My Best Friend's Brother: A Standalone Friends to Lovers Romance (Soulmates Series Book 2) (8 page)

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Chapter 14: Shane





you," I corrected. "Not that I wouldn't find pleasure in taking some
of his dignity away."
Or watching the pledges use him for batting


okay," she said. "He doesn't deserve your attention."


call," I said. "But only cause I've never given him one more chance


pursed her lips.


he contacts you again, that's his luck run out," I said. "So I need
you to tell me if-"


will, Shane. I promise."




thanks again for… being so great about this."


just wish you'd come to me the first time this happened."


rubbed the back of her neck.


this wasn't it, was it?" I asked, cocking my head.


raised her face to mine and shook her head. "Not even close, I’m


heart felt sore at the thought. "Oh, Andi," I whispered, lifting one
hand to her face so she couldn't look away. "Promise me you'll demand
better for yourself from now on."


eyes started to water. "I promise."  


let my hand fall to her shoulder. "If only to keep me out of prison."


laughed and stepped back. "Deal."


Cause I have so much going for me and-"


rolled her eyes. "Speaking of all the things you have going for you, how
about another beer?"


seems only right considering how much that little incident seems to have
sobered us up."


couldn't agree more," she said.


eyes fell to her ass as she disappeared into the kitchen, and I shook my head
like a wet dog. Now was not the time to let my mind go there.


she said, setting a bottle of Bud down on the coffee table in front of me
before taking a seat. "I think it's time we discuss the elephant in the


on," I said, assuming she wasn't talking about the hard on I'd been trying
to fight off since I arrived.


don't you tell me about the secret passion you've been harboring for me that's
just been brought to my attention?"


whole chest felt like it was going to take flight. "Well, Mike and I had a
long heart to heart at his place yesterday, and he just had this way about him
that made me want to spill his guts- sorry, my guts."




he finally got me to admit the overwhelming desire I’ve been hiding all these


laughed. "So how long have you been madly in love with me?"


Remember when everyone got really into collecting stickers in second


creases sprang up around her eyes. "Of course."


I knew I was in deep the first time you showed me your sticker collection."




else had their stickers all mixed up," I said. "But you had your
and your
and your
separated not only by sticker type, but by


that's when you knew?"


much," I said. "But for a long time I was confused about whether it
was you I loved or if it was just your possum family


when did you make the distinction?"


the day Izzy was pulling you on my skateboard behind her bike?"




you tipped forward and scraped half your face on the driveway?"


then I had to cover my face with Neosporin before school every day like a slimy
sea monster."




wish you'd forget that ever happened."


you kidding? When you said you were going as Zombie Miss America for Halloween,
I knew it was more than puppy love."


up." She shook her head and took a swig of champagne. "I was so gross
no one could even look at me. And for real, gross. No special effects."


could look at you."


narrowed her eyes at me. "Yeah. I guess you could."


always be Miss America to me."


stop. I'm not that depressed. And I'm no Miss America."


because you're too smart," I said. "But I'll always see you that way."


cocked her head. "What way? As a zombie head attached to a fourteen year
old's body?"


smiled. "Something like that."




it's your turn to tell me you find me similarly irresistible."


your dreams, Shane."


didn't know the half of it.


watched a half dry wisp of hair fall in her face, and as she pushed it back
behind her ear, the thin strap of her dress fell down over her smooth shoulder.


was no bra strap beneath it, and I felt knots in all the most dangerous places.


caught me staring as she pulled the strap back on her shoulder. "Don't be


don't think I'm gross."




felt a surge below the belt that made me forget all about our history for a


not," she said. "But I'm sure that's only because we've been friends
for so long."


At one point, the label might've been a source of pride, but now it just felt
like a curse.


if you met me now?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.


dropped her chin. "Are you fishing for compliments? Is your ego really
that delicate?"


I’m just genuinely curious."


not my type."


I'm too handsome and clever, isn't it?"


drained her drink but kept an eye on me.


is it my muscles?" I asked. "Do you think there are too many of


leaned away to top up her mug of champagne. "All that and more."




do you ask?"


shrugged. "I'm trying to figure out if you'll be able to keep your hands
off me if I ask you to my barn dance."




What I meant to say was, will you accompany me to my barn dance next


furrowed her brow. "As your date?"


because you can't come as my hat."




do you say?" I asked, draining my beer and trying to act calmer than I


say thanks but no thanks."


chest tightened.


know I've had a trying weekend, but I don't need a pity date. I can pick myself
up just fine.


not a pity date."


is it then?" She raised her drink to her lips.


a barn dance."


get that, but why are you asking me? What about all the girls you usually ask
to this stuff?"


what girls?"


don’t know. The Theta with the legs?"


just friends.


that pretty Indian girl? Or the gymnast you used to-"


someone that's not your type you certainly know a lot about-"


Things you've told me?"


I've said too much, and I apologize for that."


waved the comment away with her hand. "It's fine.”


really. Let me make it up to you by taking you to my barn dance."


