My Brave Highlander (44 page)

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Authors: Vonda Sinclair

Tags: #historical romance, #highland romance, #alpha male, #highlander, #romance historical, #Scotland, #highlands historical fiction, #scottish romance, #romance adult historical, #highlander series, #scottish historical romance, #scottish highlands, #scotland history, #romance 1600s

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Cyrus eyed him shrewdly. "I ken she's a widow, but have you compromised her?"

Hell, was it that obvious? "In truth, I have," Dirk admitted, shamed that he had little around Isobel, but at the same time, not truly regretting their astounding intimate encounters. "I hope you will not hold it against me."

The MacKenzie's jaw clenched and his face hardened. "Damned if having a beautiful sister isn't hell on earth," he grumbled.

"I apologize for my lack of restraint. But I do care for her… a great deal."

"I can see that. And you protected her well." Cyrus studied him. "You know, this younger brother of yours—Haldane—claimed you're an imposter. I remember hearing that you had an accident and died many years ago. But you are the Dirk I remember. What happened?"

Dirk explained how he'd had to leave Durness twelve years ago and why.

"Your stepmother is still trying to kill you?"

"Aye. I assume that's why she sent her son to the MacLeods. Hoping they'd come down hard on me for rescuing Lady Isobel, claiming I'd stolen her or taken her hostage."

"The MacLeods had best not say a word to you or they'll have me to answer to," Cyrus growled. "I still may skewer that Nolan worm. Any man who injures a woman, or tries to force her, is lower than the sod beneath my feet."

"We're in agreement on that."

"I think we agree on a lot of things. I'll consider it an honor to be your brother-in-law." Cyrus offered his hand for a hearty shake.

Dirk was pleased beyond measure. "I thank you, and likewise. I'll take care of your sister and protect her with my life."

"Och. You're a good man, MacKay." Cyrus shook his head. "She'll need your protection. The lass gets into more scrapes than the dirty-faced village lads."

Dirk grinned.

"I'd like to talk to Isobel for a moment to see if she's in agreement," Cyrus said. "I'm sure she will be, considering that doe-eyed look she gave you. And then I'll have to deal with the MacLeods."

Dirk nodded. "I'll send her in." He opened the door and proceeded into the corridor.

"Chief," Erskine said. "The MacLeod is demanding entrance. He wishes to talk to you and Chief MacKenzie right away about his brother."


"Would you and your men be willing to help me capture our escaped prisoners, including Haldane and McMurdo?" Dirk asked Cyrus as they proceeded across the bailey. "They're murderers and horse thieves, the lot of them."

"Aye, I'll be glad to, and Nolan MacLeod can be among them for all I care."

"I'd prefer to strangle the bastard," Dirk muttered, once again envisioning Isobel's broken finger, the bruise on her face and how much pain she'd been in.

"I'll help." Cyrus gave an evil grin. "But first we need to see what Torrin MacLeod wishes to speak to us about and find out what he's going to do about his brother."

Approaching the portcullis, Dirk saw that Torrin MacLeod waited there alone, a grim scowl on his face, his shoulders tense.

"Aye. What did you want to tell us?" Dirk asked.

"I spoke to Nolan."

"What did the coward say?" Cyrus asked.

"He said he didn't touch Lady Isobel and claims he's insulted that I'd accuse him of such."

"He's lying," Dirk said.

Torrin glared at him.

"I ken he's your brother, but he's a liar and a snake in the grass. He broke Isobel's finger and put a bruise on her face. These I saw with my own eyes, as did my friend, Rebbinglen, and two servants. We had to set her broken finger. If she hadn't knocked Nolan out with that stoneware jug, he would've raped her."

"MacKay is telling the truth," Cyrus said. "And so is my sister."

"Tell him to come here and talk to us," Dirk said. "Or we'll go to him."

Torrin motioned to a dark-haired, bearded man who stood some hundred yards away and vaguely looked like Nolan. Dirk had not seen him in a long time and couldn't be certain.

The man had been staring at them, but then he turned his back and pretended to be checking his horse's saddle, ignoring his older brother's summons.

