Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (8 page)

Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Rachel dipped her
head towards Luc’s cock, moistened her lips and opened her mouth ready to
encase the velvety skin between her lips when suddenly, she heard a key in the
front door followed by the unmistaken drunken giggles of her children. All the
air left her lungs as Rachel shot up off the bed out of Luc’s grasp.


“Fuck, fuck, shit,
shit” Rachel darted around the room searching for her discarded clothes.
“Where’s the rest of my fucking stuff?” she hissed at him clearly in a tailspin
at the thought of Jess and Lucy catching her in the act so to speak.


Gathering various
garments from the floor Rachel scooted for the door to make her escape before
the twins discovered her in Luc’s room. Pausing, Rachel turned to look at Luc
in all his male glory still spread out shamelessly on the bed. She was about to
tell him thanks for an amazing evening but the sight of him with his cock in
his fist covered in her thong made her gasp audibly. “Holy shit that’s just not


“Did you leave
something behind, Rachel?” Luc asked; a smug grin spread across his stunningly
gorgeous face. Rachel forgot to breathe mesmerized as she was by Luc’s right
hand slowly stroking up and down his impressive erection draped in her satin
underwear. This was sensory overload and Rachel felt ready to combust with
sheer pleasure.


“No worries…I’ll
get them back to you later…” Luc promised her in his delectably husky tones and
then threw his head back; his huge shoulders shaking as he tried to contain his


Rachel gulped as
she felt her pussy clench in response and nearly came on the spot. What was
this boy doing to her? She rolled her eyes at him and darted out the door
leaving him with the exquisite vision of her sexy backside.




Dashing across the hall landing,
Rachel made it to her room just as the twins attempted to negotiate the top of
the stairs.


“Sssh you’ll wake Mum” Jess
giggled hysterically.


“Lol, let’s hope we wake Luc!
C’mon let’s pay him a visit; make him a Renton twins sandwich.” Lucy could
barely get her words out for laughing at her own brilliant suggestion.


Rachel was appalled – who
knew what Luc was still doing in that big bed alone with only her underwear
keeping him company. She certainly didn’t want her daughters walking in on that
scenario; even as drunk as they were they would figure out in a minute how that
happened. Groaning she pulled on one of Nate’s t-shirts she wore to sleep in
and burst out into the hallway.


Will you be quiet
!” she hissed at them – a bit more harshly
than was warranted. “Go to bed and give us all a break.” Rachel then turned on
her heel and strode back into her room slamming the door behind her. She prayed
Luc had heard her and tidied himself up a bit just in case he received an
unexpected visit from his friends.


“Uh oh Mum’s on a mad one!”
squealed Lucy as Jess proceeded to do an extremely good impression of Rachel on
a mad one. The sisters continued to find themselves apparently hilarious
demonstrating an impressive talent for mimicry.


Splayed across his bed, Luc was
still happily amusing himself with Rachel’s thong and the vivid memory of what
she had looked like in it and out of it, when the commotion going on outside
his door broke through his fantasy. He listened to the twins who were giggling
and taking the piss out of their mum whispering loudly enough to be heard by
everyone in the house. Oddly, this irked him more than it should have done and
he decided to put a stop to it before Rachel got any more wound up. Jumping off
the bed and pulling on his sweats he emerged from his room to gather up his
drunken friends and plop them into bed before they got into any more trouble.
Simultaneously, Rachel swung into the hallway ready to do the same thing and
then everything ground to a halt.


Rachel looked at Luc and felt the
heat rise in her cheeks. Luc looked at Rachel with a worried expression shaking
his head at her. The twins abruptly straightened up looking like they were at a
tennis match with their heads switching back and forth from their friend to
their mother puzzled at the way they were both behaving towards each other
– suddenly they seemed a lot less drunk. Lucy’s mouth hung open slightly
but Jess, a lot sharper than her sister in all things, scowled at her friend
and looked ready to bite his head off. Narrowing her eyes at him she took in
Luc’s unkempt appearance and took a step towards him.