Chapter 15: Andi





could tell by the steely look in his eyes that he was serious, but I was afraid
to get swept up in the invitation, afraid the night would be all kinds of
torturous if I said yes.


knew he'd be in jeans and a plaid shirt and that was my kryptonite. I could
resist a pop star or a pro athlete no problem, but give me a cowboy or a
lumberjack any day and-


don't know," I said. "Won't it be crawling with sorority girls who'll
just give me dirty looks because I'm
and spent less than a week picking out my




right.” Men were so oblivious.


anyone's going to be giving you dirty looks, it's me."


eyes grew wide.


that what a good date does?”


what I wouldn't give to be the girl Shane shot dirty looks at. Even if it was
just for one night. "You wouldn't dare."


would," he said. "Especially if you wear pigtails for me."


laughed. "First of all, if I wear pigtails, it will be for myself."


motivation isn't what concerns me."


of all, I know you're just trying to cheer me up, but you've already done that
brilliantly so you're off the hook. I appreciate the gesture and grant you the
freedom to go forth and ask whoever you want."


flattered that you think I'm being chivalrous, but I'm actually not." His
eyes dropped to my lips.


heart stopped beating.


since you're hell bent on backing me into a corner, I guess I'll tell you the




I'm asking you for purely selfish reasons."


raised my eyebrows. "Oh?"


ever since I picked up that stuff for you yesterday, all I can think about is
getting you in some high boots."


pulled my knees up on the couch and faced him. "You're ridiculous."


you're my first choice."


pursed my lips. Any other girl would say yes in an instant. He wasn't the kind of
guy women said no to.


it has nothing to do with pity. It's because last night was the most fun I've
had in a long time, and I want to spend some time with you before some other
asshole sweeps you off your feet and you stop hanging out with me again."


didn't happen like that."


it did," he said. "But I was partly responsible because I couldn’t
bear to-"


tilted an ear towards him.


let me take you out and remind you how you deserve to be treated before you put
yourself back on the market."


took a deep breath.


been too long since you went out with a gentleman."


smiled. "And that's you, is it?"


nodded. "Pigtails are optional."


rolled my eyes. "And if I say no?"




can you be so sure?"


you love a theme party."




you owe me one."


took a sip of champagne and felt the bubbles tickle my brain. "I thought
you helped me out with Mike out of the goodness of your heart."




he was right about your ulterior motives?"




couldn't tell if he was joking. "And you thought he was a useless






smiled. "You could at least pretend to be excited."


am. I'm sure it'll be fun."


nodded. "It always is."


we're seniors. It's kind of my last chance to go to one, isn't it?"


rather think of it more like there's a first time for everything."


look in his eye made my heart rattle in my chest.


I desperately
wanted to ask if it was a date. Like a walk you home and kiss you at the end of
the night kind of date.


I didn't think I could ask that without sounding hopeful.


brought my fingers to the cut on my lip. "I hope this heals by then."


sure it will," he said. "And even if it doesn't, half your face could
be scabby and covered in Neosporin and I'd still be honored to have you as my


swallowed. Was there a word for this feeling? When someone else had the power
to make you feel pretty even when you felt like you were dragging your feet
along rock bottom?


I wouldn't regret saying yes.


he would even stay the night if I asked. I mean, I wasn't that worried about
Mike coming back. I'd never seen him look so defeated.


Shane didn't know that. And whether it was an accident or not, he'd hardly left
me alone since I asked him for his help, his company.


should've gone to him a long time ago. The first time this happened. He
would've knocked some sense into me the right way, the way Mike never did.


lips fell apart.


raised his eyebrows.


you want to-" My tongue swelled in my mouth. Asking him to stay would
completely cancel out my nonchalance at his barn dance invitation.




clock on the wall started ticking over everything.


probably can't, but-"




was too beautiful, too perfect. Having his attention was too much. It made me
feel like Cinderella when the prince can't see anyone but her.


are you trying to ask me, Andi?"


sound of the key in the lock shook me from my trance.


Steph called, opening the door as far as the short chain would allow. "Can
the door please?"


looked at Shane. "Never mind," I said, prying myself off the couch
and swerving towards the door. "Hey Steph. One second." I undid the
locks and pulled the door open.


had that healthy glow she always had when she came back from one of her Jesus
love fests.


was it?"


she said. "Tiring, but well worth it for the- Shane." Her eyes found
him across the room. "What a nice surprise."


Steph," he said.


looked back and forth between us, doubtlessly noticing the booze on the table.
"Am I interrupting something?"


Shane said, standing. "I was just leaving, actually." He drained his
beer and bent over to grab his empties off the table.


worry about those," I said. "I'll take care of it."


sure?" he asked.




it was nice to see you, Shane. Sorry if I cut the party short," Steph
said, sliding her duffel bag down the hall with her foot.


at all," he said.


picked up her bag, looked at me, and pointed down the hall. "I'll just go
drop my stuff and let you guys… yeah."


walked up to the door with his hands in his pockets. "Thanks for the fine
drinks and company."


smiled. "You’re very welcome."


I fail my econ test tomorrow, I'm going to hold you personally responsible- but
otherwise no regrets."


it were anyone else, I'd say you were a fool to spend the day drinking instead
of studying, but you've never flunked a test in your life."


but like I said-" He stepped into my space in a way I wasn't used to.
"There's a first time for everything."


be a stranger," I said, opening the door.


gave me one last smile before stepping out. It was full of something
mischievous and knowing.


closed the door and felt my chest loosen like it hadn't since he arrived, and I
was about to slide the chain in the first lock when I heard a tap on the door.


opened it again and let my eyes travel from the wildflowers under his feet up
to his face.


forgot something," Shane said.


I took a step back and opened the door wider so he could walk back in.


he only took one step. Right up to me. And in the same swift motion, he slid
one hand around my lower back and pulled my hair back with the other.


he kissed me before I even registered what was happening.


lips were soft and warm and his tongue pushed slowly in my mouth, surprisingly
gently considering the way he'd grabbed me and pulled me to him.


felt limp in his arms as I bowed against him, my chest crushed against his and
the bulge in his pants hardening against my stomach.


a few swirls of his tongue, I found the strength to raise my hands and grip the
sides of his shoulders.


he set me back down, I felt as incapable of standing as a Barbie doll and fell
against the doorframe.


he said. "I think that's everything."


sighed and watched him walk down the hallway.


there was a first time for everything.

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