Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (38 page)

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Authors: Liz Wiseman,Greg McKeown

Tags: #Business & Economics, #Management

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hard edge management of, 24

ideas repeated over and over, 216

independence given by, 161

Intel case study, 8–9

Intellectual curiosity of, 126–27

intelligence accessed and revitalizing, 4

investing in others success, 159–61

Israeli army example, 1–4

knowledge of others, 136

layer at time to be, 215–16

lazy way to becoming, 202–3, 223

list of, 245–48

mind of, 18–21, 103–4, 135

obstacles to approach, 200–202

ownership defined by, 168–73

path of, 243

perspectives shaped by, 142–43

provocative challenges of, 129

rapid cycles created by, 125–26

resolution of, 199

resonance of, 199

resource investment of, 168

results of, 10–11

safe climate provided by, 146

sense of humor of, 25

serial, 186–88

sticking with it, 216–17

sustaining momentum to become, 214–18, 223

who diminish people, 241

work environment of, 21–22

Multiplier effect, 11, 192, 218–19, 249

2 times, 11–13, 31, 74, 90, 171, 192, 218, 239–40

Multipliers Assessment, 252

Murray, Bill, 7

Murthy, Narayana, 26, 186–87, 248


name lead, 169, 193

native genius, 46–49, 64

labeling, 48–49, 64

looking for, 47–48

natural consequences, 179–80, 193

nature, as powerful teacher, 188–90, 193

Netscape, 147, 197

The New York Times
, 109, 138

Nilekani, Nandan, 187

Nisbett, Richard, 13

Nixon, Richard, 82

North Carolina State University, women’s basketball program, 235

Novartis, 43, 245, 246


Obama, Barack, 137–38, 247

obstacles, 200–202

Olympics, 230

100 Most Influential People (
), 99


hard, 92

labeling, 92, 95

soft, 92

opportunities, 97–98

connecting people with, 49–51, 64

demanding capability, 49–51

Oracle Corporation, 4–6, 78, 104–7, 111, 119, 126, 172, 184, 231, 245, 246

orchestrate, early win, 119–21, 130

organizational boundaries, 45

org charts, 42, 45

(Gladwell), 216

overwork, 14–15.
See also
logic of addition

ownership, 22–23, 118, 168–73, 193

for end goal, 169–71, 193

name lead, 169, 193

stretching role, 171–73, 193

Oxford University, 100


Pal, Gregory, 213

Palestine, 46

Paletta, Todd, 60


laying out, 119, 130

of least resistance, 66, 90, 95, 199

Patterson, Kerry, 177–78, 190, 247

PayPal, 197

peer pressure, positive, 217

PeopleSoft, 80

Petit, Philippe, 120–21, 220

Phillips Corporation, 109

Pirie, Chris, 85–86

Plattner, Hasso, 172

playing field, leveling, 80–82, 95

poker chip example, 91

policy limitations, 66

positive pressure, 84

possibilities, 98–99

potato chips, Pringles, 110

potential, extracting, 11–12

Prahalad, C. K., 15, 55, 79, 109, 229, 230, 247


learning and, 85

positive, 84

prima donnas, 53–56, 64

Pringles potato chips, 110

problems, reframing, 109–11, 130

problem solving

of Challenger, 125

of Liberator, 72

Procter & Gamble, 86, 110, 246

productivity, boosting, 6


questions, 104

annual, 216–17

asking right, 215

assumptions and, 109

conventional thinking challenged by, 146–49

defining, 142–43

of genius, 4–8

The Gotcha, 101

hard, 116–17, 130, 156–57, 158

Know-It-All Challenge, 127–28

leading, 127–28, 130

research, 230

shifting burden, 117–18

The Stall, 101


Ramallah, West Bank, 46

rapid cycles, 125–26

rapid learning cycles, 84–86, 95

Ravel, 215

real return on investment (ROI) calculation, 16

recruiting, 41–42

reframing problems, 109–11, 130

Reilly, Nick, 81–82, 246


intelligence, 94

others by restraining self, 78–79, 95

renewable energy investment, 213–14

reputation, 37, 38


on children, 12–13

international, 240–41

questions, 230

research process

foundation work, 229–31

industry expansion, 234–35

industry selection, 231

model, 235

nominators, 231–32

research question, 230

structured interviews, 232–34

study, 7–8

survey, 232

resonance, 199

resource leverage, 13–18

Challenger achieving, 124–26

Debate Makers as, 153–55

of Liberators, 89–90

logic of multiplication, 17


acquiring, 56–57

allocating, 14–15, 174–75

efficiency, 17

insufficient, x

investment, 168, 173–75, 193

utilization of logic of multiplication leaders, 17

restraint, 95

leadership, 91

of Liberators, 91

of self, 78–79, 91

the Ringo, 3

risk-taking, 84–86, 89, 90

Robinson, Tajianna (Taji), 114–15

real return on investment

Roller, Becky, 174–75

Romney, Mitt, 33–37, 245

Ross School of Business, 230

Rumsfeld, Donald, 254n1

Russell 2000 Index, 112


Sacred Heart school, 115

safety, for best thinking, 146

Sakkab, Nabil, 110, 17, 235

Salt March, 165

Sand Hill Road, 167, 192

Sandoz, 245