Rachel sensing things about to get
leery took each of her daughters by the hand, “Look I can explain…” she
stammered, the words getting caught in her throat.


Luc stiffened on the spot in total
disbelief at what she was about to tell them, and begged her, “Rachel, no it’s
not a good idea…don’t tell them please.”


Jess’s head snapped in his
direction and she shrieked at him, “Fuck off Luc – not a good idea? NOT.
A. GOOD. IDEA. How could you? In my parents’ house?”


Luc’s brows knitted together and for once
his good humour left him. “Jess, Lucy, it’s not what you think.” He could see
Rachel starting to panic at the scene unfolding in front of her – all her
worst nightmares about to come true when all Luc had wanted was to give her
some comfort and have some fun.


The twins would never understand
and his heart grew heavy as he realised he was about to lose his two best
friends when they discovered his betrayal.


“Where is she?” Jess spat jabbing
Luc in the chest.


“Huh?” Luc answered her with a
puzzled expression.


“The skank you brought home you
pig? Look at you with your mussed up hair and just fucked looked – don’t
tell me you are in that bedroom alone?”


“No surprises who Jess takes after
in the swearing department” Luc smirked to himself as realisation dawned that
Jess had got it all wrong and the relief nearly brought him to his knees.
He saw Rachel’s body sag slightly as she
also understood the twins had misread the situation. Arranging his facial
features into a guilty expression he dipped his head and shoulders in defeat.


Looking up at Lucy and Jess with
his best puppy dog eyes he croaked out an apology, “I met someone in the club
which is why I left early and I didn’t think there was anything wrong in
bringing her here but I guess that it was kind of a mistake…I’m so sorry.” He
let the words trail off but turned to meet Rachel’s relieved look of silent


“I apologise, Rachel, it was
thoughtless, please believe me when I say I won’t do that again. I really love
being here with you guys.”


Standing behind the twins so they
couldn’t see her although still keeping a tight grasp on their hands, Rachel
decided to take full advantage of the situation. Now that they hadn’t been
discovered she found she was quite thrilled by the drama and wanted to see how
it played out.


“I don’t know Luc,” she began
raising an eyebrow at him, “how can I trust you to behave after tonight?”


“Yeah Luc. How do we know we’re
not gonna run into one of your little groupies in the hallway?” Jess jibed at


Rachel was running her tongue
along her bottom lip in a most beguiling manner. When she dropped her gaze to
his bare chest and then down to his crotch and smiled, Luc’s stomach flipped
and knew he was in trouble. So his Mrs R thought she could play with him eh?
Luc wasn’t overly adverse to the concept of games and Rachel was proving to be
an extremely competent adversary, but for the sort of play he had in mind she
would have to be naked and tied to his bed. Something he highly doubted she had
contemplated - well, not yet but he could build up to it with time. Hmm…not a
bad idea….but right now he was getting too easily distracted by her wet pink
tongue teasing him; making his balls ache and cock twitch. Well, she had
certainly gained his attention although he didn’t think she would be expecting
his imminent counter move.


Luc leaned casually against the
wall crossing his impressive arms over his broad chest causing Rachel’s mouth
to water at the very sight of him looking entirely too sexy in her hallway.
That boy needed to cover up in her house.


“Gosh Rachel” he drawled with a
knowing smirk on his face, “I know my date was a bit loud, I didn’t realise how
enthusiastic she would be. I certainly didn’t expect her to scream my
name…repeatedly. I guess I didn’t anticipate how much she wanted me. I must
admit I like her a lot so I will definitely be seeing her again, but I
understand to be much more discreet


“Next time?” Rachel squeaked. The
twins rolled their eyes in unison. Their friend was certainly bold.


“Oh there will definitely be a
next time…”


The look of shock on Rachel’s face
was priceless and with her red cheeks blazing at him Luc thought she had never
looked more adorable; or fuckable. And with that naughty vision in his head he
turned back to his room; closed his door and promptly fell to his knees
laughing his head off. This was going to be so much fun.


