My Instructor (8 page)

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Authors: Esther Banks

BOOK: My Instructor
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“Don’t go, Tiffany. I’ve wanted a chance to speak to you privately. To apologize actually,” Felice said. “You probably don’t want to hear anything I have to say, but I would appreciate it if you would hear me out anyway.”

Although Tiffany didn’t trust Felice, she wasn’t a cold-hearted person. And if Felice wanted to apologize to her, she could at least hear her out.

“Alright,” Tiffany said stiffly as she crossed her arms.

I was out of line to flirt with Aaron as I did. I saw a handsome man and decided I wanted him. It didn’t matter that he was with another woman,” Tiffany said contritely. “That fact made me all the more determined to have him. I am very sorry for my behavior.”

Tiffany sighed. Her apology was all wrapped and tied up with a pretty red bow, but she just didn’t believe her. Felice has been known to apologize before and then stab you when you least expect it.

“It’s over, Felice. Let’s just forget about it,” Tiffany replied.

But I am truly sorry, and I hope you will accept my apology,” Felice said. “I want the atmosphere between us to be civil for our remaining time here. It would make things a lot more comfortable. Will you forgive me?”

Tiffany looked at Felice’s pleading expression. She looked sincere, and everyone deserved a second chance. She didn’t have to be her BFF, just cordial.

“Okay, Felice. I forgive you,” Tiffany said.

Felice laughed and moved toward her.

“Oh! Thank you, Tiffany. Thank you. Let’s hug it out,” Felice said.

Tiffany didn’t expect Felice to show affection, and she certainly didn’t want to hug Felice. But Felice embraced her before she could do or say anything. Felice arms were tight as she embraced her. She was stronger than she appeared. Then suddenly Tiffany felt blinding pain as pounding blows slammed into the side of her head. Darkness was clouding Tiffany’s vision. She was losing consciousness. The last thing Tiffany saw was Felice’s evil grin as she tumbled into a black void. Felice pulled Tiffany’s limp body further into the deep cavern. She needed to make sure that Tiffany was not seen when the others began to search for her. Undoubtedly, they would come here to search. She laid her onto a slab of concrete then pulled out a syringe and small bottle from the zipper pocket of her shorts. She filled the syringe with Propofol, an agent that induces sleep and injected Tiffany’s arm. She then covered Tiffany’s body with tons of damp and dry brush. Felice looked at Tiffany and smiled.

“By nightfall you will no longer be a problem for me,” she thought.

Felice knew that the water in the cavern was shallow now, but the spring was connected to the main body of the gulf. The area would fill as the tide came in and Tiffany would drown. Felice turned to walk down a rocky path that led back to the forest. No one had seen her come into the cavern, so they couldn’t accuse her of foul play when they discovered that Tiffany was missing. She went back to the spring and quickly got in and swam to the other girls. No one would suspect her of any wrong doing. The women were coming out of the water when Marisa noticed that Tiffany was not among them.

“Hey, where’s Tiffany?” Marisa asked.

She was swimming with us in the spring. I saw her,” Steffi said.

But where is she now?” Marisa said as she looked around.

Maybe she needed to go potty,” Sissy said. She removed a towel from her backpack and began to dry herself.

Maybe so,” Marisa said. She began to dry herself as well.

That was so much fun,” Steffi said. “I don’t believe I’ve ever swam in such clear, beautiful water.”

The women chatted about the spring, but Marisa was quiet. She was uneasy. She wished that Tiffany would show up. She began walking around the area, calling out Tiffany’s name.

“Tiffany! Tiffany!” she called in a loud voice. “Where are you?”

The other ladies began calling Tiffany’s name as well. There was no answer from her. Marisa turned to the others.

“I’m worried. It’s not like her to just disappear,” Marisa said anxiously.

Maybe she headed back to the cabin,” Felice suggested.

Marisa shot daggers at her.

“She wouldn’t do that without telling someone,” Marisa snapped. “Have you seen her?”

No. She was swimming the last time I saw her,” Felice lied convincingly.

Let’s spread out and look. She has to be around here somewhere,” Steffi said.

The women went in different directions to search. Steffi went back into the water to search in the cavern. Felice joined her. She wanted to make sure Steffi didn’t look too thoroughly. She knew she had covered up Tiffany well, but she wanted to distract Steffi anyway. They swam under the waterfall and emerged in the cave. Steffi walked around the cavern calling Tiffany’s name. Felice did the same thing. Steffi climbed from the water and looked through the debris. Felice needed to distract her. She was getting to close to Tiffany’s body.

