My Honeymoon With Mr White (BWWM Interracial Romance) (7 page)

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Why would you do that for me? You hardly know me,” Melinda said as the two walked out of the complex.

Because you are much like someone I know,” Natasha said.

Oh yeah? Who?” Melinda asked with a smile.

Me,” Natasha said with a smile.


“You’re back,” Mitchell said when Natasha walked into the suite. “I missed my wife. How was the massage?” he asked as Natasha walked towards him. She took a long deep breath and sat on Mitchell’s lap.

We didn’t have one,” she said before kissing him lightly on the lips.

Oh? Then where did you go for four hours?” he asked as he looked at her. “Is there someone else already?” he asked, a mock frown on his face. Natasha laughed.

Keep asking questions like that and there will be,” she said as she kissed Mitchell’s nose.

You know that makes me feel like a cat,” he said.

I know. That’s why I do it,” she said as she grabbed Mitchell’s soda from the table. “Anyway, we had an hour’s drive to some mall and then Mel had some kind of breakdown so we had gelato,” she said before taking a long sip from the can.

What do you mean breakdown?” he asked. Natasha shook her head.

Not a bad one. Mild-ish,” she said as she took another sip.

I’m sorry, honey but I have never heard of a mild-ish breakdown. What exactly happened?” he asked worried.

Let’s just say that the past has a way of catching up with you,” Natasha said. “And babe, she needs help,” she added as she looked into Mitchell’s eyes.

What kind of help?” he asked. Natasha took a long deep breath and began telling Mitchell about Melinda’s situation.

Remember that suit guy we met at last Christmas party? You said he was in law enforcement?” she asked.

Yeah, FBI actually” he said nodding. “What does he have to do with anything?” he asked.

I think Melinda may need to get into witness protection,” Natasha said looking at him.

Is it that bad?” Mitchell asked. Natasha looked at him in disbelief and slapped his arm. “Oww!” he yelled as Natasha climbed off him.

Did you not hear the words human trafficking, Mitchell?” she asked. “Women are being sold as sex slaves!” she said angrily. Mitchell took her hand in his.

Relax. I was just trying to lighten the mood,” he said.

Well, I don’t need my mood lightened. I need to know my friend is going to be okay,” she said. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.

She is going to be just fine. I’ll make the call today,” he said. “And I love how much helping people makes you happy,” he added. She looked up at him and smiled.

At least now you are not making any more corny jokes,” she said. “Thanks,” she said in a whisper as she looked into his eyes. He smiled and brought his head down and kissed her. “Hey, we’re having dinner with Kyle and Mel. Don’t get me started,” she said as she pulled away.

I’m sure they’ll understand,” he said.  “After all we are on our honeymoon and we need some honey on this moon,” he added as he pulled her close.

Really?” she asked. “That’s all you could come up with?” she asked with a smile. He stood up and began undoing his pants.

There is a lot more I could come up with,” he said as his pants fell to the ground. “If you know what I mean,” he added with a wink. She looked at him and stood up.

Too bad,” she said as she took her top off. “I had special lingerie I wanted to surprise you with,” she said. She looked at him and took the pins out of her hair, letting her curls loose.

We still have a couple of days more in the Caribbean,” he said as he pulled her close. “Besides, that lingerie is probably going to end up on the floor anyway,” he added as he undid her bra. She smiled and returned the favor by unbuttoning her shirt. Dinner with Kyle and Melinda would have to wait.

Chapter 7

Melinda looked at Mitchell and frowned. “Are you sure you used suntan lotion, Mitchell?” she asked. Mitchell rolled his eyes at Natasha.

Why does everyone ask me that? I used the damn lotion and that’s the last time I am saying those words,” he said. “Because of this darned sunburn we have to have dinner here,” he said.

I’m sorry bro but I do love the room service,” Kyle said as he bit into a blueberry. The four of them were having dinner at Mitchell and Natasha’s suite. This would actually be the last time they would be seeing each other since it was the last night of their honeymoon.

Mitchell, I must admit that you have grown on me so I have to tell you the truth,” Melinda said. “I have been to places that seem to have more than one sun and I can tell you that I have never seen burns like these,” Melinda added.

My baby just has sensitive skin, that’s all,” Natasha said as she put a hand on Mitchell’s shoulder.

Okay, let’s not talk about my skin anymore,” Mitchell said. Natasha looked at him and smiled.

I love you with or without sunburns, baby,” she said.

Hey, aloe vera works great with sunburns,” Melinda said matter of factly.

I know. This one has been rubbing aloe lotion on me every single day since these damn burns appeared,” Mitchell said. “Not that I’m complaining,” he added in a whisper looking at Natasha.