Lucy turned to Jess, disbelief
written all over her face. “I will never understand that boy as long as I live.
He’s crazy – gorgeous and doesn’t he know it, but clearly mad…” Shaking
her head she grabbed Jess who still looked pissed off and bemused by the whole
situation and dragged off to their room.


Rachel stood looking at Luc’s
closed door for another full minute then turned and entered her own room
slamming the door in utter frustration. Her plan to mix things up with Luc had
failed miserably and just ended up with her feeling horny as hell. He was
clever and quick and clearly determined to mess with her head as well as her


Washing quickly, Rachel brushed
her teeth studying her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She was amazed that
she looked so normal having had the most mind blowing sex of her entire life
not less than an hour ago. Her stomach rolled with desire every time she
conjured up a picture of Luc gloriously naked. Nate had been a very attractive
man, but Luc was devastatingly stunning from top to toe. The fact that he was
so comfortable in his own skin just made him more alluring and Rachel was
already longing for more time to discover the taste and feel of every inch of
Climbing into her own bed
suddenly overcome with exhaustion her whole being warmed at the memories of
Luc’s big body and all the lovely things he could do with it. Sighing, Rachel
fell into a deep, satisfied slumber.






The next morning, Rachel woke with
a start at the sound of her phone alerting her to an incoming message.
Obviously, she had forgotten to put it on silent before she went to sleep last


“Oh god, last night” Rachel
snorted into her pillow. Sighing as her brain flashed visions of Luc naked on
top of her, underneath her, all over her made her body tingle and hum nicely.
Searching her mind for any lingering regrets Rachel was not in the least
remorseful. Luc was right – this had nothing to do with how much she
loved Nate; this was her moving forward into a new life of her own. She giggled
into the pillow thinking that Nate would have been proud of her in a weird kind
of way.


For the first time since he’d
passed away she had gone to sleep without dwelling on her loss. A pang of guilt
instantly lodged itself in her chest and she was instantly remorseful of her
silly behaviour. But not regretful, and if Rachel was honest with herself, she
didn’t think she would be able to restrain from a repeat performance. Thinking
of Nate made Rachel automatically turn to his side of the bed –but
instead of a bad mood threatening to take hold, what she saw there immediately
made her heart thump wildly. Laid out on the pillow perfectly arranged, was her


“Oh my god!” she whispered in
wonder clapping her hands to her face. “Oh.My.God!”


Luc must have crept into her room
sometime in the night without her knowing, and the image of him looming over
her while she was sleeping made Rachel’s heart race wildly. She had not wanted
to leave him so quickly last night but circumstances intervened and as she ran
her hand over the flimsy fabric of the thong, Rachel’s imagination was playing
havoc with her libido thinking about what Luc had already been doing with it.
She was literally throbbing under the duvet undeniably thrilled with the idea
of Luc prowling around her bedroom in the dark hours of the night. Did he watch
her sleeping? Did he want to touch her like he had a few hours previously?
Rachel let her mind fill with erotic possibilities.


It was still really early but the
naughty memories now meant Rachel was fully awake and excited to be getting on
with the day. It was Easter Sunday; the day of their outing to The Savoy.
However, first off, family tradition now had Rachel deftly padding around the
house in her pyjamas and Easter bunny slippers leaving clues for an egg hunt
for the children.


She was in the lounge trying to
get the last hidden egg stuffed behind one of the sofas when Luc found her. He
was admiring the view of her cotton clad behind sticking up in the air while
the rest of her was hanging over the back of the sofa.


“Perfect” he congratulated himself
and in three long strides had his hands in place around her waist and his head
buried in her neck inhaling her sweet scent already so familiar to him.


“Jesus, fuck!” exclaimed Rachel
whipping her head over her shoulder to be rewarded with the sight of sleepy Luc
wearing nothing but a pair of black cotton sleep shorts.


“I’m pretty sure that’s not a very
appropriate statement especially not on Easter Sunday! “ He laughed quietly
without releasing his hold on her.
“Your language is disgusting.”