"Damn him," Torrin growled. "I have no doubt he did what Lady Isobel says he did. I never should've trusted him. I caught him slapping his wife once about a year ago. I knocked him down for that, but he must not have learned a lesson from it. He's acting suspicious. If Lady Isobel will still have me, I'd like to have her as my wife. I'll send Nolan away. I want her to feel safe."

"I can't allow it, MacLeod," Cyrus said. "You seem to be a good man, but I can't be sure she'll be safe at Munrick. The betrothal is off. Destroy the contract."

"What? Nay! I'll not destroy the contract." Torrin's face reddened. "You signed it and I'm holding you to it." If not for the bars of the portcullis between them, Torrin would've been in Cyrus's face.

"I don't give a damn!" Cyrus snarled. "You didn't protect my sister. She could've been raped and killed while under your roof."

Torrin glared, his jaw clenched, green eyes narrowed. "I demand recompense. I want the three-hundred acres. Our clan needs that land for crops. We have very little arable land in Assynt. You've seen it. Naught but granite mountains."

Cyrus shook his head. "That's the main part of my sister's dowry. How do you think I'm going to arrange another marriage for her if she has no dowry?"

"I don't need her dowry," Dirk said calmly.

Torrin's sharp gaze speared Dirk. "What? You're giving her to this…"

"Choose your words carefully, MacLeod," Dirk warned.

Torrin muttered a string of curses and paced back and forth outside the portcullis.

"Aye. You lost your chance," Cyrus said in a remorseless tone. "MacKay rescued her from a snowstorm and has protected her ever since. Which is more than you could do."

"I would have, if I'd been there," he snapped.

Cyrus eyed Dirk. "You want a wife with no dowry?" he asked, his voice skeptical.

Dirk shrugged. "The land matters not to me."
I simply want Isobel.
He'd keep that part to himself else the men might think him daft for giving up what was apparently valuable land. "'Tis likely too far south." He thought that sounded like a good excuse, although he probably should care more about the land. The MacKay clan could undoubtedly use more oats or grazing land for cattle.

"I'll give you half the land in recompense, MacLeod. That's all. MacKay gets the other half when he marries Isobel." Cyrus switched his gaze to Dirk. "Come summer, you'll have a new galley too, MacKay. I'll not be giving my sister in marriage without a proper dowry. That would make the MacKenzies look downright stingy."

Dirk grinned. "I thank you. That's very generous of you." He shook Cyrus's hand.

"What about you, MacLeod?" Cyrus asked. "Are you satisfied with that, or are you planning to lift half my cattle?"

"I'm satisfied," Torrin said, though he appeared irked and disappointed. "'Tis my brother who caused our clan to lose half the land. I'll deal with him." Torrin glared back to where Nolan was watching them from beside his horse.

"I want to have a word with him too," Cyrus said.

"As do I," Dirk said. "And if you'll have your men stand down, MacLeod, we'll have no disagreement this day."

"Very well." Torrin returned to where his mounted men waited. Dirk still didn't trust them. But he had more than three dozen guards and armed clansmen both outside and inside the gates. If the MacLeods started a skirmish, they'd be outnumbered.

Once the portcullis was open, Cyrus proceeded out to talk to his men. Several of them dismounted, then accompanied Cyrus calmly toward the MacLeods.

Damn, Dirk wanted to strangle Nolan. He'd best not get near him or he might do just that, which might set off a bloody skirmish.

Once it appeared Torrin had told his men they had no dispute, Dirk motioned to Keegan, Erskine and five more to back him up. "Let's go get our prisoners—including Haldane—and retrieve the horses they stole from us."

Before they reached the group of men, Nolan leapt on his horse and galloped away, ignoring Torrin's command and the efforts of three of his own clansmen who struggled to stop him.

Haldane and his friends hadn't dismounted, and when they saw the MacKays advancing on them, they fled, McMurdo with them. Without the MacLeods and the MacKenzies on their side, the outlaws were greatly outnumbered.

Cyrus shouted a command, and the MacKenzies who were still mounted gave chase.

Torrin and Cyrus explained to their men what Nolan had done and why he fled.