Wine anyone?” Kyle interjected in an attempt to change the topic. “I brought some of the best wine from the island. Grape never tasted better,” he said as he poured the wine.

You are right. This is divine,” Natasha said after taking a long sip. “I know just what would be perfect with this wine. Mel, would you care to help me?” she said standing up.

Sure,” Melinda said as the two of them walked to the mini-bar.

So, did you tell Kyle? You know about the separation?” Natasha asked in a whisper. Melinda smiled.

Yeah, he was very supportive. A bit angry about the whole deception at first but supportive all the same,” Melinda whispered back.

Mitchell has a friend in the FBI. He is going to put in a good word for you so you can go into witness protection,” Natasha said. Melinda looked at her and then threw her arms around her.

How can I ever thank you?” Melinda asked.

Just be safe,” Natasha said as she pulled away from her. “Come on. We’d better get back before the boys come looking,” she said as she led Melinda back to the living room area.

I thought you were supposed to bring something that would go perfectly with the wine,” Kyle said. Natasha looked at Melinda and then at Kyle with a smile.

Come to think of it, the wine is just good as it is,” Natasha said as she sat down. Mitchell and Kyle looked at each other and smiled.

Oh please, let the women folk gossip on, Schmidt. We need to talk business,” Kyle said with a smile. Natasha looked at the two men and took a sip of her wine.

Business? What is this new venture?” Natasha asked.

Well, I got some run down property a few blocks away and I needed to make something of it,” Kyle said. “An inn, spa maybe,” he added.

That is really good,” Natasha said.

I need to make sure I can still earn and visit my lady,” he said winking at Melinda.

Hello, adventure!” Natasha said with a smile.

By the way, we’ve been here for five weeks and I still haven’t gotten around to asking something Kyle,” Natasha said.

And what’s that?” Kyle asked looking at Natasha.

How is it you have such great English. No accents or anything?” Natasha asked. “All the people in the Caribbean have something…a lisp…I can’t quite put my finger on it,” she added.

That’s thanks to twelve years of foreign schooling,” Melinda said.

Yeah. I went to school in Tokyo and then Boston,” Kyle said. “My dad has been to almost every international station as far as his job is concerned,” he added as he took a bite of his steak.

I feel you there,” Mitchell said in between bites. “If it were not for my grandmother putting her foot down, I would be somewhere in the Middle East,” he added.

Why?” Natasha asked.

My dad had to try out business in Arab countries and he planned on taking his family with him. That’s why,” Mitchell said. Natasha looked at him and frowned.

Then I would have never met you,” Natasha said.

Yeah, you would have never met all this, huh?” Mitchell said. He suddenly tensed up when he felt Natasha’s hand on his cock. He looked at her in surprise, trying hard not to show his arousal to their guests.

No, I wouldn’t have,” she said, a broad smile playing on her face.

Well, I hate to break this up but we have to call it a night,” Melinda said touching Kyle’s hand.

It was so good of you to come over,” Natasha said with a smile.

We had to see you on your last night here,” Melinda said. “Plus we couldn’t go down to the restaurants because of the sunburn situation. You should really use sun block” Melinda added with a smile.

I swear if anyone mentions the sun thing again…” Mitchell said giving a stern look at Melinda.

Come on Mitch, I’m sure she was kidding,” Natasha said. “So, anyway, here is my number. Office, home, cell. All there,” she said as she handed her card over to Melinda. “Don’t be a stranger,” she said as she hugged the redhead.

Why would I? You’ve done so much,” Melinda said as she moved on to give Mitchell a hug. “And you, you need sun…”

if you finish that sentence Melinda, so God help me, I will kill you,” Mitchell said cutting her short.

You’re too sweet,” Melinda said as she turned around to look at Kyle and Natasha who were still hugging.

You guys have to be the best thing to come out of an accidental juice spill,” Natasha said brushing off a tear.

Don’t do that. Now you’re going to make me cry,” Melinda said using her hands to fan her face. Kyle walked towards Melinda and took her hand before walking her to the door.

If I don’t get you out now, we will never leave,” Kyle said. Melinda smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “So, what time is your flight?” he asked.

Midday. But don’t worry, we’ll take a cab,” Mitchell said. Kyle shook his head.

We would never let good friends take a cab. We’ll drive you,” Kyle said. “Right babe?” he asked looking at a nodding Melinda.

Sure. It’s the least we can do,” Melinda said as Mitchell handed his own business card to Kyle.

Make sure you use that card. I want it to have a permanent place in your card holder,” Mitchell said with a smile. 

