My Earl the Spy (11 page)

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Authors: Audrey Harrison

Tags: #Trad-Reg

BOOK: My Earl the Spy
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“That just about explains everything!”

“What does? I don’t understand your meaning?”

“You wouldn’t release Connor, but you’ve been quick to release me! That shows exactly where your affection lies doesn’t it? I’ve been a complete fool!” Henry snapped striding to the door. He was being unreasonable, but he could not overcome the jealousy towards Mr Connor. A man not used to feeling out of his depth was never going to react well when consumed with irrational jealousy for the first time in his life.

“Wait! No! You’ve misunderstood!” Milly cried, jumping from the seat and making to follow Henry.

“Have I? Have I really, Miss Holland? You wouldn’t act to try and prevent some condemnation when dealing with that buffoon that you’d agreed to marry even when it meant you’d be subject to gossip, but you can’t wait to break off the engagement to me! Don’t worry! I won’t be so foolish in the future; I accept the release and can only apologise for wishing for the union in the first place.”

“Don’t leave on these terms,” Milly begged. She hated that he looked so hurt; she had never expected him to be so affected. The urge to wrap him in an embrace almost overwhelmed her.

“You can’t agree to the terms I offered; there is no other way to part. I wish you good day, Miss Holland. I shall leave you to deal with the gossips as you see fit. You must be an expert at it by now!”

Henry stormed out of the house. He did not care that Mrs Holland would know that something was wrong; let Milly deal with her angry parent. He would leave this godforsaken part of the country; he had missed goodness knew how many other entertainments that London had to offer while he was stuck in this backwater. All thoughts of protecting her from Joshua Shambles were forgotten in the heat of the moment.

He had had his fill of Miss Holland and her high and mighty ideas. Wanting a faithful, loving marriage indeed! His parents had hardly been able to stay in the same room with each other, let alone care for one another. He had determined that he would never let anyone hurt him as they had hurt each other and here he was proposing to a woman so completely on the shelf that she had to move countries to gain suitable employ. Well she was on her own! Good riddance to her!

Chapter 12

Milly had managed to avoid her mother for a full day. Mrs Holland was busy visiting everyone to talk about her daughter’s very eligible match. Claiming a headache, Milly had eaten small meals in her room and then retired early.

She had not lied; her head had been pounding since Henry stormed out of her home and, in all likelihood, her life. She went over and over what she had done but could not bring herself to acknowledge she had made a mistake. If she had agreed to the marriage he would break her heart, although if the way she was feeling at the moment was anything to go by, it had happened whether she had married him or not.

Crying and falling into a fitful sleep was not an ideal way to end a day, but it was the way her day ended. The following morning she forced herself out of her bedchamber and into the breakfast room. Mrs Holland entered soon afterwards, took one look at her daughter picking at her scones and dismissed the maid, closing the door firmly behind the member of staff.

“What has happened?” Mrs Holland demanded.

“I’m no longer engaged,” Milly said dully. There was no point in trying to hide the truth, or lie about it. With Henry leaving for London, if he had not gone already, she could not avoid her mother’s censure.

If Milly expected an outburst, she was to be surprised; Mrs Holland sat down heavily on one of the solid dining room chairs. “Why not?”

“It was a mistake; it should never have been announced. Lord Grinstead was trying to save my reputation as Mr Connor had walked in and caught us sharing a kiss.”

“So Lord Grinstead did the honourable thing.”

“Yes, but it was wrong to tie ourselves to each other for the rest of our days just over one small kiss. I could not let him sacrifice his freedom for me.”

“You foolish, foolish child!” Mrs Holland finally found her voice. “Do you realise what you’ve just thrown away? A secure future! I would give anything to have my remaining days secured, and instead I wake every morning thanking someone else’s kindness for my position and hoping that it continues to last! Have you any idea what it is like to rely so much on others?”

“Of course I do!” Milly said indignantly. “I’ve spent the last four years with Clara.”

“And been looked after as if you were a sister, not a penniless cousin! When you take up whatever position you decide on, things will be vastly different. You are staff then, not family and, believe me, there is a world of difference between the two!”

“A companion is not a maid,” Milly responded, but her words lacked conviction.

“It’s worse; in most cases, neither staff nor family. Milly, I’ve always thought you were intelligent, not one for dramatics, but you’ve just proved me wrong. You have successfully ruined any prospects of happiness you might have had and caused yourself to be the fool of the town. Can you imagine how this news will be received, especially after what went on with Mr Connor? Oh my goodness! The Connors will love this news!”