Unable to resist, Rachel relaxed
into him biting her lip as his rock hard morning glory nestled teasingly in the
crack of her bum. “I can’t help it” Rachel replied, “When I’m stressed or
shocked it just comes out.”


“Or when coming apparently from
what I recall” he murmured into her ear nipping at the lobe.


Just like that, those words from
his mouth in his husky tone shot straight to her core and made her wet for him.
“Luc; not here; it’s too risky.”


“Do you want me to stop?” he
breathed into her face as his hand brushed up her body from her left hip to her
left nipple rubbing the taut peak through the thin cotton of her pyjama top. Leaning
back into his warm chest she groaned in response to the wonderful sensations he
was inducing. “Don’t want you to stop.”


Luc didn’t need asking twice;
flipping her around he hauled her over his shoulder like she weighed nothing
and keeping a strong grip on her bounded out of the room and up the stairs to
his bed.


Rachel was totally shocked at the
degree of passion Luc aroused in her. Just his touch jolted her into a realm
where nothing else existed but the need to have his sexy body do wicked things
to hers. She wanted dirty, naughty, energetic sex as much as she loved his
gentle caresses that coaxed her to sweet ecstasy. Right now though was a time
for fucking. Her need was urgent yet she was more than conscious that the twins
were in the house and no matter how much she wanted Luc, her daughters should
never ever discover what they were up to. It would be bad enough for them to
know she was having an affair but devastating if they knew it was with their
best friend. The loss of trust and betrayal would break them all.


On the other hand, it was still
long before breakfast time and the girls were notorious for sleeping late. The
things Luc did to her made it very difficult to keep quiet and she could see he
was in no mood for slow, morning wake up sex – this was going to be
fierce and would require her full concentration.


Lying back on his bed full of
Luc’s special smell she inhaled the mix of washing powder and manly scent
whilst keeping an eye on him as he locked the door and turned towards her. He
really was quite stunning to look at even with bed hair and stubble.


His chest was wide and beautifully
defined and the tribal ink covering his right shoulder gave him an edgy, raw
demeanour. Rachel could see his abdominal muscles move as he walked across the
room – Nate had always kept himself fit but Luc had a far better and
blissfully younger body. His hip dips were suddenly terribly fascinating to
Rachel and she had an overwhelming urge to lick the length of them up and down.
Luc grinned clearly delighted at having her openly admiring the view.


“See something you like, Mrs R?”


“Don’t bloody call me that.” She
scowled at him. “I thought we had established I am not your Mrs Robinson.
Blimey there’s not much I could teach you anyway!”


The boy man god shook his head and
walked towards her but before he could launch himself at her, Rachel warned,
“We need to be quiet Luc.” He grinned at her then pretended to zip up his
mouth. “I can do quiet,” he whispered, “but can you?”


Hooking his thumbs into the
waistband of his shorts he pushed them down to reveal his beautiful cock
bobbing enthusiastically against his abdomen. Rachel groaned then immediately
clapped her hand over her mouth. Luc crawled on to the bed and hovered on all
fours over her; his shoulders were shaking with repressed laughter as he held
her gaze.


Once he’d gotten better control of
himself, Luc lowered his groin to meet hers and rubbed them together. He
clamped his hand over her mouth and felt a tremor against his palm as Rachel
moaned again.
Then he licked her
from her collar bone to the sensitive spot just beneath her ear, stopping to
swirl his clever tongue in and out of the dip of her throat. Chest to chest Luc
brushed his mouth over Rachel’s ear. “Oh Mrs Renton, you taste so good” he
mumbled into her skin.


Suddenly a loud knock made them
both jump in surprise.


“Luc, you up?” shouted Jess from
behind the door as she rattled the handle to get in. “Why’s your door locked
dirty boy? Are you wanking in my mother’s house?”


“Fuck off Jess” he shouted back
still lying on top of her mother who was frantically trying to get out from
underneath him; he could feel her heart hammering against his chest.


“Holy shit; stop wriggling.” He
pleaded as Rachel kept brushing against his straining cock.


