M'tak Ka'fek (The T'aafhal Inheritance) (12 page)

Read M'tak Ka'fek (The T'aafhal Inheritance) Online

Authors: Doug Hoffman

Tags: #Scienc Fiction

BOOK: M'tak Ka'fek (The T'aafhal Inheritance)
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Captain's Sea Cabin, M'tak Ka'fek

One of the first changes Jack ordered after settling in on board was the addition of an office just off the bridge area, what would be called a sea cabin on a traditional naval vessel. There he could perform administrative duties or take a quick nap while remaining close to the bridge. Currently he was meeting with several of the crew regarding some of their concerns.

Normally such matters would be forwarded up through channels, meaning the senior Chief or the ship's XO. With fewer than twenty on board including officers a strict chain of command was not really necessary, at least for personal matters. Standing in front of the Captain's desk were two Marines and an able spacer: Rosey Acuna, Jon Feldman and Matt Jacobs.

“At ease,” Jack ordered, “so what brings you to my door today?”

The group had agreed to let Jon Feldman do most of the talking, since he was the first one to notice the changes. “Sir, we've noticed that things have been happening to us since we came on board—changes to our bodies and stuff, and we're a bit concerned.”

“Really? What kind of changes?” Jack asked, his interest piqued.

“Like being able to run farther without being winded, and lifting heavier weights than we could back on Earth. Stuff like that, Sir.”

“And old injuries that seem to have healed, or at least don't hurt anymore,” Rosey chimed in. Since her conversation with Jon she had been noticing other things.

“And you, Jacobs. You've noticed inexplicable changes as well?”

“Yes, Captain,” Matt looked sheepishly down at the deck, “you're going to think I'm making this up but...” The sailor blushed bright red.

“Come on man, out with it,” Jack chided gently.

“Well, Sir, I used to have an appendix scar and it isn't there anymore.”

“I see, and do you have a theory as to how or why this is happening?”

“Sir, we think the ship is doing it,” Jon blurted, “I mean the ship's computer.”

Jack sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers in front of his chin—a favorite pose during cogitation.
Now that I think of it, I misplaced my reading glasses several weeks ago but haven't needed them. Perhaps something is going on. I wonder if M'tak is at the root of this?

Jack sat up and spoke to the trio in front of him, “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will consult with the ship's AI and see what might be causing these... changes. I will get to the bottom of this and let everyone know what is going on. Dismissed.”

The crewmembers mumbled thank-you-sirs and exited the sea cabin. After the door slid shut Jack addressed the omnipresent ship's computer. “M'tak, have you been causing changes to the crews' bodies without informing them?”

“Yes, Captain,” answered the AI's disembodied voice.

Why is it that computer intelligences can be so aggravatingly literal when they want to be?
“Would you care to explain why you are doing this and how?”

“Captain, part of my normal operation is to ensure all of the ship's systems are kept fully functional and performing to their maximum potential. That extends to the ship's biological systems as well.”

“Meaning the crew?”

“Yes, Captain. I have optimized the crew's nutritional intake and included a number of nanites in their foodstuffs. Those nanites are programmed to seek out damaged tissues and body parts and correct the damage—as long as the damage is not too severe.”

“Like Rosey's old injury and Matt's appendix scar ... and my eyesight?”


“What do you define as 'too severe' for such repairs?”

“Regeneration of missing organs and body parts, or major trauma. For example, spacer Jacobs' appendix scar was replaced with normal skin tissue, but his appendix was not regrown.”

“What about other scar tissue?” Jack suddenly had a disturbing thought. “Will my men, those who are circumcised, find their foreskins growing back?”
Won't that be fun to explain to the crew!

No Captain, I have specifically programed the nanites to not repair intentional alterations—earring holes, tattoos and other results of ritual self-mutilation will be left intact.” 

“That's reassuring,” the Captain replied sarcastically,
at least I don't have to dread another tonsillectomy
. “And part of this performance optimization includes increasing the crew's strength and endurance?”

“Yes, Captain. I have also made adjustments to certain neural pathways to improve compatibility with the ship's systems.”

“Which is why they no longer throw up when trying to use the weapons systems.”
Jack thought, careful to not send his thoughts over his direct neural link with the AI,
this all makes perfect sense.