SAP North America, 70, 97, 119, 172, 176, 231, 235, 246, 247

scarcity, 18–19

Schiphol Airport, 42

Schneer, George, 8–10, 170–71, 245

Scholar of the Year competition, 114

Schreiber, Zvi, 46, 246

Scully, John, 195

seeding opportunity, 107–11, 130

Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), 165, 166, 221, 235, 247

self-promotion, 36.
See also
Empire Builder

serial entrepreneur.
Serial Multiplier

Serial Multiplier, 187–88

Sevin Rosen Funds, 245

Self-Employed Women’s Association

SEWA Insurance, 166

Shackleton, Ernest, 36

shared inquiry, 155–56, 254n7

Siegel, Sue, 26, 62–63, 147–49, 155, 247

silos, functional, 81

Singapore Management University, 187

slavery, 93

soft opinions, 92

sound decisions, 149–51, 158

space, 78–82, 95

Diminisher dominating, 87–88

Liberators creating, 78–82, 95

listening-to-talking ratio, 79, 95, 196

opinion labels and, 92

releasing others by restraining self, 78–79, 95

Spielberg, Steven, 74, 76, 246

Sports Illustrated
, 163

spotlight shining, 51–52, 64

Spoutz, Brian, 127

Sridhar, K. R., 27, 53, 54, 62, 84, 86, 118, 173, 246

St. Exupery, Antoine De, 159

The Stall question, 101

standard defense, 82–83, 95

Stanford Graduate School of Business, 229

Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 246

Stanford University, 7, 12, 51, 114, 234, 247

starting point, 111, 130

assumptions, 203, 207–10, 215

strategy, assumptions and, 109

strength, top off, 206

stress, 83–84, 87

stretch, 188.
See also
2 times effect

challenge and, 116–18

for Challengers, 129

energizing, 113–14

like rubber band, 116

ownership, 171–73, 193

Strüengmann, Andreas, 41–43, 220, 245

Strüengmann, Thomas, 41–43, 220, 246

students, 13, 212

success, investing in others, 159–61

Sumner, Polly, 172



attracting and optimizing, 21

Diminisher managing, 56–58

disengaged, 39

dormant, 26

Empire Builders languishing, 57–58

labeling, 210–11

latent, 26

leveraging, 58–59

obsession of amassing, 56

Talent Magnet, 21, 23, 31, 33–64, 59, 206, 249

becoming, 60–62, 64

blockers removed by, 52–56, 64

boundaries ignored by, 45–46, 64

connecting people with opportunities, 49–51, 64

as credit givers, 57

cycle of attraction, 36–38, 39, 63

Diminisher assumption, 210

Empire Builders v., 35, 36–41, 64

encouraging growth and progress, 62–63

genius appreciated by, 44–45

as genius watcher, 60–62, 64

looking for talent, 44–46, 64

Multiplier assumption, 210

native genius found by, 46–49, 64

practices of, 43–56, 64

reputation, 37, 38

Romney as, 33–35

shining spotlight, 51–52, 64

talent leveraged by, 58–59

utilizing people at fullest, 49–52, 64

weed pulling, 62, 64

talking, 79, 95, 196

teachers, 173–74

Liberator, 75–76

nature as powerful, 188–90, 193


dream, 51

formation, 143, 158

of rivals, 137–39

A Team of Rivals
(Goodwin), 137

Tell, William, 84

10,000 Hour Rule, 216

tense leader, 87, 95

intense v., 72–73

Tyrant as, 68–69, 90

tension, 111.
See also

The Theatre, 151, 152

30-Day Multiplier Challenge, 203, 217, 223

of accelerators, 210–14, 223

challenging students, 212

of Debate Maker, 213

Dodgeville debate, 213

labeling talent, 210–11

liberating Lokesh, 211–12

renewable energy investment, 213–14

Tichy, Noel, 128

tightrope walking, 120, 220

Tiller, Tom, 128

(magazine), 99, 137

The Times
(London), 36

top off strength, 206

tree planting, 120

Turkheimer, Eric, 13

Twin Towers, World Trade Center, 120, 220

2 times effect, 11–13, 31, 74, 90, 171, 192, 218, 239–40

two-circle meeting format, 152

$2 challenge, 113, 116

Tyrant, 66, 87–89

Diminisher as, 22, 23

intelligence influenced by, 69

Liberators v., 68–72, 95

suppression of, 88–89

tense environment of, 95

as tense leader, 68–69, 90


underutilization, 15, 26, 36, 41, 58.
See also

logic of addition logic of multiplication leaders on, 16

United Nations, 187

United States, 3

Unitus, 235

University Neighbor Partners, 247

University of Michigan, 13, 128, 230, 247

University of Utah, 108, 128

University of Virginia, 13

venture capital firms, 167–68

visible scoreboard, 180–81, 193

VitalSmarts, 234, 247


Washington Post
, 137

waste, 15

weakness, neutralizing, 206

weed pulling, 62, 64

World Economic Forum

weight shift, 119–20

Welch, Jack, 63

Welch, Suzy, 63

West Bank, 46

Wharton School of Business, 187

White House, 234

Whitman, Meg, 33–36, 37

WHSmith bookshop, 101

win, orchestrate early, 119–21, 130

Wiseman, Liz, 229

Woodward, Bob, 137

Wookey, John, 176–77

work extremes, 203–7, 223

working extremes, 223

World Economic Forum (WEF), 97, 187

World Environment Day, 120

World Trade Center, 120, 220


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