Mortal Obligation

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Authors: Nichole Chase

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #novels

BOOK: Mortal Obligation
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Book One of
The Dark Betrayal


Nichole Chase


Book One of
The Dark Betrayal




Nichole Chase

© Copyright, 2011

All rights reserved.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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Formatting and layout by
Everything Indie



For Jonathan and Nia, who gave me the courage

to reach for my dreams.




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36



About the Author

Chapter 1


The spot just between her shoulder blades had been itching and crawling all night. She had the creepiest feeling she was being watched. It was an unnerving sensation that was almost tangible, growing stronger and stronger. More than once, she had found herself looking over her shoulder, trying to find out who was watching her. Ree had hoped it would go away, but from the time she had arrived at the restaurant with her friends it had only intensified. It didn’t help that the eerie glow of red and green holiday lights shining through the windows seemed more menacing than festive, and the drooping limbs of the Christmas tree in the corner felt like a bad omen.

She shivered and looked at the goose bumps on her arms as she pulled the sleeves of her black sweater down to cover her wrists. She had to be losing her mind. No one in the restaurant was even looking in her table’s direction. Her mouth pressed into an irritated line as her eyebrows pulled together in worry. It was happening again. Seeing things that weren't there. Imagining people were following her. Her dreams lately had become so realistic that she woke sweating, once crying out as she sat up in bed. There was always a strain on the whole family just after the winter holidays. Apparently two years was not enough time to heal the scars they all shared.

She looked out the window into the dark of the parking lot. As she looked past one of the old oak trees that filled Savannah, something moved between some of the cars in the back left corner of the parking lot. Whatever it was had been so dark and quick she couldn't be sure she had even seen anything. She licked her lips nervously and craned her head to try and get a better look. There was a flash of movement as something obscure seemed to disappear behind a truck. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat.

“Ree? Hello. Are you listening?”

Ree jerked her head around and looked at the people sitting at her table. Her face felt like it was on fire as she gulped and looked at her friends. All of them were looking at her in amusement. “Sorry. I completely zoned. What are you talking about?”

Bryce shook his head and chuckled at her expression. “I asked if you had heard the new song I posted on my blog. Doesn't it sound just like the beat for
?” He rapped out a few beats on the table with his fingers.

“Um, I'm not sure I’ve heard that one.” She winced, knowing she had apparently checked out for a large portion of their conversation.

A couple of the people at their table chuckled and rolled their eyes. Ree was often in another world, a glazed expression on her face as she imagined some scene for a painting. No one really thought about her being in La La Land anymore. The only problem was that this time Ree hadn't been lost in some painting or planning some new art project; she had been trying to figure out who was staring at the spot just between her shoulder blades.

She looked out the window again and took a deep breath before turning to concentrate on her friends. The guys were still arguing the similarities between the band they were going to see tonight and some lesser-known indie band they were into. Juliette was laughing as she watched Paden groan and flail his hands out in denial. Bryce was hunched forward trying to make his point by drumming the beats of the two songs on the table again. Ree smiled watching them, and the tension in her shoulders lessened by a few degrees.

When Paden pointed at Bryce’s intent expression and laughed, it made Ree's smile grow even more. She slid her eyes to the side so she could covertly study his profile.  Paden was tall, with brown, messy hair that seemed to enhance the constant focus of his dark green eyes. He had a rugged quality that made him look dangerous and, she had to admit, sexy.

Growing up with Paden constantly around had made her numb to his good looks. It was only a few years ago that Ree had finally understood why some of her friends swooned when he showed up at her parents’ home. How she had missed Paden’s appeal for all of those years still surprised her. Paden was everything a girl could wish for, but of course she would always be left wishing. He would always see her as Tristan’s little sister.

Listening to him laugh eased a little more of the tension gripping her shoulders and she decided to try and forget her nerves and just enjoy the company. She swirled the straw in her cherry soda and looked around the room. She couldn’t help grimacing when she saw two familiar faces approaching their table.

Michael and his girlfriend, Shannon, stopped in front of Ree and Paden, leaving their entourage at a different table. Something about those two always struck her as odd. They made her uncomfortable, and not just because she didn't belong in their popular group. In the hierarchy that was high school, Ree was clearly labeled as an art geek. But Michael and Shannon weren't just your typical evil popular kids, they never really did anything outlandish or horrible to anyone. It was something that emanated from them. It probably didn't help that Ree swore she could see black swirling around them at different times. Of course, that was another bag of crazy she didn’t want to deal with tonight.

made eye contact and gave her a small smile. On the surface it looked friendly, but something lurking in her eyes made Ree gulp. How could such a little person look so scary?  Shannon's smile grew, turning into something altogether frightening. As if sensing Ree’s unease, Michael looked at her and jerked his head in acknowledgment.

Because Michael was on the soccer team with Paden, he focused his comments toward his teammate. When Ree looked around the table she was pretty sure everyone else was happy with that setup. No one really said much about Michael, but everyone knew Juliette couldn't stand Shannon. Even at that moment Juliette was busy muttering under her breath to Bryce. Ree was certain she was complaining about the short, mildly evil-looking brunette standing next to their table.

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