My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) (41 page)

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Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)
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“He is hoping to return for the holidays, either Thanksgiving or Christmas,” Uncle Dan answered.

“We would be wonderful to have him home for either one. We don’t get to see much of him nowadays.” Aunt Lucie shifted her eyes to mine. “It would be even better to have you home, too, or maybe we could visit you. That way we can all be together.”

Emotions coursed through me, making my chest swell. “I would love that, Aunt Lucie.”

As we worked together to clean up the kitchen, we made small talk about the upcoming football season. Uncle Dan, Kyle, Jason, and Damon all made bets on who would get drafted this year and which teams would make it into the playoffs.

Even though I was spending my time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins in my kitchen and not my parents and sister, I was still with my family, and I loved them with all my heart. It felt easier to be around them this time.

With a heavy sadness in my heart from grieving my immediate family, I was learning to find comfort in my extended family, Kyle, and my few friends. I wasn’t sure if the pain would ever go away, but I felt like I was starting to find a way to manage it without feeling overwhelmed and alone. For the first time, I was hopeful that things would continue to improve with each future visit.

Everyone made their way to the front foyer to say our good-byes. I wished I could stay longer, but I knew it was time to get back to work and get settled in with Kyle.

“So, we’ve all seen the sign out front,” Uncle Dan said. “Does that mean you’re leaving soon?”

Everyone’s eyes turned to me.

“Yes,” I answered honestly. “Now that everything is taken care of with the house, I need to return to my normal everyday grind, and I’ll be moving to California to live with Kyle.”

“That’s wonderful, Lily. We are all so happy for you.” Aunt Lucie beamed.

“That we are, Lily. We are so proud to see you take charge of your life as you mature into a lovely young woman,” Uncle Dan added.

“Thank you, Uncle Dan. That means a lot to me.” I paused and took a deep breath. “I will miss you all.”

“You take care of yourself and call us soon.” Aunt Lucie hugged me.

Uncle Dan embraced me next. “We’ll see you soon, kiddo.”

“I’m gonna miss you, Lily.” Jason’s bear hug delivered its usual power.

“G-gonna…miss you…too,” I gasped.

He loosened his hold with a smile.

Damon’s hug was softer but held just as much meaning. “I hope you visit soon. I’ll miss you.” He stepped back and shook Kyle’s hand. “You take care of our Lily.”

Kyle nodded, his eyes full of promise. “I will. You can count on it,” he answered.

“I will miss you all dearly. I promise to visit and stay in better contact this time around.”

We waved good-bye as my family made their way down the driveway. Although I missed them already, I was feeling hopeful for the future.

“So, tomorrow…” Kyle paused, looking deep into my eyes with such love and tenderness. He ran his palm down my arm until his hand connected with mine. “We are going home?”

I inhaled the fresh outdoor air, feeling complete and at peace with who I was. For the first time in three years, I was finally truly excited about what was yet to come. I had already started a new chapter with Kyle, and I was happily anticipating where our next journey would take us. As long as we were together, side by side, we could conquer anything in our path.

I was wholeheartedly in love with Kyle, and with him, I truly felt I had found my home again.

“Yes,” I answered, tightening my hand in his, “I’m ready to go home.”

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read my book. I hope you enjoyed Kyle and Lily’s story as much as I loved writing it. I look forward to each one of your comments and reviews, and I thank you in advance for sharing your feedback with me.

For the most up-to-date information, please follow me on Facebook at and Twitter @AliciaRaeAuthor.

I have so many wonderful people to thank. Each person has truly been a blessing throughout this new chapter in my life.

First and foremost, I cannot express enough thanks to my remarkably talented editor, Jovana Shirley, at Unforeseen Editing. She was the first person I met when I started this journey of writing, and I’m forever grateful for her friendship, advice, and the endless late nights she shared with me while perfecting every single word of this series. She took my original manuscripts and made them shine. Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work!

To my family, who has always supported me with unconditional love, even during the past ten months when I practically lived in my writing cave—Thank you, and I love you all dearly. *Hugs*

To Colin Wayne, fitness model and athlete; his wife, Megan Erwin; and photographer, Golden Czermak, at Furious Fotog—Thank you for working together with me on the cover photo shoot and for creating such amazing photographs. You all did an amazing job!

To Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations—Thank you for taking all the photographs and creating a work of art for The Beautiful Series. I am in awe of your extraordinary talent, and I absolutely love the beautiful final covers.

To my betas: my dear husband, Travis; my sister, Kelsey; Shirley; Sherri; Linda; Elizabeth; and Alissa—Thank you for your countless hours of reading the series and for giving me that push I needed with your kind and encouraging words. I love you all!

To the many bloggers who put their hearts and time into promoting my book—THANK YOU! I’ve made so many great friends along the way. I’m forever grateful to you all.

To Rosette, Karen, and Michelle at Literati Author Services—Thank you for your hard work and guidance in what was an unfamiliar territory for me. Without you, I never would have known what steps to take.

To all fellow authors who have become friends—Thank you for writing books where I can lose myself for hours and for inspiring me to write a love story of my own. You have all welcomed me with open arms, and I’m extremely thankful.

And especially to my readers—I can never thank you enough for reading my book. All your support means the world to me.

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