Read My Lady Vixen Online

Authors: Connie Mason

My Lady Vixen (30 page)

BOOK: My Lady Vixen
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They fought steadily for twenty long minutes, neither gaining or losing much ground as the offensive changed sides several times. At times Alexa felt buoyed by her success thus far. At other times her arms ached from the weight of the sword and she was certain her wrists were about to snap each time Fox’s thrust was successfully parried. On and on they went, thrusting, lunging, parrying, feinting, sidestepping, leaping, recovering, their eyes never wavering from one another.

Alexa began to tire under Fox’s relentless onslaught, but she dared not reveal her weakness. One faltering movement, one false step, would tell him that the contest, as well as herself, was his for the taking.

And then it happened, so quickly that Alexa barely registered the deed. She feinted to one side, bringing her sword up to block his thrust. A low chuckle reached her ears as he effectively counter-parried, forcing her sword aside. So swiftly she barely had time to react, the point of his blade came to rest above her heart. With a slight flick of his wrist, he lightly pricked the skin and one drop of crimson blood appeared on the upper swell of her breast.

A shout of triumph from the crew of
The Gray Ghost
declared the winner. All around wagers were being paid, backs slapped, and a general air of revelry prevailed. Though the Vixen had lost her crew thought the bout evenly matched and a fair one. They were vastly proud of their captain and showed it by their cries of encouragement and congratulations on a well-fought bout.

But Alexa heard nothing save for Fox’s soft—“Touche.” Sheathing his sword he bowed low, a mocking gesture, at best, grasped her hand and placed
an insolent kiss upon the palm. “To the victor go the spoils,” he saluted, grinning sardonically. Then, much to Alexa’s chagrin, and amid rousing cheers, Fox swung her off her feet, flung her over his brawny shoulder like a sack of potatoes and headed for the concealment of the trees lining the beach.

“Damn you, Fox, put me down!” raged Alexa, beating ineffectually against his broad back with her fists.

“I will, Vixen, in good time,” he declared, thoroughly enjoying her discomfiture as well as his victory over her as he loped off in the direction of the lake.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Where we won’t be disturbed.”

“I’m perfectly able to walk.”

“I know.”

“Then put me down.”

“I enjoy carrying you.”

“You enjoy humiliating me before my men!”

“Now, Vixen,” Fox cajoled teasingly, “I won fair and square. Both your men and mine knew some sort of reward was expected by the victor. I’m sure we aren’t shocking them.”

Unable to persuade him differently, Alexa pursed her lips angrily and suffered the indignity of being toted upended over Fox’s shoulder. Only when they approached the spot where Fox had encountered Vixen for the first time did he set her on her feet, grinning wolfishly in anticipation of what was to come.

“I demand payment, Vixen, here and now,” he rasped softly, his hands straying to the buttons holding her blouse together.

“And if I refuse?” asked Alexa haughtily.

“It is a debt of honor, Vixen. I doubt you’ll refuse.”

Alexa stared at him coldly then stooped as if to take off her boots, but instead retrieved the knife she kept
hidden there in a special holder. Before he realized her intent the point of the short blade was pressed to his neck.

“I could refuse you, Fox, honor or no,” Alexa hissed. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, as you can see. But it is my choice to yield to you, not because you demand it, but because I … want it.” The knife dropped noiselessly to the soft sand at her feet and Fox’s face softened as he pulled her into his arms.

His touch was gentle. He raised a hand to smooth her wild silvery hair from her face, then to stroke the velvety softness of her cheek. She could feel the gentle breeze of his breath on her face and realized she wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her.

He touched her breast, where a drop of blood remained from his sword prick, then lowered his lips to flick it away with the tip of his tongue, leaving a trail of moist kisses from there up her throat to her lips. Abruptly the gentleness was gone, and in its place a splendid savagery as his kiss deepened, became drugging, then demanding.

She raised her hand to his chest, lightly resting on the steely muscles. With one hand about her waist, they sank to the sand. Her back arched so that her taut nipples stabbed into him. His kiss was heady and intoxicating and she drank deeply of its drugging cup. Dwarfed by his size, she reveled in his warm embrace, in his strength, and in return gave freely of her lips.