“Over here, Steffi,” Felice shouted.

Felice was kneeling on the opposite bank of the cave. She started digging among the branches. Steffi joined her to help dig. They came up empty as Felice knew they would.

“I’m sorry, Steffi. I thought I saw something,” Felice said apologetically.

Steffi sighed as she sat back on her heels.

“It’s alright. It was worth the effort. Let’s go,” Steffi said.

They swam under the waterfall and back to the shore. The women had been searching for over an hour, and they still had not found her.

“This doesn’t make any sense. Tiffany wouldn’t just disappear,” Marisa said in frustration. “Where could she have gone?”

Let’s keep looking. She’s got to be out here somewhere,” Felice suggested.

Felice wanted them to kill as much time as possible before they got the men involved. She was counting the minutes for the tide to come in.

“No. We need to go back and tell the guys what’s happened. They can help us,” Marisa said firmly.

It took them a couple of hours to get back to the cabin. The men were surprised to see them back so soon. Aaron took one look at Marisa and knew something was wrong. He looked around for Tiffany and did not see her.

“Where’s Tiffany?” he asked urgently.

Jack stood next to his brother. Tucker and the other men gathered round.

“We lost her,” Mimi said miserably.

What do you mean ‘you lost her’?” Aaron snapped.

Jack laid a hand on Aaron’s shoulder.

Marisa told the story of how Tiffany disappeared.

She’s got to be hurt. Otherwise she would have come back by now,” Aaron surmised. “We’ve got to search for her.”

We’ve looked everywhere and couldn’t find her,” Felice said.

Obviously not everywhere or else you would have found her,” Tucker bit out. “We’ll go back to the spring and spread out.”

Don’t worry, Marisa. We’ll find her,” Jack said comfortingly. He lightly caressed her cheek.

Ladies, you must be tired. Stay here and get some rest,” Aaron suggested.

No way. I’m going with you,” Marisa said.

So am I,” Steffi agreed.

The other women said they wanted to help with the search too. Felice joined them as well in case she would need to run interference again. It was only 1:15pm. The tide was due to come in around 5:20pm. She needed to make sure they didn’t find Tiffany for another four hours.

“Let’s go,” Tucker said.

They started out. The men set a vigorous pace. They were back at the waterfall in record time. The women were exhausted, and they sat on the logs and boulders while the men searched the surrounding area.

“Oh my God! How could this happen? We were all swimming in the spring having a great time. I didn’t even notice when she vanished,” Marisa said anxiously. “How could I not have seen where she went?”

None of us noticed, Marisa. You can’t beat yourself up about it,” Steffi said.

But don’t worry, Marisa. We’ll find her,” Sissy said. “I know we will.”

When she’s a wrinkled corpse. Then I’ll be the consoling, comforting friend to Aaron,” Felice thought. “He’ll soon be mine and there’ll be nothing that anyone can say about it.”

About forty minutes had passed before the men returned to the waterfall site. They appeared dismayed as they approached to give their report. They had not found Tiffany. Felice turned her face away to hide her smirk. Mimi pulled her phone out of her pocket to see what time it was. She swiped her cell, and the photos that she had taken of the girls' swimming populated. She smiled as she looked at a picture of Tiffany splashing water at Marisa. She looked at several more then paused. She peered at a photo of Tiffany swimming into the cave. Mimi moved to the next photo to see if it showed more of what Tiffany was doing, but it was a video. Mimi recalled that she had started the video so that the guys could actually hear the waterfall. She clicked on the start button and watched. There was Tiffany standing in the cave. She was talking to someone. It then looked like Tiffany was hugging them. Who would Tiffany hug? It seemed that everyone was outside of the waterfall. Mimi gasped. Tiffany collapsed and then nothing. The video stopped. Mimi groaned. She must have stopped the video inadvertently. She needed to tell everyone about the video. She ran over to Aaron.

“Aaron! I have a video of Tiffany swimming into the cavern behind the waterfall,” Mimi exclaimed.

Let me see it,” he said.

Jack and Tucker watched it over his shoulder.

“Who is she talking to?” Jack asked.

Felice became nervous.

“Damn Mimi for taking pictures. And a video no less,” Felice thought.

I can’t tell. But it had to have been a lady from the group,” Tucker said.

Maybe. Or it could have been a stranger hanging out in the cave,” Aaron said.

The video stops before you can get a clear view of the other person,” Jack said.

But look. You can see an arm around Tiffany,” Aaron said.

That’s a female arm. Look how slender it is,” Steffi exclaimed.

