My Brother's Best Friend (11 page)

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Authors: Becky Andrews

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend
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“How did I do? Was I okay?”

Devin shook his head and said jokingly, “No, you were horrible.”

“Come on, really tell me the truth.”

“I won’t know unless you are the one kissing me,”

“You just want me to kiss you.” I smiled.

Devin shrugged his shoulders. “You caught me.”

“Cute,” I said, staring into his eyes. My hand reached up to touch his cheek, and Devin closed his eyes. I slowly closed the distance and touched my lips to his, lingering a little longer then finally pulled away.

Devin’s eyes opened, and he cleared his throat. “Um, yes, very good. Maybe you should try it once more.”

“Left you wanting more, huh?”


I was kind of thrown at his outright honesty, but the fact that he wanted more made me think I wasn’t such a bad kisser after all. “We’ll practice more tomorrow. Maybe we can graduate to the next level.” I raised my eyebrows suggestively, and Devin laughed.

“I may hold you to that,” he said, finally disentangling himself from me.

“Hey, Dev?” He turned back to me and I leaned across and kissed his lips once more because to be honest I, too, wanted more. I pulled back before I prematurely graduated to the next stage.

“You little minx.” He chastely kissed my cheek. “You’ll get it tomorrow.”

I laughed as he left the room and for some reason I couldn’t wait until tomorrow. I mean I was still a little warm and fuzzy inside, wishing Devin was still here holding me, but then I realized what I was thinking. How could I possibly want Devin to still be here? He’s my friend, that’s all. He’s just showing me what it’s like to be in a relationship and teaching me things I don’t know. I don’t like him in that way.

Chapter Eight

he next day at work, Devin gave me another bouquet of flowers in a vase. He delivered it himself with a kiss that was seen by most of the office staff for MBR. And of course I had to explain to them later about dating Devin.

They all just said they were jealous because he looked so hot. And now that I think about it, Devin really is amazingly handsome, some might even say sexy.

Anyway Devin was too busy with work to text so I spent my afternoon playing solitaire on my computer and answering calls for the offices. Immediately after work I had my appointment with Dr. Stone, so I rushed to his office and gave him my notebook. He was surprised when I showed him the assignments. I even let him read what I had written when I asked Devin about my parents being proud of me.

“So, Devin knows everything now,” Dr. Stone stated.

I nodded. “To be fair, he could have killed Eric if he wanted. He was just worried about my ability to stand on my own, which made him to stop.”

“I see. So you don’t think Devin would have gone to you if you weren’t drunk?”

“He probably would have stopped,” I confirmed.

“I see. And do you think that means anything?”

I knew what he was getting at. “Yeah, sure.” I laughed. “Devin doesn’t feel that way, Dr. Stone.”

“And what about you?”

“No. Didn’t you read my first assignment? He doesn’t exactly strike feelings of love into my heart. But let’s say there was something going on.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hypothetically, what if Devin and I were dating? What would you say then?”

“I would hope it would be something seriously considered between the two of you. You are friends, whether you like to admit it or not, and this could be something really good if it was serious and you were serious about each other, or it could end up crashing and burning.”

I didn’t say anything, just thought about what he had just said. I mean I couldn’t very well tell him that we were together but just for appearances. Dr. Stone would have a coronary.

“So about what you wrote, how do you feel now?”

“It’s easier to talk about. I mean now Devin knows and Larissa and Zach and probably most everyone at the studio. But it doesn’t really bother me.”


“Yes. Sometimes I feel like he’s the only one I can really open up to. Like he is the only one who really knows how I feel or what’s actually going on.”

“So what is the source of your negative feelings toward him?”

“I mean, I wouldn’t say I hate him like I did in high school, he’s saved me from a lot of things and helped me in a lot of ways that I’ll always be grateful for, but the way women just fawn all over him disgusts me. And it’s not like he doesn’t enjoy the attention. It just bugs me.”

“Do you really think that’s the true reason? Maybe it’s because you wish you were the one he paid attention to?”

I laughed. “No. I don’t think that.”

Dr. Stone merely looked at me in that certain way like he always did when he felt I wasn’t being honest. “Okay,” he said, pressing the matter no further. “For Saturday, I want you to try to tell me about The Accident.”

I almost smiled at Dr. Stone’s easy acceptance of the terms I had made up at the very beginning when I first started seeing him. The minute he had mentioned attempted suicide I told him to call it The Accident. He only nodded his head and since then has been faithful to call it such. Though I’m pretty sure he wants me to eventually call it what it is.

“I want to know what you were feeling and why you felt it was the only way to escape your situation.”

I nodded and sighed.

“We are really getting somewhere, Christy. I’m curious as to what has prompted this change, but I’m hesitant to state what I think. Maybe quickly you can give me your thoughts.”

This time I really did smile. “It probably had to do with finally telling someone what happened and having someone there to support me and someone to trust in.”


“Well, yes I guess it’s Devin, but that doesn’t mean what you’re making it out to be. Devin is my friend. That’s all.”
Who just happens to be my pretend boyfriend for the time being.
I didn’t tell him that, of course. “I’m also on my own this week. Emily is at cheerleading camp, and Mitch is with Megan in Las Vegas. So I am forging ahead on my own, and I guess that feels good. Not having to worry about Emily or about the family and what we are having for dinner. It’s just me,”
and Devin
, “and I’m relaxed, happy even.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear you have this time to think about yourself for a change and even to experience life on your own. All right, Christy, I think we’ve talked enough for today. Whatever the reason, I’m happy for this change.”

“Because I’m actually talking to you now?”

Dr. Stone laughed. “Goodbye. See you on Saturday.”

