Music of the Heart (38 page)

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Authors: Harper Brooks

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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              How I got to be so lucky is beyond me.  I tell Merritt all the time I owe a lot of it to her.  Without meeting her in Auburn that first weekend, I never would have had the connection to Cross years later. 


























Chapter Forty-One






              It’s been eleven years since we met and a little over ten since we got married and we’re back at the place where it all began.  Tommy Langner has yet again made me a beautiful and unique pink dress for the breast cancer benefit as he has done the previous years.


              “It never gets old seeing you for the first time all dressed up.  You are stunning baby and I love you more and more every day.  You are definitely one of the hot moms at school.”


              “You’re not so bad yourself Mr. Hamilton.  I do have a question for you, though.”


              “Baby, you can ask me anything.”


              “Well, we’re back in Atlanta where it all began.  We have no kids this weekend because they are spending the night at your brothers house.  And we have your condo all to ourselves… any chance I’m getting lucky tonight?”


              This makes him laugh.  Despite the fact that we are much older than when we met, that has not tamed his need for sex which is still quite often. 


              “Baby, you can get lucky all night long if you want to.”


              He takes me and leans me back and plants a sexy kiss on my lips. 


              “For real?!  Mom!  Dad!  Stop doing that in front of everyone!”


              Cullen is now nine years old and apparently we gross him out with our kissing.  Sutton on the other hand, thinks it’s sweet and we’re like some fairytale couple.  She’s seven so she still thinks that stuff is cool.


              “Zip it Cullen.  Mommy and daddy are so sweet!  Kiss her again Daddy!”


              We’re all finishing up dessert and this year, like always, I am announcing the silent auction winners for Elizabeth.  As I make my way on the stage, Cross is looking at me very impatiently.  I can tell he wants to get back to the condo and have his way with me.  As soon as I announce the last winner, he is waiting at the bottom of the steps to whisk me away.


“You want to sneak out of here right now?  Dessert is over and you’ve announced all the winners.  Is there anything left to do here or can I take you home and ravage you now?”


              “Well, if you can convince your mom we need to leave, we can get out of here.”


              Before I can say anything else, he has walked over to his parents and told them goodnight.  He’s ready to drag me out the door but before he can, we go over to Gaines, his brother, and ask when they are leaving.  I feel weird leaving before my kids because I’m pretty sure everyone will know what we’re up to.


“Gaines.  Are y’all about to leave?”


“Actually, Katie is rounding the kids up as we speak.”


“Okay, we didn’t want to leave before y’all did and I wanted to tell the kids goodnight.”


“Where are y’all headed to in such a hurry?  Or do I want to know?”


“I’m pretty sure you don’t want all the juicy details big brother.”


I just shake my head at Cross and we walk around telling everyone goodnight.  We find the kids and give them big hugs and tell them to be nice for their Uncle Gaines and Aunt Katie tonight.  As soon as we see them head out to the car, Cross pulls his phone out and starts texting someone.  I don’t even have a chance to say bye to anyone else before he is pulling me out the doors to Thomas and our waiting car to take us home.


              As we ride back to the condo, he puts the privacy window up and kisses me like the first time. I have to tell him to chill the hell out because I’m not having sex in the back of this car with Thomas driving us around.  We finally get to the condo and as promised, he decides he’s still hungry and comes walking back into the bedroom with chocolate syrup and whipped cream.  After numerous orgasms and a nice long shower to clean ourselves up, we fall into a deep sleep.


Waking up the next morning, Cross is still asleep so I make myself cup of coffee and sit on the balcony outside.  Reflecting back on the last eleven years, I can’t believe I was blessed with this amazing life – wonderful parents and in-laws, two beautiful children and one kick ass husband who fell in love with me for the music I had in my heart.












From Harper,,,


I hope everyone enjoyed Ashleigh and Cross’s story.  I have several other books in the works including a trilogy about three amazing sisters, a five book series about best girl friends and a college romance series.  I don’t have any release dates for the upcoming books but I hope to have at least one out before the end of this year.



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