It will,” Kyle said as he opened the door. “Have a good night,” he said as the two of them left.

You too!” Natasha called after them before closing the door. Mitchell pinned her on the door and gave her a long hard stare. She looked spectacular in the green wraparound dress she wore. “What?” she asked looking at him.

You are such a naughty girl,” he said looking at her. She smiled.

I was just giving you a taste of better things to come,” she said as she walked towards the bedroom. “So, that was fun,” she said as she took her earrings off.

It was,” Mitchell said walking towards her. “I know something that could be more fun,” he said as he put his hands on her waist. “By the way, that dress was killing me all the way through dinner,” he said as he pulled her close.

Really?” she asked. “What part of you died a little every time you saw me?” she asked looking into his eyes.

This, right here,” he said as he pressed his pelvis into her. “And I wanted to do this,” he said as he kissed her neck. “And this,” he added as he kissed her chin again. “All night long.” Natasha looked at him and kissed his lips, long and slow.

Let’s do something a little different tonight,” she said. Mitchell raised an eyebrow.

Like what?” he asked, his hands still on her waist.

Tell me what you want to do to me,” she said as she took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

What if words won’t be enough to describe it?” he asked as they walked to the bedroom.

Then you’ll just have to show me,” she said as she climbed onto the bed. He smiled and took a seat next to her.

Okay, I will first get you out of that dress and kiss your neck,” he started. “And then I will kiss your neck, work my way down to your nipples and suck them, hard. I will then use my tongue on your navel and then down to your perfect little wet pussy and peel your panties off with my teeth,” he said as he leaned in close to her. She smiled at him and slipped one strap of the dress off her shoulder.

Go on,” she said in a whisper. He smiled and placed a hand on her leg and slowly let his fingers brush the soft skin of her leg.

I will make sure you are comfortable on your back and spread these beautiful perfect legs and let my tongue flicker over that soft clitoris of yours. I will get it inside my mouth and let my tongue rub on it as the heat of my mouth engulfs your sensitive core,” he said. Unknowingly, he put his other hand on his crotch and began to slowly rub himself. “I shove my tongue deep inside your pussy making you arch your back. That always turns me on. I feel you struggling with your decision to cry out loud, to scream out your pleasure, almost begging me to stop but I’m just getting started,” he said as Natasha took her dress off.

So do I let you stop or do you defy me?” she asked as she leaned in and began undoing the buttons on Mitchell’s linen shirt. He smiled.

I hardly ever listen when any part of me is inside you,” he said smiling. “But now I have to show you what I really meant. Because a picture is worth a thousand words and I want to paint the perfect one,” he said smiling.

Well come on up here, baby,” she said as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders.

He smiled and pulled her down on the bed making her squeal a little. He smiled at her as he looked at her body. Natasha loved how he looked at her like he was seeing her for the very first time every time they made love.

“My wife,” he said in a whisper. “My beautiful, sexy wife.” He leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as the two of them mashed lips, their tongues crushing against each other. She closed her eyes and let one hand run down one side of his back, feeling the moistness on his skin. Mitchell pulled away from her and pinned her arms above her head. She looked up at him surprised but so turned on.

Make me yours Mitchell Schmidt,” she said in a whisper. He looked down at her and smiled. He brought his head down and kissed her lips.

You are already mine,” he said. “You will always be mine,” he said again before kissing her neck. She gasped when he quickly undid her bra as he kept her arms still pinned down on the mattress above her head. She closed her eyes and arched her back a little just as he had said she would when he took one of her hardened nipples in his mouth. She moaned when he sucked on it hard, harder when she tried to break free.

Mitchell,” she moaned as he released one nipple only to take in the other one. His crotch was pressed hard against her wetness and she longed so badly to have him inside her. He released her hands and pulled her panties off. Just like he had said he would, he spread her legs and again looked at her. “Mitch, please,” she begged looking up at him. He slowly went down and lay with his head in between her legs. She screamed out loud as she felt his tongue deep inside her. At that moment, she felt her pussy pulsate and she struggled to keep her scream inside her throat. She grabbed the bedding and shut her eyes tightly as he began moving his tongue in and out of her, slowly at first but faster as he went on. The pleasure made her want to squeeze his head in between her legs. He suddenly pulled his tongue out and used it to flick her already swollen clitoris. She moaned loudly when he went on sucking on her clit, getting her dangerously close to her orgasm only to pull away. “Mitch…please don’t stop!” she screamed out.

He pulled away and took off his pants. Natasha looked at his cock, bulging with veins with a longing to be inside her. He laid himself on her and with one strong shove, got his cock inside her. She gasped and let go of the bedding she held in her hands.

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