Murder on the House: A Haunted Home Renovation Mystery (Haunted Home Repair Mystery)

BOOK: Murder on the House: A Haunted Home Renovation Mystery (Haunted Home Repair Mystery)
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Dead Bolt

“Cleverly plotted with a terrific sense of the history of the greater Bay Area, Blackwell’s series has plenty of ghosts and supernatural happenings to keep readers entertained and off-balance.”

Library Journal

“Smooth, seductive. . . . Fans will want to see a lot more of the endearing Mel.”

Publishers Weekly

“This is a great ghost book . . . a strong second entry that is developing the characters and laying a solid foundation for a strong series. If you enjoy some spooky with your cozy, this will delight you and have you anxious for more.”

—Mysteries and My Musings

“Juliet Blackwell’s writing is like that of a master painter, placing a perfect splash of detail, drama, color, and whimsy in all the right places!”

—Victoria Laurie,
New York Times
bestselling author of the Psychic Eye and Ghost Hunter Mysteries

If Walls Could Talk

“A riveting tale with a twisting plot, likable characters, and an ending that will make you shudder [at] how easily something small can get totally out of hand. [It] leaves you wondering what you just saw out of the corner of your eye . . . a good, solid read.”

—The Romance Readers Connection

“Ms. Blackwell’s offbeat, humorous book is a fun, light read. . . . Mel makes a likable heroine. . . . Overall, a terrific blend of suspense and laughter with a dash of the paranormal thrown in makes this a great read.”

—TwoLips Reviews

“Kudos and high fives to Ms. Blackwell for creating a new set of characters for readers to hang around with as well as a new twist on the ghostly paranormal mystery niche. I can’t wait to see what otherworldly stories Juliet has in mind for us next!”

—Once Upon a Romance

“Melanie Turner may well be one of the most exciting, smart, and funny heroines currently in any book series. . . . There’s enough excitement to keep you reading until late in the night.”

—Fresh Fiction


Hexes and Hemlines

“This exciting urban fantasy murder mystery . . . is an entertaining paranormal whodunit. . . . Her familiar, Oscar, half goblin-gargoyle, becomes a cute potbellied pig who adds jocularity to the fast-paced story line as part of the quirky cast (benign, kind, and evil) that help make this spellbinding tale a fun read.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Hexes and Hemlines
carries you along with an unconventional cast where nothing is out-of-bounds. Extraordinarily entertaining.”

Suspense Magazine

“This is a fun and totally engrossing series that hooks you instantly and makes you want more. . . . I love the mix of vintage clothes, magic, and a lingering possibility of romance combined with mystery.”

—Fang-tastic Books

“Juliet Blackwell has created a series that will appeal to mystery fans as well as paranormal enthusiasts.”

—Debbie’s Book Bag

A Cast-Off Coven

“If you like your mysteries with a side of spell-casting and demon-vanquishing, you’ll enjoy the second title in Blackwell’s Witchcraft Mysteries.”

Romantic Times

“This awesome paranormal mystery stars a terrific heroine.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Secondhand Spirits

“Juliet Blackwell provides a terrific urban fantasy with the opening of the Witchcraft Mystery series.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

“An excellent blend of mystery, paranormal, and light humor, creating a cozy that is a must read for anyone with an interest in literature with paranormal elements.”

—The Romance Readers Connection

“It’s a fun story, with romance possibilities with a couple hunky men, terrific vintage clothing, and the enchanting Oscar. But there is so much more to this book. It has serious depth.”

The Herald News


Also by Juliet Blackwell


If Walls Could Talk

Dead Bolt


Secondhand Spirits

A Cast-off Coven

Hexes and Hemlines

In a Witch’s Wardrobe



Juliet Blackwell


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Also by Juliet Blackwell

Title Page

Copyright Page




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six


About the Author



To Pamela Groves:

My heart is with you.


Thanks are due, as a
lways, to my wonderful editor, Kerry Donovan. You are a woman of great patience, keen intelligence, and obviously of

Many thanks to Jeri Hoag and her husband, Paul, for answering all sorts of gruesome questions about carbon-monoxide poisoning. And to the citizens of San Francisco’s Castro District, past and present, for laying the groundwork for such an incredible, diverse, and vibrant neighborhood.

A special shout-out to my sister Carolyn, who always offers such incredible insights, suggestions, and ideas. To Jace for allowing me to bore you with endless plot problems. To Shay, Suzanne, Kendall, Susan, Chris, Casey, Anna, Mary, Sara, Dan, Karen, and the entire Mira Vista Social Club (and annex)—thank you for being there!

To my father for being such an inspiration in these novels and in life. To my sister Susan for all your support and cheerleading!

Thanks to all my writer pals, especially Sophie Littlefield, Rachael Herron, Nicole Peeler, Gigi Pandian, Victoria Laurie, Adrienne Miller, Martha Flynn, Lisa Hughey, L. G. C. Smith, Mysti Berry, and Steve Hockensmith. You all keep me sane . . . or at least as close as I’m going to get.

Chapter One

hat makes a house look haun

Is it enough to appear abandoned, run-down, bleak? To creak and groan when long fingers of fog creep down the nearby hills? Or is it something else: a whisper of a tragic past, a distinct but unsettling impression that dwelling within is something indescribable—and perhaps not human?

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