“Precisely, Captain,” the AI replied. “This is all a normal part of ship operation, but I sense that you are upset.” 

“Just taken a bit by surprise is all. I will need some time to review the pertinent documentation and then figure out how to explain this to the crew.”

“Why would they object to normal health maintenance and minor repair work? Several of them had the beginnings of potentially disabling or even fatal diseases.”

“Our species is quite protective of personal privacy, our bodies in particular. We are ill at ease when it comes to outside parties doing things to our persons without our knowledge. I am sure that you only executed your duties as you saw fit, M'tak, but I will need to break this to the crew gently.”

“As you wish, Captain. You certainly know your species better than I do.”


Jesse's Place, Farside

Beth and Billy Ray made small talk on their stroll across the Atrium, until they approached the palm tree framed entrance to Jesse's bar. To either side of the entrance were Marines, standing at parade rest with holstered stunners plainly displayed.

“Evening gentlemen,” Billy Ray drawled.

“Good evening Sir, Ma'am,” the Marine on the right replied, nodding to the officers while unobtrusively checking their identities through the data glasses he wore. The guards were there to keep out roaming party goers and the overly inquisitive. Officers and the civilian heads of various departments were all on the approved list.

As the pair of officers passed through the entranceway, Billy Ray moved to one side, allowing Beth to enter the bar ahead of him. As she passed he ushered her in by lightly placing his hand on the small of her back.

The touch of Billy Ray's hand sent a shock through Beth's body, the sudden almost electric sensation caused by unexpected physical contact. On other occasions, Beth had decked men for taking such liberties uninvited. But for some reason, she did not pull away from Billy Ray's fleeting embrace, nor did she turn and confront him. Instead she simply strode forward into the bar as Billy Ray withdrew his hand as lightly as he had touched her.

Why did his touch excite me?
Beth thought furiously. Then the pair were greeted by others and the moment was lost.

“Beth! Billy Ray! So glad you could come,” called out Gretchen Curtis. On her suit collar was the unmistakable shape of an eagle, signifying the rank of Captain—she too had been promoted for her part in the great alien hunt.

“Good evening Captain, Ma'am,” Billy Ray responded to his CO and the attractive woman standing next to her.

“Yes, good evening Captain Curtis,” Beth added, “and to you, Col. Tropsha.” There was no mistaking who the blond beauty standing next to the Captain was. 

“Good evening, I do not believe we have met before,” replied Ludmilla, smiling and extending her hand. “I find I have too many titles these days—Administrator, Colonel, Doctor—please call me Ludmilla.”

“Both of these young officers took active part in the attack on the alien vessel,” Gretchen said approvingly as the Lieutenant shook hands with the Chief Administrator. Gretchen had finished her first Fantasy and, on Ludmilla's advice, was nursing her second. Having been once bitten, Ludmilla was drinking vodka.

Silently, a black nose followed by a long white muzzle appeared to Beth's left. Catching motion out of the corner of her eye Beth turned and discovered a large polar bear next to her. Beth's eyes went wide, showing a significant amount of white against her dark complexion.

It was Isbjørn, one of the senior polar bears. Beth had only worked with the bears briefly on a few refugee runs and never met one of the ursines up close, at least not without being encased in space armor. “Good evening, everyone,” the bear said.

“Howdy, Isbjørn,” Billy Ray replied, grinning at Beth's unexpected discomfort. “It's OK, Beth, she don't bite.”

“No, but I might nibble a little, as Bear would say,” Isbjørn responded with a bearish smile.

“It is good to see you Isbjørn. I was just saying that we who had to stay behind are all thankful for the fleet's victory and safe return.” Ludmilla was trying to redirect Beth's attention away from the she-bear's toothy grin. She then looked directly at Billy Ray. “And I am particularly happy for the safe return of my old friends and shipmates.”

Slightly embarrassed, Billy Ray turned to Beth and offered an explanation for the remark. “You see, Beth, Ludmilla was Peggy Sue's doctor on both earlier voyages. She's healed our wounds, made first contact with the Triads and fought hand-to-hand with the hairy crickets of Pzzst.”

