Muse - Fighting Fate #1 (31 page)

BOOK: Muse - Fighting Fate #1
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Chapter 55





I was still sitting in the dungeon with the guys when Mia came back down, this time alone. She wore a happy little smirk on her face
that made her look like she was up to no good as she slowly made her way towards me.

“Mind if I steal my boyfriend?” she

The sound of those words on her lips sent some
strange little spark of electricity through my chest. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call me that.”

She raised
an eyebrow, appearing surprisingly comfortable in front of the guys. “Does it bother you?”

Bother me? “Fuck no. I love it.”
I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her so she was standing between my legs, then I wrapped my arms around her.

“Yeah, okay, I know where this is going, so yes, you can take him.
Just don’t do that shit in here,” Aiden said.

Dean and Matt laughed. Aiden’s discomfort was pretty amusing.

Mia smiled and took a step back, taking my hand as she went. With one last grin at Aiden, she led me out the door.

I was quite aware of the stupid grin I was most probably wearing, but I sure as shit wasn’t complaining. I’d fucking follow her to hell right about now.

When we reached her room, she tugged me inside and pushed the door closed before locking it with a flick of her wrist.

I grinned, unsure of what it was we were doing. We both knew ‘the door stays open’ rule, but Mia just dropped my hand, leaving me standing by the door confused, and slowly went over to switch on the stereo.

Soft music instantly filled the room.

She turned to face me, a dark gleam in her eyes. What was she up to?

With deliberate movements, she slowly began to slide one strap of her sundress off her shoulder, exposing the round, fullness of the top of her breast, and then the other one.

The dress slipped down her toned body and pooled around her feet, leaving her standing before me, completely naked.

I sucked in a sharp breath. Fuck me. My dick was instantly hard. I didn’t think I would ever get tired of staring at her body. It was fucking amazing.

Not once did she take her eyes off me, and as each second passed, I swear they grew darker and hungrier, making my dick just grow fucking harder and harder.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I should be stopping her. Her mom had rules… No closed doors…

She stepped closer, her tongue darting out to moisten her upper lip. Fucking hell. I wanted her so fucking bad. Her fingers tentatively touched the hem of my shirt, and then she was lifting it, pulling it upwards and off.

I went with it. I wasn’t fucking stupid. If she wanted a little bit of action then I’d give it to her. With my shirt gone, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her, hard, but before I could get too into it, she pulled back, her gaze roaming down my body as though she couldn’t get enough of it. Then her hands were on me, running over my chest, my stomach, feeling every contour and line.

I groaned
, pulling her back to me, kissing her deeper. Fuck. If I didn’t stop this now, I wasn’t going to be able to stop. “Mia...” I said against her lips, trying and failing to make it sound like a warning.

My hands moved over her skin, feeling every soft curve they could reach. She moaned into my mouth. Shit. Yep, I was passing the point of no return…

As my hands moved down to cup her perfectly rounded ass, Mia’s arms tightened around my neck. Before I knew what she was doing, she pulled herself upwards, wrapping her legs around my hips. I took her weight instinctively, turning so I could push her against the wall and press my rock hard dick to her heat.

Fuck, I wasn’t sure if I had any control left in me. I broke
the kiss, breathing hard. “Mia...your mom...” That was all I had. I couldn’t do anything else.

“It’s fine,” she breathed, kissing my
neck. “She said I could shut the door.”

Her words seeped into my awareness slowly, and when they did, I groaned.
“You told her we’re going to have sex, didn’t you?”

Mia ran her tongue along my jaw, making my eyes fall closed.
“Not in so many words...”


Her fingers clenched in my hair harder. “Don’t worry, I’m not losing my virginity tonight.”


“Shhh...I want you
, Jace. Please...”

I groaned again. How was I supposed to think about this sensibly when she was doing that?! Knowing I had absolutely no fucking chance, I gave up and crushed my
lips to hers. I needed inside her.

Fumbling for the pocket of my jeans, I pulled out a condom and pushed it into her hand.
“Here, hold this.”

She threw it to the ground and shook her head while she bit my neck. “No need. We’re safe.”

I froze. Fuck. I could have her without a cover? I pulled back to look at her. “Are you sure?”


