My Beloved (25 page)

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Authors: T.M. Mendes

BOOK: My Beloved
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Chapter 25





“Watch where you’re using that thing!” Darcy cried out when Wendy blew up another piece of fruit next to him but it nicked him in the arm.

She felt frustrated, which wasn’t helping her concentration. It was only making it worse. “Sorry but it’s a little hard to concentrate using this thing when I don’t even know how I’m doing it half the time!” she said, exasperated.

Vincent came up behind her and held her hands.

“Just breathe, Firefly. This power is tied to your emotions, so you need to rein yourself in.”

She tried what he was saying and breathed in and out, feeling calmer by the second. What she felt though when she was calmer, was a low buzzing of sorts in her hands. She could feel the power just below her finger tips as if it were dancing below her skin. She focused on her hands and then pictured the apple just off to the right instead of looking at it. Taking a deep breath, she closed her fists and opened them quickly. Hearing a pop, she opened her eyes and saw Darcy was now covered in apple, almost as if someone had covered him in apple sauce.

“Why was I picked for target practice again?” he asked rhetorically and wiped off the side of his face.

Vincent suggested that in order for Wendy to concentrate more, she needed an incentive to not hurt anyone. Darcy was forced into the job much to his annoyance and even slight fear. It was a funny sight really, and you would think after being together now, Anya would fear for Darcy but she was actually laughing. Vincent originally wanted Asher to be in Darcy’s place, but the hunter was still catatonic. Anya was sitting researching on how to help with her laptop, but not getting anywhere.

“Believe me, I think it’s stupid too. Vincent, I’m serious, I could really hurt him!” Wendy said with worried eyes.

Vincent shook his head in response and kissed her cheek. “You won’t. You’re good to the core and I know you won’t let yourself hurt him.”

Her brain felt tired from all this training they’ve been doing for the last two weeks. And she was only now getting how this power worked. It was strange though, it wasn’t anything she could grasp or hold. But it was more of a burst of energy that couldn’t be tamed. It was like telling a feral lion to play with a kitten’s toy.

“Now do it again. See if you can rein it in again,” Vincent said softly behind her after he placed another apple next to Darcy.

She got why he was training her past exhaustion. She knew he wanted her to be able to defend herself from whatever wanted her out of the picture. So, closing her eyes, she tried to do what she just did again. Breathing in and out slowly, she focused on the now more prominent buzzing just below her palms. Her mind imagined the apple next to Darcy as she closed her fists and then opened them quickly. Opening her eyes, she saw Darcy was covered in fresh apple mush once again.

“Great job!” Vincent praised as it seemed she was finally getting a handle on her power.

Darcy gave a sarcastic smile and wiped off the excess apple juice from his face. “Oh yeah, great job. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a shower.”

Wendy tried hard to not laugh at his expense but a little chuckle did slip through.

“Laugh it up!” he conceded grudgingly, making Wendy burst up in laughter. Laughing felt good right now. With everything that seemed to happen so quickly, it felt nice to let loose.

“You guys are mean,” Darcy said before leaving the room with an immature pout.

Anya rolled her eyes and walked out after him. “C’mon, you big baby, let’s get you cleaned up,” she called out after him, making Wendy laugh again.

She felt Vincent squeeze her from behind in a loving gesture before facing her. “I love your laugh,” he murmured before placing a sweet kiss on her lips. It made her smile slightly at the feeling as she gazed up at him when he pulled away.

“Maybe when this is all over, I can do it more often,” Wendy said with a slightly sad smile, thinking of all the obstacles they had yet to face.

Vincent looked at her for a moment before offering her a hand. “C'mon. I'm taking you out for tonight,” he said, making her look at him with surprise but the ever growing smile on her face told him she very much liked the idea.

“Really?” she asked, almost afraid he'd take it back at the last second.

He chuckled and brushed the side of her face with his fingertips. “Yes, so go get dressed and I'll handle the rest.”

That was all she needed to hear before running to her and his room and going through her clothing options. Over the last couple of weeks, Anya has taken to buying and or ordering Wendy’s clothes, so she had quite a choice to choose from. Something flashy caught her eyes before she reached for it and grinned. It was perfect.

The dress was a navy blue but had a silver accent that shimmered with every move she made. It stopped just above her knees and flowed from the bust down. Getting undressed, she slipped it on. It was backless but it had a built in bra in the front so she didn't have to worry about that. Moving to the long mirror that was on the back of the closet door, she marveled at how it made her look. It made her look older in a sophisticated way. Moving to the dresser next to her, she picked up this blood-red lipstick Anya had let her have. After swiping on a couple coats, she then put on a light shimmering eyeshadow before she deemed herself ready. Her eyes found some red pumps, so she quickly put those on. Wendy left her hair down as it was tame and had nice waves going through it.

“All ready!” she said with a big grin as she flitted to the living room. She saw heat enter Vincent's eyes, making her swell with feminine pride.

“You look exquisite.” He took her hand and then kissed the back of it. He was all ready to go in a red button-down with black slacks that made Wendy want to rip it off him. The shirt stretched over his expansive chest and impressive back. Wendy knew from experience that any women tonight were going to be thinking lustful thoughts. He led her outside, just as the sun was setting, to a nice sleek car. Vincent, when he wasn't training Wendy, learned how to drive. He was surprisingly very good at it.

“M'lady.” He opened the door for her, making her smile to herself. Most would think he was trying to be funny but he was being serious. In his time it was customary to open a door for a woman.

“Thank you.” Her voice was soft as she enjoyed not having to strain herself for once. Vincent held her hand as they drove out of the driveway. “So why are we driving?” she asked, not minding the extra time with him.