Then his hand moved to cup one firm breast, kneading it gently, preparing it for his lips as he swiftly removed her blouse and took the extraordinarily sensitive crest in his mouth. His warm, moist tongue tantalized it, teased it, causing her to moan aloud. He took her nipple between his teeth, tugging slightly, the hot torment of his tongue lapping, sucking, rousing a need that
demanded assuaging.

Fox drew away for agonizing minutes as he swiftly ripped off Alexa’s remaining clothes and then his own. She welcomed him back with a cry of joy as his hand rubbed the flatness of her stomach, then grasped her hips to pull her more firmly against his hard shaft, its steely length making Alexa all too aware of his desire for her. His hand traveled down her thigh and then up along the sensitive inside, all Alexa’s thoughts centered on that part of her that ached for him.

And then he touched her there and a soft moan of pleasure rolled from Alexa’s parted lips. His strong fingers gently teased the silken web of her delight, parting her to seek a spot that instantly drove her wild as she arched in response, leaving her open and begging for him.

Light fleeting kisses moved against the skin of her rib cage, the sweet curve of her hips, the flat stomach, and paused to nuzzle the tight triangle of ebony ringlets. Alexa gasped, an aching need soaring to life inside her. But the kisses continued against the velvet fur, teasing the sensitive flesh, causing her to cry out in supplication.

Grinning, Fox rose above her, his knees easily spreading hers, his long, hard manhood probing, tormenting, before he finally entered her, drawing out, entering, and withdrawing again until Alexa screamed from the need to feel his full length within her.

He began to move slowly, at the same time kissing her again and again, one hand working magic at her breast. Her hips moved against him in an instinctively arousing way until Fox could no longer restrain himself. Her body encased him perfectly as his thrusts grew more rapid, then frenzied. Sensation exploded within Alexa, every inch of her flesh alive and tense with a pleasure more exquisite than she had ever known existed. Her hands
clasped Fox’s neck, then slid down his back, finally to clasp the rock-hard muscles of his buttocks, helping him to plunge even deeper as her head drew back, her lips parted and she peaked into shards of glorious ecstasy. Then he began his own climax that was so dramatic Alexa thought for a moment her own might begin again.

They held each other until their bodies began to relax, melting together in perfect pleasure and harmony. Then Fox rolled to his side, pulling Alexa closely into his embrace. “My God, you’re incredible!” Fox laughed a bit shakily. “I believe you were right when you said you wanted it. You acted as if it had been some time since you’d tasted the delights of love. Or am I just better than the others?”

“Why you conceited oaf!” Irritation sparked her words. “What makes you think you’re better than any other man?”

“Ah, alas,” sighed Fox, feigning weariness. “If you do not know, I fear I must try again. Obviously I failed to make a sufficient impression on you just now. But if you bear with me, milady Vixen, I will try to do better.”

Alexa’s eyes grew wide as he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the tepid water of the shallow lake. Setting her on her feet he slowly began to arouse her again, kissing her masked eyes, her lips, her breasts, until he felt her response ignite and turn into flames too hot to control. Beneath his lips and tongue her nipples grew hard as pebbles as he sucked them deep into his mouth, nipping tenderly. The softly lapping water gave his fingers buoyancy as they parted, probed, entered and withdrew. In a surprisingly short time Alexa found herself panting for breath, her body tense with desire.

Boosting her up by her firm buttocks. Fox wrapped her legs about his waist. Alexa gasped, clinging tightly to his massive shoulders and she rode him to glorious
victory. But the victory was not hers alone for Fox quickly became the conqueror as he galloped to his own reward.

Two more days elapsed before repairs were completed on both
The Gray Ghost
My Lady Vixen
. They were busy days well spent in activity. But the nights found Alexa and Fox lost in a sensual world of their own making where none but the two of them existed. On each night remaining to them they made love repeatedly, as if they might never again see each other, only to awaken in the light of dawn more obsessed with one another than ever. Often Alexa would catch Fox looking at her oddly, a speculative gleam in his cinder-gray eyes.

Yet they were not prepared to reveal themselves. Had Fox been truthful, then Alexa would have gladly torn off her disguise. But for reasons of their own, they both remained stubborn to the end.

It was decided that the
would leave the island first and act as a decoy in the event a stray English ship should be lurking about.
My Lady Vixen
was to follow an hour or two later. When Fox and Vixen stood at the water’s edge, each seemed reluctant to take their leave.