“That's all true,” said Isbjørn, “I met Ludmilla when the first shuttle full of bears arrived on the Peggy Sue. She was racing to save the life of Tornassuk, a male who had been shot by a hunter.”

“It is, indeed, an honor to meet you,” Beth said, turning her gaze from the polar bear to the ash blond doctor. “You are a legend among the members of the fleet, you and Captain Jack.”

At the mention of Capt. Jack, Billy Ray's breath caught in his throat and Gretchen glanced sideways at her friend, but Ludmilla was unfazed. “I am not ready to be a legend yet, Beth, though some days I feel old enough to be.”

Billy Ray quickly guided the conversation away from the touchy subject of Ludmilla's missing paramour by asking, “Where's TK? It's not like a Texan to miss a party.”

“TK had some business to attend to dirtside,” answered Gretchen, glad to be back on less sensitive ground. “Seems that there is an enclave of survivors back on Earth that have pronounced themselves the Republic of Texas. TK figured he should be the one to establish diplomatic relations.”


Texas Hill Country, Earth

The nearest impact to the state of Texas was in the Gulf of Mexico, 300 km off the coast of Mississippi. That event sent a tremendous wave of water and debris in all directions, racing across the flatlands of the American South. Florida was obliterated, every gulf coastal city from Tampa to Corpus Christi was destroyed completely, a tsunami swept inland across the coastal plains and up the Mississippi River valley inundating cities as far north as Memphis and St. Louis.

In Texas itself, the major cities were laid waste: Houston, Dallas and Ft. Worth swept away by the flood. Austin and San Antonio, even though 200 km inland and at the edge of the Balconies Escarpment, were also heavily damaged. Those cities marked the boundary between two distinct geographic areas: the coastal prairies and the Texas Hill Country. Only those in the Hill Country and farther west were spared the tsunami's wrath, though falling ash and larger debris caused significant damage well inland.

While the Alamo, in downtown San Antonio, is 248 meters above sea-level, Kerrville and Fredericksburg, the two largest towns in the hill country, are at an altitude of more than 500 m. Located high up and truly in the heart of Texas, Fredericksburg survived the alien bombardment better than most places in the Northern Hemisphere. Though much of the Hill Country has thin soil more useful for grazing, Fredericksburg possesses richer soil and is a major agricultural area. It was unsurprising that it would become the center of the Republic of Texas.

Flying in one of the small shuttles, TK Parker was on a mission to establish diplomatic and trade relations with the new republic. Just prior to the alien attack Fredericksburg had about the same number of residents as Farside Base did today. Unfortunately, Farside lacked the means of natural food production that the town possessed. Conversely, Farside had technological resources that the earthly survivors could not hope to match. TK was hoping to arrange a deal to swap food and fodder for high-tech goods.

“Mr. Parker, I've raised someone at the airport on the old FBO frequency,” reported the shuttle pilot, “I've let them know we are coming.”

“Good,” TK replied, “I talked to them a few days ago so there should be people at the airport to meet us. I just hope they're friendly.”

“Yes, Sir. We will be approaching from the North West and coming in on runway 14. The airport is about 5 klicks southwest of the town proper. You should be able to see it off the port side.”

* * * * *

Waiting on the ground for TK's arrival were a number of dignitaries of the New Republic. The delegation was led by
Roger Stoltz, the mayor of Fredericksburg and acting President, Sally Musselman, from the town council, and Antonio Ruiz, formerly representative to the State House. Also present was another man who had grown up around Fritztown, as it was sometimes known locally.

Settled primarily by German immigrants starting in 1846, Fredericksburg was named after Prince Frederick of Prussia, hence the nickname. The third man was a Texas Ranger, who happened to be visiting when the world came to an end. His name was Sid Hopkins and he and TK Parker had met in the not so distant past.

“So you say you know this Parker feller?” asked Stoltz, who was a talkative type and tended to ramble when nervous.

“Yup,” replied Sid, who was not.

“How are we gonna' know that he's not some space alien?”

“I'll know.”

“How will you know, Sid?”

Sid slowly worked the toothpick he was chewing on from the left side of his mouth to the right. He gave Roger a narrow eyed look that in the Texas of old might have been a preamble to gunplay.

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