Let’s get out to that cave,” Aaron said worriedly.

Jack, Tucker, Aaron and several other men swam out to the cave behind the waterfall. The women stayed behind.

“Were you in the cavern, Felice?” Marisa asked harshly.

No,” Felice said.

Yes, you were. I saw you swim out there,” Sissy said.

Well, yes. But I wasn’t there when Tiffany was. There wasn’t anybody in the cave when I was there,” Felice explained. “I looked around for a few minutes then I left.”

Why don’t I believe you?” Steffi asked.

I don’t care if you don’t believe me. I’m telling you the truth,” Felice lied vehemently.

You had better care. If I find out you’re responsible for Tiffany’s disappearance, I will torch you alive,” Marisa swore.

The women looked like they were ready to hang Felice. Felice backed away and sat on a tree log as far from them as possible. Felice looked toward the waterfall and knew she was about to be exposed. She would have to run very soon. She would make the excuse of having to potty. That would give her the privacy she’d need to escape. She got up and began walking away from the site.

“And where are you going?” Steffi demanded.

I need to potty. I didn’t know that I was being held prisoner here,” Felice snapped.

There was no reply from anyone, so she continued walking deeper into the forest. When she was sure she was out of sight she took off running.

Chapter 7

Aaron waded to the far side of the cavern; he climbed onto the bank and looked around the area. He kicked  some brush but found nothing. He took a few more steps then stopped. He thought he saw something. He took a few more steps then knelt on the cold, damp ground. He began moving brush aside and his fingers encountered what felt to be a human limb. He began tearing the brush and branches aside.

“Over here,” he yelled.

The other men rushed over to him. Aaron had just uncovered Tiffany’s face. She was so still and lifeless.

“My God! Is she—

Aaron took her pulse.

“I can’t feel anything! I can’t feel—

Tucker knelt beside him.

“Let me, Aaron,” Tucker said gently.

Tucker took Tiffany’s arm out of Aaron’s hand. He felt for her pulse. It took a moment before he felt anything. The pulse was extremely faint.

“I got it. It’s very weak, but it’s there,” Tucker sighed deeply.

Sounds of relief rippled among the men.

“We should get her out of here. The tide will be coming in soon,” Jack said.

Aaron moved the rest of the brush and debris from her then lifted her in his arms.

“This dirt path leads back to the forest and waterfall,” Tucker said. “I will swim back to let the girls know that we found her.”

See you in a bit,” Aaron said.

Tucker and the other men swam toward the site. Jack made the trek through the cave with Aaron. Once they were outside the path was smoother.

“I’ll carry her for a while,” Jack offered.

It’s alright. I’m fine. She’s not nearly as heavy as she thinks she is,” Aaron smiled.

You may change your mind when we start back to the cabin,” Jack smiled.

True. And I’ll certainly take you up on your offer then,” Aaron grinned.

When they arrived at the spring, the ladies rushed to them. Aaron laid Tiffany down on the ground and propped her head on his knees. She began to stir and groan.

“Tiffany. Tiffany, wake up,” Aaron encouraged.

Come on Tif. Wake up,” Marisa begged.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. Everything was in a blur. Finally, things began to clear, and she saw Aaron. He was smiling at her.

“Aaron,” Tiffany whispered. “What happened?”

Hi, sweetheart. We were hoping you could tell us,” Aaron said. “Do you remember anything?”

Tiffany tried to remember. Everything was a jumbo. Then she recalled an evil grin and gasped.

“Felice!” she exclaimed.

I knew she was guilty,” Marisa snapped.

What about Felice?” Aaron asked.

The memory came flooding back. Tiffany related the details of what happened in the cavern. Aaron looked around in anger.

“Where is she?” Aaron nearly yelled.

She’s gone. She flew the coop when she knew her gig was up,” Steffi said.

She may run now but the police will find her,” Tucker said. “This is the last time she will get away with her stunts.”

Tiffany tried to sit up. Aaron helped her.

“I’m so glad they found you,” Mimi said thankfully.

Thanks to Mimi’s photography we knew to look in the cavern,” Aaron said.

Thank you, Mimi. I owe you my life,” Tiffany said sincerely.

Mimi chuckled.

“Not your life. Just a discount on a diamond tennis bracelet would work,” Mimi teased.

Everyone laughed.

“You got it,” Tiffany responded.

We should start back to back to the cabin,” Marisa said. “It’s getting late.”

Aaron put his arms about Tiffany to pick her up.

“No, Aaron. I can walk,” Tiffany objected.

