My Country Is Called Earth (13 page)

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Authors: Lawrence John Brown

BOOK: My Country Is Called Earth
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The turning of the age shall not be delayed,

Peace will have its millennium at last,

Man will walk in Nature as a friend,

And Christ shall come again.


It is for you this joy Consciousness brings.

It is for you this song Life sings.

Sing along: I Am! I Am! I Am!

Welcome to Gaia’s Family.






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Jonathan Livingston Seagull
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Bellamy, Edward.
Looking Backward
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Castaneda, Carlos.
Journey To Ixtlan
. New York: Simon And Schuster, 1972.


Castaneda, Carlos.
Tales Of Power
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Cerminara, Gina.
Insights For The Age Of Aquarius
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Chomsky, Noam.
Deterring Democracy
. New York: Hill And Wang, 1992.


Easwaran, Eknath.
Gandhi The Man
. Petaluma, California: Nilgiri Press, 1982.


Ferencz, Benjamin B. and Ken Keyes, Jr.
Planethood: The Key To Your Future
. Coos Bay, Oregon: Love Line Books, 1991.


Fischer, Louis.
The Life Of Mahatma Gandhi
. New York: Harper & Row, 1983.


Gandhi, Mohandas K.
, translated by Mahadev Desai. New York: Dover Publications, 1983.


The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ
. Santa Monica, California: DeVorss & Co., 1972.


Osborne, David.
Reinventing Government
. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992.


Rinpoche, Sogyal.
The Tibetan Book Of Living And Dying
. New York: Harper Collins, 1992.


Roberts, Jane.
Seth Speaks
. New York: Bantam Books, 1974.


Roberts, Jane.
The Nature Of Personal Reality
. New York: Bantam Books, 1980.


Roberts, Jane.
The “Unknown” Reality: A Seth Book, Volume One
. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1977.


Roberts, Jane.
The “Unknown” Reality: A Seth Book, Volume Two
. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1979.


Roberts, Jane.
The Nature Of The Psyche: Its Human Expression
. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1979.


Roberts, Jane.
The Individual And The Nature Of Mass Events
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Roberts, Jane.
Dreams, “Evolution,” And Value Fulfillment, Volume One
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Roberts, Jane.
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Tzu, Lao.
The Way Of Life
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Yogananda, Paramahansa.
Autobiography Of A Yogi
. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1977.


I cannot end without mentioning Joseph Campbell’s great influence on me. I discovered Joseph Campbell through his interviews with Bill Moyers on PBS.

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