I growled then reaching between us, worked to unzip my jeans, loosening them enough to release my throbbing dick. The second I did, Mia sank down on me. Fuck!

I stilled, trying to get a fucking grip on my senses.
I had no idea how different it would feel naked. It almost had me seeing stars.

Mia gasped.
“Oh God!”

The sound
of her pleasure almost had me blowing my fucking load right then and there. She clung to me tighter, her breathing coming as those short little pants that I fucking couldn’t get enough of.

I couldn’t wait any more. I needed her so damned bad. Pulling out almost the whole way, I pushed back in. Hard.

Mia moaned. “Yes! Fuck me, Jace.”

Motherfucking hell.
Mia and dirty words. Too much. “Shit, Mia. I’m not going to be able to make this last…”

“No! Don’t! I’m so close. Do it. Please!”

That was it. My control was gone. Mia lifted herself up and quickly pushed back down again, only to do it again just as quickly. Pushing her harder against the wall, I matched her movements, speeding up the pace until we were pounding a frantic beat, and we were both coming apart in the most spectacular way I’d ever felt.

I pressed my
mouth to her neck, trying like hell to stifle the groans I just couldn’t hold back. Mia body was clenched so hard around mine, in every way. It felt like she was milking me for everything I had. Her head was thrown back and her breath was rushing in and out with the sound of her ecstasy.

Holy fucking hell. I honestly didn’t think she could possibly get any fucking hotter than she was right now.

I held her to me for as long as the tremors still ran through our bodies, and when they finally ended, I carefully lowered her to the floor, gently easing out of her. She shivered against me, her heartbeat racing against my chest. Her legs wobbled a little when they hit the floor, so I tightened my arms, holding her up while I breathed against her neck, inhaling that scent that was now like home to me.

“You are so fucking incredible,” I said, pulling back to gaze at her. I shook my head a little, completely in awe of her.
Her body slumped against me. She looked very tired all of a sudden. Chuckling, I hugged her to me. “I love that sleepy little just fucked look you get.”

She tried to smile, but
she huffed instead. “Oh my god. I think you broke me,” she said with a giggle, but then she pulled back and looked down at herself.

A trickle of come was slowly running down the inside of her leg. The thought of both our juices mixed together inside her made me instantly hard
again. I groaned. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

I watched her breath catch as she caught my darkening gaze, and her eyes ignited with a spark of hunger. “Jace-” she whispered.

That was all it took. I grabbed her up again and carried her over to the bed, laying her out for me to see. I was never going to get tired of looking at her. Of touching her. Of being inside her.

Peeling off my jeans, I spread her legs wider and sank between
them, but this time I took the time to love her properly.

A good hour later, we were both completely out of breath and exhausted, but completely satiated. It was close to midnight, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Was there a curfew? Did I have to leave now?

“What’s wrong?”
she said, worry creeping into her tone.

I sighed.
“I don’t know what the rules are. Do I have to leave?”

Mia giggle
d. “No, you can sleep with me.”

Fuck. Really?
“Are you sure?”

She laughed at me and held out the sheet
she was under, inviting me in. “Yes.”

I still wasn’t sure. I was fucking hoping I could, but I didn’t want to push my luck.
“Am I going to get up in the morning and have Aiden beat me up?”

I watched Mia pout in contemplation
, but she was still grinning a little. “I don’t think he knows that Mom’s agreed to it yet, but I’m sure he’ll find out soon enough.”

sighed. Yeah, he sure would. I just hoped he was still relieved to see us both happy come morning time. Throwing caution to the wind, I climbed in beside her. Knowing I was going to be sleeping there with her all night, without worrying about being caught, was one of the best feelings in the world.

Laying face to face, I pulled her body against mine. I needed to have her against me. We lay like that for a long time, just taking each other in. She was so fucking beautiful it hurt.

“I love you so much I can’t fucking breathe sometimes,” I said, my voice showing the emotion inside me.

She swallowed hard. I could see she was struggling herself. “I love you so much
, Jace…”

I had no idea how I managed to catch someone as
beautiful as Mia, but I was going to fucking take it. I hoped to god I would always have her to call my girlfriend. Even the idea of eventually getting married didn’t scare me. In fact, that seemed like the best way to tie her to me forever.

