he loved it when those golden eyes of hers looked fondly at him.

“Must be,” Fisher said.

“What happened that first time?” Maria asked.

“Scared to death, we just went outside to introduce ourselves. Seeders, by their very nature, are a peace-loving group. We didn’t know that at the time, but we do now.”

Roscoe had to admit, that was true. But as Sector Justice forces knew so well, they still needed to know how to defend themselves. This huge ship clearly had good defenses.

“So are you suggesting we go introduce ourselves?” Maria said.

“Can you think of another option,” Fisher asked, “after we study what we are getting from the scans, of course. They sure know we are here. I have nothing on this ship that could even pretend to block a scan, even if we wanted to.”

Roscoe nodded at that. “How long until preliminary scans will be done?”

Fisher shrugged. “This ship we are in is bigger than many moons, so it’s going to take some time to really cover it. But honestly, we’ll know if we’re alone and the focus of our mission in two hours.”

“Can you feed the scans to my people in a place in the ship where we could work?” Maria asked.

Roscoe knew the answer, since he had checked out and helped Fisher set up the ship before the mission. But he let Fisher answer.

“We can,” Fisher said. “We retrofitted our second exercise room with ten work and scanning stations before this mission.”

He looked over at Roscoe. “I assume you are going to want to look at all the scans as well.”

“I am,” Roscoe said. “And my second-in-command, Jonas, will as well. We’ll study monitors in the room with Chairman Boone’s team. The rest of my team will remain on guard with each group in case a group is transported off the ship without warning.”

“Very good thinking,” Fisher said, nodding. “So in three hours, after the big ship drops back into real space, the three of us will meet here and decide how to proceed next.”

Maria nodded and smiled at Roscoe as she stood. She patted him on the arm. “Let’s go to work.”

Roscoe could tell she was clearly back to being excited, and since the history of Seeders was her passion and life’s work, he could certainly understand that.

His passion was to keep everyone safe. And he needed to know what was inside this monster old ship to even begin to do that.

And secondly, he needed to keep them all focused on one task: Stopping this ship before it killed millions of others on defenseless planets.








THE NEXT THREE hours went by quickly, too fast, as far as Maria was concerned. The former exercise room turned second scanning room was long and fairly narrow. Fisher had set up ten stations down one wall. The other walls were covered in art and some of the exercise equipment had been pushed together in a back corner.

The floor was covered in a comfortable mat-like substance that felt soft and warm to her feet. It was a comfortable place to work, but she wouldn’t have cared. She could have done this work standing in a closet and she wouldn’t have cared.

The scans they were getting of the big ship were amazing.

It had become clear after the first hour that there was no one alive here, even though the ship had been designed for millions of humans to live comfortably for very long periods of time.

And she had a hunch that was a very, very low guess as to the number this ship could actually hold. She just couldn’t imagine a ship holding more, so her brain stopped her there.

All of the scans from the three areas of the ship, the main scanning room, the control room, and this room, were being fed into a central image and slowly in that three-dimensional image, pieces of the ship were coming together.

Part of this ship was nothing more than a huge city, plain and simple, with housing that went from small apartments to five bedroom suites. It had what looked like schools, shopping, large areas that would be parks when planted, and so on.

The ship also carried a good five hundred other huge ships on one landing deck. All those ships were also empty of human life, but designed to hold thousands of humans per ship comfortably.

In fact, each ship was bigger than Chairman’s Ray’s ship, one of the biggest the Seeders had working right now in any of the Local Sector galaxies.

The big ship was also riddled with massive warehouse rooms stacked full of who knew what. Every warehouse looked completely untouched and her scans could not seem to tell what was in any of them. They were just too far away.

And from what she could tell, there were thousands of science labs and other areas for unknown reasons. Offices and work areas she guessed.

Roscoe was at the screen beside her, his rifle over his shoulder. She noticed he was amazingly good at running scans and comfortable on the heads-up board. He seemed to be focused on different areas of the ship than she was.

She liked having him that close and had stopped herself from excitedly showing him something at two different points. It seemed she just wanted to share things with him.

She had always been a loner by nature. This kind of desire to share and be close to another person was different for her and she honestly liked it more than she ever thought she would. And she had no idea why he was bringing that out in her. No other man she had known ever had.

Roscoe’s second-in-command, Jonas, had focused his scanning on the Command Center for the big ship.