He shrugged. “Why not?” sad his only reply.

The quiet purr of the car was the only sound but it was nice. A very welcome change to the chaos at the house. Resting her head back, she looked over his profile. He looked so carefree at the moment. It was different from his normally serious self. Of course she loved every side of him, but she found the soft smile that played at his lips a welcoming side that she hoped would stay for a while.

The moon was full tonight, casting everything in a cold glow. It took another few minutes before Vincent pulled in front of a very nice restaurant. There was a vallet there waiting and the boy opened Wendy's door and helped her out.

“Thank you,” she said with a smile that seemed to stun the young boy. She wasn't used to having the sort of charm that came with being a vampire.

“Not that this place isn't stunning, but I didn't think Vampires could eat.” Her voice was low enough for only Vincent to hear.

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head as they walked inside the grand-looking place. “Trust me,” he said with a wink.

The host greeted them with a warm smile that accentuated her elderly wrinkles. “Welcome. Just two?” she asked as she stepped out from the podium.

“Yes, but we'd like to sit somewhere darker,” Vincent informed the lady who nodded with an understanding grin.

“Right this way.”

Wendy was intrigued and allowed Vincent to take her arm like a gentleman as they followed her to a side door.

It had a spiral, intricate staircase that led down. Wendy looked up at Vincent with a raised eyebrow, to which he just gave her a secret smirk.

“Private or non?” the host asked once they stood outside two different doors.

“Private,” he answered with a nod.

The host gave Wendy a secret wink, which in turn made Wendy want to blush although she didn't quite know why.

The hostess opened the door and looking inside made Wendy gasp. It was so beautiful! A large crystal chandelier was in the middle with hundreds of twinkling lights imbedded in the ceiling, almost like stars. The color scheme in the room was red and silver but it held a very warm feeling. Off to the side was a very large and comfy-looking blood red sofa. Then in the middle held an intimate-looking table that had silver trimmings while the rest appeared to be crystal.

“Thank you. Oh and bring the very best you have,” Vincent spoke and gave the lady a generous tip. She left with a small bow and clicked the door shut behind her.

“Is there a lot of underground places for vampires?” Wendy asked with an incredulous laugh. Her laugh stuttered to a stop when she felt his lips skim her neck in the most enticing way.

“Believe me, I was as pleasantly surprised as you are. Darcy informed me that most high-end places have an underground sort of thing just for vampires.” While he talked, his lips were tracing the length of her neck, making her tilt back to give him more room. It was nice, more than nice to have this alone time with him, rather than getting interrupted in that full house.


Perhaps she thought too soon. They both turned to see a young man holding a blacked out wine bottle. He gestured to the table and held out the chair for Wendy. Vincent sat across from her with a pleasant smile, that is, until the waiter's hand lingered on her shoulders.

“Good evening. My name is Carlos and I will be your waiter for tonight. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask,” he introduced and began pouring the blood into two crystal wine glasses. The smell tickled Wendy's nose in an enticing way.

Vincent said, “Yes, I would like very much if you keep your eyes off her chest before I tear the heart out of yours. Understood?”

The young Hispanic waiter gulped and nodded jerkily.

“Sorry, Sir, it won't happen again.” He then scurried out of the room.

Wendy had to laugh at the man across from her. “You couldn't help yourself, could you?” she asked with an indulging smile while sipping on the body temperature blood.

“How could I? You are a true vision and I know I have my work cut out for me.” His compliment made her blush delicately before she stood up and then walked over to him before sitting herself on his lap. She felt him stiffen in surprise and his eyes grew hotter.

“Firefly?” he questioned with a slight upturned grin.

Her hands came up and around so they played with the nape of his neck as she tilted her head to look through her lashes. “I'm going to enjoy every single moment we have right now since this is the first time we've been alone in too long.” She wasn't sure where this new found vixen was coming from, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth from this confidence.

Without waiting another second, he crashed his lips onto hers in such passion that it left her breathless. Sucking in a breath from the sheer fire that consumed them both, she let herself forget everything. Everything but Vincent. She would get back to training tomorrow, Wendy decided. Things quickly escalated like never before as his large hands worked to peel the dress off of her. She broke away breathing heavily.

“Wait, the door...” she moaned as he began to suck on her neck.

He kissed her now bare shoulder. “They know not to disturb,” he murmured before picking her up then flitting over to the large couch.

Her fingers longed to feel the hard muscle that lay below his shirt, so without asking, she ripped off his shirt and sent the buttons flying in every which way. His low growl vibrated between both of them as he hovered above her. “Careful, Love,” he warned when his eyes almost appeared to be glowing with liquid blue heat.

She dared him by lifting up and trailing her fangs down his chest lightly. His thick corded muscles contracted at the feel and he shivered slightly. Without warning her, he bent down and bit on her shoulder.

Wendy screamed, feeling euphoria course through her. Her legs wrapped around him in an attempt to get closer. Her dress was now down and scrunched at her waist, revealing her bare chest and panties. They were midnight blue and were silky to the touch. All courtesy of Anya. His eyes silently asked her if she was sure, to which she answered with a kiss.

Trailing her fingertips lightly over his bare chest, she breathed in his comforting scent. She felt like jello and sore. It was a good kind of sore though, the kind you wouldn't mind feeling all the time. That devilish thought caused a small blush and smile to cover her face. They were both lying naked with a light sheen of sweat that slicked their skin and told the world what they were finished doing. Biting her lip, she looked up at him and smiled when she saw his eyes were closed but he had a contented smile on his face. She knew he wasn't asleep since his hands were trailing erotically down her spine.

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