Knowing how comfortable I felt thinking like that surprised me
, but it didn’t change my mind in the slightest. I knew I would always want to be with her.

Without a fucking doubt.

Chapter 56





My hands fidgeted on the steering wheel as I drove down Jace’s street. I was so excited I could barely stop myself from bouncing in my seat.

It had been a week since I got my memory back, and during that time I’d made a lot of decisions. First I had to convince Mom that they were good choices, but once she was on board, she helped me deal with all the research and requirements, then we sat down and talked to Mr. Thomas.

I’d been worried he wouldn’t agree to it and crush my plans with one word, but he actually agreed it was a good idea and said he would take care of all the necessary arrangements.

Next was convincing Aiden. I didn’t think he’d be a problem, but you never knew with Aiden sometimes. Thankfully, all I felt from him was relief. Now he was just as excited as I was.

My last hurdle was convincing Jace. It’d been hard keeping my plans from him over the last week, but I hadn’t wanted to get his hopes up if it didn’t work out the way I wanted. At least I hoped he’d be excited about it. I didn’t know what I’d do if he didn’t agree to it.

Pulling up to the curb, I shut off the engine and took a deep breath. With a quick check in the mirror, I jogged up the front path and knocked on the door.

Jace’s Mom answered the door, holding a curious Ruby in her arms. She smiled when she saw me. “Mia. What a nice surprise. How are you?”

I don’t know why. It was stupid of me, but I hadn’t been anticipating the whole meet the parent thing. I mean, I knew I’d met Natasha before, but this was a little different. This time she knew Jace and I were girlfriend and boyfriend.

“I’m good. It was a pretty rough week, but thankfully it’s over now.”

I glanced at Ruby quickly. She was frowning at me in thought. It had been a while since I’d seen her. Maybe a year or so, and I was surprised by how much she’d grown. There were so many of Jace’s features in her too. Like her stunning blue eyes and dark hair.

It was obvious she didn’t remember who I was by the way she was studying me so intently.

Natasha smiled down at her. “Do you remember Mia? Aidy’s sister?”

Ruby’s eyes widened a little. I still don’t think she remembered me, but obviously my association with Aiden made me a friend. “Hi
, Ruby. Wow, you’ve grown so much since I saw you last. How old are you now?”

She held up her hand and tucked her thumb against her palm. “I’m four!”

I let out a soft laugh at her excitement.

“Are you looking for Aidy?” she asked.

“Mia is Jace’s girlfriend, so I think she might be here to see him,” Natasha said to her in a slow, explanatory way.

Ruby’s little face just showed acceptance
at her mother’s words. “Yes. You’re pretty.” Then turning to look at Natasha, she smiled. “She’s pretty, Mommy.”

Natasha smiled down at her daughter. “Yes, she’s very pretty. Maybe she’s a princess like you.”

Ruby seemed to like that idea.

“Why don’t you show Mia where Jace’s room is?” Natasha said.

Ruby wriggled in her arms until she was put on her feet, then she took my hand. “Come on, I’ll show you Jace’s room.” She pulled me away from Natasha like she was in a race. I smiled back at Jace’s mom, letting Ruby take the lead. “It’s down the end. His room is biiig. He has three guitars, and sometimes he sings to me. I like it when Jace sings to me. He has a really pretty voice. Do you sing?”

I tried not to laugh at her constant chatter, but she was so cute. “No, I don’t sing.”

“Why not?”

“Ah…well, I haven’t really tried,” I said, hoping that answer would satisfy her.

She slowed her steps and I noticed we were at Jace’s door. Ruby stopped and gave me a pointed look. “You have to knock before you go in. It’s a rule.”

I gave her my best serious face. “Oh, okay. That’s a good rule.”

She nodded like she agreed then knocked loudly, three times. The door opened and Jace looked down at me with surprise before breaking out into a grin. “Hey.”

His happiness was contagious.

“Mia is your girlfriend,” Ruby declared beside me.

Jace looked down at her and laughed before scooping her up off the floor. “Yes, she is. Do you approve?”

She nodded emphatically. “She’s very pretty. I think she’s a princess like me.”

“You do, do you? Does that make me a prince?”

She nodded once. “Yes.”

He chuckled, then kissed her on the top of her head. “Well, I guess I better talk to Princess Mia about our happily ever after then.” He put her back down on the ground. “You go see what Mom’s doing, okay?”