I grabbed my things then headed home. By the time I got back, it was already nearly seven. I was Dr. Stone’s last appointment, and he made an exception for me to stay later on Wednesday because of my work as well as school schedule. It was the only time I was really free during the week. Saturday was my follow-up appointment. Yes, he worked Saturday but only because he took Monday off. It was the same day his wife had off. How do I know this? Because many times I told Dr. Stone I’d only respond to a question if he answered one of mine first. So I’m pretty sure I know Dr. Stone at least as well as his secretary knows him, maybe even more.

Anyway, I got home and Devin was already in the living room watching TV. “Dinner’s on the stove!” Devin called as I shut the door.

“Thanks!” I set my stuff down and walked into the kitchen.

“How was your appointment?” Devin asked as he came into the kitchen.

“It went well. He liked my assignments,” I said as I loaded my plate with vegetables and pasta. “He told me to write about what led up to The Accident.”

“Are you ready to talk about it?”

I shook my head. “Not out loud. I want to write about it first. I seem to do better when I’m drunk or when I write things down. And I prefer not to feel horrible in the morning.” I sat down at the kitchen table.

Devin took the chair next to mine. “If you ever want to talk to someone, you know I’m here.”

I took a bite. “This is really good, Dev.”

“Thanks. It wasn’t too hard to throw together. I’m glad you like it.”

“We’re watching the show tonight, right?” I slurped up some of the noodles and Devin laughed.

“Yeah. I’m always over here watching it. The only thing missing is Mitch and Megan.”

“Speaking of which, you do realize if he pops the question this week I’ll have won the bet?”

“I didn’t think about it too much but it does seem like the perfect time to pop the question. I guess I’ll have to hand the victory over to you.”

“We’ll see. Now we just have to wait. They would call if it happened, wouldn’t they?”

“Maybe they want to surprise everyone when they get home or wait to tell everyone together.”

“Right, Em. I forgot about her briefly. Is it bad that I like that I’m here without anyone bothering me?”

“You mean is it bad that you’re glad Em isn’t here?” Devin shook his head. “No. You haven’t had a break since you and Mitch started doing this on your own. You deserve the break. I just hope I’m not barging in on your rest.”

I smiled. “At first I thought this would be difficult but I find it rather fun. I’m glad you’re here to bother me.”

“It’s good to hear it from your lips,” he said as I finished what was left on my plate just in time for the show to come on.

I stood up and put my plate away and held out my hand. “Come on, the show is about to start.”

Devin grabbed my hand and followed me to the living room. “You sitting in your chair again?” I asked.

“Always do, why, you want to join me?” he asked, sitting down on the oversized chair. He patted the place next to him, and I shrugged my shoulders like I didn’t care either way. I did though, I wanted to sit with him again. To have his arms wrapped around me. I grabbed the blanket and sat next to Devin, situating myself comfortably then throwing the blanket over the two of us.

“Do you have the remote?” I asked. Devin held up the remote and turned on the TV set and switched it to ABC. “It’s starting.” I tapped him excitedly on his arm.

He laughed and tightened his arms around me. We continued to watch the show and when it came time for the song I had seen be recorded, I looked over to Devin and smiled.

“Sounds good,” I said as it broke for a commercial.

“You did help create the sound. Well, help edit the sound, I guess. Terry heard and now thinks you should come work for the studio helping me.”

“I can’t do what you do.” I smiled.

“You can help me pick out the best sound though from the multiple tracks recorded.”

“True. But then it just means we’ll be around each other more. I’m not sure you could handle more me.”

“I could handle a lot more you,” he said and before I knew what he was doing he leaned down and kissed my lips. I responded by leaning into him. He applied a little more pressure and gently began to brush my lips with his. My hands went to his hair automatically and his to mine. And before I could stop myself, a moan escaped me.

Devin’s intensity grew, and I responded with the same vigor, hoping I was doing things right. Devin pulled back and looked down at me intently. “Whatever Eric told you about your skills, he was utterly mistaken. And if you’re still afraid you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t be. You’re a natural,” Devin said then leaned back down and began the onslaught again.

I lost all sense of thought momentarily as he began an exploration of my mouth and I of his. My hands ran up his chest and couldn’t help but feel the muscle underneath. I sighed, and he responded by kissing me harder. His lips traveled to my neck and my breath came in short pants. “We’ll miss the show,” I managed to say.

“Forget the show. I’m supposed to be teaching you,” he murmured.

I moaned in response as he began to suck and kiss a sensitive spot I didn’t even know existed between my neck and shoulder.

His hands traveled from my hair down my shoulder to my stomach. I stiffened at his touch, but as his lips found mine again I slowly relaxed. His warm hand traveled up my stomach to the fabric of my bra and his hand lifted one side and firmly grasped my breast.

I gasped and pulled away briefly.

“Don’t be afraid. Let me show you what it really should feel like.”

I closed my eyes at his firm touch and soon felt his lips back on mine. As his lips traveled to my neck again, I grasped his T-shirt. His hands continued their onslaught, and I couldn’t help but moan at the feeling.

“Dev, what are you doing to me?” I gasped.

He pulled away, and I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me. “Me? What are you doing to me?”

I smiled briefly and shifted to straddle him on the chair. “I haven’t even done anything. You’re the one doing all the work,” I said, looking down at the hand still grasping my breast. “Now it’s my turn.”

I leaned down and began to kiss him as my hands raked through his hair. His hands moved to my hips and gently he rubbed his thumbs on my skin.

My lips moved to his neck as I began to follow what he had just done. As my hands traveled down his chest, I felt him tense. I smiled into my kisses. He had expert skills that could disarm and melt me.

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