“I don’t care about the Connors!”

“Well you should! They are the ones who are on the top tier of society in this town, whether we like it or not. They travel around, and won’t they use this as a story to regale their friends with far and wide! You have just become notorious, and I can only pity the backlash you will feel as a result. The top families are all connected, the family you will go to will no doubt know someone who knows someone, and the story will reach them. Milly you have been a fool.”

What shocked Milly about her mother’s words was not their content, although that was bad enough; it was the fact that her mother had not shouted and screamed as Milly had expected. The words had been said with authority, but almost as if she pitied her daughter. It made the message hit its mark far more accurately than if the words had been said in anger.

“I thought I was acting in the best way for us both,” Milly said quietly.

“He will be unaffected by this. Why should anyone fault him when he did the decent thing and offered for a woman he’d been seen kissing? In fact, he’ll be applauded for his behaviour. It is you who will be at fault, not him. It is you who
at fault.”

“I think I need to be outside,” Milly responded, pushing her chair away from the table. “Please excuse me, Mother; I feel a little out of sorts; I need some fresh air.”

Mrs Holland did not try to stop her daughter. Milly returned to her bedchamber to retrieve her pelisse and bonnet. She caught her reflection in her looking glass and was shocked at the pale ghost that looked back at her. For the first time she doubted her reasoning. What had she done?


Walking through the area known as The Bourne offered no relief for Milly. Thoughts jumbled into each other as one problem after another refused to be solved no matter how much she went over and over it in her mind.

Hours went by; Milly was exhausted, hungry and thirsty. She had to return home for some refreshments at least. As she walked towards the town and Castle Street, she wondered if Henry had already left for London. She did not suppose he would delay his return; after all she had been clear in her refusals.

Walking down a secluded path which opened onto a road that would lead her directly to the centre of town, she passed a young man who lifted his hat slightly as he passed her.

Milly nodded her response and thought no more of the boy, until she was grabbed from behind. A hand was placed firmly on her mouth and hot breath brushed her ear, whilst at the same time, she felt the sharp end of a blade in her ribs.

“Now Missy,” came the rough voice. “One scream or noise and this blade gets more aquatinted with your ribs. Do I make myself clear?”

Milly nodded, and the hand was removed from her mouth. She felt a little sick, the hand had not been clean, and she could taste bitterness on her lips. The sharp edge at her side never let up in pressure.

“If you walk with me nice and easy like, your mama will be all fine and dandy, but if I don’t pass by your abode in the next fifteen minutes in that coach over there, she’ll be receiving a visit that’ll be her last. Do you understand?”

Milly felt the blood drain from her face. “What are you going to do?”

“If you play nice, we pick up my friend who is waiting near your house, and we go on our merry way. If I don’t get there, well, let’s just say, you and those little brothers of yours will all be orphans today, and that’s not a nice thought is it?”

“Are my brothers safe?” Milly cried, panic rising in her chest.

“They will be if you’re no trouble.”

“I’ll do anything you say; please don’t hurt my family.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” came the smiling response.

The young man led Milly to the waiting coach; its driver was already seated, controlling the two horses. Milly never made a murmur as she entered the carriage even though her hands and legs were shaking so much that her kidnapper had to help her into the body of the carriage. He nodded to the driver and climbed in beside Milly.

Locking the door, the man smiled. “I don’t want any funny business while we’re travelling.”

“I’ve given you my word,” Milly responded, her voice was slightly shaky, but she appeared calm. “As long as you promise that my family is safe, you have my co-operation.”

“Knew you’d be a good ‘un,” he said with approval. “We’re going to be spending some time together over these next few days, so you’d best be calling me Billy; everyone else does.”

“Where are we going?” Milly was astute enough to realise this had something to do with Joshua Shambles, but she was not going to ask too many questions at once.

“It doesn’t matter; just be a good ‘un and all will be well. Settle yourself down, Missy, we’re going to be travelling a long while.”


Henry sat in the bar in the Hogs Back Inn. He had already delayed leaving for a day, spending most of the previous day in a drunken stupor in his room. He had been angry leaving Castle Street, but it had soon turned to self-pity. He was not able to acknowledge the depth of his feelings for Milly, never having experienced anything like them previously; but he was terribly out of sorts.