I watched her skip off down the hall before turning back to look at Jace. He was already gazing at me, an easy smile on his lips.
“I thought you said you were busy this afternoon,” he said, pulling me into his arms.

I went gladly. “I was. I’m finished now.”

He kissed me softly and I melted. I heard the door click shut behind me and smiled against his lips. “I missed you,” he whispered seductively.

“It’s only been three hours…”

His teeth grazed my lower lip. “That’s two hours and forty-five minutes too long.”

I pulled back and gave him a teasing grin. “You can only go fifteen minutes without me?”

He growled. “Not really, but I thought it might sound a little pathetic if I said I couldn’t even go a minute without wishing you were with me.”

I smirked. “So, if I said I was going to come on tour with you, you’d be happy?”

He pulled back a bit more, his expression completely serious now. His eyes flashed with shock, disbelief, and hope. “I’d be more than fucking happy. Ecstatic would be closer to what I’d be feeling…”

He was watching me so hard. I could tell he wanted to ask me what I meant, but was scared to let himself hope. It was exactly the reaction I’d been hoping for. “Then I guess you’ll be in ecstasy real soon.”

I saw him hold his breath as he studied me. “Please tell me you’re not joking.”

Squeezing him to me, I looked him deep in his eyes. “I’m not joking,” I whispered.

“You’re really coming on tour?” I could still see the disbelief in his eyes.

Cupping his face, I let my thumb gently caress his cheek. “Yeah, I am.”

He was speechless for the longest time, just staring at me as his mind ticked over and over. I knew he was trying to let it sink in, to believe the words I’d spoken. “How?” His voice was almost a whisper. I could hear the emotion in it.

I shook my head. “I couldn’t do six months without you and Aiden.
After the last few months, I’ve learnt what my limitations are, and that’s beyond them.” I took a deep breath, repressing the panic the thought of being without Jace brought.

“But what about college?”

“I talked to Mom about it and she’s going to let me do my first year through distance education.”

Jace’s eyes were starting to sparkle. I could tell he was getting excited. “Is the label okay with it?”

I smiled. “Yeah. Mom talked to Dean’s dad and convinced him that you guys needed a P.A. while you’re on tour, and he agreed that I was the perfect candidate. Rich called this morning to let me know it’s all been approved.”

Jace was overwhel
med. I could see it. “Holy shit…that’s just…that’s just awesome.”

I couldn’t contain my excitement any longer. I jigged up and down on my toes. “I know!”

He laughed as he watched me. “So, what does a P.A. do?”

I shrugged.
“Whatever you guys need me to do. Shopping…cooking if you want…making sure you’re not living in filth…keeping your asses in line…”

He cringed a little. “I don’t want you cleaning up after us
, baby.”

I shrugged. It was no different to cleaning up after Aiden. It’d just be Aiden times four – or three. I had a feeling Jace wasn’t going to let me pick up after him much. “I won’t mind. I think I’ll actually like making sure you’re all taken care of and eating properly.”

“Oh no.” He chuckled. “The mother hen’s going to come out. Matt better watch his sorry ass.”

I groaned a little at that. Matt was the one I was worried about. Out of all of them, he was the one who was going to hit it hardest. I wasn’t worried about myself having to deal with him. I was worried he was going to push himself too far.

Jace sighed and took my face in his hands. “I am so un-fucking-believably happy right now. I love you so much.”

“So, you’re okay with me coming on tour?” I could hear the uncertainty in my voice. A tiny part of me had been worried he wouldn’t want me to come.

“Baby, I’m more than okay with it. You own part of my soul. Without you I don’t even know who I am. I honestly had no idea how I was going to get through the tour without you.” His gaze roamed over my face in awe, then he smiled. “I get to wake up with you in my arms every single day. I’m more than fucking happy.”

I beamed up at him. “Then we’re going on tour
, baby.”

The smile he returned me was so full of love, I was sure I was about to end up a melted puddle on the floor. “Yeah, we are.”

“I love you.”

He kissed me, soft and lingering. “I love you too. Forever.”




Thank you for reading my book! I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, I would love, love, love it if you could leave me a review. Thanks! I hope to see you around soon.

Maree Green.

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