Tiffany, you have a nasty gash on your head. Somebody hit you good,” Aaron said.

And I found this syringe on the ground next to you,” Tucker said. He held up the syringe. “You were probably drugged to stay asleep until the tide came in. However, they didn’t give you enough.”

Thank God!” Steffi exclaimed. “Felice is a monster! She was trying to kill Tiffany.”

But she didn’t and Felice will get hers,” Tiffany said. “In the meantime, I can walk back to the cabin with a little help.”

Are you sure? I can carry you,” Aaron said. There was concern in his brilliant green eyes.

I’m sure. Just allow me to lean on you for a while,” Tiffany said softly.

You can lean on me all day and every day,” Aaron responded.

Okay, enough of this mush. Let’s go,” Tucker exclaimed.

Everybody laughed and started walking back. Tiffany was safely on Aaron’s arm, and she couldn’t be happier. They arrived back at the cabin just as the sun was setting. Aaron did carry Tiffany up the stairs despite her complaints. Aaron laid her onto her bed and helped her undress. After getting her into her nightgown and he off to his bedroom. He was back in a few moments dressed in pajama bottoms. He carried a large porcelain bowl of warm water. He set it on the nightstand and began to clean and dress her head wound. When he had finished he emptied the water into the bathroom sink and locked the bedroom door. Then he climbed into bed with her.

“I told them you were not to be disturbed,” he said gently.

You’re being very good to me. How will I ever thank you?” she asked.

I’ll think of something,” he grinned. “But for now you need to rest.”

I am feeling a lot better. The drug has worn off. I just have a bad headache,” she said.

He kissed her temple that was covered by the bandage.

“Is that better?” he asked softly.

Mm. Yes. Much better,” she replied.

You know, I think I went a little crazy when I thought I had lost you,” he murmured. “I know now if I didn’t know before, that I love you more than life itself. Don’t ever do that to me again.”

Well, I didn’t plan it this time. Felice had her own agenda,” Tiffany said. “She really hates me.”

She’s really sick. She needs to get help before she harms someone else,” he said.

She peeked at him through her eyelashes.

“Do you really love me as much as you’ve just said?” she asked softly.

He moved above her.

“Oh yes. I meant every word of what I said,” he answered.

I love you too, Aaron. I don’t think I could live without you in my life,” she murmured.

And you won’t have to. Let me show you how much I love you,” he whispered.

She smiled as she pulled his mouth down to hers. He kissed her with an intensity and urgency that reflected his need. Her skin tingled as he kissed her entire body. She wasn’t sure when he removed her nightgown, but she was suddenly naked beneath the comforting weight of his body. He covered her from head to toe. She could feel his erection as he moved his penis against her womb. A delicious ache resided in her damp vagina, and she could barely wait to feel the scratchy texture of his tongue. She wanted to push his head to her private then and there, but he was doing such marvelous things to her belly and navel. She didn’t want him to stop. She reached down to touch him, and he jerked uncontrollably. She caressed his cock with long, tantalizing strokes that caused him to groan. He allowed her to push him over and settle between his thighs. There she returned the favor that he had dealt to her. His hips bucked as she closed her mouth over him. She tickled the tip of him with her tongue that had him bucking wildly. It was intoxicating to know she had this much power over him. She then began massaging his nuts. He moaned in pleasure and held her fingers to him. She continued to finger his balls as she suckled his penis.

“Tiffany! I can’t hold back,” he gasped.

He quickly flipped her onto her back and spread her legs wide. He plunged into her and thrust deep. Over and over he plunged only to withdraw but not completely. The technique was driving Tiffany crazy with want. He increased his pace and soon they were peaking at the same time. They exploded in unison and spiraled to the stars and back. Tiffany had thought their first experience was fabulous. But this time was beyond incredible. She had never been taken to such heights before. It took several minutes for them to regain their equilibrium.

“You do realize that that was mind-blowing,” Tiffany rasped.

Yeah,” he gasped.

It’s a sign that the right two people are together,” she whispered.

Then will you marry me?” Aaron asked. He turned onto his side to look into her beautiful cherry brown eyes.

She smiled her delight.

“Yes. Yes. Yes. I’ll marry you,” she cried.

Tiffany threw her arms around him. He laughed at her exuberance.

“You want to tell the others?” he asked.

She nodded.

“In a little while. Right now, all I want is to stay in your arms,” she said gently.

Then in bed we will stay. Because it’s all about you, Tiffany Hyatt,” he said softly. “It will always be about you.”

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