He had managed to sleep off the previous day’s excesses, moving to the public bar area with the intention of starting on his journey to London. If he wanted to visit Castle Street once more before he left Surrey he was not yet ready to admit it, so he stayed in a state of limbo drinking brandy, which was probably smuggled he thought ironically to himself.

Sarah and Peter walked into the inn, noticing Henry immediately. Sarah was surprised to see the usually impeccable Lord, looking somewhat disarrayed. His clothing was creased, his face unshaven, his hair unstyled. It was a state she hoped was a good sign about his feelings for Milly.

Peter took the lead, speaking to the innkeeper before approaching Henry. When he had secured a private parlour, he walked over to where Henry was seated. “My Lord, would you be good enough to spare me a moment of your time?”

“Hastings? What can you want from me?”

“I’d rather we speak in private, My Lord.”

“I’m comfortable here,” Henry said belligerently. He had noticed Sarah and wondered if Milly had sent her friend. If she had, he was not about to make it easy for the chit.

“Please, My Lord,” Peter said quietly.

“Oh, for goodness sake!” Sarah said exasperated. Now was not the time for pandering to men who should know better. “Move into the parlour now, My Lord! Time for nonsense is passed; my friend is missing!”

Henry became suddenly more sober but then slumped. “Look at the ships leaving for Ireland. She seemed determined to do as she’d planned.”

Sarah leaned closer to Henry. “Unless you want me to have a bout of hysterics right here and now, I suggest you follow me without further delay into the private room,
My Lord
. Stop acting the self-pitying wastrel!”

Henry stared at the woman in disbelief at her tone and words. He looked at Peter who had almost choked at Sarah’s words and shrugged apologetically at Henry. “There must be something in the bloody water here that makes all the women turn into fishwives,” Henry muttered, but he moved off the stool that had been his support for a number of hours and followed Sarah into the private parlour.

The parlour was clean, if a little bare: just a table, chairs and bench near the window with a side table near the lit fireplace. It was an area for a fixed purpose: providing privacy for food and drink rather than fighting through crowds in the main room then moving the occupants on to make the maximum use of the room.

Sarah did not sit but stood in front of the brick fireplace. “I’m presuming you haven’t seen Milly in these last two days?” There was no point in trying to pretend the visit was to exchange niceties; it was not.

“I‘ve had quite my fill of Miss Holland after visiting her at her home the day before yesterday. I’m the last person she would want to see,” Henry responded, his tone cool and aloof.

“I’m not arguing about that fact at the moment, but you are completely wrong. More importantly, Milly is missing.”

Henry took a while to process the words, but turning to Sarah, it was clear which words his alcohol befuddled mind had focused on. “Why am I wrong? Did I not hear her repeated refusal? I think you don’t know your friend too well if she hasn’t told you what happened between us. She preferred the suit of that idiot Connor to mine!”

“Oh, for goodness sake!” Sarah groaned. “You foolish man! She is completely in love with you! Connor was a young infatuation; she would never have been happy with him. She didn’t realise the truth of that until she met you though! You are the one she adores!”

“And yet she refused me? I’m not convinced of your argument, Mrs Hastings. It is completely flawed,” came the derisive reply.

“Because she thought that your feelings were unmoved. She couldn’t risk being hurt when you took a mistress or whatever the aristocracy does to each other when they marry! Thank goodness I married a sensible man who hasn’t addled his brain through drink!” Sarah responded with feeling.

Henry looked dumbfounded. “Really? She thought I didn’t care?”

“Really! Now can we get back to the real reason for our visit?” Sarah continued. “Milly is missing. She isn’t due to meet with her new employer for nearly a sennight and none of her belongings have gone. Just her.”

Finally, the words sank into his consciousness, and Henry sobered in an instant. “Where was she last seen and when?”

“She was seen walking near The Bourne, an area a little way out of town but not far enough that she hasn’t been there a thousand times before. She never returned home. At first Mrs Holland thought she was spending the day with me, so she only sent a message to our house late last night. We’ve been trying to trace her movements all morning. We can’t understand why she would have gone missing and can only presume that she has been taken ill somewhere.”

“Good God! He’s got her from right under my nose!” Henry said, banging his hands on the table in frustration.

“Who has?”

“It’s a long story. I need to return to London.”

Peter stepped in before Henry had a chance to leave the room. “We need more of an explanation. I can’t return to Mrs Holland with such little information. She is understandably worried.”

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