"He's no longer welcome at Munrick!" Torrin said for all to hear, then approached Dirk where he stood beside Cyrus. "He's no longer my brother," he muttered, looking saddened but still furious.

Several minutes later, the MacKenzies who had chased the outlaws returned, unsuccessful.

After placing all their weapons, except their small
sgian dubhs
, into the armory, the MacKenzies and MacLeods entered the great hall of Dunnakeil. Dirk was glad to have two such strong clans as allies. And their chiefs appeared to be honorable men.

Dirk spoke with the housekeeper and asked her to have the cook prepare enough food to satisfy their guests. Though he wanted to talk to Isobel, Dirk had to meet with Cyrus and Torrin, along with others in all three clans, in order to make their alliances official, documenting their agreements on paper. Maybe they could also work together in capturing the outlaws.


Isobel sat at the high table, along with others from all three clans. Thankfully, Jessie and Seona were beside her. Dirk joined the other chiefs and Rebbie further along the table. Though his eyes had met hers a few times and he'd given her a faint enigmatic smile, he hadn't spoken more than a couple of words to her since they'd met with Cyrus in the library. What had he talked privately with her brother about? She couldn't see either of them alone to ask. They'd been busy all day with clan negotiations and business.

After the grouse was served, Isobel's brother stood and raised his tankard of ale. "I would like to offer a toast," he announced in a commanding voice. The dozens of people in the great hall quieted. 'Twas likely a toast to their three clans renewing their alliances, Isobel thought.

Her brother glanced at her. "To Chief MacKay and my dear sister, Lady Isobel, on their upcoming wedding."

Isobel didn't know whether to be shocked, thrilled or perturbed. Or all three. Why hadn't one of them told her? Typical of her brother to keep her in the dark, but what about Dirk? He could've at least taken a brief moment to let her know they would be married.

Several gasped and a boisterous shout went up from some of the men before they all guzzled a hefty swallow.

Isobel snapped her mouth closed. Stunned, she let her gaze dart from Dirk to her brother and back again. How could they have arranged this without telling her? She wanted to marry Dirk, of course, but
didn't know that. No one had even asked her how she felt about the situation.

"Oh, Isobel." Jessie, sitting beside her, pulled her into a warm embrace. "How could you keep such a secret from me? I'm thrilled we'll be sisters."

Seona, sitting on her other side, smiled and hugged her next. "Congratulations."

"I thank you both," Isobel murmured, not knowing what else to say. She was vexed at the men who thought so little of her that they'd ignored her all day while arranging her life.

"I thank you, Chief MacKenzie," Dirk said. "And I thank you for the honor of wedding your lovely sister." Dirk sent her a wee smile, or was it a smug grin? Did he think she would like this surprise?

Rebbie slapped him on the shoulder and shook his hand. Other women from the MacKay clan gathered around Isobel to congratulate her and welcome her to the clan. She stepped down from the dais to accept their good wishes. Aiden came forward to welcome her as a sister.

The crowd around her and Jessie parted and before she knew it, Torrin MacLeod stood before her. Although he had been sitting at the same table, she'd somehow managed to avoid looking him in the eye or speaking to him during the meal. But now she couldn't avoid him.

He bowed. "Lady Isobel," he said with a friendly expression that surprised her.

She curtseyed. "Laird Torrin."

"I wish to congratulate you and Dirk on your upcoming marriage. I also want to apologize for what happened at Munrick. Had I known what kind of knave my brother was, I wouldn't have left him there to guard you."

Isobel frowned, trying to detect any deceitfulness in the pleasant expression on his handsome face.

"I thank you, and I don't blame you." That was all she could think to say. Still, he made her highly uncomfortable. She had intended to marry him after all, but now she didn't have to, thank the heavens.

"I'm glad. I wish you happy," he said, his green eyes seemed sincere, but his gaze didn't remain on her long. He was staring at Jessie who stood beside her. "We haven't been introduced."

"Oh. This is Lady Jessie MacKay. Dirk's sister," Isobel said, then motioned at Torrin. "And this is Laird Torrin MacLeod, chief of the MacLeod clan."

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