After three hours, Fisher came in and motioned for her and Roscoe to come talk with him in the kitchen again.

“We’re going to need to feed people pretty soon,” Fisher said as he entered the kitchen and took a container of water from the fridge and sat down. “We’ve set up a room as a dining hall and we have a meal already prepared and ready to just heat and serve when we call dinner. After this first meal, we’re going to need to do more cooking.”

Maria nodded, sitting down at the table across from Fisher again. Roscoe once again stayed standing and close to her.

“How about a group of one person from each team be in charge of a meal,” she said, “and we rotate around.”

She hadn’t given a thought to eating, but knew they had to in order to keep everyone fresh. She also knew that Fisher’s ship had been set up for enough sleeping quarters for all of them before the mission in case something like this might happen.

“I think we need to keep at least three people on the scans at all times,” Roscoe said, “sort of as a guard. We can set up a rotation on that as well.”

“Agree with both,” Fisher said. “Even though all of us have been scanning for hours now, we still really don’t know what’s out there.”

“I’m not really wrapping my mind around the size of this ship,” Roscoe said. “I figured that if we set off walking from here to the Command Center, it would take us two weeks time if we covered about twenty kilometers per day.”

Maria had done similar calculations. “I agree. I’m having trouble with the size as well. I did a calculation on a ten kilometer per day pace that it would take over a month simply to get from here to the other side of that huge hanger deck with all the large ships on it.”

“So we can’t be doing much walking,” Fisher said. “The ship must have some sort of transport system like our big ships do.”

“I think we’re better off just transporting ourselves for the moment,” Roscoe said. “Not sure how much we want to trigger into this ship’s systems until we can get to that Command Center and see the path and the mission the ship is intended to accomplish.”

Maria smiled at him. “I agree. In fact, I suggest we just stay here for the next forty-four hours until the ship drops back into trans-tunnel flight and we get information from Chairman Ray and his people. They will have had fourteen days to analyze what we sent them in those first two hours.”

“I was going to suggest the same,” Roscoe said, smiling at her. “Better we know where we are headed before we go wondering around and get lost in this huge ship.”

“Any early theories as to what this ship is?” Fisher asked Maria.

She took a deep breath and for the first time since Chairman Ray had sent her the first data, she decided to mention her theory.

“I think this is a Seeder Mother Ship,” she said.

“A what?” both Fisher and Roscoe asked at exactly the same time.

“There is one theory in history that Seeders have been seeding for more millions and millions of years than we can imagine,” Maria said.

Roscoe and Fisher nodded.

Maria went on. “One theory is that a wave, a direction of seeding from galaxy to galaxy starts with a Mother Ship. Maybe this very ship has started many waves, then been restocked and sent ahead again. We don’t know, or maybe this is a new ship, if one-point-four-millions years is new.”

Roscoe sat back and looked at her, his dark eyes intense. Fisher was just looking puzzled.

“Remember,” Maria said, “that I showed you the big spiral galaxy that I think this ship came from. And that our branch of Seeders left that galaxy and started off in this direction.”

She could tell that Roscoe was starting to understand. In the short time they had been working together, she had come to realize he was really smart, maybe one of the smartest people she had ever met.

“They sent a wave of Seeder ships off toward here,” Maria said, “then launched this ship so that it would meet the front wave, allow us to staff it and start off in a completely new direction as well as going to Andromeda.”

“What made you think this?” Fisher asked.

“I’ve thought it right from the start,” Maria said. “But it was only speculation. Now that I’ve seen early scans of the inside of this ship, I’m fairly sure.”

“Why?” Roscoe asked, his dark eyes focused on her like she hoped they would be for a long time to come.

“That hanger deck full of ships, to start with,” she said. “They are frontline seeder ships almost identical to the ones working Andromeda Galaxy right now.”

Again both men nodded.

“Noticed that,” Roscoe said.

“And because Seeders always just move to the next closest galaxy,” she said, smiling at Roscoe’s wonderful eyes as he intently stared at her. “And the closest galaxies were not in this direction from that huge spiral galaxy. In fact, taking this route to our Local Group of galaxies might be the third wave of Seeders that left that galaxy.”

“Oh,” Roscoe said, shaking his head.

“Do we Seeders ever do anything small?” Fisher asked.

“No, even my headache is large trying to grasp this,” Roscoe said.

At that, Maria wanted to just stand and kiss him as she laughed. But somehow, she managed not to.









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