My Kind of Perfect (31 page)

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Authors: Freesia Lockheart

BOOK: My Kind of Perfect
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“Even if I will be given the chance, I will never rewrite
our story,” I said, holding tight the microphone in hand. “Every bits and
pieces, every smile and tears that we had gone though brought us where we are
now. It made our story perfect with flaws that added more life to every page. I
never wanted any man other man. And with all my heart, I love you.”

“By the power vested in me,” the reverend continued, “I now
pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

There was no duct tape in his hands or hesitations in his
eyes. Everything was clear as daylight and this moment was sparkling bright on
its own. He lifted the veil and held my face gently. And to make the moment
even more heart stopping, he slowly leaned to me. I held on tightly to the
bouquet of flower in my hands as his lips softly placed on mine, making me
caught my breath every millisecond.

After almost a minute, a single and distinct clap was heard
from the audience. Pulling away from each other, we both turned to where the
sound came from. My eyes widened in shock at what I had seen. And slowly,
everything started to blur. At my own wedding. My own real wedding. Losing my
consciousness, I saw the darkness taking over as I fell down the ground with my
groom catching me on time.

Well, not only losing it. What’s even better is having it

“Kayla,” I heard John's voice as he shook me lightly.

“Is she alright?” I tried to reckon where the voice came
from. Maybe it was from the reverend.

“What happened to her?” asked my mother.

“Maybe she's pregnant,” my not-so-nice friends implicated in
the most provoking voice.

“Skipped breakfast?” an innocent voice suggested.

“Look! She's opening her eyes,” another one said.

Opening my eyelids, I saw a bunch of people hovering around
me from all sides. But as soon as I regained consciousness, the crowd split in
half and proceeded to the reception area.

After some more talks and speculations. They weren’t that
interested in me.

I looked around and met John's eyes. He carefully held my
hand and that same look of bewilderment reflected in his stare. The sound of
the clap continued as the room became empty and that figure dressed in two
buttoned tailor jacket and pencil skirt appeared. Her eyes had the same spunk
that she had before. And her every moment was solid yet faltering.

“A gh...ost,” I stuttered, staring at the figure.

“No, Kaye. She's...” he stopped with the words, still
shaking his head in disbelief. “...alive.”

“Huh?” I exclaimed as I stolidly stared at him.

“It was all explained when you fainted,” said John.

“She's... alive?” I echoed back, just making sure that I
heard him right.

He simply nodded and soon after Dorothy was beside us. Then
I looked at her and questioned her myself as I said, “How?”

“Well,” Dorothy, supposedly, said as she motioned to Nate.
Nate soon arrived at our side with a wheelchair in hand. Dorothy sat on it
before she continued, “I never died. Well, not yet.”


“I faked it, nothing new,” she winked.

“You faked—”

“It was all for show. And it's really hard staying still in
that custom-made coffin, pretending not to hear a thing and all that,” she told
me. “And Kayla, those words you said this morning were very touching.”

“What?” I blinked. “I thought you were already...”

“Dead? Well, that can wait. I won't miss this kind of event,
don't you think?” Disregarding the strangeness of it all, I got up and wrapped
my arms around her. She patted me on the back and said, “A week is already a
torture. Do you like my present?”

“True,” I said back to her, tears forming at the corner of
my eyes. “That week of waiting was definitely a torture. Why did you ever have
such a slow poke grandson?”

“But he's alright, ain't he?” she asked me, wiping away the
tears in my eyes.

“More than alright,” I answered her.

Dorothy lifter her face and called John, “Hey son, you
feeling left out?”

“I thought you were having some quality time. And Grandma,
why did you lie to me?” he asked her. “Again?”

“You know, it’s just the same old schemes. You're really a
slow poke. I don't know what will happen if I don't act for you,” she told him.

I laughed.

“It's only a week,” he defended.

“Too long,” said Dorothy.

And I agreed, pulling out a teasing smile. From this day on,
there would be two who would torture him every day. And one for me. But I liked
it this way. I’d rather have it this way.

Then she said, “I'll be resting now. Despite the aftermath,
my surgery is not a fake. Meet me home when the two of you are finished with
this wedding. And Kayla, I'm glad to have you in the family.”

“Me too,” I said to her, “Grandma.”

She smiled at me and despite the weird things she had done,
I was thankful for the fact that she was alive. She bade us both goodbye. And
as she was half-way across the hall, she turned back and said, “And also... I
have something for the both of you.”

She then asked Nate and he grabbed an envelope from his
briefcase. He then handed it to us and smiled. He actually smiled. And here I
was thinking that men-in-blacks were forbidden to do such things. Then as John
was opening the envelope, I looked at Dorothy who was still waving goodbye to

And pulling a piece of paper inside, John read the contents
and I turned my gaze to what he was holding. Looking at the words together,
both of us shook our heads in disbelief. With a sigh, we knew that we should
have had expected this kind of thing to happen.

She gave us an authentic marriage certificate dated two days
after our fake wedding.

Putting our marriage certificate back to the envelope, John
wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Then he leaned
closer to me and whispered, “She will torture us all our lives. Are you still
willing to go through all this?”

I let out a sigh and pulled a satisfied smile as I looked to
him. Standing on my toes and giving him a light kiss on the lips, I said, “Of
course. Though being Kayla Wilson Brooks will be hard, I'm still willing.”

And as my life turned to that very unusual yet familiar
corner, I finally hit the brake. It was that one corner that I'd always passed
through before but ended up taking my stop in this place. I guessed I really
needed all that, those few bumps in the road and those unexpected wrong turns
for me to know that I finally got it perfectly right.


The End




Cover image: © Miraclesmaster  Stock Free Images &
Dreamstime Stock Photos



First of all, to you who is reading this, thank you and I
hope you enjoyed the book.

Writing a book from start to finish will not be possible
without some amazing people who are willing to support you all the way. So with
that, let me first thank my family for being so wonderful. To all my Wattpad
readers, I want you all to know how much you guys mean to me. I think of you
guys often. My friends, especially Barbie who I know is a picky reader, but she
told me that she enjoyed this story nonetheless. To another friend who is a guy
and I never expect to read this story, too. You guys are so amazing and
supportive. I really appreciate it.

And for every breathe I take, God, thank you.


About the Author

Freesia Lockheart lives in one sunny island, in front of a
computer, and probably checking out her favorite hang-out websites. Sometimes,
she also writes stories like this. If you like, you can email her:
[email protected]. She would love to hear from you!


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