“What did you say?” Jess asked
banging persistently on his door. Rolling his eyes at Rachel he rolled off her
and she dashed into his bathroom to hide from her daughter.


Turning the key in the lock and
opening the door just a crack, Luc barked at his friend, “Why are you up so
bloody early?”


Grabbing his hand she took off
with him down the hall towards Lucy’s room. “Egg hunt; egg hunt; egg hunt.” She
chanted as she barged into her sister’s room.


“Wait! Let me grab a t-shirt you
mad girl and I’ll be right back.”


Luc ran back down the hall praying
Rachel would still be in his room. “You still here?” he whispered grabbing a
t-shirt off the floor. Diving into the bathroom he was greeted with a very
frustrated looking woman sitting on his loo.


“Well now what?” she snapped at
him, her hands pulling at her hair. The Adonis in the room glared at her; his
piercing blue eyes sparkling with emotion. He really was quite literally breath


“What, like this is my fault?” The
pools of blue widened in surprise.


“Uh oh” thought Rachel, “the boy’s
getting mad!”


Luc’s beautiful features crumpled
in dismay and a very pissed off looking young man clenched his jaw muscles so
tight Rachel could see a tick in his cheeks. Through gritted teeth he put his
face in hers complaining harshly. “As if you leaving me in a painful state of
arousal last night wasn’t bad enough, I now get to spend the whole bloody day
hard as fucking nails until my poor deprived cock eventually finds itself
buried balls deep inside your hot little cunt…or your mouth – your choice
Mrs R


Rachel gasped at his this brash
side of Luc but had no time to process as he brusquely covered her lips with
his own devouring her with a searing kiss. It was hot and hard and fast leaving
her on a promise. Grunting his disapproval Luc left without a backward glance.


Glued to the loo seat; too stunned
to move straight away; Rachel shuddered at the thrill of discovering her sweet,
congenial boy man god could be anything but.



‘The car’s here!” shouted Rachel from the
downstairs hallway. “Are you ready to go?” She had arranged for a car to pick
them up to take them to The Savoy for lunch so that they could all have a drink
and the big black Mercedes people carrier had just pulled up onto the driveway.


Various grunts and cries of
acknowledgement came from upstairs implying the twins and Luc wouldn’t be too
long. Rachel popped her head out the front door to let the driver know they’d be
a few minutes and when she turned back into the house she was rewarded with the
full on thrill of catching Luc in his new suit descending the stairs. No
fucking doubt about it, the man was gorgeous. He filled out the suit perfectly
in all the right places – it could have been designed just for him. The
navy threads made his hair look blonder and his eyes shine bluer and the open
necked shirt hinted at the smooth skin beneath leaving her breathless. Rachel
delighted in the vision of him and openly drooled as he grinned at her
releasing the dimples. Rachel was relieved to find him more composed than when
he’d left her earlier.


Halting in front of Rachel, Luc
placed his hands on her upper arms and leaned in to kiss her on either side of
her face in a very French move. She guessed it was a part of his heritage and
vowed to quiz him on it later.

“Thank you Rachel; I love the suit
but decided to ditch the tie. Do I still look ok?” he cocked his head at her
seeking her approval.


“Luc darling – if I didn’t
know how you phenomenal you looked naked – I’d say you never looked
better.” Luc threw his head back and roared at Rachel’s answer. She had such a
wicked sense of humour – she enthralled him.


“You scrub up pretty well yourself
Mrs R.” In fact, Luc thought she looked jaw droppingly sexy in a tight black
pencil skirt that hugged her hips and arse like a second skin, and a coffee
coloured silk blouse tucked in that draped over her upper body outlining her
spectacular tits. Her long legs were bare and on her feet was a pair of the
highest nude heels he had no idea how she walked in but looked fucking hot. He
decided he might get her to leave them on later.


Rachel had taken a long time to
decide how to dress for this outing and judging by the way Luc was running his
bottom lip through his teeth as he gazed at her longingly, Rachel decided she’d
made a good choice.

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