“We’ll meet again, Vixen,” Fox told her, his arm casually draped around her slim waist.

“Aye, I’m sure of it, Fox,” Alexa whispered. “Where do you venture now?”

“To Savannah. I’ve been gone too long already and there’s vital information I must deliver to those fighting in the hills.”

“What of the special lady you told me about?” goaded Alexa slyly. “Does she bide in Savannah?”

“A lady awaits me in Savannah but she is not the one I
told you about,” teased Fox, watching her face closely for her reaction.

She didn’t disappoint him as she assumed an affronted look. “I was right, you do keep a stable of women.”

“But I love only one, Vixen, and I think you know who she is.”

Alexa was stunned. Was he telling her he loved the Vixen? Where did that leave Alexa, his wife? “Are you married, Fox?” she asked abruptly.

Fox laughed raucously. “The Fox is married to the sea.”

Perhaps Fox is married to no one but Adam is, thought Alexa ruefully. “What about the man behind the mask?” she asked softly. “Does he have a wife?” Her question was deliberately meant to goad.

Seconds dragged into minutes in which Fox remained mute. Just when the silence became unbearable they were interrupted by one of Fox’s men. “We are ready to sail, Captain,” he saluted as he acknowledged Alexa with a jaunty bob of his head.

“I’ll be there directly.” Fox replied, dismissing the man with a wave of his hand. Though he never did contrive to answer Alexa’s question he did manage to say. “I fear for your safety. Vixen. It would please me to see you in some safe haven until the war’s end.”

“But it would not please me.” Alexa scoffed. “I fully intend to continue my fight against oppression, Fox. The British have not yet heard the last from the Vixen. Nor have you,” she added softly.

Curving her into the warmth of his muscular form, Fox captured her lips in a farewell kiss that promised another time, another place. Alexa responded with all the emotion she was capable of. When it ended, he turned and walked away, fearing to look back lest he fail to leave her at all. Alexa watched until his ship cleared
the cove and turned northward.

While her own ship was being made ready. Alexa had much on which to ponder. This past week with Fox/Adam had shown her just how much she truly loved her husband despite his deception. After all, wasn’t she playing at the same game? What hurt her most was his refusal to acknowledge a wife and how easily he had fallen under Vixen’s spell. Didn’t that prove just how fickle and dishonorable he really was? she contended glumly. He made love to the Vixen as if he had never made love to another woman before, as if the Vixen was the only woman in the world for him. She dared not think on their future, if indeed there was a future for them.

From every angle Alexa was assaulted by ugly suspicions concerning Fox’s relationship with Lady Gwen while under the guise of Adam Foxworth and living a bachelor’s existence in Savannah. Did he care at all for Gwen or was his attention to her only a ploy to allay suspicions concerning his activities against the crown? Would she ever learn the truth?

One hour after Fox and his crew left their island haven, the sails of
My Lady Vixen
caught the breeze and rode the tide into the Atlantic and into the arms of two British frigates waiting for her like sentinels guarding the entrance to the cove. As luck would have it Fox made it out before the ships arrived from another direction, so was unaware of the trap laid for Vixen. The ships had been sent to patrol the coast from the Carolinas to the Floridas in an effort to rid the seas of American privateers, in particular Fox and Vixen. They now had one of their prey trapped between the bay and open water at the entrance of the cove.

“My God, Vixen, it looks like the bloody English have
set a trap for us!” Drake cursed disgustedly. “Where in the hell is Fox now when we need him?”

“Sound battle stations, Drake,” Alexa ordered calmly enough though inwardly she was quailing. “We’ll try to slip through. My own ship looks fleeter than those frigates and with any luck we can outrun them.”

“Their guns will trap us between them, Vixen, and make mincemeat out of us,” warned Drake worriedly.

“It’s our only chance. Issue weapons and pile on the sail. I’ll take the wheel myself.”

There was a mad flurry on deck while Alexa skillfully tacked, making as if to run back into the cove. A brisk breeze aided her cause as she tacked again the moment one of the frigates broke free to follow. Using all the knowledge she had gained in her months at sea, Alexa attempted to bring
My Lady Vixen
about and scoot past the frigate close on her heels. Her ploy was successful only for the length of time it took the frigate to swing about and give chase.

BOOK: My Lady Vixen
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